Chapter 136: Interlude - The world turns

Name:Hard Enough Author:
Chapter 136: Interlude - The world turns

In a dark room, a television clicked on.

and Im Chuck Clearskies on todays Battlecast showcase! Todays big match saw Ace trainer Will challenge Gym Leader Brock to an Ace battle! With pride on the line and the event hyped as the match of the week, it didnt fail to deliver! said the sports host on the Battlecast channel.

He stepped swiftly to the side and indicated the screen behind him that had pictures of Brock and Wills heads slamming together with a flash of electricity between them. Shards of rock exploded against pink energy as the eyes of Wills picture glowed.

This match was a nail-biter coming down to the last exchanges! It came down to the final two pokemon being utterly spent and unable to stand after a prolonged exchange between multiple pokemon! The match itself has raised a lot of controversy, however, as Will was noted to use moves that guaranteed him certain advantages. Brock is widely being praised for clawing his team back into the fight, while Will has raised questions with the League about certain rules and situations that havent been seen before.

A snort from someone off-screen made Chuck twitch, but he continued to smile. Joining me today to discuss the match is our battle analyst, Abby Actar!

The camera shot widened to reveal three other people sitting along a row of couches. The woman that had been introduced preened. Thanks for the introduction, Chuck! she said to her longtime co-host.

Jason Memea! said Chuck pointing towards a tall, shaggy-haired individual who winked.

Yo! said Jason.

Chuck nodded and then indicated the final man, a swarthy individual who leaned back with his arms spread, allowing him to claim a section of the couch for himself. Coming in with what I have no doubt is a hot take, we have the current Ace trainer and ranked fortieth on the Ace standings, Gavin Glady!

The man winked and shot finger guns at the camera. Its only hot cause itll have so many couch trainers breathing fire! said the man smugly.

Ha! said Chuck, Ill give you your moment; dont doubt it! For now, lets recap! We can certainly say there was some tension between Brock and Will with this match, wasnt there? Lots of people were wondering at the end if either trainer would shake hands to acknowledge the fight the other had put in!

Jason chuckled. Brock looked liked he manned up in the best way! Quite a strong handshake there Id say!

Hes a sore loser, said Gavin dismissively.

Abby whipped her head about, locking onto Gavin. He didnt lose! Despite Wills You know what! Im just going to say it! I think Will cheated!

Chuck leaned back, looking shocked. Wow! Oh wow! Thats a strong allegation to be throwing down there!

Ill stand behind it! said Abby.

More like youd let Brock stand behind you, muttered Gavin snidely.

Abby's head turned slowly. What did you say? she snarled.

You heard me, Gavin said unrepentantly. You and everyone else are Brock simps these days. Wah wah wah! Brock had some questionable tactics used against him. So what! Gavin said raising his voice.

He shot a finger in Abbys face. Im part of the Ace circuit, things arent as clean there as people like to pretend. Tactics like these? You see them all too often. Its just that they dont get televised. Most Ace trainers need a bit more resilience to advance to even the top hundred, things get scrappy after that, and you need methods to beat them. Brocks a Gym Leader, and he thought he could take on all challengers without having some tough battles.

Gavin made a dismissive gesture. I for one am glad Will showcased moves and tactics others have shied away from using!

It was pretty fucking dope that Brock picked up that Aggron of his and carried it off the field, no? said Jason with a grin.

A clip played of Brock lifting his pokemon and Jason whistled. That is strength right there.

Gavin sniffed. Hed had his pokemon use Autotomize. That means it wouldnt have weighed as much.

Chuck coughed. Actually, Ive been told that the weight would have returned to normal with his Knight being knocked out; something about energy spilling out once a pokemon loses consciousness? Chuck said, while holding a hand to his ear.

My thanks to the data crunchers in our team! Gavin said as he raised a thumbs up to a man who appeared briefly, looking extremely overworked while sitting in front of a wall of screens. They appeared for a second before returning to the talk show.

That right there! Abby said standing and jabbing a hand at the screen. The researchers just showed that Will had to be cheating! Mean Look shouldnt have stopped a recall when his pokemon were knocked out!

Gavin waved a hand. Specialty training methods can allow for all types of niche skills to be developed. This is just one of them; honestly, Will should be applauded for having so many niche skills, his Slowking, Exeggutor, Medicham, Jynx, and Alakazam. Gavin ticked off a number of fingers.

Chuck coughed and smiled for the camera. Well, he certainly has a strong pokemon team. Will has also stated before that he would advance along the traditional Kanto Gym route and has a number of Gym matches at the highest level booked. Hes doing this to showcase himself and also challenge some of the iconic trainers that most Kanto trainers face, in his bid for Elite Four. Throughout the week, he will also be facing off against a number of Ace trainers!

A list of known matches appeared, with the next gym match highlighted. Chuck made a show of looking it over. Oh, hes going to face an Ace trainer in two days and then facing off against the Cerulean Gym before facing Surge next weekend. That should make for an interesting week!

Jason clicked his tongue. Id like to say youre right there, but well, the Cerulean gym isnt where hes going to be getting his qualifications to be an Elite Four tested. Thats going to come from his Ace trainer matches and against Surge The Cerulean Gym

Gavin huffed. They run some nice performances, but thats about it.

Abby bit her lip, clearly not happy to agree with Gavin, but she eventually nodded.

Chuck nodded. Thats a fair assessment, I know the girls do well, but I think a lot of eyes will be turning to next weekends match against Surge.

Jason made a noise of disagreement, and everyone paused to look his way. I again have to disagree with you there, Chuck. The match Im looking forward to is the Will versus Brock rematch.

Jason raised his hands to ward off the others from speaking over him. Now, I know Brock didnt come into that match with ideal circumstances, but he revealed a lot of depth and heart to bring it back. The man won a lot of fans out there, and I want to see more of him.

Gavin waved a hand. Will isnt beholden to that. Hes shown hes just as good, and Brock is going to have to deal with the result. Thats life and the Ace circuit sometimes.

Abby huffed. Im not sure many people will be looking to support Wills run if todays performance is an indication of how he operates. He fought more like a dark-type trainer and thats saying something, as we have a literal dark-type trainer doing the same thing in Johto in a bid for the Elite Four position!

Shes not that good, Gavin said quickly.

Jason tilted his head. Didnt she beat you two weeks ago?

Gavin gained a look like hed sucked a lemon, and Abby grinned.

Yes she did, and now shes not accepting any of my requests for a rematch, said Gavin heatedly.

Abby adopted a saccharine smile. Oh well, thats life sometimes, she said, causing Gavin to glare at her.

Oh, go run the weather segment, said Gavin with a wave of his hand.

Abby shot to her feet and said, I am a professional battle analyst! I have been doing this for years! Im not some washed-up Ace that is tumbling down the ranks after barely making it into the top twenty!

Gavin snorted. Tough talk from a never was! he said, waving his hand dismissively.

Lets go to an ad break! said Chuck as Abby reached for a pokeball while Gavin jutted his chin.

Jason reached behind the couch and pulled out some popcorn, looking extremely pleased with this turn of events.

The show broke with an ad for Fastballs racing across the screen right as Abby hurled her own fastball.

The tv remote was raised with a scoff, only for a smaller, more delicate hand to be placed atop it.

Babe no! I want to see what theyre going to say! said the blonde woman.

Surge sniffed, but relinquished the remote. I know what theyre gonna say, and its Tauros shit is what it is. That puke Will is a cheap son of a bitch.

He won by rules lawyering, thats obvious and no one really likes that, but it's still allowed for now at least. I doubt the League is going to let that sit, though

She changed the channel, and sure enough, a newscast was playing out showing some people chanting and raising banners in front of the League headquarters at the Indigo Plateau.

Surge snorted. I bet most of those people are butt hurt that they bet big on Brock and he got cheated, and then they got cheated. There are a number of bookies laying low with their winnings this time instead of paying out.

You didnt bet on Brock? said the girl.

Tiffany! Who do you take me for!? Course I bet on my boy Brock! I just aint out there complaining cause my bet didnt pay off.

The woman shot him a glare. Its Hannah.

Oh, sorry babe! Im just so muddled up with how pissed Will has me! Surge said.

Hannah nodded dubiously, before deciding to drop the issue as a fight not worth having.

She instead tilted her head and considered Surge, If youre so close with Brock, how come you werent there during the match?

Surge stuck out his bottom lip in a fake pout. Didnt you want to hang out with me?

Hmmm, nah, Im glad you called me up. She shot him a wink and gestured at the bed. It was fun and all, just curious why you didnt go?

I aint going to be there for every pretender that takes a run at Brock, Surge said simply. Then he shifted. Its also probably for the best Might not have been able to contain myself.

Ah, youd have ambushed Will?

Yeah, sure, him too, Surge said before taking a swig of his beer. After what he pulled, hed deserve it.

Hannah clearly didn't understand as she tilted her head. Surge waved it off, and she huffed and played with the remote to return to watching the Battlecast show.

Surge snorted and ignored the talking heads. Like they had any clue. Used to be a time when the League wouldnt entertain the idea of some puke from Hoenn waltzing into the League and talking himself up like he was going to be one of the Elite Four. Theyd gone soft and crazy, which was a dangerous combination.

When Hannah hummed, he tuned back in. They make it sound like Will got lucky with how Brock had half his team injured in the lead-up to this match.

Surge narrowed his eyes and considered the sequence of events that had played out. Yeah luck, he said thoughtfully.

You dont think it was luck on Wills part? Hannah asked.

... Its awful convenient too convenient.

Hannah chewed her lip as Surge went quiet. Like a man formulating a plan on how to do something dangerous. On the television, the conversation turned to the next matches.

The hosts once again didnt bother with mentioning the Cerulean sisters and instead focused on the Ace Trainer matches and then Surges match. Surge narrowed his eyes when Gavin spoke up.

Surge is a begone relic. He doesnt fight in the big matches much, hes going down mark my words. Hes as simple as they come and Will is going to take him out. Six to two is my bet on that match.

She licked her lips. You alright there babe?

No, Im fucking not, Surge said tightly.

She shifted in close as Surge took a long pull on his beer. Whatre you going to do when you fight him?

Surge put down his beer and exhaled slowly.

When he spoke, he did so with a bass that made her shiver and all the small hairs on her body stand on end.

Im gonna bring the lightning.

what will the Leagues response be?

Kruger adjusted the microphone. It stung his pride that hed had this press conference to discuss the End of Circuit Conference, but once again a situation with Brock had forced his hand.

Now he was having to answer questions about rules-lawyering.

He stared at the reporter, who was gleefully waving his microphone at him. Kruger had to visibly hold in his annoyance. If it hadnt been this one, it would have been another reporter. The biggest difference between being a Mayor and rising to President of the Indigo League had to be how cutthroat the journalists were.

It was days like this that made Kruger curse the idea of independent press on certain topics within the League. Today was supposed to be a discussion of the funding allotment that would be put forth by the League to increase Ranger response as well as help repair the damage that the fire caused by trainers had caused.

None of the reporters wanted to talk about that right now. They had a new hot topic to chase.

Eventually, Kruger sighed and shook his head. While that issue is a separate concern from what weve been discussing today, I know that wont satisfy a lot of people.

The crowd of reporters shifted. Theyd been expecting him to say something generic, such as no comment.

The League will need to discuss the match between Brock and Will, while what occurred is within the rules, it can be seen as a match that has caused a significant social outcry. This match was not one that we as a League can point to and be proud of as a fierce contest. Many people were left with a bitter taste due to the circumstances of the match. Will has stuck to the rules as they currently stand, but it will be something that we examine in the near future as he has highlighted and brought to light a serious issue which has been reported to plague Ace matches that the public dont see on primetime television.

Kruger raised his hands to forestall the bloodsucking zubats that were the reporters, as they all clamoured to shout their questions. After a minute, they settled down, and he was allowed to continue speaking.

He huffed in annoyance. Yes, indeed, it was a world of difference to go from being a Mayor to President. At the end of the day, there will be questions, but an official investigation will not occur as neither trainer was drastically impacted by the event.

When he reached the lounge, he sank back into the chair. He then raised a remote and toggled the screen to display one of the safehouses.

The screen blinked on to reveal Will sitting hunched over on himself.

couldnt they have given me more support? I just needed a little push to finish it! Will was saying.

Will, they gave you lots of opportunities, The Madam said as she placed a pokeball on a receptacle that led to a computer. Giovanni was pleased to see it wink away. Bills invention might still be debated in the League but Giovanni knew a useful tool when he saw one.

If they had thumbed the scales too much, it would be obvious that you had outside interference. As it is, Brock and Sabrina will be highly suspicious.

Hed consider digitising most of the pokemon they stole, if it wasnt for the issues of sales, orhampering their ability to call out a roster of powerful pokemon at short notice.

Ill do better! I cant believe that that! Aberration was able to fight back like that! Will growled.

He is rather strong, isnt he? Madam said as she sat next to Will, feigning interest in the idea of Brock. Giovanni grimaced. It was bad enough he knew how this exchange his mother was having with Will would end, let alone the idea of that ever playing out.

Still, she had her wiles and Will didnt even realise how the Madam was wrapping her coils around him.

It paid to watch her work occasionally. A pokemon sauntered into view and Will perked up.

Giovanni rolled his eyes as the boys attention flickered to the blue haired Gardevoir.

The pokemon wasnt just a pretty showpiece, as some liked to think of it. It seemed the Madam was going in for the kill as she leaned in, her pokemon depositing some tea that wouldnt be drunk until later, before sitting itself down on Wills opposite side.

What you need to do, Will, is show the world just how good a trainer you are, the Madam said even as Will flicked his eyes from woman to pokemon.

Giovanni snorted and clicked the remote. He had seen enough. The Madam would continue to support Will and when he was prominent enough bring him back into the fold, with Team Rocket ready to get more out of the boy.

It would be telling if she decided not to bring the boy back in and instead tried to have him challenge Blaine or Giovanni himself. If she did that, hed have to destroy the boy.

But he doubted it would get that far. The boy would probably fight until Erika, and then make another plea for their support.

In the meantime, Giovanni could shift his attention to other projects that were worth his time.

Saul yawned as he settled down for dinner with his wife. Looks nice dear, he said while giving her a smile.

Hmm, she said as she read a magazine to the side. Saul rolled his eyes and raised his fork and knife, only to pause when Sabrina teleported into the corner theyd set up for her.

Sabrina? Saul said before shaking off the surprise. I thought youd be staying with Brock tonight?

You saw the match then? she said her voice shifting into her monotone.

Saul swallowed. Ah, yes, that. It wasnt very clean. Is Brock alright?

He is castigating himself unfairly. He also used too much aura and has fallen asleep, she said. She flicked her hair. I will wake him up when it is time for dinner and then put him back to bed.

Saul twitched in his mind, unable to not see how that might play out. For all their estrangement, he didnt like the idea of his daughter with a boy. Sabrina raised an eyebrow at him and he shifted his attention to his dinner. It wasnt like he could stop her anyway.

Sandrah lowered her magazine. Is something the matter Sabrina? she said causing Saul to realise that yes, hed missed the obvious. Sabrina was here instead of being with Brock, looking over him.

Sabrina shifted and looked to the side. Saul blinked, recognising that she looked embarrassed but unable to reconcile it with his grown-up daughter. It had been years since shed shown emotions like that! She was usually unashamed of most things.

I she started, only to pause as a long atrophied parental instinct in Saul made him stand and wrap and arm around his daughter.

Hey, its alright. How about you sit down and tell us about whats bugging you.

Sabrina shot him a flat look and Saul only realised hed accidentally told a joke. Bugging a psychic. Heh, hed have to remember that one.

She sighed and accepted the seat. I wasnt good enough. Will cheated or rather someone else cheated for Will but.. They were better than me. I barely detected them; their skill with manipulating psychic energy was I couldnt tell where the pokemons energy began and where the other persons began.

Youre sure it wasnt Will? Saul said.

Sabrina nodded. His use of psychic energy is rather crude. I also think he would not be able to stop himself from showing off if he was more skilled than he is. No, it was someone else.

Saul frowned. That was worrying. Someone better than Sabrina? It had been scary enough dealing with Sabrina. If someone was going around interfering in high profile matches

Are we sure it was a person? Sandrah said.

That caused both Sabrina and Saul to blink and Sabrina to inhale sharply. There was a pokemon that fought Moltres when we were in the Silver mountains it was psychic and extremely powerful.

Sabrina frowned before chewing her lip. Saul shared a look with Sandrah. Sabrina was emoting a lot today. Eventually, Sabrina nodded to herself and swallowed. I I need to be better if I want to have a chance at stopping it from acting again.

She turned and bowed her head to Saul. Can you help me get stronger?

Saul blinked in surprise. If Sabrina had done this years ago, hed have denied her. But now? She was much better, and more importantly, he knew she wasnt just doing this for strength but rather for others.

Sure thing kiddo! Ill look through the archives and dig up some tricks you can start working on.

Sabrina flicked her eyes to the side. I got into those years ago, she confessed, causing Saul to blink.


His worst nightmare back then had played out, but shed never acted on it. Oh, that was good?

Ill talk with some other Psychic types. Ill find something! he said as Sandrah nodded at him.

His wife nodded along before smiling at Sabrina. Your father will handle that but perhaps you should go back to your boyfriend?

I will.Thank you, mother, father, Sabrina said, giving them both small smiles. She then teleported out.

Saul huffed. Whyd you tell her to do that?

Sandrah rolled her eyes and lifted her magazine up. Your dinner is getting cold dear, she said.

Saul grumbled in annoyance into his meal.

Clefairy glowered at his fists. Chansey tsked at him as she worked.

I need to get stronger, he said.

Please, youre throwing yourself around too much. You end up in this medical bay more than any other pokemon, said Chansey dismissively, her hand stopped glowing and she walked off.

Clefairy perked up, only to stiffen as his body protested the movement. I dont feel fully healed?

Chansey sat on a swivel chair and slapped a poster that had to be new, off to the side. Clefairy eyed it. I dont read human.

Chansey huffed. It says Im not healing you again today, she said waspishly.

Clefairy glowered at her ineffectively. When she raised a cup of soda to slurp at, to show how much she was unaffected by his ire, he huffed. I could have helped out with that fight today if Id been stronger. In his heart of hearts, the one Bertha always talked about her magic powers coming from, he knew he was right.

Arrogance, rumbled a deep voice.

Clefairy stiffened, remembering that he wasnt the only pokemon in the medical bay right now. He turned and found the pokemon that had fought laid out on various beds. He noted they were resting with cushions under them and they had carts of healing potions next to each of them.

On the closest bed, laying on his stomach, Titan rested with a single eye watching Clefairy.

What do you mean? Clefiary asked.

It is arrogance to assume that you alone could have changed the course of a battle. A battle is a larger event. Brock must bear much of the responsibility as our trainer, but even he isnt the only one who decided the outcome of the fight. It comes in many decisive moments.

Moments like when you went down, Tide! croaked Shrek the Swampert from his bed.

Clefairy leaned to the side to find Tide the Lapras with his head in the corner occasionally bumping it.

Tide shot Shrek an annoyed look. Id like you to go years with a harem and then try not getting worked up after a dry spell!

Shrek croaked a laugh, but Titan raised his head. Thats enough, Shrek; Tide is not incorrect. Shrek lowered his head, and Tide shot him a victorious look, only for Titan to keep talking. But Tide isnt going to live this down for a while.

With both pokemon quiet, Titan turned his attention back to Clefairy. You will be a strong part of the team in the future, but dont try and rush yourself too much like you have been. Brock will help you reach your full potential. Brock has a method that might take months, but in the past it took years. It has been something he has developed. Right now, you only have a limited idea of what that entails. I myself am not sure if I have reached my peak yet, with how Brock sometimes talks.

Clefairy gazed in awe. Titan could get stronger? Wow, their trainer was amazing.

Clefiary fidgetted on the bed. I jus I know Im close to being able to help out.

Titan inspected Clefairy. You have come a long way, I and the others have noticed. You are an inspiration to us. Clefairy blushed at the praise. Titan merely nodded. Dont begrudge yourself the time. You can go the distance.

I will! I will go the distance! shouted Clefairy.

Titan nodded his head and made a show of looking around at the other pokemon in the medical bay with them. We will all be right there with you, he said, causing the other pokemon to perk up.

Titan lowered his head. But for now we must rest and recover our strength; this is not a weakness as it allows us to dream of the heights we will reach.

Clefairy grinned and laid down, all too able to imagine himself soaring high. When he awoke, he just knew hed be ready to grow stronger.

He didnt notice Chansey moving up to him and healing him properly as he slept.

In a secluded hospital wing, a womans hand twitched once. It would have been missed if the woman sitting beside her hadnt been watching the slumbering woman.

She stiffened. A-agatha? said Karen, sitting up. Her eyes searched for even a hint of further movement. She considered calling for the nurse to check on Agatha, only to pause.

You awake, you shitty old hag? she said firmly.

Agatha didnt even twitch. Karen frowned. Then she eyed the television shed been using to dull the boredom of her visits. She turned the television to a music channel and cranked up the volume as loud as it would go.

ichu, Nidoqueen, Bellsprout, Starmie!

Whoo, were at the halfway point. Dooing great so far!

WE? Whats this we stuff? Im

Turn off that garbage! growled Agatha, causing Karen to grin.

Ha! I knew you were faking it, you old hag! she said, pouring a glass of water and handing it to Agatha.

When Agatha cracked open a red eye and glared at her and then at the television, Karen cut the noise to the obnoxious Pokemon Rap that some clown had put together. Wherever he got the idea of one hundred and fifty, Karen had no idea, but it was catchy, and dumb kids liked it, so it was on the music charts, and therefore perfect to tweak an old womans nose with.

A nurse was buzzed, and one promptly bustled in to run some observations and check over the old woman. She collected some answers from Agatha on how she felt and such, that Karen ignored. When the old woman ordered some food, Karen knew she was feeling better.

So, I get injured and you drop everything to watch over me like some chick that cant leave the nest? Agatha said eyeing the mess of sheets that Karen had used as a bed.

T-tha! She stammered, only to scowl. I was just waiting for you to die so then I could go hunt all the closest Gastly!

Ho, thats rich! Do you have any idea what that sounds like? You admit to needing me to help you out for the rest of your life!? Grow up brat!

Shitty Hag! snarled Karen.

Naive brat! snapped Agatha back.

The two women locked eyes, and with anyone else, a pokemon battle might have broken out. Instead, they both relaxed a little and looked away, smiles on their faces.

Agatha yawned and leaned back into her pillow. Karen bustled around and nudged the older woman to drink some more water, and when her meal arrived, she cut it up so the old woman wouldnt choke on it.

When the water and food were done, Agatha sighed. Alright, thats enough rest for a wicked soul like me.

She levelled a look at Karen. Tell me whats been going on since I fought with that pokemon, granddaughter!