Chapter 110: Clothes don't fit in normal size

Chapter 110 Clothes can’t fit in normal size

"Little old-fashioned." Ye Qianning ran over excitedly...

Sang Zhi heard the shout and looked back to see Ye Qianning. Although he was surprised, he frowned when he saw the man running with his robe.

"Little old-fashioned." Ye Qianning ran up to him, raised his head and looked innocent.

"Loushan disciples, don't run fast." Sang Zhi said.

"I didn't run fast, I ran."

Sang Zhi frowned even more when he heard this, as if he didn't want to argue with her, he turned his head and left.

Ye Qianning followed behind him, not only walking steadily but also quite fast, and her short legs had to jog for a while.

"What are you following me for?" Sang Zhi turned his head.

"I am also a student of Loushan Academy now."

Sang Zhi was a little unbelievable.

"It's true." Ye Qianning said seriously.

"Then why aren't you wearing a school uniform?"

"I...maybe I don't have a size, I have to wait!" Ye Qianning didn't see anyone give her a school uniform, and she probably wouldn't be able to wear a normal one with her body type!

Sang Zhi stared at her, as if he suddenly realized: "The college has strict rules, and no student uniform is not allowed to enter the school."

"The first day, the master should be accommodating."

Sang Zhi was displeased: "Master treats everyone equally, without exception, you should come to the school when there are student uniforms."

"I'll try, if you don't let me come out again." Ye Qianning retorted.


A burst of gong sounded.

Sangzhi heard the gong sound and remembered that he hadn’t entered the school yet: "You go back quickly, if the teachers and teachers see you running around the school without wearing a school uniform, they will disqualify you as a student."

After he finished speaking, he paced around with small steps, Ye Qianning's mouth twitched. Most children really can't learn this kind of gait, just like a park uncle walking around.

In the school palace, the gong sounds and the students must sit down, and there will be penalties for evening classes. When Sang Zhi arrives at the school, the master has already entered the school.

"Master." Sang Zhi called out.

"Eighth prince, you are late again." Mrs. Zhang saw the villain's brows full of displeasure.

Sang Rui, who was sitting down, and a boy sitting beside him, covered their mouths and laughed.

"Student admits punishment." Sang Zhi said.

"Then punish you for copying..."

"Master, the eighth brother has been late for many times, and every time he is punished for copying the disciple rules, the punishment is too light for him to remember." Sang Rui sat down and shouted.

Master Zhang felt the same when he heard the words, but turned to look at the person below: "Seventh Prince, don't interrupt Master, do you also want to copy the rules for disciples?"

"Students don't dare, it's just that the master punishes the disciple's rules every time. The punishment is too light, which makes us feel that there is no dignity in being late. This will make others follow suit. Anyway, if you are late, you can just copy the disciple's rules by hand. Do you think so? "Sang Rui asked.

"Master, the Seventh Prince is right."

"The eighth prince has been late too many times, the master is so tolerant every time, next time we want to sleep in."

"That's right, the master keeps doing this over and over again, and the students find it boring."

The rich kids sitting around Sang Rui agreed.

Sang Zhi put on a sullen face, and clasped the little hands in his sleeves.

Master Zhang thought it was the same, and looked at the villain at the door: "Then hit twenty hands."

"Master's hand is also light." Sang Rui shouted.

"Then thirty."

"It's not polite for Master to do this."

"What does the Seventh Prince mean?" Master Zhang was puzzled.

"Master, just remove your name from the school. The eighth brother has repeatedly taught in the school and never changed. He often obeys and doesn't take disciple rules and master seriously. Only removal can make other students vigilant."

(end of this chapter)