Chapter 332: Kneeling down to plead for mercy, the emperor was furious 2

Chapter 332: Kneel down to plead for mercy, the emperor was furious 2

"Mr. Gu, what do you have to say?" Emperor Beili looked at him.

"Your Majesty, General Xiang also loves his daughter very much. The girl is accustomed to being undisciplined from a rural background. It is understandable that General Xiang is reluctant to part with his daughter just now." Mr. Gu scolded all the royal ancestors in his heart.

"From a rural background, when I grow up, I will be able to marry the prince and become the princess of the East Palace. This is a blessing that not many people can envy. Why would he be reluctant to part with it."


I envy the size!

Maybe the emperor himself thought it was a blessing.

"The emperor is right, but after all, he is a child. He has a wild nature and suddenly rules are imposed on him, which makes him somewhat uncomfortable. It is better to give him a marriage than to issue a decree when the child grows up."

"My golden words cannot be changed once they have been spoken. If Mr. Gu keeps talking too much, just stop them all." Emperor Beili was already very unhappy.

"Your Majesty, think twice. I think the child's marriage will only be successful if the two people are happy when they grow up." Mr. Gu is not afraid of death at his age.

If he could get rid of this marriage for his great-granddaughter, there would be no harm in being dragged out and beheaded.

"Mr. Gu, are you blaming me?"

"Common people don't dare. It's just that I think that a little kid coming out of the countryside is very vulgar. He is six years old and four or five years old and is obviously unhealthy. He is also so fat and lazy, and his knowledge is even worse. The prince is extremely smart. She will definitely become the pillar of Beili in the future. How can she, the little girl, take up the position of the crown princess?" Mr. Gu said with a look of disgust on his face.


Ye Qianning pulled out the corner of her mouth, pressed her master's hand, and told him not to speak.

"Your Majesty, what Mr. Gu said is absolutely true." Zhan Yi stood up.

Qian Fu fiddled with the Buddhist beads and stood up: "The position of Crown Princess should not be taken lightly. Please think twice, Your Majesty."

With several prerequisites, many officials who had issues with Xiang Minghou also stood up.

"The position of Crown Princess should not be taken lightly, and the Emperor should think twice."

"Your Majesty, think twice." The Man Chao cultural relics had a good or bad relationship with Xiang Minghou, so much so that they both stood up and knelt down to worship, with a loud voice.

When Sang Qi heard this, he agreed quite a bit. He hugged his small chest and glanced at the fat man. With her appearance, she still wanted to be a princess, so don't even think about it.

Emperor Beili's eyebrows were gloomy. If he didn't know about Ye Qianning's relationship with the four families, he would probably be deceived by this rhetoric. On the surface, he seemed to be begging for mercy, but in fact he didn't want Ye Qianning to marry into the royal family.

The little girl was indeed unworthy of the position of Crown Princess. When he heard the message from the hidden guard, the first thing he thought of was that he could not marry the Gao family, so he subconsciously mentioned the Crown Prince.

Now it would be too late to change to another prince.

Concubine Yuan Gui also secretly conveyed a wink to the emperor that the position of the crown princess was not worthy of General Xiang's daughter.

The Queen was quite happy and glanced at Concubine Yuan Gui. If the country girl became the Crown Princess, let's see what else she can do to show off to the Crown Prince in the future.

Concubine Zhan frowned. She knew her parents' intentions well. She didn't want her niece to be trapped in the palace for her whole life. She waited until after the banquet to test the emperor's intentions.

The envoys of the three countries watched silently, each with their own thoughts.

"My decision has been made, no need to say more." Emperor Beili said in a loud voice.

"Your Majesty, think twice."


"That's enough. Anyone who says another word will be disobeying the decree." Emperor Beili scolded in a deep voice.

Sure enough, the officials below silenced them.

Prime Minister Gao thought hard and couldn't figure out why the emperor was so determined. Before the banquet, he even talked about marrying Ye Qianning to Gao Qi.

The heart of an emperor is really hard to guess.

From now on, you can never believe anything the emperor says!

(End of chapter)