Chapter 1506 Push And Pull.
A better use of the warrior class is to have them attack the dragons so that they will be preoccupied and won't be able to stop the progression of the armada. This action practically doubled the number of enemies the dragons had to stop.
What's more is that these Warriors are not acting alone. They have been buffed to high heavens with extra power by the positive buff class, who are safe within the war fortresses. So each one of the warriors is a walking volcano of power waiting to erupt among their enemies.
The dragons saw them and attacked. However, the attacks of the dragons didn't kill them. The warriors are smaller than the fortresses and faster too, so they were able to dodge attacks and get close to the dragons. Close-quarters fighting erupted on the frontlines of the battlefield immediately.
The tides of the battle shifted from one side to another. The warriors are difficult to kill, but so are the dragons. The warriors are buffed, and so are the dragons. The dragon spirit couldn't attack the supreme beasts directly, so it used its spiritual power to enhance the dragon force of the dragons. This made the dragons gain the upper hand for a while.
But then the war fortresses got close enough to be able to interfere in the battle. The Supreme Alliance attacked indiscriminately. They sought to destroy everything in front of them, including the warriors. This is something they can do since warriors are hard to kill and warriors are immortal.
It would take a lot of firepower to kill a warrior who is innately resistant to attacks, buffed up with more resistance, and constantly being healed. Even if they do die, their sacrifice is worth it. Plus, each warrior that dies increases the healing available to keep the other warriors alive.
Things went in favor of the Supreme Alliance because of the indiscriminate bombardment of their cannons. Soon, the surroundings of the dragon plane were bathed in explosions and death.
But Supreme Beasts aren't the only ones that are durable and immortal. The closeness of the war fortresses meant that the dragons could attack them with both their ranged attacks and their physical might.
Each dragon is at least a warrior in that they have superior defense, vitality, and physical might. Each dragon also has dragon breath and dragon force, which make their attacks more powerful than what warriors are capable of. Then they all have their specialties and different elements. When all of these are combined, it creates an entity that is a terrifying force of nature.
The realm lord spoke with confidence. "Don't worry. Everything will be alright. The era of conquest might as well be in the bag."
Mother High Heaven didn't agree. "How can I not worry? I haven't seen your source of confidence."
Monarch High Heaven brushed aside her concerns and said, "Think about these questions. Is it possible for me to fail? When have I ever failed?"
She was very quick to reply, "There are many times that you have failed. The most recent one is when you failed to steal an immortal continent without alerting anyone."
The realm lord denied her claim, "Those are just hearsays. They are baseless and without proof. Don't believe everything you hear."
"I didn't hear it. I was there."
The realm lord didn't address her claim. He ignored it and continued boastfully, "There is nothing to worry about. Let them burn their wealth. It won't change anything about my plans."
"Besides, this war should end in at most a decade. The Supreme Alliance would have gained access to the plane in that period of time. And when they do, Legion must make their move, and this war will end."
"The end also won't affect us in anyway. Trust me."