Chapter 1691 Vulnerable And Exposed.
He is not alone in this situation. He is just one of the 99% of all the Origin gods in the realm who failed. It was mostly Supreme Origin gods that succeeded, but some other Origin gods did too.
Guntu did not have a Supreme Law, but he had a world Fragment. Even so, he still failed to make the cut. Fortunately, he knows a world god, so he is not hopeless. But he has to watch others who succeeded in this goal and beyond make progress while he remains stagnant. One such occasion that pained him the most was seeing another Supreme Origin god become a world god. The only thing that calmed him down was that this Supreme Origin god was a dragon. Dragons are far from normal, so it is not a good idea to compare them to people like him.
Even so, Guntu couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as he watched. This Supreme Origin god has decided to breakthrough in front of a large crowd. That was not their original intention. It is just that their breakthrough couldn't be hidden. It created a lot of manifestations in the void universe that drew the attention of others to it. Guntu is just one of the many people who came to watch. There are thousands of them. All of them are surrounding a whirlpool created in the void and in the law matrix beneath it. Their eyes are all fixated on what is at the center. They are waiting in hopes that the Supreme Origin god will fail to become a world god.
It is because he has his father standing guard, so even a world god won't be able to make him fail. The knowledge that he has everything he needs to become a world god is the foundation of his confidence, and also why he doesn't feel any fear or anxiety. The first thing he did was descend into his Origin. He did that by deploying his Origin domain. Then he sensed for his life anchor within it.
Not many people know what the life anchor is. Not many even know it exists until they reach the limit of the power of immortality. It is then that they sense a location beneath the law matrix that can only be accessed through their Origin domain. Even then, they only know the life anchor to be a location in the dark side of the void universe. They don't know that that location was created when their existence became too powerful and too heavy for the light side of the void universe. They became so heavy that their existence created pressure on the void universe that can be felt in the dark side. Dylganihl found his life anchor. It is just a bend in reality. It is a small pocket of space where he doesn't feel the pressure of the light side anymore. He brought out the world seed and the world engine. Then he input his Supreme Law into the two of them. The three of them became connected through his Supreme Law. The two previously inert object came to life immediately. The world engine lit up and turned into a ringed golden band of light. Energy of all types were refined and transformed into one form or the other within it. The world engine needed energy, so Dylganihl gave it energy. He siphoned the energy of the void universe, freely available to everyone. This energy is the void energy in the void. It came like a flood into his domain, down into his life anchor, and into the world engine.
This caused the whirlpool that can be seen above and drew the attention of others. His action also angered the void universe. It increased the pressure of the whirlpool to halt his attempt. But he didn't give up. He maintained his grip on the world seed and the world engine. The world engine got what it needed so it began to feed the world seed.
The world seed, a crystal with infinite faces representing the infinite possibilities of evolution, began to glow. It also required energy, which Dylganihl gave it. He poured all the Origin essence he had into the world seed. This caused it to start the infinite derivation and permutations needed to become a world.