Chapter 425: I don't believe anyone but myself

Chapter 425 I don’t believe in anyone but myself

A figure quietly left behind the corridor.

Ye Qianning turned his head, the golden sore medicine held tightly in his hand, without any expression on his face.

After a long time, as if after a mental battle, she threw the golden sore medicine into the space to let him learn a lesson.

Its daybreak.

The city of Kyoto is lifeless, and the streets are empty.

After searching overnight yesterday, almost no one went out, and every house was closed, for fear of causing trouble to the upper body.

The envoys of the Three Kingdoms went to the palace early in the morning and asked why the city gate was closed. The result given by Emperor Beili was that there were thieves in the palace and the concubine Yuan Gui's bedroom was emptied.

There are very important items inside, and someone saw that the thief was a woman.

The gates of the city can only be reopened after the entire city of Kyoto has been searched, and the envoys of the Three Kingdoms are requested not to leave Kyoto at this time.

Nanyuan didn't care, Dongyi hadn't left the capital for the time being, and knowing that the matter had nothing to do with Dongyi, they naturally sat and watched the show.

Xi Yan remained calm, but there were many royal guards around the station where Xi Yan lived.

Every move they make is under the surveillance of Emperor Beili.

After searching for a day, there was no more feedback and no news.

Emperor Bei Li had a gloomy face, staring at the fake key to the secret room, he still couldn't remember when it was changed, but besides the concubines in the harem, he was the maid who served in front of the imperial court.

There are also several eunuchs close to him.

Emperor Bei Li suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Eunuch Li: "Who do you think changed the keys secretly?"

Eunuch Li knelt down in fear: "I don't know."

Emperor Beili stared at the people on the ground with deep eyes.

Eunuch Li trembled all over.

"Come here, check all the concubines I have visited in the last month, and all the maids and eunuchs in the Qianqing Palace have been dragged down for interrogation." The calm voice of Emperor Beili sounded.

Leave in secret.

Eunuch Li was so frightened that he almost passed out of his body.

"Li Quanfu, how many years have you followed me?"

"It's been eleven years since I returned to...the emperor."

"Eleven years, not a short time." Bei Li said slowly.

Eunuch Li sweat dripped from his forehead and his face turned pale.

Emperor Bei Li was silent for a while: "I still trust you very much."

"The slave is absolutely loyal to the emperor."

"I really want to see how loyal you are to me."

Eunuch Li trembled even more, knowing in his heart that he couldn't escape.

"Come here, take Eunuch Li down and interrogate him strictly."

The guards came, but Eunuch Li didn't resist, he kowtowed to Emperor Beili before he was dragged down.

Emperor Beili's eyes are dark, he doesn't trust anyone, and the key he carries is stolen by someone, which is enough to show that someone around him has a second heart, if he wants to kill...

He clenched his fingers tightly, he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go.

"Song An, you must be cautious in selecting a new batch of court ladies and eunuchs to serve you." Emperor Bei Li said in a deep voice.


A muffled voice sounded, and people left Wuxi quietly.

"Your Majesty, Concubine Yuan Gui is asking to see you." The Imperial Guard came in to report.


Emperor Beili stroked his forehead with his fingers, and searched for a day without clues to anyone, nor to thieves, how did so many things get out of the palace.

Concubine Yuan Gui hurried over in her best attire: "Greetings to the Emperor."

"Exemption." Emperor Bei Li waved his hand.

"Has the emperor ever searched for any clues?" Concubine Yuan Gui came here as soon as she heard the news that the Ministry of War sent people into the palace.


"Your Majesty, this matter is very serious. The thieves could evacuate the concubine's bedroom without knowing the situation. If they want to move the treasury, the consequences will be disastrous."

(end of this chapter)