Chapter 67: The return of Silly Mouse!

Name:Hard Enough Author:
Chapter 67: The return of Silly Mouse!

and then Veronica caught herself a pikachu! Dennis read stolidly from his report, his eyes sliding from side to side.

I made a noise of amusement as Missy and Daniel tried to look interested but they were too wiped out. Theyd been the first trainers facing the gauntlet challengers, of which wed had seven today. That, alongside the rest of the duties expected of them when in the Gym saw them leaning on their desks with droopy eyes.

Next to them, Janine was alert and upright. The very picture of a professional pokemon trainer.

Behind her, Rocko was doodling in his notepad with a bemused expression while Forrest shot glances at whatever Rocko was drawing. Jackson was leaning in and making suggestions on whatever was being drawn. I could feel Janine radiating disapproval even though she wasnt able to turn around without compromising her pose. Crystal and Yolanda were also here, both looking interested as Dennis reported on the recent foray into the surrounding areas with the Pewter-sponsored trainers.

Alright, I said clapping my hands to end the torture Id unleashed by letting Dennis debrief on his trip into the wilds with the kids. There was no one better to check and teach bushcraft Beyond possibly Daniel but he was a new hire. It was just dangerous letting him report on what hed done.

So, theyve had their time to train, get used to their pokemon and battle among themselves, and a few others. Thats good. Are they ready for the sessions tomorrow? I asked.

Dennis nodded. Yes, although Veronica stated she wants to look into contests he trailed off as though guilty or ashamed.

I shrugged. It would be a nice claim to have a professional coordinator. It also is something that has less competition for sponsorships. Smart.

Yolanda frowned, How do you mean Brock?

I waved my hand about. Everyone else has been treading a path that is established with set markers that we can use to easily judge. Veronica will be doing something new that is different but it will work in her favour. Doubly so with most of the people coming to Kanto this year being Trainers. There will probably be a few that dabble in Contests which will make it slightly harder but she stands out for being different. Everyone else will be comparing themselves against the others in the group except for Veronica.

I turned back to Dennis. Howd Mia and Silly Mouse go?

Dennis flipped a few pages on his report, grumbling as he did so about still having more to talk about. He drew the pencil he had behind his ear and tapped it on one page. Mia did well with practising Thunder. She has it up to the strength of a Thundershock at the moment but thats to be expected with Silly Mouses estimated age. Her other move shows more immediate application so Mia spent a lot of time training on both moves more than she did anything else. As such, she still only has Silly Mouse on her team.

Dennis furtively glanced around and flipped a page. Humphery on the other hand was able to catch three

Dennis, I said, cutting him off.

I shook my head. Save it for a surprise, as the others are going to face the gyms sponsored trainers. I turned towards the others. Missy, Janine, Forrest Yolanda, Ill have you all rotating through on those that are undergoing the gauntlet challenge.The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñøv€l-B1n.

Yolanda perked up. Me?! You want me to fight them?!

I nodded. Yeah, youre more than qualified to handle some of the pokemon. Just remember to go easy on them. Crystal nudged Yolanda and said something that had Yolanda blushing. Oddly Crystal looked annoyed by this instead of pleased.

Janine raised her hand. Why me? The others make sense but they will not be expecting me.

I nodded. Precisely. Sometimes its important to throw them a curveball. Theyll be expecting rock or rock-themed pokemon. I want you to use the gym pokemon for this alright? You can deploy your own strategies but keep it within their skill level.

Janines hand shot into the air. Question! How many of the lower-strength pokemon know how to perform Sandstorm!? Or Rock polish? Or Mudslap?

I raised a finger as Forrest chuckled maliciously. Yolanda was biting her lips while the older trainers stared at Janine. I coughed. ... quite a few actually, I said neutrally. Keep it possible for them to beat you, yeah? I sent a mental apology to any kid that faced Janine tomorrow. I flicked a glance to Dennis who had a determined glint in his eyes.

So, whod win? Dennis week of preparation or Janines out-of-the-box thinking? I shrugged. Oh well, itd be good for the kids I hoped.

Veronica barely scraped a win against me with her pokemon limping across the line, but good use of her terrain to tire out the Onix Id sent against her got her there. Shed proceeded to whittle down my pokemon and when the match had been called she almost collapsed from how much energy shed used shouting commands.

I marched across to her and offered her a hand. That was a tough-fought match. I saw a lot of potential there.

She smiled up at me. Thanks, Gym Leader Brock, she said.

I gestured to the side where Jackson was waiting with a tray of gym badges. So, do you want your prize?

She bit her lips before raising her head to the stands where the other kids were all waiting. One and all, each of them so far had won their matches and earned their badges. And one and all of them had said they would wait for the others in their group to celebrate together.

Veronica shook her head.

They were putting a lot more pressure on themselves than they needed to. It was their decision though, so I left them to it. I led Veronica to the medical wing for her pokemon to get checked over. There I traded out my Onix and Geodude before grabbing up Izumis pokeball.

I was actually glad that after Humprey and Mias challenge Id be done for the day. Before the sponsored trainers, Id had a few two and three-badge matches. As things stood I was really turning over the pokemon that were used for my first badge challenge with the flood. I sighed. Id have to be careful, soon some of these pokemon would be too strong to use on the new trainers.

My options would get smaller and smaller until the rostered break in a few weeks time. Until then, Id have to stay vigilant.

And now! Representing the first of this years fully sponsored trainers for Pewter City Gym! Humphrey Stoneman from Pewter city! shouted Rachel as Humphery walked into the arena proper.

Rachel grinned as she turned to the trainer arena. I pat Yolanda on the back. This is just like a tussle in the schoolyard. Go have some fun.

Thats easy for you to say! You dont have to worry about people laughing at you!

Youll do fine. If anyone laughs Ill send Titan to sit behind them, I said jokingly. Yolanda shot me a furious look.

That is not helping! Then her gaze softened. Really though?

I smirked at her.

Yolanda huffed at me, only to glower as a stray lock of hair floated in front of her face. I reached out and plucked her scrunchy out before retying her hair in a braid that was more firm. She blinked only to snort and give me a much more grateful look.

It was short-lived as Rachel raised her microphone. And now! Representing Pewter City Gym for the first time! Yolanda!

Yolanda marched down the stairs like she was a square block of stone rather than flesh and bone. When she reached the podium. She glanced around and I made a gesture to try and get her to calm down. She nodded and clapped her hands together and shut her eyes.

Dennis whistled. Huh. She really does take after you, doesnt she? Shes going to be a terror when she goes on her journey if she can get that egg to hatch.

I nodded, feeling rather proud as she released the pose and adopted a pose with a hand on her hip. Trainer Yolanda! Ready! she announced. When the crowd cheered she got a little spooked but settled back in.

Humphrey merely held his game face.

Trainers release your pokemon! announced Jackson.

Go Geodude! said Yolanda.

Go Seedot! said Humphrey.

Huh, I said. Impressive! Those are tough to find in Viridian forest. I glanced at Dennis.

He smiled widely. Humphrey was quick to work out that certain pokemon had a different cycle of being active. He started varying when he was waking up and exploring at twilight and night. Hes gotten himself a good team with that Aron we gave him as the starter.

I nodded and watched as Yolanda tried to use tackles to nail the Seedot. When that didnt work she switched to Sand Attack only for Humphrey to order his pokemon to use absorb. Geodude toppled quickly at that. Yolanda grit her teeth as she withdrew her pokemon. Then she pulled out another pokeball.

Go Zubat! she said.

I frowned. Whered she get that from? I asked.

Crystal caught it, said Dennis loyally. Georginas been letting her catch and train two pokemon in preparation for the day she goes out on a journey. Theyre shopping around for an official starter but otherwise, those two are good training pokemon for her to practise with.

Janine appeared behind me. I was not aware I could use a Zubat for this challenge?

I shrugged. Its rock-themed. I hadnt expected her to use it but it works. I considered it before nodding. We should consider getting some in the next acquisition run. After all, they're mostly found in caves."

Dennis rubbed his chin at that and I watched as Yolanda unleashed Zubat on the Seedot. The type advantage didnt even become a factor.

Supersonic! shouted Yolanda happily as she punched the air. Across from her Seedot wobbled and wavered only for her to keep up the assault. Humphrey eventually remembered that he could withdraw his pokemon and did so to reveal a young Pidgeotto. I shot Dennis another look.

Dennis shrugged. Kids impressive.

I nodded and watched the larger bird pokemon outspeed and outpower Yolandas Zubat. I nodded, deciding that I might feature a few Zubat in the next rotation of pokemon. It would work well with most people going through or past the tunnels of Mt Moon. An early warning of what these pokemon could be like.

I tapped Janine on the shoulder. Youre up next.

She bounced in place only for me to cough. Wait for Yolanda to get off the arena and Rachel to announce you first.

Ah, of course, Janine said. It took a few minutes for Yolanda to depart. Humphrey apparently recognised her from school and stopped her to congratulate her for the good match. Then he turned his attention away and in doing so missed her saddened expression.

I clicked my tongue. Dennis shot me a look. Youre gonna shake him up a bit boss?

I worked my jaw only for Janine to speak up first. I shall avenge Yolandas loss and remind him to be more gentle with a young girls heart!

Also representing Pewter today we have Rachel was saying only for Janine to sprint down the stairs and leap over the edge. The crowd gaped as she flipped end over end in a gymnastics flip before landing in a perfect three-point pose.

It is I! Janine of Fuchsia! she said. She held up a pokeball. Are you ready!? she said, daring him to reject it.

Humphrey was confused. Do you even go here or are you a fan that jumped the fence? he said looking to Jackson who wasnt helping as he burst out laughing.

Janine bristled. I am studying underneath Brock to learn how he runs his Gym! Now is not the time for talk! Are you prepared to fight!?

He nodded slowly, still looking to Jackson in case this was some sort of joke.

Go Geodude! said Janine as she whipped a pokeball out only to expertly catch it when the bounce-back feature activated.

That had Humphrey straightening up. Pidgeotto, use Gust!

Geodude! Defense Curl! Janine answered, causing her pokemon to curl up into a ball as the wind swept aside dirt and small rocks. What it didn't do was move the small boulder pokemon. Humphrey clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Pidgeotto stay up high! Theyre going to try and use Rollout! he said, sweeping his hand.

Janine sniffed loudly, Rock Polish! she said.

Humphrey gritted his teeth before raising his pokeball and returning his pokemon. Return Pidgeotto! Lets go Seedot! he said instead. His Seedot bounced out and Janine grinned.

Use Sandstorm! she said, causing Geodude to spread out her arms and spin widely creating a dust cloud that expanded quickly.

I hummed. Shes going a bit harder than she needs to against a first badge trainer.

Dennis nodded from next to me, not saying anything. I shot him a sly look, had he bonded with the kids during their trip away? He seemed highly invested in their success.

Seedot, get into the sandstorm and surprise them! Humphrey said.

I was surprised by the call and leaned in to see what he would do. I watched vague shapes move into each other and it looked like Janine had ordered her pokemon to use Tackle instead of Roll Out. I watched the Geodude-shaped form lunge only to strike something and rear back.

Then Humphrey was shouting something and I saw hints of green energy. Dennis pumped his fist. Yes! Thats the way! Astonish into Absorb to keep your pokemon in the fight! he said.

Silly Mouse heaved and trembled as he staggered back towards Mia who quivered and looked at me. She shut her eyes as I selected another pokeball. She held up her hand and raised Silly Mouses pokeball to signal she wasnt going to test her luck.

I felt my respect for her grow. Shed pushed as far as she should and she

Silly Mouse refused to go into his pokeball. The red beam of energy connected, and he started to be drawn back only to be aborted. Silly Mouse glared at me as though I had done it only to pause and shoot Mia a startled look.

Rat? Tata? Rattata? Then he got an angry look on his face as he gestured at himself. Rat Rat Rat! Tat Ta! He waved at me and chomped his fangs and turned back digging his claws in.

I whistled. Little guys got some fighting spirit thats for sure I said, Are you willing to test that?

Mia shook her head. No! Silly Mouse I dont need to win a badge today! I dont want to see you get hurt anymore! Youve fought too much as it is! I should have gotten another pokemon to help back you up, instead of training you so hard!

Rat! Silly Mouse said in a way that made me think he disagreed. He pointed at me and then made a gesture at his eyes and then back at me. Mia chuckled and nodded.

W-w-were going to c-con-continue, she said.

I enlarged my pokeball. Very well.

I threw out Izumi. She emerged with a cry of her name before taking in the scene. She tilted her head and considered Silly Mouse.

Be Silly Mouse charged before Mia could give her order.

I hummed. That wasnt what I wanted to be taught here and now. Rollout backwards, I said.

Izumi tucked and rolled backwards out of danger as an Iron Tail came down where shed been.

Rock Throw, I followed up with.

Silly Mouse started to charge ahead only for Mia to scream. SILLY MOUSE STOP BEING STUPID AND DODGE THOSE ROCKS LIKE WE TRAINED!

He tripped as he lunged to the side, taking a rock as his instincts warred with his determination to prove himself. The Rock Throw saw him sliding back.

I made a sign to Izumi to hold, which honestly was entirely unnecessary. She could read the room.

Silly Mouse struggled to his feet and shook Mia shouted, Silly! Stop, and listen!

Silly Mouse paused tilting to show that he was listening while watching me and my pokemon.

Im sorry I doubted you, I was scared for you. But charging in like that wont win us this fight. Youre tired and that Geodude is fresh! We need to trust each other I realise thats a lot to ask but I believe in you, can you do the same for me?

Silly Mouse considered that for a moment before nodding. Good now Use Thunder.

Silly Mouse paused only to nod, charging up electrical energy and causing his whiskers to spark more like a pikachu than a rattata. I frowned, the crowd were screaming for her to stop as it wouldnt work. I knew Mia to be a smart girl. This wasnt her not knowing that.

I saw the glint in her eyes and smiled.

It looked like she had a plan.

Ready yourself Izumi! I said, causing my pokemon to make a show of punching the air.

Silly Mouse charged up, and then Mia shot her hand out pointing ahead of her. Blast the spot right in front of the geodude! I blinked in surprise as Silly Mouse arced a bolt of electrical energy up into the air and down right in front of Izumi.

I blinked furiously to get rid of the flash of lightning and boom of Thunder causing me to miss what she said to Silly Mouse next. The attack worked to blind me and Izumi to Silly Mouse and when the dust cleared we found ourselves suddenly face to tail to a leaping rattata with Iron Tail dive bombing us.

I grinned. Clever girl, I said aloud as Silly Mouse slammed into Izumi.

Izumi was thrown backward and rolled over herself a few times. When she came to rest at the base of my podium I leaned over to see if she was alright. She opened both eyes and then winked at me before faking being knocked out.

I glanced up to find Silly Mouse flat on his stomach as he stared defiantly at Izumi, willing her to stay down. When I raised my pokeball and returned her, he slumped.

Mia leapt over the edge of her podium even as Jackson raised his flags. Brock has withdrawn his pokemon! Silly Mouse and Mia are the victors!

The crowd in the stands erupted in cheers as Silly Mouse was raised up into Mias hands. He grinned at her and waved weakly at the crowd. I watched her, letting her have her moment.

When I got to the ground level, I made my way to her and coughed to announce myself. Mia and Silly Mouse both grinned at me. Well, that wasnt how I thought things would go.

I shot Silly Mouse a look. You and Mia had already earned the right to the Pewter badge when Mia tried to withdraw you. That seemed good sense to me. I made a thoughtful face. But then again, I dont know what you two are capable of apparently. I nodded.

Mia, and Silly Mouse. Its matches like this that show just how much our bonds with each other matter. Moments like this make me love being a Pokemon trainer. Im honoured to have witnessed you fight. You truly surprised me.

Mia and Silly Mouse were speechless as I gave them a shallow bow of respect. I felt that they had deserved it. I shot them a wry smile. I might have to use that Thunder trick with Sanchez you realise?

O-oh? Really?!

I nodded. It was a great move. I glanced at Jackson. So, I think there was an agreement with the Pewter Gym trainer group to get your badges as one today, no?

Mia beamed as I waved the others down onto the field. Instead of just the trainers I sponsored, the entire crowd poured onto the field like their home team had just won a match. In a way, it was, as there were only local parents and family and friends present for this series of matches. Theyd cheered and cried and supported the kids just as much. I shouldnt have been surprised by them storming the pitch.

I raised a hand, considering stopping them only for the adults to host up the other kids and make them all part of the moment. I lowered my hand and chuckled. Well, this works as well.

When the kids got their badges, everyone cheered for them. I got a number of claps on the shoulder from the locals as well for the great matches Id had with the kids. I shook hands, and made small talk for a while. Internally, I was glad that Id scheduled the matches as the last part of the day. This had allowed parents and families that worked to come and witness their childrens success.

When everyone was done celebrating the matches and the awards for gauntlet runs had been given out, I bid everyone good night and they all departed.

As I was cleaning up, Janine edged up to me. That that was very different from how matches work at my fathers gym.

You dont have crowds? Or something else? I asked.

Yes but how the crowd included you. In Fuchsia In Fuchsia, my father and I are respected but we are kept at a distance Were the Guardians of the town, and people revere us. They wouldnt have included us in celebrating their or other childrens success as they did today. Theyd certainly never storm the arena after the match Despite it being disrespectful in so many ways I She clenched and opened her hands.

I liked that, she said, as though it hurt her to admit it.

I frowned, that didnt seem right to me. Why does it sound like you think thats a bad thing?

I I dont want to erode all the traditions of my family! she said, stomping her foot. But! But, I find myself longing for some of the grandeur you have. The battle courts, the immersion into the community, the showmanship!

I shrugged. So just work the traditions into what you want.

She shot me a look. I gestured at the Gym at large.

I kept a lot of the rocky aesthetic for my Gym. Why not do the same for your own Gym? Keep everything that makes it feel like your Gym while embracing the new. It won't be as easy perhaps but if you pull it off youd have something unique. I spent an entire year and a lot of money just workshopping what I want. Its still developing and that, honestly? Makes it a lot of fun!

I scratched the back of my head. Does that help at all? I said carefully.

Janine nodded. It has certainly given me a lot to think about. Some of your traditions are silly, but I can see your intent.

I shot her a look and she tilted her head towards a poster that proclaimed the gym would be dressed up and styled in a Sevii island theme in a few days' time. Which was just my version of Hawaiian shirt friday.

I coughed. Thats to keep things fun.

She huffed at me and put her chin on the broom. Well, thank you for the chat Brock. If you dont mind, I will clean up the stands on my own from here. I think I would like some time to think.

I patted her on the shoulder. Alright, great job today.

She smiled. I didnt miss how she reached up to where Id pat her on the shoulder after complimenting her. Somehow, I doubted she got much of that at home.

I returned home and found my siblings just starting dinner. I winked at Yolanda. Great work today little sis, I said. She beamed at me.

While the rest of my family watched some television or played with their toys I finished up some paperwork for the Gym. Then I turned my attention to a few sheets from the school. Hmmm, bakesale and the school festival. Alright, I think we can get something whipped up.

Ohh Rocky Road! Everyone loves your Rocky Road big Bro! chimed Salvadore. I winked at him. I was pretty sure they loved the theme I stuck with but that was just for marketing.

When it was time for bedtime Suzie and Timmy grumbled at me. No! We dont want a storybook. Tonight we want a Brock story that you make up!

I hummed. I haven't done that in ages?

They nodded with the seriousness that only four-year-olds can muster. Yeah! We noticed!

I rubbed my chin. Alright, alright, lets get your teeth cleaned, and Ill see what I can manage.

They did so with speed. Munchlax decided to join them tonight, and he even got tucked in next to Suzie. With him in the room and a vague idea of an easy story to cheat from, I began to weave a story about a mighty Snorlax that was actually a Dragonslayer. Munchalx loved that story, and Suzie and Timmy got more joy watching Munchlaxs expressions.

When the Snorlax got sad, Munchlax got sad. When Snorlax got angry, Munchlax growled. When Snorlax was startled, Munchlax hid under the sheets, only to be coaxed out by Suzie.

and though Snorlax had defeated the terrible Dragonite, he was wounded!

No! gasped Suzie as she cuddled up to Munchlax. Munchlax looked very worried for his new hero.

I nodded, trying to keep a serious expression. But he was safe! For you see he had food in his pouch! And so, the Might Dragonslayer proceeded to eat a whole wheel of cheese and recovered from his ordeal! By the end, he ate the wheel, rind and all, and was as healthy as could be!

Munchlaxs eyes practically had stars in them as he beamed at the way his hero had saved himself from injury. I think he liked that more than the fighting.

I nodded. And all the men, and women, kids, and pokemon cheered him on, and they lived happily ever after. The end.

Hoo-ray! yawned Timmy sleepily.

I nodded and gave him, Suzie, and Munchlax a kiss on the head. Indeed, alright, good night now.

Thanks for the story Brock, said Suzie as she cuddled up to Munchlax.

Munch~, said Munchlax.

I left the room feeling warm and cozy. I found Yolanda sitting in the hallway with her egg in her lap, and a huge smile on her face. That was amazing, she said happily. In her lap, the egg squirmed a few times before settling back down.

I pat her on the head. Good work again today. Now get some sleep, Gym trainers need to be rested up. Got a lot of battles coming your way soon.

Thanks, night Brock, she said after a quick hug.

That night I lay down with a huge smile. Today was a win on all fronts, it felt like.

I went to sleep with a smile only half as wide as Munchlax, but still more than content. When I felt the bed dip as another body joined me later, I merely shifted to wrap her in a hug.