Chapter 439 Communication

Chapter 439 Communication

Elysande's eyes widened in disbelief and her body trembled ever so slightly. But the next moment, her eyes flashed with rage and she spat through gritted teeth, " Magus Constantine, are you accusing someone from the—"

"Eh, whatever, I don't wanna hear it." Adam waved his hand in a bored manner and cut her off.

He glanced at the lady with a deadpan expression and added, "I already told you, didn't I? I don't want to listen to something I don't have to."

Elysande was immediately speechless. She couldn't help but think to herself, Is he trying to sow discord within our house? No, wait! But if it's as he said...

Just the thought of there being an enemy within the walls of her own house caused her heart to turn cold. The images of all her siblings and other family members flashed in her mind, but she still couldn't figure out just who the culprit could possibly be.

While Elysande's mind was a mess, Adam walked past her and crouched before the spot where the black poison had been restrained by Rosalind's magic.

"My Lady, would you like to take some samples back with you for research?"

"Yes, sure." Rosalind nodded. She watched the raven-haired youth scoop the parasitic poison into two separate glass jars.

She couldn't help but ask, "The ritual you held was very unconventional. Just where did you learn about all that?"

"Haha, of course, I learned it from my mentor back in the Southern Federation," Adam fluently lied through his teeth.

"Well, I must commend him then. He must be a splendid Herbalist," Rosalind praised sincerely. "And from the looks of it, he's managed to raise another one just like him."

"Hehe, thank you, my lady," Adam replied abashedly. "My mentor is indeed a great Herbalist."

After scooping up all the poison and ensuring that none was left behind, he kept one glass jar inside the earring and humbly gave the other one to the wood spirit matriarch.

Rosalind kept the glass jar away inside her space-type storage artifact. She then asked with a faint smile, "What would you like in return?"

Heh, thought you'd never ask! Adam was waiting for this opportunity.

He pretended to hesitate for a few moments before finally asking, "My Lady, if it's not too much, could you provide me with some herbs and ingredients exclusively grown in your village? I would gladly take whatever you think is equivalent to the sample of Blackroot Hemlock in your possession."

"Hahaha!" Adam burst into laughter as he continued to count the other pile in front of him. A few minutes later he nodded. "Alright, this is exactly two thousand gold coins."

He then looked over at his dear familiar and chuckled, "There should be another thousand coins in your pile. Count it properly and safe-keep it for me."

"For you?" Valerian's topaz eyes narrowed. "What is that supposed to mean? You promised me that a third of everything would belong to me. Actually, now that I think about it, half of everything should be rightfully mine!"

"I will rightfully beat the daylights out of you!" Adam glared. "Don't be too greedy or I'll take your share as well."

"MYU!" Valerian hissed menacingly, but it seemed very adorable in Adam's eyes.

The next moment, the young dragon took out gold-rimmed glasses from the leather satchel on the table and wore them. Then, he started to gracefully count his share of the coins.

Seeing such a bizarre scene, Adam's lips twitched. This idiot... when did he become so sophisticated? Is this the opulent aura of a dragon?

He shook his head and got rid of such amusing thoughts. Glancing at the rolled parchment paper lying beside the heap of gold coins, his expression turned solemn.

I've already written down my request regarding the textbooks on rune magic. Now, I just need to send it to the Handler.

The next moment, he weaved a series of complex hand signs. Following that, the space before him suddenly saturated. It distorted into weird shapes until finally a portal to the spirit world was formed.

And out of this portal, flew out a majestic owl!

The white owl landed on the table and glanced at Adam with its intelligent eyes.

This was a special type of spirit world creature that the members of the Brotherhood used to communicate with one another. It was the safest and fastest mode of communication.

Adam grabbed the rolled parchment paper and presented it to the owl. "The coordinates are already written on the outside."

The owl glanced at the sequence of numbers written on the paper. Then, he cast one final glance at Adam before silently flying back into the portal.

Seeing the owl dive into the depths of the unknown, Adam couldn't help but sigh.

"I truly hope they have books about runes..."