Chapter 423 Opportunity

Chapter 423 Opportunity

Adam stood in front of the entrance to Professor Whitaker's office, his mind whirling as he thought about how he had messed up this time to be called into the professor's office again.

No, seriously what the hell did I even do? I haven't visited the spirit world ever since establishing the contract with Yavia.

I have been attending classes on time, and haven't missed a single one since I came here. So why did she call me? Damn it, what did I do?

Wait a minute! Did she find out that I overpriced that woman from the Flynn Family? No, that shouldn't be possible... or could it—

His thoughts came to an abrupt halt when an aged voice came from behind the door. Alll latest novels at

"Magus Constantine, stop dawdling around and come inside!"

"Y-Yes, ma'am." Adam's body jolted ever so slightly as he pressed his hand against the intricate lion-shaped knocker and slowly pushed the door open.

Inside, he saw the old professor sitting at her large wooden desk and going through some documents. "Come sit," she said while reading the papers.

"Yes." Adam nodded as he silently closed the door behind him.

He walked up to the professor's desk and took a seat; he didn't initiate the conversation, instead, he patiently waited for her to finish her work.

From time to time, he secretly glanced at her and thought to himself, Hmm, she doesn't seem mad. Perhaps, I'm not in trouble? I sure hope so.

A few minutes later, after having signed a few documents, Professor Whitaker put away her quill and glanced at the youth through her frame-less eyeglasses.

"So how are classes going?" She asked.

"They're alright, Professor. I've been attending all my classes on time," said Adam in a slightly stiff tone.

"But I've heard from my fellow faculty members that you don't seem to be attentive in class. Are you not sleeping at night?" The old professor asked with a slight frown.

"Nothing like that." Adam shook his head. "Although I practice herbalism late into the night, I make sure to get a sufficient amount of sleep."

"I guess you're right."

"How long has it been since you advanced?" Professor Whitaker asked.

"A little more than two and a half years," Adam replied after some thought.

"I see..." The old professor muttered softly.

Sometimes I forget that he advanced to Rank 2 when he was merely twenty years old. It is truly astonishing! She thought to herself.

Suddenly, another realization dawned on her. Perhaps this boy advanced so rapidly because of his understanding of the Way... Hmm, this is very likely.

"Professor, may I ask why you called me?" Adam asked respectfully.

Professor Whitaker snapped out of her thoughts and smiled. "I have an opportunity for you, one that could help you in your progress toward Rank 3."

Adam's eyes lit up. "Really?! What is it?"

The old professor grabbed a few sheets of parchment paper on the desk and replied, "When we find ourselves entangled in complexity and struggling to progress, it is wise to return to the basics."

She handed the papers to the youth and continued, "In the simplicity of the basics, we rediscover purpose and clarity."

Adam expectantly reached out for the documents, hoping they would contain some mysterious arcane knowledge that would help him on his path as a magus.

However, when he read the contents of the papers, his expression gradually crumbled. He then glanced at the old professor and saw that she was looking at him with an amused smile.

"You can't be serious!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, but I am," Professor Whitaker chuckled.

Adam had a dumbfounded look on his face as he said, "You...

"You want me to take in students?!"