Chapter 39 – First IRL Livestream [2]

Name:Greatest Streamer System Author:
39 Chapter 39 – First IRL Livestream [2]

— No problem!

— There is no blur. Your camera is okay-ish!

— I can't watch 4K, but at least I can use 2K. Your voice is also clear!

Reading the chat in a floating window from his smartwatch, Max nodded.

"That's great. Then, just as the title said, I will try to do a wall run in real life. My body's condition isn't that great, so I might fail. But let's have fun until 6 PM and continue the Knight's Journey story by then!"

— Good idea!

— Wooo! Your stream is always fun so I will watch!

— Is it really possible to do a wall run in real life?

"It's possible," Max answered as he prepared himself. "Anyway, I will do a wall run, and I will also show you what parkour is. You guys are curious, right? I know you are. But once again, don't expect too much. I just started going to the gym yesterday when I met Flexy."

— We know.

— Just show us the possibility!

— With great skills, you need great teaching skills!

— ^^ Rip off!

Max laughed with his viewers. His embarrassment of livestreaming in public seemed to be non-existent in this age where most people were apathetic and already used to streamers. As long as he didn't bother other people, the others would also ignore him.

Pumping himself up, he approached the wall to show the viewers how high it was actually. The height perspective at the camera angle was slightly strange.

"I am around 180 CM tall, and this wall is triple my height. First of all, let's try the normal wall run, and then I will show you guys what parkour is!"

From his conversation with Ava earlier, when she asked what kind of things he did in the past, he found out that parkour was either not that well-known in this world or was even non-existent.

At that moment, Max knew that he probably had a chance to be a unique streamer and could use this content for his everyday content, so this idea came around.

Though he was a bit worried about how the viewers would take this idea, with good or bad reactions, he still did it either way. Combining both things he enjoyed shouldn't be that bad, no?

'As long as I can have fun.'

A grin crept into his face as he began to run down the stairs. It was difficult to wall run at this position, but Max leaped toward the wall either way. And... He fell on his third step.

— lololol!

— Kakaka! Not even Breeze can do wall run IRL!

Because of her talent, she often looked down on people; it wasn't an exception today. But... She was wrong this time.

The man jumped and actually ran on the wall before landing on the ground. He pumped his fists into the air, smiling widely in satisfaction as he screamed to his viewers.

"Hell yeah!"

His voice was filled with happiness, and Lily was surprised when she watched it directly.

Indeed, she often looked down on people. But she wasn't arrogant and knew how to respect the right person. And instantly, she became curious about that man, and her respect grew.

'He's able to do it...' She thought.

Her feet moved before she could even think twice. Curiosity grew on her.

'I want to try it. It seems fun.'

She approached him with light steps. The man seemed to notice her already. He moved his camera up and apologized to his viewers. He respected her privacy enough not to show her on his livestream.

That somehow made Lily a bit happy.

Stopping on the other side of the railing, Lily was about to call out to him. But before she could say anything, the man spoke first.

"Ah, did I disturb you? I am really sorry."

Lily shook her head, "No. That was interesting."


"Wall run. Can I watch from up close?"

Hearing Lily's words, the man stopped for a while and looked confused. His gaze ran around the surroundings before stopping at the small screen floating on his left wrist. He seemed to think about his livestream too.

Maybe he wondered whether it was okay for her to show up in the livestream.

Noticing his hesitation, Lily added.

"I don't mind showing up in your livestream. I just want to watch."

"Well..." The young man scratched his cheek, "I guess that's not a problem? Ah, my name is Breeze, by the way. Feel free to watch if it's any interesting."

Lily nodded. That name wasn't unfamiliar, as she just watched his stream last night.

'As expected. This man is different.' She thought, 'No one can pull that crazy stunt in real life. Well, except the one who could do it in VR already.'

But she didn't say anything and just sat on the nearby bench while watching quietly. The young man, Breeze, returned to the top of the stairs and fixed his camera angle before going at it again.