Chapter 403 Three thousand—-

Chapter 403 Three thousand—-

And just like that Xiao Hua's heart that was bursting with flame and desire was doused with cold water, as soon as he finished listening to Yu Dong's words, he felt like he was being torn into pieces like someone has caught hold of his heart and was tearing it down as they pleased. He couldn't explain the emotions that he was feeling at the moment but all he did know was that his eyes started to sting as Yu Dong's back started to turn blurry. She should have protected him —— he didn't know why he had this unshakable trust in Yu Dong, that she will protect him no matter what, he just knew it in his heart and now that she was agreeing with someone else request to buy him and was willing to sell him… Xiao Hua, suddenly he couldn't even breathe.

He wanted to reach out his hand and catch hold of Yu Dong's shirt before asking why was she doing this to him but before he could do that, his identity came to slap him in the face with a loud smack. That's right, with what privilege was he going to ask her, why she was selling him off? He wasn't her friend, nor was he her lover or her husband—— he was just an investment that she bought and could use him as she wanted, so what if she returned the slavery document to him? Didn't she has her name stamped on his forehead following which were emboldened words that read—- property of Yu Dong?

So why can't she sell him off?

But he didn't expect this to happen… honestly, he never expected that Yu Dong would do something like that. As to why he didn't expect her to do something like this, he has never spent any time or energy thinking about it, and now that his entire being was shaken up like he was going into shock, Xiao Hua could no longer even care about—— from where did his trust in Yu Dong stem from.

Xiao Hua wasn't the only one who was shocked even Fang Chi who was jealous of him a second ago felt like he has stumbled into another reality. His wife who respected mers as her equal was willing to sell a mer? How was this possible? How can Yu Dong even agree to such a request! Stunned and upset, Fang Chi stepped forward and came to stand beside Yu Dong as he whispered, " What are you doing Dong Dong?"

" What?" she said as if she was genuinely confused by his question. " They are willing to pay any reasonable price right and I am willing to sell Xiao Hua, since they are so sincere then how can I refuse them? After all, didn't you listen to what Elder Chen said? Her daughter has heartfelt feelings for our Xiao Hua then how can we come in between her love right? If we refuse this offer then Xiao Hua is going to lose a wonderful woman as his partner."

" But—-" Fang Chi glanced at Xiao Hua who has gone more and more pale and couldn't help but tug at Yu Dong's sleeves, she couldn't see the expression on Xiao Hua's face but he could and there was no way he could let Yu Dong sell Xiao Hua to Chen Ying, not when Xiao Hua looked like he would rather die than marry that Chen Ying. " You should ask Brother Hua whether or not he wants this, how…" not wanting to sound like he was questioning his wife, Fang Chi immediately changed his wording. " Why are you doing this?"

Yu Dong raised her brows and patted Fang Chi's shoulder with a smile. " I am just giving Xiao Hua what he deserves, Chi. Trust me I am not making a mistake, I know what I am doing."

' Giving him what he deserves?' Xiao Hua felt like dying, no he wished someone to boil a vat of oil and pout it down his ears because he couldn't believe what he was hearing and honestly did not want to listen to whatever this was anymore. So, even in the eyes of Yu Dong, he was a thing to be bought and sold—- not a human being that deserved to be asked about his opinions? Why? Just because he came from the tavern and was raised as a courtesan… a toy to be played with by women?

He bit his bottom lip hard, so hard that he broke the skin and tasted blood but he didn't let the sob that was bubbling in his throat escape. He wouldn't let anyone hear him cry, no he will not cry—- not for someone who didn't even care about his feelings because he knew it wouldn't make a difference.

Any other time he would have been able to control his tears but today he not only wanted to cry out loud, but he also wanted to curse at Yu Dong and maybe beat her until she could feel half of his pain.

Li Hanjing glanced at Xiao Hua worriedly, he knew just how much Yu Dong mattered to Xiao Hua—- even though the latter hadn't figured out his feelings for her because of his distrust and disgust towards women but it was an unchangeable fact that Yu Dong's words meant a lot to Xiao Hua and Li Hanjing could only imagine just how bad Xiao Hua was feeling at the moment.

He wished he could go against Yu Dong and tell her that she was wrong and that Xiao Hua was a lot better than a good to be sold but he couldn't do it because he was the same as Xiao Hua ——no, he looked down at his pregnant belly and bit his lip, he was much more worse than Xiao Hua.

" Dong Dong—-"

" Ah, what is your husband doing, Yu Dong? Don't tell me he is the one that has the reins at your house?" said Elder Chen with a chuckle causing Fang Chi to flush with embarrassment and Yu Dong's eyes to glint with a wicked glint. " Anyway, what I was saying was that you are right, the feelings that my daughter has for Xiao Hua are as genuine as the moon and sun, that's why we are willing to pay any price for him as long as it's reasonable."

"Three thousand—-"

" Taels of silver," though the price was a lot for a mer, Elder Chen was willing to pay that price given Xiao Hua's beautiful face. " All right then we are willing to buy him for that sum of money."