Chapter 36: Sweet and sweet cookies with flowers and herbs

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Hearing Feng Ruoruo said that today her father will bring delicious food to everyone again, and all the children in the class immediately focused on Feng Ruoruo.

Even Teacher Fang, who was standing outside the circle of children, couldn't help but look at Feng Ruoruo, recalling the taste of cotton candy yesterday. Unconsciously, I wonder: What will Feng Ruoruo's father send today?

This question was quickly asked by the children in the class. The one who asked this question was Liu Yan, who was helped up by Liu Zihao and was still crying.

The little girl stopped crying in an instant, and looked at Feng Ruoruo and asked, "Ruoruo, what will your father send today? Is it still cotton candy?"

Speaking of yesterday's marshmallows, many children in the class were looking forward to it and wanted to eat marshmallows again.

Because yesterday, those sweet and sour marshmallows with fruity sweetness taste really delicious, and the children in the class can hardly forget them.

Feng Ruoruo saw the children all looking at him, and all of them were full of expectation. At this moment, the little girl really felt a sense of pride in her heart. She felt that her father was too great.

But then, Feng Ruoruo's face collapsed instantly, and her little face was filled with helplessness and replied: "I don't know, dad said to keep it secret, he will send it when it's done."

After a brief silence, the children present chatted and discussed, and began to speculate about what it was?

"It must be more delicious candy."

"Not necessarily, it might be a delicious snack."

"Isn't sugar a snack?"

"Sugar is sugar, snacks are snacks."

"Then what is dim sum?"

"Dim sum is dim sum."

The child who was asked "what is dim sum" was also dazed because he did not know what dim sum was.

Seeing the guesswork of the children in the class, Teacher Fang thinks this group of children is getting more and more interesting.

Then, Teacher Fang clapped his hands, attracted the children's attention, and said very seriously: "The teacher asks you, do you all know what snacks are?"

A group of children replied in unison: "I don't know."

Teacher Fang then found the teaching cards from the cabinet in the classroom and showed them to the children.

"Look, these steamed buns, dumplings, and these cakes are actually dim sum, and biscuits are also dim sum, so there are many types of dim sum."

was lifted up by Teacher Fang one by one, and the children also had a clear understanding of Dim Sum.

Then Teacher Fang took the opportunity to teach the children some interesting knowledge, and finally taught the children the word "Dim Sum" to recognize.

The children who were still frolicking just now naturally entered the rhythm of Teacher Fang and started to learn things with Teacher Fang.

Of course, while the children are studying, they are even more concerned about what delicious food Feng Ruoruo's father will send?

In the Su Ji restaurant, Feng Yifan brought out the first plate of baked cookies.

The strong scent of biscuits permeated instantly, so that Su Ruoxi, who was still a little dismissive, suddenly couldn't suppress the gluttons in his stomach.

Then, watching her husband bring the tray over and put it on the table made before, Su Ruoxi hurriedly pushed her father over.

The reason why Su Ruoxi wanted to push her father was to show her husband that it was her father who wanted to take a look, not that she couldn't wait.

In the tray, square cookies are neatly placed. The most eye-catching thing is naturally the petals and leaves glued to the biscuits, which look like specimens.

At the same time, it also makes the cookies exude a scent of flowers and grass.

Seeing Su Ruoxi more and more fascinated, Feng Yifan pinched a piece and handed it directly to his wife.

"Come on, have a taste and see how it tastes."

Su Ruoxi faced the biscuits handed over by her husband. She didn't want to reach out and pick it up, but the scent of the biscuits was really attractive.

In the end, Su Ruoxi still took the biscuits, but she also made up her mind secretly not to eat as much as yesterday.

After making up his mind, Su Ruoxi gently broke apart a small piece. When I was about to put it in my mouth, I saw the petals stuck on it and couldn't help asking: "Are these petals really edible?"

Feng Yifan nodded: "Of course it is edible. These petals have been sterilized, and I have cleaned them specifically so that they can be eaten."

After getting confirmation from her husband, Su Ruoxi finally put the cookie with the petals in her mouth.

At the moment of mouth, a small piece of biscuit and saliva will melt in the mouth like ice and snow.

Then, the scent of petals and the scent of cookie milk spread in the mouth.

Swallowing this bite, Su Ruoxi put the rest of her hand to her mouth, and bite into it.

bit down suddenly, the biscuit powder broke apart and fell, so Su Ruoxi hurriedly caught it with her hand.

When a biscuit was eaten, Su Ruoxi even sucked and ate the fallen biscuit crumbs.

After eating one piece, Su Ruoxi looked at the tray in Feng Yifan's hand and wanted to get another piece, but she was a little bit embarrassed.

When Feng Yifan saw his wife, he smiled and said, "It tastes very good, right? Come on, eat it slowly. I still have two plates that I haven't baked. Anyway, if the kindergarten can't send so many, you can eat it today. "

Su Ruoxi, who was about to reach out for a hold, stopped when he heard Feng Yifan's words, with an unhappy expression on her face.

"What is open eating? Huh, don't you just know how to make cookies? Such a simple thing, a three-year-old child can eat you, is it rare to eat yours?"

While his wife spit on Feng Yifan, she stared at the remaining cookies in the baking tray.

In Feng Yifan's eyes, this scene is really very interesting, and it also shows the cute side of his wife. It really looks like a little girl and a very arrogant little girl.

Feng Yifan showed "aunt's laugh" all over his face, and at the same time couldn't help thinking about in his previous life, he really hadn't seen this side of his wife.

In my previous life, I really pursued fame and wealth too much. I ignored everyone around me, and I didn't even appreciate the beauty of my wife.

Su Ruoxi noticed that her husband was always staring at her, and soon she was a little embarrassed to be seen.

"What do you always look at me for? You plan to stare at me, afraid that I will eat more, are you? Who is rare, you can take it away, and send it to your daughter. I won't eat it anymore."

Talking, Su Ruoxi reached out and planned to pick up the baking tray that her husband had put down, and threw it directly to her husband.

When Su Ruoxi reached out to touch the baking tray, Feng Yifan quickly reached out and grabbed his wife's hand.

"Be careful, it's still hot."

I didn't see it, but when she was bluffed by her husband, Su Ruoxi was startled, and she subconsciously exclaimed, "Oh."

Feng Yifan was very nervous, holding his wife's hand and looking at it carefully, and asked, "Is it hot? Where is it?"

Su Ruoxi looked down, her husband held her hand and looked up and down there. The tension between the husband's eyebrows is very real and not fake.

Looking at it, Su Ruoxi's eyes showed emotion.

Feng Yifan raised his head just now.

The young couple looked at each other like this, and they both clearly saw the sentiment in each other's eyes.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment, and the two people are looking at each other, forgetting everything around them, only each other in their eyes.

But it only looked at each other for a while, and the sound from outside the shop awakened the couple instantly.

The two people seemed to be a pair of children who were secretly in love, and they quickly avoided each other, not daring to look at each other again.