Chapter 441 Red God

Chapter 441 Red God

Rowan walked through the narrow and winding alleys of the slums in the Corvid Quarter, his eyes sharp and wary.

Is my lord finally going to take action tonight? He thought.

The previous day Adam had instructed him to follow the other believers of the Red God and visit their hideout. However, he didn't understand why he had to get involved in it.

Whatever it is, I hope I don't get caught in the conflict. I'm sure Lord Constantine wouldn't put me in danger. Yeah, I think... No, no, I must think positively!

Rowan couldn't help but nervously gulp when he recalled the flippant attitude of the lord he served. But in the end, he decided to put his faith in the youth.

After all, he owed a great deal to Adam and was truly loyal to him.

The alleys were barely wide for a person to walk through. Dirty waters trickled through the gutters, creating a nauseating and treacherous path.

Everywhere he looked, he could see makeshift shelters pieced together from scraps. Torn fabrics were used as doors and windows, fluttering fragilely in the occasional breeze.

The buildings leaned precariously as if a gust of wind could effortlessly topple them.

Seeing such a scene, Rowan couldn't help but sigh, I'm truly fortunate to have met him. My wife is now healthy, my children don't have to sleep on empty stomachs, and we live in a decent apartment in a safe neighborhood.

Thinking of how drastically his life had changed, Rowan's eyes flashed with resolve and he quickened his steps.

I can't see my lord, but I'm sure he's following me. I must do my best!

He navigated through the maze of alleys with great familiarity. He made sure to avoid the dangerous paths where thieves and cutthroats hid in the shadows.

Along the way, he exchanged brief nods with people he was familiar with. Soon, he saw a mural of graffiti depicting a red sun.

When Rowan's gaze fell on this person, he involuntarily gulped. It's him!

He silently took a seat on the ground, nestled between other people toward the back. He wanted to draw the least attention as possible.

However, some people who recognized him couldn't help but gawk at him in shock. Much like the bald man at the entrance of the building, they found it surprising for Rowan to come here despite already having moved out of the slums.

Damn it! He cursed inwardly.

But thankfully, the figure standing before them only glanced at him momentarily before continuing to speak.

This old man had a receding hairline full of white hair. He was clean-shaven and looked kind and amiable. His brown eyes twinkled with gentleness and hope.

Wearing tattered hemp robes, he glanced at all the people sitting before him and smiled.

"Once again, I bring you a message from the divine. Our benevolent deity, the Red God, watches over us, his children, with benevolent eyes, eager to bless those who show unwavering faith and devotion."

This man, Khali, was so articulate and had such charisma that Rowan couldn't help but be shocked. If he hadn't been learned and experienced in life, he would have given in to the promise of hope and devoted himself to the Red God without hesitation.

"But as you know, blessings do not come without sacrifice," Khali continued. "The Red God has spoken to me, revealing that a great upheaval will be soon upon us!"

The old man spoke with great passion and fervor as he raised his hands and clenched his fists. "Only those who prove their loyalty and devotion will be spared from the coming darkness!"

Hearing his words, the crowd couldn't help but gasp in fear. Some even started to cry, while others clasped their hands and desperately prayed to this mysterious entity.

Khali's brown eyes flashed with a brilliant light as he spread his hands and proclaimed, "The Red God has never once asked anything of you, except your devotion."

He paused for a moment before loudly stating, "But now the time has come! My brothers and sisters, I humbly urge you to demonstrate your faith. For the chaos that is about to ensue...

"It is imperative that you contribute to the sacred cause!"