HK1720 Heaven’s Elegy — Final
PS: Look at the exclusive story behind “Hacker”, listen to your suggestions for novel, pay attention to the network public number (WeChat add friend – add public number – enter qdread), tell me quietly!
Every Worldpolis Metropolis has a large and complex urban sewage network system.
If there is no advanced urban sewage treatment system, how to deal with the sewage produced by a city? The Large-scale city without the Urban Underground Wastewater Treatment System is simply not a modern Metropolis.
The huge and complex city Underground sewer network brings a glimmer of life to Jehovah. But Shi Lei is obviously not willing to let go Jehovah, for whatever reason, Shi Lei is more willing to kill Jehovah.
Jehovah is alive, the variables that exist are too much, too threatening!
“Izual, arrange First Group Raider, at the edge of the First search range, install Hot Induction to verify Bomb!” Shi Lei indifference.
Hot Induction verifies that Bomb was not originally used to block the city’s Underground sewer network, but was used to restrict Jehovah Life Freedom.
This Bomb is very sinister!
There are two ways to trigger it, in addition to thermal Induction, there is also Motion Induction. Induction, naturally, detects human body heat radiation and automatically triggers Bomb’s startup program. By the same token, even though detects the Equipment through Anti-infrared Thermal Induction and shields the body heat radiation, but as soon as the Induction is moved, the motion state is detected and the Bomb starter is still triggered.
After the hot Induction verifies that Bomb’s startup program is triggered, it will enter the Phase waiting for the explosion. This Phase has a total of fifteen seconds.
Don’t think that fifteen seconds is a long time, because fifteen seconds is divided into two determine standards.
First, if within fifteen seconds of waiting time, the hot Induction verifies that Bomb received the corresponding verification information. Then. Its startup program will be aborted and will enter the Phase waiting for the trigger.
The second method of determination is purely to kill the enemy. If the human that triggered Bomb does not emit the corresponding verification information within fifteen seconds, then Hot Induction verifies Bomb. It will enter the Phase of Explosion at any time. It only needs to wait for the human that triggers Bomb to enter the killing range, and it will explode automatically. At the same time, if within 15 seconds, the verification information is not fired, and then the Bomb is verified by the hot Induction. Then. Hot Induction verifies Bomb and will skip waiting time and explode directly.
“Sir, System calculates the data fed back by Sonar Detection System, the current urban underground sewage pipe network environment. Can not withstand the thermal Induction to verify the explosive power of Bomb. Once the thermal Induction verifies the Bomb explosion, there will be 67.45% possibility, causing the collapse Danger.” Izual prompted Shi Lei.
Once this happens, the superstructure of New York City. Absolutely bad luck. Thus, the attention of Li Jian Nation is caused. Caused Raider’s loss.
Shi Lei light snorted, “implement command!”
“Yes, Sir!” Izual responded.
Thirty Second Generation Raider, in the urban Underground sewage pipe network system. Start with a thermal Induction to verify Bomb. First search the edge of the range, and each pipe is placed with a hot Induction to verify the Bomb.
If Jehovah passes the corresponding area, it will definitely cause the thermal Induction to verify Bomb’s explosion!
Voice Communication Channel of LIPLens-type Information Processor.
Raphael hesitated for a moment, started talking: “Stone, you really want to kill Jehovah?”
鈥hi 鏄庣槠 Leihi Lei 鏄庣槠Raphael 镄刼pinion 锛屸€淧hinney 锛屾垜浠拰Jehovah 鏄晫浜 monkey 纴鎴戜 镙 镙€锛丣ehovah 镊 涔熸槑锏 涔熸槑锏 纴鎴戜 纴鎴戜 銆傛墍浠ワ纴 銆傛墍浠ワ纴 銆傛墍浠ワ纴 eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh纴涓€镞<粬娌°C湁Exploit Value 涔嫔悗锛宔xactly as stated 浠栨浜$殑镞跺埢锛佲€
Raphael 鍙 伅浜嗕竴澹 伅浜嗕竴澹 伅浜嗕竴澹 伅浜嗕竴澹 綇 綇 綇 綇 綇 綇 eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh笉杩囷纴Stone锛孞ehovah 搴旇杩樼煡阆 竴浜涗綘镒熷叴瓒 竴浜涗綘镒熷叴瓒 g殑data 锛屾垜浠笉鍐嶉棶闂纻鈥
鈥滀笉鐢ㄤ 锛屾垜宸笉澶氭湁浜涙兂娉曚 锛屾垜宸笉澶氭湁浜涙兂娉曚 锛屾垜宸笉澶氭湁浜涙兂娉曚 锛佸彟澶栵纴镞犺鎴戜 锛佸彟澶栵纴镞犺鎴戜 锛佸彟澶栵纴镞犺鎴戜 锛佸彟澶栵纴镞犺鎴戜殑锛孞ehovah 涓崭 璇 璇 嚭鏉ョ殑銆 嚭鏉ョ殑銆 嚭鏉ョ殑銆 姝讳粬锛屼粬涓嶈锛屾 姝讳粬锛屼粬涓嶈锛屾 锲炲埌浜嗭纴浠栬浜嗭纴鎴戜 姝讳粬锛屼粬涓嶈锛屾 姝讳粬锛屼粬涓嶈锛屾 姝讳粬锛屼粬涓嶈锛屾 姝讳粬锛屼粬涓嶈锛屾 姝讳粬锛屼粬涓嶈锛屾 姝讳粬锛屼粬涓嶈锛屾 姝讳粬锛屼粬涓嶈锛屾 姝讳粬锛屼粬涓嶈锛屾 姝讳粬锛屼粬涓嶈锛屾垜浠缮鏄细鏉€姝讳粬銆傛寜镦ehovah 镄勬€у瓙锛屼粬涓崭fine forging 婅瘔鎴戜 绛旀镄勩€傗€漇hi Lei 棰囨湁涓€镶°C棤濂堢殑镒熻銆
Raphael 娌夐粯浜嗕笅鏉ワ纴浠栫煡阆揓ehovah 镄勭’鏄 Umbrella Hurricane 纴闱 纴闱 (1) 蹇呮镄勫眬闱纴Jehovah 缁濆浼氶€夋嫨宁》潃secret 涓€璧峰幓姝汇€
鈥渉艒ng l ng ng ~~ hu greasy l greasy ~~ hu greasy l greasy ~ 鈥
LIPLens-type Information Processor 绐佺劧浼犳潵浜嗗墽鐑堢殑鐖嗙偢澹 煶锛孲hi Lei 杩炲 闂 闂 闂 闂 闂 滃彂鐢熶 滃彂鐢熶 滃彂鐢熶 滃彂鐢熶 涔堜簨鎯咃纻鈥 涔堜簨鎯咃纻鈥 涔堜簨鎯咃纻鈥 涔堜簨鎯咃纻鈥 涔堜簨鎯咃纻鈥
鈥沧辉涓€涓︻儹Induction Nanxun Bomb 鍙戠敓浜嗙垎镣 纴鐢 纴鐢 簬鐖嗙偢镄勪綅缃瘮杈 簬鐖嗙偢镄勪綅缃瘮杈 悊鎯 纴 纴 System 棰勮鍧嶅镄勫彲鑳芥э纴涓嶈秴杩囩栌鍒嗕箣鍗佷竷镣э纴涓嶈秴杩囩栌鍒嗕箣鍗佷竷镣э纴涓嶈秴杩囩栌鍒嗕箣鍗佷竷镣叚銆傗浐浐浐浐浐浐alalalShi Lei 銆
澶 鍗佷簲绉掑悗锛孖 鍗佷簲绉掑悗锛孖 鍗佷簲绉掑悗锛孖 al al 鍗佷簲绉掑悗锛孖 鍗佷簲绉掑悗锛孖 鍗佷簲绉掑悗锛孖 鍗佷簲绉掑悗锛孖 鍗佷簲绉掑悗锛孖 鈥沦 鈥沦 氲 氲 氲 duction duction duction duction duction duction duction duction duction duction duction duction duction duction duction duction duction duction duction duction Brother target 锛屽苟闱濲ehovah 銆傗€
鐑琏nduction 岃 岃 Bo Bomb 鐖嗙偢涔嫔墠锛屽皢浼 鐖嗙偢涔嫔墠锛屽皢浼 鍑 Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver duction duction duction duction duction duction楠岃越Bomb 鐖嗙偢涔嫔墠锛屾敹板嗗埌镄勭亩鍗昳formation 銆
浠now Silver Metal 镄凮utstanding 镐ц川锛岀儹Induction 楠岃越Bomb 镄勭垎镣革纴涔熸棤娉曟崯姣佸皬鐞冧綋涓庡唴閮ㄥ偍瀛榠nformation 镄刢hip 銆
镓€浠ワ纴Raider 鍙互鍙€鍗旷殑鐖嗙偢涔嫔墠镄刬nformation 銆
鍩庡竞Underground 姹°C Press 绠$浣撶郴镄勫彟涓浣撶郴镄勫彟涓浣撶郴镄勫彟涓绔纴Jehovah 涔熷惉瑙佷简鍓х儓镄勭垎镣稿0锛屼粬鑴歌壊寰井涓€鍙桡纴镊︻劧 岀劧镄勬兂鍒 Shi Shi Shi Lei 娲鹃仯镄勮 鏉 person person person person person person person person person person person person person person person person person person 俇 C 俇 C C C C C
鈥樿姝荤殑Shi Lei 锛岃姝荤殑Raphael 湁涓€湁涓湁涓澶╋纴鎴戜澶╋纴鎴戜澶╋纴鎴戜璁╀綘浠敓涓嶅姝紒鈥橨ehovah 姝ゅ埢镄勫璞°C湁鍑犲垎镫肩媹锛屼絾涓轰阃冨懡锛孞ehovah 娌°C湁阃夋嫨銆
Jehovah 涓 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈 璧 潃锛屼竴杈 潃锛屼竴杈 涔埚叿浣撴儏鍐 涔埚叿浣撴儏鍐 傝 傝 傝 傝 傝 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧Ehovah Un赛Underground 姹°C Press 绠$镄勭镄勭镄勭镄勭鎶ら氶氶涓婏纴鎽嗘斁镌涓婏纴鎽嗘斁镌涓涓ilver-white 镄勯噾灞炵洅瀛愩€
闾d kettle silver-white 镄勯噾灞炵洅瀛愶纴闱炲父镄勫皬宸э纴鐪嬭捣鏉ュ彧 chain 夌儫鐩掔殑浜屽垎涔嬩竴澶у皬锛屼絾Jehovah 鍗碒igh Degree 绱у紶璧锋潵銆
鍩庡竞Underground 姹°C Press 绠$銆銆銆睘浜庡睘浜庡骞骞骞笉佸ぉ镞ョ殑鐜锛屽鏋滆繍杞佸ぉ镞ョ殑鐜锛屽鏋滆繍杞宁殑鎯呭喌涓嬶纴涓殑鎯呭喌涓嬶纴涓涓湀涔熷彧 chain変竴娆’緥琛屾镆ャ
杩欑鍑犱箮绠楁槸Unmanned 镄勭幆澧冧笅锛岀獊鐒跺嚭鐜 涓 涓 涓埗阃犲 涓埗阃犲 涓埗阃犲 鑹 鑹 鑹 鑹 鑹 鑹 鑹 潵闱炲 潵闱炲 潵闱炲 潵闱炲 潵闱炲 潵闱炲 潵闱炲 潵闱炲墿锛岀粷瀵 笉鏄粈涔埚ソ浜嬫儏銆
Jehovah 鎶捣宸 “锛屽镌 锛屽镌 闾 闾 釜 sil silver-white 镄勯噾灞炵洅瀛愩 彸鐪 effect 彸鐪 shoulder 悆 嗙 嗙 鑶滃啀娆 鑶滃啀娆 嚭鐜 嚭鐜 嚭鐜 瀵嗗瘑楹 瀵嗗瘑楹 瀵嗗瘑楹 瀵嗗瘑楹 瀵嗗瘑楹镄刣ata information 銆
绛夊緟浜嗗ぇ绾 <竴鍒嗛挓锛孞ehovah 镄勯澶达纴鍐掑嚭浜呜嚧瀵嗙殑鍐锋锛
鈥滆姝 紒绔熺劧鏄 om om om om 滼 滼 滼 滼 om 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼 滼鍐呴儴镄勬壂鎻忚缃纴Jehovah determine 鍑 潵锛宻 ilver-white 镄勯噾灞炵洅瀛愭槸鐖嗙偢鐗┿€
浜嫔疄涓娿 傞偅灏 傞偅灏 傞偅灏 槸鐑琏 nduction Nan 岃 Bo Bomb 锛
Jehovah 韪熻 涓嶅墠锛屽鏋滀箣鍓嶆 涓嶅墠锛屽鏋滀箣鍓嶆 夊惉 夊惉 纴 纴 eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh Draft 0 阔 纴杩樻湁镫珛瀹夋斁鍦ㄨ 岀殑 岀殑 岀殑 Bomb 銆侸ehovah 宸茬粡鐚滃埌浜嗛潪宁稿镄刬nformation 銆
镊冲皯锛孊omb 瀛桦湪镊垜determine 鐖嗙偢chain哄埗锛
Jehovah 镄勫皬 forging 彧 chain 変竴鏉 ★ 纴浠栦笉鏁 (a) 皢镊 镄勫皬 镄勫皬 镄勫皬 斁涓婅祵妗岋纴鎺ュ 斁涓婅祵妗岋纴鎺ュ 斁涓婅祵妗岋纴鎺ュ 斁涓婅祵妗岋纴鎺ュ 娆¤繍姘 娆¤繍姘 娆¤繍姘 娆¤繍姘 娆¤繍姘 娆¤繍姘 垽銆傝 垽銆傝 垽銆傝伞绉嶆儏鍐典笅銆侸ehovah 鍙堟€庝箞镒挎剰璧屽懡锛熸瘯绔燂纴瀵 簬闾d cauldron silver-white 镄勯噾灞炲皬鐩掑瓙銆侸ehovah 瀹屽叏涓岖煡阆 浣昳 浣昳 nformation 銆
浣咼ehovah 涔熺煡阆掳纴濡傛灉涓嶅敖蹇寮 锛屼粬寰埚揩灏 锛屼粬寰埚揩灏 锛屼粬寰埚揩灏 锛屼粬寰埚揩灏 琚彂鐜 琚彂鐜 琚彂鐜 琚彂鐜
鈥沦ir 锛孎irst 鎼 锣冨洿銆 锣冨洿銆 珜鐤憈 珜鐤憈 珜鐤憈 珜鐤憈 get get Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi锛岃缮浼氶 氲 氲 氲 nduction 鎺 (2) 祴 System 锛屾帰娴嬩 change 浣曞彲鐤戠殑浣岖 銆
Jehovah 鏋禨€欙纴渚胯涓€econd Generation Raider 鍙戠幇銆 岃 锛屽簲璇ユ槸锛屾 锛屽簲璇ユ槸锛屾 涓猄 涓猄 econd Generation Raider 锛屽湪闅斿镄勭阆掳纴闅旗潃澧椤鍙戠幇浜嗕汉绫荤儹杈愬皠锲绫荤儹杈愬皠锲 Izual 鍙嶉information 銆
Shi Lei reading IPLens-type Information Processor 镄刅irtual 阃忔槑鍖栧睆骞曪纴镆ョ湅镌€Izual 鎻愰啋镄刬nformation 銆
Izual 璋冮泦浜嗗珜鐤憈arget Forged Raider 锛屽悜瀚岀桠target 鍖呭洿Key 屽幓銆侺IPLens-type Information Processor 镄刅irtual 阃忔槑鍖栧睆骞曪纴鏄Drama
杩樻湁涓€鍒咶orty 绉掞纴First 鏋御aider 灏嗕笌瀚岀桠target 鎺ヨЕ锛
涓€鍒咶orty 绉掓斁鍦ㄥ 镞讹纴闾 槸涓 槸涓 槸涓 涓︷潪 涓︷潪 涓︷潪 涓︷潪 Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Shi Lei Bungee pants
镞堕棿涓€鍒嗕竴绉掔殑娴佸け锛孎irst 鏋御aider 缁堜簬鎶佃揪瀚岀桠target 浣岖疆锛孲hi Lei 阃氲 Ra Raider 鍙嶉镄勫浘 鍙嶉镄勫浘First 镞堕棿鍙戠幇浜嗭纴瀚岀桠target 灏 Identify Jehovah 锛
Shi Lei 鍒囨崲浜哣oice Communication Channel 锛屽皢LIPLens-type Information Processor 涓嶳aider 镄勬墿 wide砈ystem 杩炴帴鍦ㄤ竴璧凤纴闅忓悗started talking 锛气€浙ehovah 锛屾斁寮冩姷鎶楀惂锛佲€
Jehovah 骞 镄勭湅镌 RaRaider 锛屸€淢irror Science and Technology Group reading iniaturized Dawn 锛屽畠鏄€庝箞杩涘叆Li Jian Nation 镄勶纻鈥
Shi Lei h pus ih pus i 涓 绗 绗 纴 Raider 鍙岃剼锽 peak 嚭 pale-blue 镄勭伀鐒 纴鈥沧槑锏 纴鈥沧槑锏 钖楋纻鈥 钖楋纻鈥
Tears ndividual Flight Equipment 锛佲€滼ehovah 镄勮姘斿緢鎯婅锛屸 滀笉寰椾笉璇 滀笉寰椾笉璇 Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror銆傜幇鍦纴Shi Lei 锛屾垜镒挎剰锻婅瘔浣狅纴鎴戠煡阆撶殑涓€鍒囷紒鈥
Shi Lei 杞荤瑧浜嗕竴澹 纴娌 °C湁鐞嗕细 Jehovah 锛岃 屾槸瀵筊 ha aphael 阆掳 fine
Raphael 鍐 瑧浜嗕竴澹 瑧浜嗕竴澹 eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh
Jehovah 璇皵绱 紶镄勫ぇ钖 紶镄勫ぇ钖 紶镄勫ぇ钖 紶镄勫ぇ钖 紶镄勫ぇ钖 沦 Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei犱笉鎯 鐭ラ 鐭ラ 锛孲 Wen hi Wen 绌剁珶 chain 変粈涔堢洰镄勶纻鈥
鈥滀笉鎯 紒鈥漇 紒鈥漇hi Lei 鍐锋紶镄勫洖绛旓纴鈥淧hinney 锛屼綘杩桦湪绛変粈涔堬纻鈥
鈥淟ittle Angel 锛屾垜涓 綘鎶ヤ粐浜嗭纴鎴戝皢 綘鎶ヤ粐浜嗭纴鎴戝皢 fiend 阃佷笅 Hell 浜嗭纴鎴戠殑 Little Angel 锛屼綘杩 ソ钖楋纻鈥漅 ソ钖楋纻鈥漅 aphael 煶 partner 煶 ( (1)杻镌 锛屾尌涓嬩 锛屾尌涓嬩 鍙 鍙 銆 銆
Raider if 镄 if ifif Generation Electromagnetic Artillery 锛岀瀯鍑咼ehovah 镄勫ご閮纴without the slightest hesitation 镄勫彂灏勶紒
Fifth Generation Electromagnetic Artillery 镄勫▉锷涳纴瓒呰 浜咥 nti-EQ uipment Sniper Rifle J to Jehovah 镄勫ご閮纴璁mgehovah 镄勮剳琚嫔钖冤atermelon 涓€镙风偢瑁伞€
Parliament 爞 爞 Angel Parliament First Giant 锛屽 绉 or orld God 镄凧ehovah 锛岀珶鐒 鍦ㄤ 鍦ㄤ 阒 .. 镄勫煄宁俇nderground 姹°C Press 绠$锛屾鍦ㄤ锛屾鍦ㄤ锛屾鍦ㄤ涓涓涓病涓変鐭ラ鐭ラ鐭ラ镄勮钀
God 锛屾渶缁堥櫒钀 紒
Angel Parliament
See you again later 锛孞ehovah 鈥
(Good activity in the sky, cool cell phone waiting for you! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friend – add public number – enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat public number!) (To be continued~^~)
PS锛 PS锛Arg锛 揩瑕佺粨鏉熶 锛屾劅璋竴璺湁浣犱 锛屾劅璋竴璺湁浣犱 镄勬敮鎸 and €