Chapter 838: Coal will not be supplied at full price

Chapter 838 Coal will not be supplied at the original price

Prince Feng scolded him coldly: "What's there to talk about in the port?"

"We built all the major ports in Nanyuan with money. If you want to continue using them, you have to use money to buy them." Ye Qianning walked to the box and took out some ledgers from the bottom of the box: "Here are the records of the various ports that were originally built. Your Majesty, take a look at the bill from the big port.”

Prince Feng was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He clasped his hands behind his back and showed no sign of wanting to take it.

Ye Qianning didn't mind and laughed: "It doesn't matter if the prince doesn't look at it, the ten years will expire in two days, and the major ports will be permanently closed in two days."

"How dare you!" Old Prince Feng scolded.

"There is nothing I dare not do in my own port."

"The Gu family has earned as much money from Nanyuan in the past ten years as many ports. Do you still have the nerve to ask for money?"

"Don't worry about how much money we make. We built the port with our own money. It has nothing to do with you. The ten-year contract only includes aquatic products and fruits, but there is no port. Besides, when we built the port, Nanyuan was too poor to open the door. "

The large and small ports in Nanyuan were worth a sky-high price. It was very difficult for Gu Daddy at that time. They took the contract and no one cared about it.

Now, while scolding them for their evil intentions, they still want something ready-made. How can such a good thing happen?

Prince Feng clenched his hands and trembled with anger.

Outside the hall, when the people of Dayu City heard that the port was going to be closed, they hated the Gu family.

They cursed outside the hall.

"Qianjia will no longer supply coal from Nanyuan." Qian Fanji said slowly.

The people outside the hall were cursing louder and louder. Suddenly, a cold word sounded clearly in their ears, and the cursing immediately subsided.

Prince Feng also paused: "Boss Qian, what did you say?"

"Qianjia will no longer supply coal to Nanyuan at the original price." Qianfan repeated coldly.

"This... Boss Qian, are you kidding me?" Prince Feng was shocked.

Qian Fanji raised her eyes, her eyes were cold: "Qian has no time to joke with Prince Feng." "Boss Qian, the price of coal has not changed in ten years. You suddenly did this, leaving us in Nanyuan unprepared." Feng The old prince looked anxious.

"The prince also said that it has not changed for ten years. Qian was willing to sell coal to Nanyuan at the original price because my daughter did not want the people of Nanyuan to suffer from the cold in winter, so Qian continued to supply Nanyuan for ten years without making any money. Coal, what Qian is seeing now makes me feel so worthless for my daughter." Qian Fan's voice was quiet, but it fell in everyone's ears.

The people outside the hall were silent, and so was Prince Feng.

Everyone present also fell silent.

From the very beginning when Qianfanji sold Nanyuan coal at the original price, they felt that Qianfanji was stupid.

The price of coal has always been very high in the four countries. If it is sold in another country, it can double. In the past, the price of Nanyuan coal sold to other countries was tripled.

Qianfanji has not changed coal prices for ten years, leaving other countries with no money to make.

If Qianfanji stops selling coal at the original price, the coal business will definitely be profitable in the future.

"If Boss Gu's aquatic products business is comparable to Qian's coal business, do you still think Boss Gu is making money?" Qian Fanji asked coldly.

Everyone was speechless again...

No one has thought about this problem.

Ye Qianning glanced around and was extremely sarcastic.

Everyone has seen the money being made, but who has seen Qian Dad’s coal?

"Boss Qian, do you want to think about it?" Prince Feng lost his previous arrogance.

If the emperor knew about it, he would be furious.

(End of chapter)