Chapter 394 Paintings

Chapter 394 Paintings

As the new graduate students gathered in the vast entrance hall of the Saratoga Castle, the grand doors behind them slowly closed with a deep resounding thud.

All of these people were Rank 2 Magi. Some were in their early twenties, while others were much older. These new students didn't number more than a few dozen.

Saratoga Castle was quite strict in their admissions, after all. Not just anyone could get into this highly prestigious institution.

Apart from their Magus Ranks, another similarity between the new students was their race. There were only humans and elves present.

There was no fixed age requirement for these people. As long as they were recently advanced Mana Liquefaction Magi, they would be considered graduate students.

Adam looked around at his colleagues with a faint smile on his face. Looking at all these new faces that were brimming with curiosity and anticipation, his smile broadened.

To say that he wasn't as excited as these people would be a lie.

Suddenly, he noticed something after looking around and thought to himself, Hmm, why don't I see any dwarves and gnomes? How strange...

The next moment, the Rank 3 Magus who was going to reside over their orientation process, clapped her hands twice, drawing everyone's attention toward her. Cheêck out latest novels at glanced at this elderly woman with a curious gaze, thinking to himself, I believe her name was Professor Whitaker, a Magus from the School of Summoning.

She had a tall and imposing figure, and her eyes seemed sharp and discerning. Her ocean-blue robes swept gracefully around her as she surveyed the young Magi standing before her.

"Welcome to Saratoga," she announced in a clear and authoritative tone.

Despite her assertive manner of speaking, there was a gentleness in her emerald eyes that looked at the students with warmth and kindness.

"I am Matilda Whitaker, Department Head of the School of Summoning," she said, "I will be giving you a tour of the castle today."

Before waiting for any of the new graduate students to respond, she turned around and walked away, her footsteps echoing off the stoned walls.

As the students curiously glanced at the paintings, Professor Whitaker added, "Regardless, you must always be respectful while engaging with them."

"Professor," Adam suddenly called out. "These aren't creatures from the Spirit World. So how is it that they're alive? That too inside these paintings."

Professor Whitaker glanced at the raven-haired youth, her eyes twinkling with curiosity and interest. She had heard about this newcomer from the head of admissions.

She was quite interested in him. After all, the story of a young man becoming a Rank 2 Magus at the age of twenty, that too in a backwater region such as the Southern Federation was quite riveting.

"You're right, Magus Constantine, they are not spirits," she explained patiently.

Adam glanced at her and asked, "So then how are they alive?"

Professor Whitaker smiled mysteriously, "They're not alive, just sentient."

Before he could come up with another question, she turned around and led the students to the heart of the castle. Adam could only swallow his words and follow with the rest of the students.

After visiting a great number of places in this ancient fortress, they finally arrived at the library.

Its heavy double doors opened up to reveal a cavernous room with rows upon rows of towering bookshelves, each filled with arcane texts and scrolls.

The scent of parchment paper and aged wood filled the air, giving this vast library an aura of timelessness.

"This is the Grand Library," Professor Whitaker whispered, her tone laced with reverence and admiration.

"Magus Siora, our librarian, maintains a strict silence policy here," said the old woman. "Use this hall to study and explore the immense knowledge contained within these walls."

The next moment, her tone turned somber, "But remember, ladies and gentlemen, the restricted section is off-limits. If you're seen wandering around that place without permission from any of the professors, you will be strictly punished."

When Adam heard her warning, his lips curled up into a slightly mischievous smirk.

Off-limits? That makes me wanna visit that place even more!