Chapter 1487 A Dragon With The Power Of Space.

Chapter 1487 A Dragon With The Power Of Space.

The dragonling with white, crystalline scales disappeared from his vision as soon as the world resumed. She reappeared to his left. Then she disappeared again and reappeared somewhere else.

That wasn't the end of her disappearing act. She continued to do so, and it appeared to be at random. But Legion-8 wasn't fooled.

His eyes narrowed at the sight. "It is as I expected."

She is not disappearing for show. She is using the power of space to her fullest capabilities. Mana entities shouldn't be able to utilize high laws like that, but she can. She can already warp space to move around. She is also producing a fracture in space each time she reappears. He can sense that much with his domain, even if he doesn't know the capabilities of the law of space.

The domain of lightning that he created around him is being divided cleanly by the fractures in space. Their position does appear to be at random, and it wouldn't be a problem if those fractures weren't shooting towards him.

So she is jumping around him and releasing these deadly attacks to surround him. This is how she defeats her opponents. She surrounds them with deadly spatial fractures that will destroy every defense and cripple the opponent very quickly.

But Legion-8 is not everyone. The previous little tyrant of lightning might have had trouble with this, but not him. He hadn't lied when he claimed to have experienced many lifetimes.

To him, he is simply moving his body around, not performing a lot of external manipulation of lightning, so his energy expenditure is very low. As for her, she had to warp space constantly without taking a break while also fracturing space in a domain around her. It is something she couldn't do seemlessly for up to 10 seconds.

She faltered, and a lightning bolt struck her. That stunned her and created more opportunities for Legion-8. He took advantage of it to close in on her. He bombarded her with lightning dragon breath while physically assaulting her whenever he had the chance. He didn't let up at all because those who can manipulate space are quick to escape if given the chance.

His victory came two seconds later. The whole fight lasted 12 seconds. The world fragmented and returned to darkness. His consciousness was sent back to his bloodline space.

He examined his inner world for any changes. There weren't any. But there was a change in the bloodline space. The star he entered for the trial is glowing brightly instead of dimming. It indicates that he has completed it and has received the ancestor's bestowal from it.

"At least it wasn't a waste of time. I got the power of a world god from it. But I doubt that he will grant me his power during my fight with the dragons. Even if he is willing, I doubt the dragon spirit would be willing to facilitate it."

The bloodline space is a mental space within the bloodline of dragons. It is a location maintained by the dragon spirit, so other races don't have it. Dragons use it to communicate with each other across distances. It is how dragons in captivity will become aware of that fact and decide to commit suicide if they can't escape.

Dragonlings have access to this mental space even before they are born. They can't use it to communicate yet, but they can take trials in it to gain some of the potential of the ancestor as an extra elemental talent and to gain their power when they need it after hatching.