Chapter 87: Terra, Training, and tests

Name:Hard Enough Author:
Chapter 87: Terra, Training, and tests

Yolanda had been adamant that they meet as early as possible. Terra, as a baby pokemon had other ideas and had promptly fallen asleep when Yolanda had picked her up causing the plan to be shifted back.

Yolanda had happily accepted the compromise and gone to bed with her new pokemon and starter. On the way to bed Id made sure to tap Flint on the shoulder. You probably need to get Forrest his starter as soon as possible seeing as Yolanda now has hers.

Flint nodded. Do you know what he wants?

An Onix from you, I said. Flint nodded and instead of turning to his room turned and began marching to the front door.

Ill be back in the morning he paused. If thats alright? The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

I blinked and realised that if he wanted to he could leave again. It would almost be like hed gone to get milk. I grunted. Be back by morning, I said, turning away and feeling my stomach tighten. If Flint pulled a going for milk now I pushed the thought down. I had just decided to trust him a bit. I could extend this small olive branch to him, couldnt I?

I nodded and pushed it aside. Come morning Id have an answer either way.

I lay down after checking that everyone was asleep and promptly fell into a meditative sleep. Rock Aura was perfect for slowing the body and forcing it into a sort of hibernation if you wanted to.

It wasnt my alarm that woke me up the next morning but Yolanda kicking my door open.

Brock! Its morning! Terras eaten and done her business! Lets go let her meet her big brother!

Lar!! cheered Terra happily.

I blinked at Yolanda and leaned over to glance at my alarm. It was an hour earlier than I usually woke up which made it earlier than early in the morning.

Yolanda coughed. I couldnt sleep? Sorry? I actually didnt know it was that earlyShe shifted on the spot and I couldnt fault her for her enthusiasm. I sat up and smacked my lips.

I need a minute to wake up a yawn escaped me and I ran my tongue over my teeth. Id forgotten to brush them last night with all the excitement hadnt I? Urgh, yuk. I moved to my ensuite and ran some water to clear the sleep out of my eyes before I grabbed my toothbrush to scrub the gritty feeling off my teeth.

Ha! I knew you were lying! Yolanda said from where she was standing in the doorway. I blinked at her.

Whuh? I said intelligently. Yolandas eyes flicked to Sabrinas toothbrush and her pillow on my bed. Terra was sniffing around my room with the curiosity of a newborn.

Tar!? Larv! she said as she crawled under the bed and found some underwear that most certainly werent mine.

Yolanda smirked at me and I rolled my eyes at her. What? I like to feel pretty? I said, digging deeper into the lie.

She pointed at me. Yoooouuuu! Just admit those are Sabrinas and you lied! No way you wear girls clothes!

Im a complex man, dont limit me! I said, hiding my face in a towel lest my smirk give me away.

Yolanda didnt say anything and when I straightened up she was looking at me with a tilted head. Youve worn girl clothes?

There are a few restaurants and places around Kanto, let alone Hoenn, that charge cheaper meals if you wear a dress. I wiped off the last of the water. Hadnt Ash worn a dress to challenge Erika in the cartoons?

Huh, Yolanda said before shaking her head. Confess! They are and were your girlfriend's! she said only to wince when she realised how loud she was being.

I huffed. Yeah alright, theyre Sabrinas. I knelt down and looked under the bed. Oh, she has a whole suitcase under there then I paused as I recalled something from last night. Oh she announced it last night to her Ralts didnt she

Yolanda giggled, her head bobbing up and down. Yeah! You only just realised? Yolanda knelt to see the suitcase. Wow. I swear that wasnt there last time I looked.

When was that?

Yolanda didnt meet my eyes. The last time I was helpfully cleaning your room? She then coughed. So how long have you been dating Sabrina? she said, leaning forward.

Thats I mean technically we were on break and I had said that one time that I couldnt do it while Flint Did this mean we were back together in Sabrinas eyes?

You two are good together! I approve! Sister approval is given for you to date Sabrina! she said with a nod.

I dragged a hand down my face and sighed. Thats not Urgh whatever. Yes! Were dating. Yolanda giggled and I palmed her face causing her giggles to be muffled but not stopped. I huffed at her and released her, Come on, Ill grab some food to help me wake up and then we can go get Titan up.

When we reached the kitchen we found Flint asleep on the countertop with a blanket around him. Yolanda smiled fondly and adjusted his blanket to cover him and I paused when I noticed the pokeball clutched in his hand. Looks like Forrest is going to have his starter pokemon.

Yolanda nodded happily as I scrounged for some food. The rummaging must have woken Munchlax up as he walked into the kitchen, yawning and blearingly investigating.


Tar! said Terra as she popped out to surprise Munchlax who jerked back and landed on his backside. Terra giggled to herself while Munchlax grumbled.

I handed Munchlax a juicebox to help him get over it while I slurped up a breakfast shake that had me feeling a little more awake. Right, lets go! I said, leading Yolanda out and inadvertently waking Flint up.

Huh?! Whats that? he said as he marched out.

Go to bed dad, Forrest wont wake up for another two hours, she said kindly before rushing after me. I shut the door behind us and walked through the garden of sleeping Lileep before making my way to the cave system.

When we got outside the cave I hoisted Terra and Yolanda onto my back. No lights, youll startle the pokemon that are still asleep. Titan will wake up fine but Don and some of the electric Geodude will react badly to light at this hour.

Sorry! Yolanda said while wrapping me up. I just patted her elbow and channelled dark energy to my eyes allowing me to walk down the tunnels without issues.

Tar?! Larvitar said as she snapped her head up to look at me. Huh, interesting, she could pick up on what I was doing? She watched me curiously as we moved through the tunnels. I could probably have navigated them from memory at this point but with Rock pokemon a shift in the path was likely to happen from their passage so it wasnt a sure thing.

When we got to the lowest section I deposited Terra back into Yolandas arms as I had her stand off to the side. Alright, Im going to wake him up and then turn the lights on so you can see.

How did you see?! Yolanda whispered. I never knew you could do that!

Secret big brother power? I said teasingly.

Brock! Be Serious!

Hmmmm, secret but one that you can technically unlock if you and Terra form a close enough bond. Thats all Ill tell you for now.

I could see her thoughtfully looking at her pokemon as I stepped away. Yolanda, by gaining a Larvitar, had stepped onto a path Id already walked. Shed be able to avoid a lot of the pitfalls while getting my insight into her pokemon. If she wanted it that was I really hoped she did though because I had a few journals of notes that I could offer her.

I whistled a few times to announce myself before I got too close to Titan. Bertha wasnt with him today, apparently choosing to sleep in her own cavern. Titan was sleeping on a slightly raised stone that came up to my hip for his bed. When I whistled his eyes snapped open and I heard Yolandas breath hitch as his eye gleamed in the dark.

Hey Titan, its me buddy. Sorry for waking you up so early but I have good news and a surprise!

Ty? he rumbled as he shifted into a more upright position.

Watch your eyes buddy. Im hitting the lights. I moved over to the side where a switch was located before flicking it. The light flickered on slowly but it still was enough to cause Titan and I to shake our heads as we adjusted.

Tar? he said, flicking a claw at his eyes to get rid of the gunk in them.

Tar? said a much smaller voice.

Titan blinked and tilted his head. I could see his sleeping mind comprehending the noise and the oddity of it but not matching it up to a pokemon he knew. He swivelled his head.

Tar?! He barked out, causing Yolanda to step into view with Terra clutched in her arms.

Terra wiggled as she spotted Titan and Yolanda almost dropped her only to kneel and deposit the little pokemon onto the ground. Titan stood as Terra waddled up to the base of the ledge to gaze up adoringly at Titan.

Taaaaaaaarrrrrrr! she said in awe.

Titan shifted, his body shaking to loosen up before he stepped off the edge. He did so carefully, his weight coming down gradually so as to not shake the earth with his passing. When he reached the same floor as Terra he stood and looked her over.

She was tiny compared to him. As a baby pokemon she hadnt even reached the typical height of a normal Larvitar and seemed like a tiny figurine as he stared down at her.

Taaaaaaaar! she said again grinning hugely.

I smiled towards Greta who finished writing her notes and likewise ran off to start working with Bulbasaur only to sheepishly come back. We dont have a move like that

Tackle is perfectly viable. Otherwise, try building up the strength of his Vine Whips. I pointed to where Chansey was standing with Bertha practising moving under Gravity. Try lifting some rocks with his vines in that area, just go slow alright?

Greta nodded and moved off to do just that. I considered the groups of pokemon and saw that they were all training well. I considered the various trainers I had just given an impromptu lecture to. I was tempted to go talk with Ash but he seemed to be working through the lesson easily. Honestly, he was working through it the fastest with Pikachu working on eclectic attacks and also on doing a speedy tackle that informed me he was trying to get Pikachu to learn Quick Attack. That or he was trying something else out. Perhaps hoping to make his Quick Attacks hit harder?

No, he had this lesson well in hand and as he released Butterfree to try other moves with another of his pokemon I decided against it. Instead, I turned to Misty who was looking frustrated.

Hey Misty, howre you doing? I said as I approached her.

Fine! she said through gritted teeth.

Hmmmm, I said neutrally as her Staryu tried to hold in the water attack only to end up spiralling off like a childrens spinning top. How did you word it?

Like Ash did! I didnt do anything different!

Ah, I said.

Misty scowled at me. Whats that mean?

Youre not Ash. Youre Misty. Pikachu is also not Staryu. Both of them will respond differently to different cues.

Misty considered this with a thoughtful nod. Staryu dont hold it in instead think about the flow of energy as building up through your body like a pool of water being filled!

I nodded, as Staryu cried out and repeated the move. This time he held for ten seconds before a blast of water shot out. Looks like progress, I said with a smile.

Misty beamed Yeah! Way to go Staryu! She bowed to me. Thanks for that Brock!

No problem, say, while Im here, could I ask a question? I said, alluding to the real reason Id come over to talk with her.

Sure? she said.

How come you didnt apply to challenge my Gym alongside Ash?

Misty blinked. Oh, well I guess Im not really not doing a circuit I guess.

How come?

Misty fidgetted and glanced over at Ash. I waved a hand. He wont hear us, and Im aware of who your family is, Misty. Id have thought it would have been a good thing to complete the circuit.

Really? I just hadnt really considered it before Plus you know, I want to be a Gym Leader one day, wont it look bad if I fail against another Gym Leader?

Itd look worse if you never tried, I said. She was startled at that, having obviously not thought of what it might look like. She shot me a look and I shrugged. But then again you could get away with it if you wanted. Its not something thats actually written anywhere. I was just surprised. I thought you wanted to take over the Gym from your sisters?

I do! They barely run it! When I take it over Ill give it the dedication it deserves! She fidgeted Howd you know about my goal anyway?

I have talked with your sisters, you know? Theyre aware of what you want. They mentioned in passing once that theyd drop things on you when you were ready.

Urgh, those stuck up bit she swallowed what she was going to say and coughed. Well yeah, theyre right. I want to be Gym Leader.

I nodded. Well going on a journey like this seems like the perfect chance to build yourself up. I pointed to her Staryu. You can build up a team, make some mistakes without it mattering too much, learn how other people do things and how you do things.

Misty considered that and I hummed before deciding she needed some time to think things over. Give it a thought. Id love to face a challenge from you. If you take over as Cerulean Gym Leader one day well have to have a match and you can be sure Ill bring my best pokemon. I pointedly looked towards Sanchez.

Misty turned her head towards Sanchez and watched as he unleashed a powerful Thunder and obliterated a boulder. Oh, she said.

I patted her on the back. Dont let that bother you though. Set goals and go from there. And feel free to ask questions. I get asked a ton already so dont feel like you need to hold back! I said while looking towards where Greta was working with her Bulbasaur.

Misty giggled at that and I moved off to work on a few others. When I made my way over to Stantler I found him looking a bit sad. Still struggling with it bud?

He nodded sadly and I gave him a few rubs. No problem. What Im asking of you is tough. Well keep working on it, but dont for a minute think Im putting the blame on you. Lets take a step back and work on holding the Calm Mind move in your head and horns for now. Well keep building from there, alright?

It would be worth My alarm started to blare and I looked down before grimacing. Alright gang! Thats enough for today! Lets get you all fed and then I need to get my own breakfast! I checked my transceiver and was relieved that I didnt have any Ace battles today. Thatd be rough with my pokemon tired from a harsh workout. Titan leaned against the rock wall and heaved in air having apparently continued to go all out. Terra was just out of sight and when she walked around and chirped Titan whirled around and adopted an upright pose that made it look like he was still willing and able.

I had no doubt about that. Terra had stars in her eyes when I returned and deposited Titans food bowl. She licked her lips and inched forward only for Titan to nudge some food her way. He then devoured the rest. Terra looked over to the others eating and Yolanda quickly grabbed her up.

No, you might be able to get away with it from Titan and Bertha but other pokemon wont like you stealing their food. Come on, Ill get you some food at home.

I cupped my hands over my mouth. Ash! Misty! Greta! I cant leave you out here! Turn in for now. We can meet up tomorrow for more training if you want! The others marched up quickly and I led them to the breakfast table for what was becoming a regular occurrence now.

Flint was thankfully already making breakfast which earned a nod of approval from me. I started making up the kids' lunches when a thought occurred to me. Hey Ash, Misty? Why did it take you so long to reach Pewter if you were just coming from Pallet town.

Ash shrunk into himself. I thought that Samurai knew what he was talking about

I tilted my head only for Greta to snort some milk out her nose. She hurriedly wiped her face with a napkin. That bug catcher cosplayer?! His advice was the opposite of good! Literally! You listened to that? Greta swept her attention from Ash to Misty who both didnt meet her gaze.

Forrest leaned in. What did he say?

Ash squirmed before adopting a stern expression. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west! That means if you keep the east to your left you will be heading north! he said with a pompous tone.

Misty tilted her head. Or was it the other way around? Keep East to your right?

Greta facepalmed and I chuckled. Forrest awkwardly tapped his fingers together. If he said the first thing he was wrong. If he said the second then he was right Uhmmm do you guys not have a compass?

Ash shrunk further into his seat and murmured something about Pikachu breaking it on their first day. I shook my head and made a note to give him an electric type resistant compass before he left Pewter.

Greta groaned. Urgh, I cant believe you listened to him! Gary and I had no problems ignoring that idiot! You should have been the same!

Gary just got lucky! Ash said with a snarl before sitting back down. Most likely

I turned my attention to my schedule as I finished up making up the lunches for the kids. I started to switch into work mode as I considered what else I needed to do. Urgh, it was still only the middle of the week! I couldnt wait for the weekend!

I paused as I realised that no actually, this weekend was the Mayors ball. Wait, no Sabrina was going to come with me. Sabrina who had. Hmmm, I needed to address this before it got away from me.

Sabrinas little declaration had escaped me last night. So she thought we were back together. I tapped my transceiver and sent a message. So were together right? I forgot to talk about that last night

Yes, she sent back. I glanced around expecting her to teleport near me only for her not to appear. I shrugged and got through my morning chores and was about to walk into my office when Sabrina teleported to my side.

Oh hey Sabrina, is something She approached and put a finger on my lips, silencing me.

I have been talking with Erika and she told me I should make sure there is no doubt. Were dating, yes?

I nodded glancing down at the finger that was still on my lips.

Good, in that case I will pick you up for the ball this weekend. She nodded and was about to teleport away only for me to grab her hand before she could.

No, I said. When she blinked I hurried to elaborate. No, you come over to my house and Ill organise something. We should make an entrance.

Her lips tilted upwards. Hmmm, very well, I look forward to what you come up with. she leaned back in and pecked me on the cheek before teleporting away.

I rubbed at the spot where shed kissed me and felt myself grow oddly hot. Alright, well good. That was good. Yes.

Damn. Now I needed to find something cooler than teleporting in for our entrance Urgh, there had to be something for that right?

That would be future Brocks problem. Right now I had to get to my first challenge of the day.

Still, it gave me something to look forward to for the weekend. I just needed to reach it without too much going wrong.