Chapter 20: A dish created for my wife

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Seeing a white and tender lion head in the small cup, the golden and white soup is clearly separated, and the verdant embellishment is like a beautiful picture scroll.

At this moment, all the old diners couldn't help but exclaim.

"Gosh, where is this still a dish? It's a work of art."

"It's so beautiful, old Su, it looks like Su Ji has a successor."

"It's so beautiful, me, me, I dare not eat this?"

The old head Zhang, who had been here once yesterday, smiled and said at this time: "Ha ha ha, now do you know how I felt yesterday? Lao Su, the son-in-law, has already sublimated the cooking. I am afraid that Master Su was also at the state banquet. Is it true?"

Another old man with a long beard nodded in agreement: "Indeed, this is more than just a dish, it's really like a work of art."

And a silver-haired old lady said: "Cooking skills, this is the real cooking skills."

Hearing the compliments of a group of old diners, Feng Yifan hurriedly smiled and said: "Uncles and aunts, don't praise me so much. I am embarrassed. This is one of my innovative dishes. Please help me to taste it."

A group of old diners hesitated for a while, and finally triggered Mrs. Liu to say: "Okay, let's try it."

The white porcelain spoon is gently scooped down, and a small lion head is scooped out, and at the same time mixed with some soup.

The old diners carefully put them in their mouths.

The golden soup is sweet and waxy, and the white soup is salty and fragrant.

is paired with tofu mixed with mashed fish meat, and the deliciousness instantly jumps on the taste buds after a bite.

At this moment, it is really impossible to describe it in any vocabulary. Every diner is reluctant to put down the spoon in his hand and just eat it one by one.

The golden soup is matched, the white soup is matched, and then the golden soup and the white soup are mixed.

Every bite has a completely different taste experience. The deliciousness jumps on the tip of the tongue, like a traditional opera that is not gorgeous but can't stop.

Perhaps there is no such gorgeous western stage drama, no more intense emotional bursts.

But the euphemistic and melancholic, but simple operas can better reflect the implicit beauty of the East.

The small restaurant was very quiet, no one spoke, the only sound was the crisp sound of the spoon and the cup.

Finally, when the lion’s head was finished, the diners unanimously picked up the small cup, put it in their mouths, and used a spoon to scoop all the soup into their mouths.

successively put down the small cup in his hand, the diners did not say a word, sitting there still remembering.

Such a lion head really brings a different experience to everyone, and the "color, fragrance, meaning and shape" are simply perfect.

These old diners present can be said to be the dishes of Sukiyaki. There are even a few elderly people who invited Su Ji’s chef to the wedding banquet when they got married.

Suji, a small restaurant, is so popular among old diners because of the taste of the dishes.

Old diners like Su Ji because although Su Ji is a small restaurant, the dishes it presents can be top-notch in terms of “color, fragrance, meaning and shape”.

When Grandpa Su Ruoxi was alive, many big restaurants would send chefs to Su Ji to study art, or ask Grandpa Su Ruoxi to guide him.

One of the important reasons for this is that Su Ruoxi's grandfather cooks dishes, and the "color, fragrance, and shape" are exceptional.

After Su Jinrong took over, he was once invited, and even held a position in the catering association.

only a few years later, with the influx of more foreign restaurant dishes. These traditional dishes of Su Ji are gradually not being sought after by young people. Naturally, Su Ji returned to the role of a small restaurant on the old street.

In the following years, Su Jinrong no longer pursues excellence, retains the taste but no longer pursues "form and meaning".

This is in line with the style that a small street restaurant should have.

But for the old diners, they will still miss the dishes of Su Ji’s top-notch "color, fragrance, meaning and shape" back then.

Now, Feng Yifan's return, once again let old diners see such perfect dishes.

Such a unique and innovative dish is actually not a gorgeous dish, and the ingredients are not so expensive. But it is such a kind of simplicity that reveals a kind of luxury, which really makes old diners endless aftertaste.

Finally, after a long silence, Mrs. Liu spoke.

"Old Su, you son-in-law is really amazing, this dish is really amazing.

To be honest, I haven't eaten this for many years. Such a dish that maximizes the ‘color, fragrance, and shape’ of this dish, I feel like I’m going to be greedy after eating it. "

Feng Yifan listened to Mrs. Liu's words and said with a smile: "Hehehe, you like Aunt Liu. If you want to eat it, I will prepare it for you at any time."

As soon as   's words fell, another old man smacked his mouth carefully for a long time and said, "Well, besides tofu, there should be a kind of delicious meat in this lion's head? It should be a kind of fish?"

Feng Yifan was a little surprised when he heard the old man's words. He didn't expect the other party to be able to eat fish.

Seeing the surprise on Feng Yifan’s face, the old man smiled and said, “Is it strange? Why can I guess it? Because only fish can harmonize well with tofu after removing the original flavor.”

Feng Yifan nodded and said to the old man: "Well, it is indeed fish. I used catfish. I bought some fresh ones today."

Hearing this, the old man's eyes lit up: "Hatfish? No wonder, this Dajiang Sixian still has a well-deserved reputation. Mr. Dongpo has the poem "The pink stone head is still boneless, and the snow-white puffer fish is not a medicine man." , Beautiful."

has won unanimous praise from everyone, and Feng Yifan is also very happy. This is an affirmation of his new dishes.

Actually, this dish was also created by Feng Yifan in his previous life, when he was thinking of his wife.

He clearly remembered that his wife Su Ruoxi liked eating catfish and lion head very much. Therefore, Feng Yifan in his previous life created this "double soup catfish tofu lion head" for his wife, and even the two kinds of soup are blended according to his wife's taste. UU reading

It's a pity that in his previous life, he couldn't let his wife taste it. Now he can finally cook it for his wife.

Feng Yifan looked at his wife at the counter, walked to the counter quietly, and whispered to the wife at the counter: "Don't worry, the catfish I bought are still available. I will cook it for you and your daughter in the evening. "

Su Ruoxi was taken aback when she heard this, and then felt that her husband said that she was like a foodie, and she responded a little unhappy: "I didn't say to eat. What does it matter to me whether you do it or not?"

Seeing his wife Xiao Tsao Jiao's appearance, Feng Yifan couldn't help but become happy. Now, the more I look at it, the more cute his wife is.

smiled, and Feng Yifan said, "Well, all right, I will only cook for Ruoruo at night."

Hearing this, Su Ruoxi was immediately unhappy: "Do you dare to..."

After blurting out, Su Ruoxi felt something was wrong again, as if he had followed Feng Yifan's way, and immediately turned her head away and said, "Hmph, it's up to you to do it or not. I don't bother to care who you make it for."

Seeing his wife pretending to be indifferent, Feng Yifan found it even more interesting, did not speak much, turned around and went back to clean the table.

The small cups and noodle bowls were cleaned up, and the old diners were satisfied with their meals. They sat and chatted with Su Jinrong.

It’s approaching summer, and the afternoon sun is scorching, but the atmosphere in the Su Ji restaurant is even more hot. Old diners are chatting, and Su Jinrong tries to insert a few words from time to time. The atmosphere is really hot and harmonious.

Feng Yifan prepared some tea for everyone after the meal, which can be considered as a refreshing summer for everyone.

Although Su Ji now has only old diners to join in, Feng Yifan leaned against the back kitchen door, watching the harmony scene in the restaurant. From time to time, I will "talk to my wife" with my wife in the air. This kind of small day is cozy and satisfying.