Chapter 105: Dealing with trouble

Name:Hard Enough Author:
Chapter 105: Dealing with trouble

Flint went pale when I told him. Oh no! What happened?! he said.

I jerked my head tightly. No idea, I have Yolanda ready to look after things and Granny Legiga coming over to hold things down here. Im going to the station.

A flicker of hurt emotion appeared on Flints face before he straightened up. Im coming with you.

I felt a momentary flicker of I wasnt sure what to call it. Surprise, validation, amusement, annoyance? I knew that he would come, expected it. But I still found it surprising?

Perhaps I was still getting used to having him around. I jerked my head outside and nodded to Yolanda. Well be back with Forrest soon.

She gave me a tight smile. Yeah, well save some of him for me to tear into! He shouldnt scare us like this!

I snorted and stalked outside to find Flint had already released his Onix. Climb on! he said. I rolled my eyes and instead flicked out Selene. She appeared and turned to me with a curious tilt of her head.

Forrest is at the police station. Can you get Flint and I there? I said. Flint quickly returned his pokemon with a sheepish cough. Selene bobbed up and down and her eyes glowed before she, for lack of a better word, glitched and reappeared to the side.

She shuddered and gave me a glare and warbled her cry. Luuuuuuuna! she said.

I tilted my head before grimacing. I grabbed at my energy, not even realising it had been radiating off me like it had before I tightly compressed it into a ball.

Or at least trying to.

It felt like it didnt want to go. Like it was too pressured to be held back. I took in a deep breath and tried again, only to find my control lacking. I let it go, and Selene flinched as it spilled out of me for a moment. Flint also stepped back, surprised.


I held up a finger and took another breath, ignoring the way the darkness within me had become more powerful with his interruption. A moment. Please, I bit out.

I took another breath and drew it back into my body before cursing under my breath. Great, just great. I clapped my hands together and exhaled heavily before inhaling quickly and opening my eyes. I found myself staring into Flints concerned expression. My brow twitched in annoyance, and I bit back the demand for him to give me room.

I dropped the pose and shook my head. No, alright, I dont have time for that. I need to get to Forrest and save him from whatever hes gotten himself into. I waved a hand at Flint, hating myself a little. Send out your Onix again.

Flint gave me a dubious look, and my gaze hardened. He released his pokemon and gave a reproachful look that I ignored as I hopped up onto the Onixs side before it quickly raced away. I ignored the voice that demanded I simply send out Zephyr and ditch Flint. Zephyr could carry two, but I didnt want to get cosy with Flint, of all people.

Instead, I tried to control the energy that felt like it had suddenly become too potent. A hand in the pocket had me rolling rocks around and feeling their coolness as they clinked and tapped into each other.

Flint chose then to speak up. So I think I can talk with the

Youve burned most of the goodwill you had with your departure Flint, My rock-type energy slipped through my fingers. The energy no longer felt like I was toying with rocks and boulders but a mass of pebbles with something crawling underneath.

As his father he started before trailing off, his jaw working. How did things get this way? he said.

I stared at him. He clenched his eyes shut and nodded slowly, realising what I was implying before he curled up a little on himself. I turned my head and reached into my pocket for the pebbles once more, resisting the urge to throw them at Flint.

When we got closer to Pewter City, Lawrence appeared riding on the back of a Tauros. He pulled up level with us with a tight expression. Brock, got your message. Jenny is sure that Jonathans sticking his nose into it?

I nodded tightly, and Lawrence cursed. Friggen dark types, thats annoying. This should be an open and shut case, with it being at worst a slap on the wrist for the brats before they get dragged around by their parents or relatives They do have relatives right? Lawrence said shooting me a look.

I opened and shut my mouth before shaking my head. Im not sure. I havent exactly talked with Forrest about his friends. Ive offered to hold sleepovers and parties, but he always declined. So I never met them much.

Really? Flint said incredulously.

I stared at him and silently reminded him that he was not one to talk about not knowing his familys likes, dislikes, or acquaintances. It annoyed me that he wasn't wrong, though. I had slipped up, and if I had paid more attention, I would have known these details. I knew Yolanda was friends with Crystal because they hung out in the Gym so often, but that was practically gift-wrapped for me. What were the boys names that Forrest hung out with?

Ren, Stimpy? Snot boy? I had no idea.

It hadnt been an issue in the past. And now suddenly, it was a huge, glaring issue. I pinched my brow and exhaled. "Alright, lets get in there, make sure Forrest is fine, and then get him out of there. I hopped off the Onix when we got within the region of no riding zone around the police station and started marching forward.

This all started with Lances declaration.

Then people came out of the woodwork trying to have a piece with the audit and getting Team Rocket sniffing around. Id been so focused on all those issues with running the Gym, finding Flint, and balancing out my family obligations. Also the whole leaving with Ash issue had still been up in the air for a while there.

Urgh! Id had this all managed, it felt like!

Flint had come home. Problem solved, only it wasnt cause I had to deal with him and all the issues him being home brought with it. Id mostly handled Ash though just not the way Id ever planned to.

Id let Daniel get close to me!

In hindsight, he had glaringly large red flags with how hed acted!

I felt like I was building up steam with all the recent issues. Some of them were successful, but I could only categorise some as unmitigated failures on my part. This was already shaping up to be the latter rather than the former.

How had I let it get this bad?!

Brock it would probably be a good idea to calm down, Flint said.

Im perfectly calm, I assure you, I said as I held tight to the darkness that threatened to boil out of me.

Lawrence coughed from next to me, jogging to keep up with my long strides that I now realised had just a touch of rock-type energy in them to propel me further. Brock, youre angry and you might lash out if things dont work out well.

Im not going to lash out unless I have to, I said firmly.

Lawrence broke into a run and turned to plant himself in front of me. Brock! Youre walking in there with a chip on your shoulder and intent. As your lawyer and more importantly, as your friend, I want you to stop! Take a second and calm down!

For half a second, I thought about going through him. What was he but a pebble in the way of of I stopped and stared down at him, realising where my thoughts were taking me. I shut my eyes but that didnt stop me catching the look of fear that had morphed across his face with how I was looming over him.

I took in a breath and focused on something else. Something positive.

Forrest was in the police station. Not the hospital or the morgue. Things werent that bad. I didnt have the answers, and Id need to talk to Forrest to get them. Talk, not threaten or growl like some beast.

Forrest was my brother, and I was just scared for him. I felt my lips twitch for a moment. It was a stretch but it was almost like the scene in the Lion King when Mufasa admitted he was scared.

I was scared and lashing out.

I let the breath out and found myself much looser. Lighter in both the sense of weight and illumination. I opened my eyes and nodded at Lawrence. Thanks, I said simply.

He took a shuddering breath of his own. Whew, yeah, no problem. Its my job to do that well for both roles actually. He laughed weakly, and I nodded.

Sorry, I said. Lawrence merely nodded.

Right, before we step in there, I imagine you want Forrest out, yeah? Were going to have to talk with him. Let him tell us the story, and then go from there. I cant imagine hes done anything too serious. Hes a good kid; hes grown up well with you Brock.

I gave Lawrence a smile. Now youre laying it on a bit thick.

Lawrence nodded. Standard procedure, Im afraid Unless they got overly rough with you?

Forrest shook his head. Ive had worse from Aron before. These were hardly that bad, honestly. Bobby started blubbering straight away, and Jenny stalked in looking smug, then she seemed surprised we were all kids, and she got kinda angry. Forrest squirmed in his seat.

Then she saw me and got all quiet. I think she swore, but then the other cops came in and started dragging us away. Then we got transported here, and all our pokeballs got taken from us. They took us to separate rooms and then left me alone until you guys came in thanks for coming, by the way.

I shot him a grin. Not going to let them do anything with you, little bro.

Lawrence nodded. Quite so, now there is an interesting situation that we can claim by having you state that you were in the midst of arresting or having the boys turn themselves in.

Theyre my friends! Forrest said, but there was a fear in his eyes now.

Lawrence raised his hands. Arresting or having them turn themselves in. The second obviously holds lesser sentence. This whole thing is not all that serious. Lawrence waved his hand about. Youthful indiscretion. No judge would give it serious time in court or entertain it. Its the police putting fear of the law into these boys. Scaring them straight if you would. Lawrence laced his fingers.

Where it becomes more complicated is with you. Lawrence pointed a finger right at Forrest. You, Forrest, are the brother of the current Gym Leader. He inclined his head towards me.

Forrest face turned red. But thats not right! Why would they His face turned pale. Oh.

Ah, you are familiar with the politics of the situation. It doesnt look good, you see. You being arrested. If however, we claim you were taken in mistakenly while performing your duties, we can sweep a lot of this under the rug. The police wont have a leg to stand on, and no one can really fault you. This becomes a humorous story around the water coolers and goes no further.

The others wont get in more trouble? I wont be selling them out? Forrest said. Lawrence shook his head.

Flint shifted but didnt say anything. I could see the conflict he had in remaining quiet about telling Forrest he should be looking out for himself. I agreed with him but could also see how Forrest would be conflicted. These were apparently his friends, and it could burn a lot of bridges if it wasnt handled delicately.

Alright, I think I can explain it to them later Forrest spoke slowly. Theyre not going to like it, but they did the wrong thing.

Lawrence beamed, and I could almost see the internal relief of oh thank goodness my young client is seeing reason. Excellent, so what we will do is

Someone knocked on the door, and Lawrence stood straight up and marched towards it. He opened it with a scowl. Im afraid that I am still discussing this situation with my client! he said waspishly.

He stood in the doorway firmly, but that didnt stop me from seeing who was on the other side.

Well, this is a surprise. I didnt know you were here Lawrence! Not that it matters, said Mayor Jonathan.

Why would I not represent my client, Mayor Jonathan? Im precisely where I should be! You are the one out of place! Lawrence said testily

Oh now thats where youre wrong. I need to look after the good citizens of Pewter! I hadnt heard you were in the building is all. Now as to what you were saying, its all good and well but this is a serious matter that needs to be handled

Mayor Jonathan, you have no reason to be involved here, nor do you have any reason to be involved in any criminal process!

Ah? This is a criminal case? Jonathan said leadingly. I bounced my leg as I heard the smug tone. I flicked my eyes toward Forrest as I felt my dark energy slipping. I didnt want to explode while sitting in the room with him. That wouldnt help anyone, so I redoubled my control.

Lawrence was holding his own anyway. In the case of the other boys, perhaps, but I think we can work out something with all of them and their parents to make this a lesson. This has nothing to do with you!

Really? Thats interesting because I just came from talking with those boys, and they said the most interesting thing. Apparently, this was all your clients plan, the whole graffiti, or should I say, gang tags, and the theft of a police officer's means of transportation, thus hindering them in their duties over the course of an entire week?

Thats not really what happened! snapped Lawrence. This is beyond irregular and I will be pressing charges on this ham-fisted

Mayor Jonathan! I heard Jenny speaking up as Lawrence began to wind up. She was asking the Mayor to return with her to see the chief of Police while others also spoke up. It sounded like it was getting chaotic out there.

I glanced at Forrest and noted how hed gone an interesting shade of pale green. Hed obviously heard what the Mayor was insinuating.

My man and I have been cleared with their families to act in their interests! I assure you! Jonathan said merrily.

Your man!? said Lawrence with a snarl.

Hello there, little lawyer man! If you could jus I was out of my seat and surging past a slightly dazed-looking Lawrence. I locked eyes with Will, and the control Id been straining to maintain on my emotions broke as the realisaiton that Jonathan had brought Will with him.

That stunk on so many levels. Wills eyes dilated as dark energy exploded out of me. I made sure to project the cold darkness straight forward.

None of the malice I felt in this moment would touch my family.

You overstep yourself, I said with a snarl, greatly.

The hallway I was in pulsed as shadows crept out. A few feet back from Jonathan and Will, a few police officers reeled at the darkness that roiled about the area. I noted that Officer Jenny was suddenly being nudged back by a Haunter, an Arcanine and a Machamp while she stared at me in shock. The Haunter looked oddly familiar to me, but I dismissed it as irrelevant.

I kept my focus on Will.

Mayor Jonathan, as my good friend Lawrence Wright was stating, it is not your prerogative to interrogate people. Particularly children. My eyes stayed on Will, and part of me delighted in how dilated with fear his eyes were. Hed remember this moment as one of the biggest mistakes of his life and I planned it make it a mistake he knew never to repeat.

You have also brought a known psychic-type specialist into a police station. This creates a number of questions that will need to be asked about proceedings.

I looked at the police officers. This entire case, as it is, seems to have lots of mishandling associated with it. I turned my gaze back onto Will and watched him sweat.

He hadnt known I was in there had he? Had he tried to scry Forrest or see a potential future perhaps? Sabrina had told me how I sometimes appeared out of nowhere to her if she tried that with me. Maybe I was reading into it too much? I doubted it though.

Jonathan had been surprised at Lawrence being here. He now looked terrified with my appearance. Hed thought he had a done deal, slam dunk before Id even made it onto the station.

I let a smirk appear. I loved having dark-type energy. Lawrence, I think well be taking Forrest home right now. If this matter is raised again, then you will have carte blanche on everyone present and the police as a whole.

Lawrence didnt say anything, but I heard him shift back into the room. A few seconds later, I heard a Were leaving Flint, Forrest. The police dont have a leg to stand on.

I heard them approach and so reined in my energy. It collapsed back into me, and the room returned to its dull gray as lights suddenly illuminated the space properly.

I stepped forward and waved for the others to follow me. When I got to Will I leaned into his personal space. He sucked in a breath, and I didnt stop myself from smiling at the thrill of pleasure his fear gave me.

If you ever try anything against my family again, Ill break you. No laws of man or pokemon will stop me. I stared at him and glanced across to Forrest. If youre smart, youll drop your challenge and rethink your life choices. Will stared at me in shock.

He swallowed. Youre like me? he whispered.

No, you and I are nothing alike, I replied as I straightened up and nodded to my group to continue to the front desk where we collected our pokemon once more. Lawrence frowned at the front door.

Best not go out the front door he said.

I glanced up from watching Forrest check the metrics on his pokeball to spot a number of what looked like cameramen setting up. I huffed in annoyance. Damn that Mayor. Lawrence let our friend know Im more than open to my side of the deal, and lets go to the roof. I drew in my dark energy when we reached the roof. A number of pokemon and three police officers on break eyed us curiously but didnt challenge us. I had no trouble controlling my dark energy now.

Perhaps that little outburst had helped? I released Selene and nodded. Take us home girl.

This time we all vanished in a flash of light. We appeared a few hundred metres shy of the Gym and Selene warbled a defeated tone. I patted her. Hey, no sweat. Im asking a lot. Try again please?

This time we appeared in the living room. Forrest collapsed into the lounge with a groan. He stared up at the ceiling. Now what?

I nodded and sat down opposite him. Yeahso about thatIm open to suggestions. I looked at the group at large, just as unsure of what the future would bring.