Chapter 180: Square dance to attract daughters (Friday/Friday)

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
At night, the lights were on in the small park across the road from the west end of the old street. At the same time, it can be clearly heard across a road, and the opposite side resounds through the sky, making people feel ear-splitting.

Feng Yifan is naturally no stranger to the sound of acoustics in the square around the small park, knowing that it is a popular square dance in China.

However, Su Ruoxi felt that her husband had been abroad for five years and was relatively unfamiliar with these three situations, so she leaned closer to explain to her husband.

"That is square dance, which has been very popular in China in the past two years. It is some retired old ladies who like to dance together, saying that it has a fitness effect. Therefore, as long as there is a spacious area in the streets and alleys, they all dance. "

The wife was talking, and there was already singing from the other side.

"the vast horizon is my love……"

Although the sound was turned down later, the sound was still quite loud, and at least it could be heard more clearly across the road.

Feng Yifan lowered her head and found that grandma over there had already twisted her little granddaughter. Upon seeing this, he smiled and said to his wife: "It seems that not only the old lady likes it, but the children of Feng Ruoruo also like it."

Su Ruoxi turned her head and looked over, and saw Feng Ruoruo, who was holding her grandma's hand, twisting with the music with her grandma.

I have to say that the grandfather and grandson are quite accurate when stepping on the point, and they can step on the point every time they twist.

Su Ruoxi looked at it for a while and couldn't help but laugh: "Ruo Ruo seems to like this song, maybe she has listened to it a lot, but she didn't come here because of her poor health."

Hearing what his wife said, Feng Yifan finally understood why his daughter had come to the small park here.

It turned out that in the past, my daughter would always come here to play with her mother at night to watch those grandma dancing in the small square in front of the park.

But since my grandfather fell ill, my mother has to take care of my grandfather, clean the restaurant, and take care of Ruoruo. There is no time to take her daughter to the park here to play.

So for a while, my daughter has never come here to play again.

When Feng Yifan took her daughter out to play before, he could not see the grandma dancing because it was late here.

Today, the children of Feng Ruoruo are very happy. The time to come is just right, and the grandmothers are dancing the last song.

Feng Ruoruo twisted with her grandma for a while, and saw that the green light had turned on at the intersection, she quickly turned her head to greet grandpa and mom and dad: "Hurry up, hurry up, the green light, let's go there quickly."

Feng Yifan smiled and agreed: "Well, you slow down, holding the hands of grandma and mother, and father pushing grandpa behind."

In this way, Feng Yifan pushed his father-in-law to follow his impatient daughter, and crossed the road to the small park opposite.

The dancing place is naturally impossible to be at the intersection, and you need to go a little further inside.

At this moment, Feng Ruoruo couldn't wait, and she shook off her grandma and mother's hands, and had to run over to see by herself.

Luckily, Lu Cuiling's eyesight is quick and her hands are quick, she stepped forward and pulled her little granddaughter's hand back up: "You can't let go, there are so many people here, so grandma can take you with you."

Feng Ruoruo did not refuse. She pulled her grandma up and ran and said, "Grandma, let's hurry up, or it will be over in a while."

My daughter knows the end time of the square dance very well, perhaps because she came here to listen a lot before.

Su Ruoxi explained the same with her husband: "Your daughter can recite those songs, knowing that as soon as this song is played, it is the last song of the grandma's square dance, the grandma will be gone after this song is over."

Hearing his wife talk about her daughter's funny stories, Feng Yifan always smiled on his aunt's face.

At the same time, I felt more and more that I missed too much time with my daughter, and missed a lot of interesting scenes for my daughter.

Thinking of this, Feng Yifan stretched out his hand and gently held his wife's palm and said, "I'm sorry, my wife, you have worked hard these years. I have not been with you and Ruoruo, and I have missed a lot of Ruoruo's growth."

Su Ruoxi and her husband clasped their fingers, but still groaned: "You know that too? Huh, I think you are really annoying when you think about it."

Feng Yifan held his wife's hand and held it up and said, "Well, it's really annoying. I'm so stupid. I will never let go in the future."

At this moment, Su Ruoxi's cheeks slowly turned red, but her eyes were full of joy.

"Cough cough cough..."

Just as the young couple looked at each other and felt a little sticking together, Su Jinrong coughed and awakened the young couple.

Su Ruoxi asked nervously, "Dad, are you okay?"

Su Jinrong turned his head and said, "Push me in. I want to practice."

Feng Yifan quickly woke up and realized that they had been standing at the intersection of the small park and had not really entered the small park. Then he hurriedly pushed his father-in-law into the park with his wife.

The small park is divided into several sections, and the relatively spacious small square has been occupied by the square dance troupe.

Feng Yifan and his wife pushed his father-in-law together and came to the flower bed under the big tree in the middle of the park. There were a little less crowded here.

When he got here, Su Jinrong asked to stand up and exercise.

Feng Yifan also waited very carefully, helping his father-in-law to fix the wheel of the wheelchair, and helping his father-in-law to get up in front.

However, Su Jinrong did not let his son-in-law support him when he stood up. Instead, he squeezed the armrest of the wheelchair hard by himself, stood up slowly and carefully, and adjusted his body to stabilize.

Subsequently, Su Jinrong asked his son-in-law to push the wheelchair forward so that he could slowly practice walking in the wheelchair.

But Feng Yifan thought for a while and felt that using a wheelchair is not very good. After all, the wheelchair is not very stable.

Feng Yifan faced his father-in-law and raised his two forearms and said, "Dad, I am unstable in a wheelchair. You are holding my arm. Let's practice slowly like this, OK?"

Feng Yifan's approach at this moment is like a father guarding a toddler.

It's just that the father-in-law's weight is obviously much heavier than the child, but this method is indeed more secure.

Su Jinrong hesitated, and finally agreed to the son-in-law's approach. Because last time I came with my father-in-law, Su Jinrong also felt that the effect was not very good after practicing, so I want to try a change today.

Su Jinrong grabbed his son-in-law's forearm, and with the support of his son-in-law, slowly began to try.

In fact, this process was not easy for Feng Yifan. Because Su Jinrong was struggling almost all over his body in order to take a step, so he held his son-in-law's forearms with his hands, the more he clasped them harder.

But Feng Yifan didn't say a word, but waited slowly, waiting for his father-in-law to take a step.

Finally, after exerting force all over the body for a long time, Su Jinrong finally took the first step.

But after taking the first step, my legs softened instantly and almost fell. It was strongly supported by Feng Yifan.

"Dad, good, come on."

Standing beside Su Ruoxi watching this scene, she was really touched, tears were already rolling in her eyes. He also clenched his fists, and raised his mouth to bite his fingers lightly.

Finally, with the encouragement of his son-in-law, Su Jinrong stood up again, and then took the second step with the help of his son-in-law.

Gradually finding the feeling of practice that day, Su Jinrong walked forward step by step, and Feng Yifan slowly backed away step by step.

Weng and son-in-law practiced slowly as they advanced and retreated.

By the end of the singing over there, Su Jinrong had already walked about five steps. At this time, he was already sweating, but his face was full of joy.

Feng Ruoruo followed her grandma to find her, and when she saw her father helping her grandpa walking again, the little girl hurried over.

"Yeah, grandpa is great, he walked so far."

While talking, the little girl raised her arms horizontally and gestured from behind her grandpa to the wheelchair position: "It's so long, grandpa is really amazing."

Hearing the words of his granddaughter, Su Jinrong naturally wanted to turn around to look at it, but he couldn't stand steady when he twisted. Fortunately, Feng Yifan held his father-in-law, and Su Ruoxi hurriedly pushed her wheelchair over.

When his father-in-law sat down, Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Dad, it's really great today. After five steps, we will be long in Japan and practice more in the future."

Su Jinrong was also very satisfied, with a smile on his face and said: "Okay, practice more."

Feng Ruoruo leaned in and said, "Then Ruoruo will accompany my grandpa to walk together in the future, grandpa, come on."

Seeing the smiling face of his granddaughter, Su Jinrong nodded contentedly and smiled. Lu Cuiling and Su Ruoxi glanced at each other. Seeing such an interesting and harmonious scene, both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law naturally laughed happily.