Chapter 1225: Check out one after another

Chapter 1225 Checking out one after another

Ye Qianning became more and more familiar with them after spending two days together.

Literati saw that Ye Qianning had no airs, and his temperament had a sense of freshness in his sleeves, and his previous prejudices were gone, so they thought he was good.

These people are very curious about what happened when they learned about Mr. Chen’s acceptance of his personal biography and his subsequent departure from nationality. They are even more curious about Mr. Chen’s personal biography.

There are many rumors in the world. They always believe in Mr. Chen and his vision.

There are too many questions about this pro -pass from all the way. I really see myself, and it seems that all suspicions and rumors are not broken.

The more the gentlemen talked, the more they felt that the little girl was a talent. After spending two days together, the little girl's status in everyone's hearts was deeply rooted.

They all agree that Mr. Chen has a vicious vision. He accepted the little girl as his successor when he was only six years old. Now they are jealous.

Hey, if you are slow, you will only be envious.

The literati at Qingtan Inn learned that most of the former students of Loushan Academy had gone to the west of the city to set up tents, so they simply stopped staying at the inn. They packed their luggage and prepared to check out and go to the west of the city.

Downstairs, the manager of Qingtan Inn saw that the prices of other inns had increased. The prices were several times higher and the hotels were still full. He was extremely envious. He wanted to increase the prices, but all the people staying there were literati.

And basically all of them came from Loushan Academy. The older one is nearly seventy years old and the younger one is more than thirty years old. They all seem to be famous people. If the prices of their own inns are increased, they will not be criticized by the literati.


The shopkeeper looked at the opposite side and sighed. The income of the inn was not good, and the taxes on imperial merchants were also high. He could barely make enough to satisfy his hunger. Now that he had finally made a big fortune, why was it occupied by some literati?

“Shopkeeper, why don’t we also raise the price?” The boy was also greedy.


The shopkeeper is heartbroken and wavering between morality and making a lot of money. "Shopkeeper, there is still more than a month before the Loushan Priest. The price increase will make us a lot of money, which is equivalent to the income of our inn for several years." The waiter encouraged.

The shopkeeper's heart was bleeding, but in the end he still didn't cross the threshold in his heart: "Stop looking, go upstairs and see if there are any customers who need anything."

The boy saw that the shopkeeper was unmoved and had a grimace on his face. He also became popular when the inn made money. The shopkeeper was really pedantic.

The shopkeeper sighed again, if the money earned by the charlatan is not in vain, Mr. Literary Man will feel uneasy after making money from Mr. Literary.

“Let’s go, let’s go, do whatever you have to do.”

The shopkeeper turned back to the store and walked towards the stairs. As soon as he climbed the stairs, he looked up and met a bustling group of literati coming downstairs, carrying large and small bags in their hands.

“Gentlemen, what are you doing here?”

“Sir, we need to check out,” said the first gentleman.

The shopkeeper was stunned: "Check out? No longer staying?"


After receiving the response, the shopkeeper was filled with joy. He stepped back from the stairs and stood beside the stairs, watching the literati passing by one by one. Although he was ecstatic, he couldn't help but ask: "Sir, what are all the people in the capital now?" The inn is full. Gentlemen, check out at this time. Do you have a good place to stay?"

The gentlemen who came downstairs all said with joy on their faces: "Yes."

The shopkeeper was completely relieved after hearing this, and happily went to check out all the gentlemen in person.

One by one, good guys, all the literati who checked in have all checked out.

After handling the last one, the shopkeeper excitedly sent all the intellectuals out of the inn. After they left, he immediately asked the waiter to hang a plaque indicating that there was an available room, and the price increased five times.