Chapter 1338 Backstory.

Chapter 1338 Backstory.

"Razor had claimed that the demon invaded the plane because his mother made a deal with it. She assisted the demon in spreading the disease while keeping it hidden from other gods. That's why there were no divine traces for the Origin of the disease and why it was strong enough to affect gods."

Jarkon nodded. "It is possible. There are demons of pestilence and weakness. So the disease might be a combination of both."

The priest nodded in agreement and continued, "She didn't do anything helpful when people were dying over the plane. Instead, she gave the gods false information to misdirect them. Then she waited until her son became weakened before she killed him and took his title."

"That is so diabolical," DOUBLELINE exclaimed. "A mother killed her son for power."

The priest snorted. "Don't forget that she caused the death of hundreds of billions of people too."

The others were surprised and shocked too. They too had a child of the plane and many people were against him. Many people wanted to kill him too but certainly not his parents. They can't believe that a mother would scheme to kill her child at the detriment of the people of the plane.

The priest wept and lamented, "We have suffered."

Even Jarkon was sympathetic. He nodded in agreement. "You have truly suffered. It is a calamity to have a Celestial Supreme with such disregard for lives."

ALUINE spoke. "Most gods have a disregard for lives. They are selfish parasites."

"The ways of the gods are mysterious. We can't fathom their thoughts or understand their actions. We are both lowly beings who were created to serve them with our all."

The battle sage monkeys didn't agree but they didn't bother to argue with a zealot.

The priest said stubbornly, "The gods did suspect her when she wouldn't tell them the identity of the child of the plane. But there was no proof to accuse her. All you need to know is that she was very smart. She used Malekite as a cover to start the invasion and the gods have been resisting her ever since it was confirmed that she was working with a demon."

Jarkon asked, "So in summary, the Celestial Supreme made up a disease that no one could see or identify in order to gain strength. Then she tried to silence the other god who suspected that the disease was the work of a god. Is that all?"

The priest raised his voice, "That isn't all. If the gods hadn't banded together to save the Celestial of knowledge, he would have been killed that day. They confronted her about it but she fought them off and declared that she is Supreme forever and doesn't have to explain herself to them. It was then that they created the freedom fighters to leave the plane to seek help."

"Praise be the gods. You have arrived now which shows the incredible foresight of the gods. You must help us. The Celestial Supreme is an evil that must be eliminated."

The battle sage monkeys are mostly convinced. They suspect some things are true about the information they have acquired but they are also sure that the story has been twisted. What they are certain of is that there was an invader and it is most likely a demon. That's one of the reasons why a child of the plane will be selected.

They are also sure that the Celestial has grown stronger and she is suppressing the other Celestials. It is either that or the Celestials are lying about that. But all of that doesn't concern them. What concerns them is the aura of Soverick that they can sense all over the plane in the zombies. Unfortunately, they can't find the source of this aura anywhere in the plane.


A/N: And so the timeline has been restored. I don't think I need to ask but I should. Where is Legion-7 now?