Chapter 431 Cheating

431 Cheating

None of the three kids came forward, trying to utilize their magic combat techniques. They knew that Adam was a rank 2 magus and as such, his body was far stronger than theirs.

They were no match for him in terms of physical strength. Thus, it would be folly to engage with him in close-quarter combat.

Hence, all three of them stood at a distance and weaved a series of hand gestures. Then, brilliant multi-colored magic circles lit up before them.

Rank 1 Spell: Spill Water!

Rank 1 Spell: Shape Earth!

Rank 1 Spell: Tremor!

The ground underneath Adam started to tremble. It was slow at first but gradually grew in intensity. A moment later, it felt as if he was in the middle of an earthquake.

Yet, Adam remained steadfast. His eyes twinkled with expectations as he thought, Show me what you got!

The following moment, from the large cracks and crevices formed from the spell Tremor, water started to gush out in all directions, turning the ground muddy.

And then, countless earthen spikes protruded from the ground. They emerged from the outer perimeter before slowly closing in on Adam from all sides.

Oh? Interesting! Their teamwork is decent. Adam's lips curled up into a smirk. He slightly crouched on the ground, gathering strength in his legs.

Before the spikes could even graze him, he exerted pressure from his feet and jumped!

The ground cracked from underneath him, but a moment later, the cracks were transformed into countless spikes.

Adam was dozens of feet in the air and was slowly descending toward the ground that was now covered in earthen spikes.

The next moment, through his Sphere of Resonance, he sensed a series of magical projectiles homing in on him.

He turned his head and saw about a dozen Magic Missiles zooming toward him with great speed.

"Not bad," he muttered under his breath as he nodded his head in approval. This was a two-pronged attack that the young magi had been able to execute flawlessly.

However, Adam was not worried in the least.

He raised his left hand in front of him and drew a large amount of mana. A circular wall of pure energy oscillated with his left palm at its epicenter.

"I can assure you that my mana output is restricted to the power level of a Mana Foundation Magus," said Adam before taking a swig from the gourd.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Adam's lips curled up into a taunting smirk. "I'm crazy strong, while you... you're just weak!"

"What did you just say?!"

"Calling us weak? We're geniuses!"

Art and Aiden were greatly annoyed at their professor calling them weak. It had to be known that even in their families, they were the most talented young magi. Otherwise, they wouldn't have been admitted to Saratoga Castle.

Adam raised his chin and blatantly mocked, "Looks like all those precious resources have been wasted on you weak and pathetic idiots."

"You! How can you say that?!"

"Take back what you just said!"

Art and Aiden had had enough. Overcome by their hotbloodedness, they coated their fists in mana and pounced at Adam.

"No, don't!" Eleniey tried to stop them but couldn't.

Seeing the two boys launch toward him with madness and anger, Adam's lips curled up into a smirk. Heh, so easy!


Art and Aiden were completely clueless as to what had just transpired. One moment they were running toward their professor, ready to brawl it out, but the next moment, they were flying in the air, heading straight toward Marian Lake.

With a loud splash, the two kids plummeted into the lake. Eleiney watched all this happen with a dumbfounded expression. She turned around and saw the place where her friends had landed in sheer bafflement.

What... what just happened?! All I saw was Professor's leg turning into a blur and before I knew it, Art and Aiden were chucked into the lake! She thought to herself in astonishment.

The next moment, she heard a chuckle coming from right beside her. She turned her head and saw Adam standing beside her, glancing at her while leisurely sipping on wine. "Wanna take a dip as well?"

Eleiney hurriedly shook her head.

"No, I yield!"

Hmm, the students must learn the Dao of getting under the opponent's skin. Thanks for reading!