Chapter 1160: What the old patriarch told me

Seeing that he was silent, Gao Qi added: "How can that old guy He Yuting be called the dean? He was so pretentious. The Eighth Prince should have taught him a lesson just now."

“Since Mr. Gao is so unfair, why don’t you teach him a lesson yourself?” Sang Zhi said.

“I am aggrieved for the Eighth Prince.”

Sang Zhi glanced at him and entered the pavilion without saying a word.

Takasaki's folding fan poked his chin.

Those red eyes seem to penetrate deeply into people's hearts, and they can see nothing.

Since he knew everything, why didn’t he overthrow those great scholars?

The mountain behind Lou Mountain.

Ten years later, the trees on the mountain are thicker and more lush than before. There are not many nests on the trees when we first step into the mountain. Jumping up the trunk, the deeper you go, the more nests there are on the trees.

The birds were chirping very lively in my ears. In addition to sucking honey, there were also many other different types of birds around.

They seemed to be getting along very harmoniously. Ye Qianning had just landed on a tree, and there were constant discussions. Most of them were criticizing her and trying to make fun of her.

Ye Qianning looked around and his eyes fell on a honey sucker on the big tree not far away. He tapped his toes and flew away.

The little honey sucker felt his eyes flicker, his body tightened, and dizziness hit him. He shook his head and opened his eyes to meet a pair of human eyes. He suddenly came back to his senses and started struggling with a cry.

Hearing the sound, the little honey suckers around him flew up from the tree trunks and headed towards Ye Qianning.

‘Let me go, human being, let go of your hand. ’

Hunter stretched her neck and screamed, and tried to peck her hand with her mouth.

‘Let go of our patriarch, let go of our patriarch. ’

‘Let’s go together, let’s go together. ’

Wu Yan's suction honey gathered around his head for a moment, thousands of thousands, and he was constantly gathering.

‘Let me go, or you will never get out alive. ’

"Stop screaming, I won't do anything to you." Ye Qianning said without letting go of her hands.

‘Human beings cannot be trusted, cannot be trusted. ’

Ye Qianning made an agreement with the little honey-sucking clan back then, promising to provide them with fruit every month. But something unexpected happened later, and the original agreement was indeed not kept.

But as the little thing said, there are only a lot more honey-sucking nests in the capital.


Ye Qianning stretched out his other hand and touched its head.

The struggling little honey sucker was slightly startled, suspicious and surprised.

Ye Qianning didn’t say anything, and directly took out a few red fruits from the space and sent them to it.

Little Honey Sucker gave up her struggle when she saw the red fruit, and her little eyes almost popped out of her head as she stared at the fruit.

‘Peck her to death, save the patriarch, and peck her to death. ’

‘Clan leader, patriarch…’

In an instant, tens of thousands of nectar suckers have gathered above the head. The setting sun shines on them from the side, dotted with beautiful colors, like a hundred birds paying homage to the phoenix.

With a cry in the air, tens of thousands of honey-sucking birds rushed straight down. Their mouths for sucking honey were very long, and they came rushing down at a high speed.

If Ye Qianning used his inner strength to shake them away, they would definitely die because of their small size. He could only raise his hand and throw out the honey in his hand.

Sucking honey, he was freed in a daze, and his little eyes passed Ye Qianning for just a moment before flying upward.

Then a higher cry sounded in the air, loud and clear, one after another.

When the tens of thousands of honey-sucking swarms were about to land on Ye Qianning with their sharp claws and mouths, they all turned around. Some of them turned away forcefully, failing to control their speed, causing a rear-end collision.

One hit the other with a crash, and then fell to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, the forest floor was covered with little honey-sucking bodies. Some were still flapping their wings, while others were motionless, just knocked unconscious.

In about a few minutes, the honey-sucking sky calmed down and fell on the surrounding tree trunks. He stared at the humans below for a moment, his eyes full of suspicion and inquiry.

The honey sucker calmed down, and the little honey sucker that had just been caught by Ye Qianning plunged down again and landed directly on Ye Qianning's shoulder.

‘Who are you and why do you have this fruit? ’

“Ye Qianning.”

‘Aren’t you dead? ’ The honey-sucking bird tilted its head and looked at it with its eyes.

“Survived the catastrophe and came back again.”

'you really are? ’ It’s still a bit unbelievable.


Little Honey Sweater was confirmed, and her expression of surprise turned to ridicule in an instant: "Human beings really can't be trusted. Since you didn't show up for so many years before you died, you didn't abide by the original agreement." ’

Liar, human beings are all liars.

"Feel sorry."

‘What’s the use of apologizing? It’s because of you that our clan leader is scolded by other birds and looked down upon by the younger generations. ’

“Where is the old patriarch?”

‘The old patriarch has been dead for a long time. He is unwilling to believe that you are a dishonest person until his death. He will firmly believe that you will bring fruits until his death. However, the old patriarch did not wait for you until his death. ’ Little Honey Swallow complained with tears in her eyes.

When Ye Qianning learned that the old patriarch had passed away, he felt a thump in his heart and was filled with guilt: "I'm sorry, no matter whether I live or die, whether I am in Beili or not, I promise you that in the next twenty years, I will deliver several cars on time every three months." Come here with the fruit.”

'real? ’

“Really!”     ‘Then...I will believe you again. ’ The little one chirped a few times.

Ye Qianning turned around and took out a large amount of red fruits from the space. In an instant, they piled up into a hill in front of him. The red fruits were extremely conspicuous, and the fragrant aroma spread quickly.

The fragrant fragrance stirred up the surrounding Honeybees, and the fainted Honeybees on the ground gradually stood up with their wings trembling.

The little honeysucker standing on Ye Qianning's shoulder was also stunned, watching helplessly so many fruits poured out, and soon there were more than a dozen carts.

‘This…are these all for us? ’

“Thank you for remembering the original agreement.”

Ten years is too long for honey sucking.

Even though it kept saying it was distrustful, it still kept the original agreement. She was very grateful and would try her best to make up for it.

Hearing this, Little Honeysucker fluttered his wings twice, with some embarrassment in his eyes. He hesitated before speaking: "I'm sorry... I didn't want to keep the promise at all. It was the old clan leader. When he passed away, he told the clan to stick to the promise. If If you don't listen, it won't die with peace of mind. ’

"I was the one who failed to abide by the agreement. It was I who failed the old patriarch."

Ye Qianning still remembered the scene when she first met the old patriarch. With the trust of the old patriarch, she would protect the honey-sucking tribe in Loushan from now on.

‘I used to think that the old patriarch was stupid, but now I know that the old patriarch is the wisest. ’

At this moment, Xiaomi's complaints and confusion about the old patriarch melted away. The old patriarch was right.

The humans promised back then have really come back.

Chirping sounds also kept ringing from above. Some people who knew the fruit cheered, while some who were born late and had never seen it started to drool when they smelled the fragrance.

‘Can’t eat, these must be stored and reserved. ’ Honeysucker raised his head and shouted upwards.

Hearing this, the restless Honeysucker above lowered his head in displeasure.

“Let them eat, I still have a lot here.” After Ye Qianning finished speaking, he said upward: “There is enough fruit for today.”



The birds were excited. This time, before the honey-sucking leader could speak, the birds swarmed in and flew away with small red fruits in their mouths.

The little honey-sucking leader tried to stop him but to no avail, so he flew down and pecked one, grabbed another one with his claws, and flew to Ye Qianning again.

Ye Qianning stretched out her hand, and the little honey-sucker put the fruit in her paws in her hand, and stopped on her hand: "Is it really enough?" ’


Seeing her smile and affirming, Little Honeysucker lowered his head and quickly pecked out one fruit, and then went to peck the second one.

Ye Qianning was not in a hurry and let it stand on his hand while eating.

This little thing looks much prettier than it did ten years ago. It seems that its habit of swearing has also been eliminated. The only reason why it can be recognized is because of its head.

When she was making paint from space fruits at the General's Mansion, it rushed in recklessly and plunged into the paint box. From then on, her little head was dyed orange, as if she was wearing a hood.

I didn’t expect it to become the leader of the clan.

After the honey-sucking clan leader finished eating, the satisfied eldest brother burped, his eyes showing joy: "I will increase my inspections of the capital tomorrow." ’

When others give them fruit, they will definitely do their best.

“I see that every mansion in the capital has honey-sucking nests. There are already enough. There is no need for them to build new nests.” Ye Qianning was afraid that the sudden influx of a large amount of honey-sucking nests would arouse suspicion.

At that time, it will not be good to cause harm to the honey sucking.

‘Okay, let’s go, I’ll take you to see something. ’ The honey sucker flapped its wings and flew up.

Ye Qianning followed the honey sucker into the depths of the mountain forest. The trees became thicker and thicker as they went deeper, and almost the entire tree was filled with honey sucker nests. The scene was very spectacular.

Following the honey-sucking tribe, we came to a big tree. The big tree was one meter thick, with a very large tree hole in the middle.

Sucking honey and falling on the tree, Ye Qianning used Qinggong and climbed up.

The tree hole is very big. The sun is about to set at this time, and the tree hole looks very dark.

Ye Qianning took out the luminous pearl and instantly illuminated the tree hole. She looked around. The tree hole was big enough to accommodate two people. There seemed to be something carved on the tree wall.

She couldn't understand it at first, but after looking carefully, it seemed that there were some doorways, and it looked crooked like a courtyard where humans live.

"This is?"

Ye Qianning's eyes were surprised.

The leader of the honey-sucking clan shook his little wings and showed off, "How is it? It's not bad." ’

“Have you evolved as a honey-sucking people?”

Ye Qianning never knew about the nature of sucking honey and carving. Although it is crooked, as a bird, it is really unbelievable.

‘What evolution? Can't you see what these are? ’


‘Now that you’ve seen it, why aren’t you surprised? ’

“I’m surprised, even your family of woodpeckers can peck at it.”

The leader of the honey-sucking clan seemed dissatisfied with her attitude and chirped a little angrily.

Ye Qianning could see that the person was unhappy, and he couldn't figure out what it meant for a moment. Some of them could vaguely be seen as courtyards, while others were too crooked to tell what they were.

There are also some horizontal and vertical stripes with different proportions.

After reading it for a long time, I was still confused.

The leader of the honey-sucking tribe was happily waiting to be praised. Unexpectedly, after looking at the other person's face for a long time, he still had no smile. He was annoyed and disgusted: "It's so obvious that you can't see it. How stupid." '(End of chapter)