Chapter 195: Diners arrive in advance (Friday/Friday)

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Chapter 197 Diners visit in advance (55) seeking subscription

It was not others who probed in front of the gate of Su Ji, officially Meng Shitong, He Yaqian and their small team.

Yesterday, you can say that you worked overtime all day in the studio. It was the first one to make a video about the old street, and the video website was uploaded last night.

Several people got up very late this morning, mainly because the previous day was so busy that it was too late, all of them were really too hard.

It was close to noon when they got up, and the group of people got together to discuss it, feeling that they didn't really want to order takeout, so they simply went out together to have a sumptuous lunch in Su Kee.

Came to the familiar old street, all the way to the door of Su Ji.

To a few people's surprise, Su Ji's door had been opened, but the inside was empty. Neither Chef Feng was seen, nor the proprietress.

This made Meng Shitong and the others very strange, so they probed their heads at the door and hesitated to enter.

After some observations, the photographer A Fei boldly said, "What are you looking at at the door? The doors are all open, so let's go in directly. Besides, you haven't seen Mr. Su sitting inside? "

When reminded by photographer A Fei, Meng Shitong and the others also saw Su Jinrong sitting on the edge of the table in the innermost row of the restaurant.

Under the leadership of Meng Shitong and photographer A Fei, several people stepped into the door boldly.

After entering the restaurant, "duo, duo, duo" a piercing business, attracting several people's attention.

At this moment, under Su Jinrong's guidance, Lin Ruifeng has gradually found some sense of rhythm. Although the cutting speed is still not fast, he has begun to have a sense of rhythm.

In the eyes of Meng Shitong and the others when entering the door, Lin Ruifeng's cutting movements really surprised them.

Although the speed is not fast, every cut is clean and tidy. It cut to the end with one cut, then lifted it up, and fell again very cleanly.

With the successive cuts like this, it is natural that the knife and the cutting board collide with a very rhythmic sound.

At first, everyone who entered the door dared not speak out, fearing that it would disturb them.

After watching for a while, He Yaqian couldn't help but whispered to Meng Shitong: "Sister Meng, how do you think this young man's swordsmanship is?"

Before Meng Shitong could reply, the photographer A Fei said: "He should be practicing the basics, right? This knifeman is far behind Chef Feng, but he has a good sense of rhythm."

He Yaqian was startled by the sudden interruption of A Fei, then turned her head and said, "What is a good rhythm? It's not playing music."

Meng Shitong lowered his voice and said, "Rhythm seems to be very important to the chef."

A Fei quickly took over again: "Yes, you have to master the rhythm to cut quickly and well. Haven't you seen Chef Feng shredding? What you want is the rhythm."

He Yaqian looked at Lin Ruifeng in Qiedun again, and whispered: "But he is not very happy?"

Meng Shitong said: "It should be still practicing. Didn't you see him cutting things, only potatoes and radishes?"

A Fei was a little surprised and muttered, "So, this young man is an apprentice of Chef Feng?"

He Yaqian exclaimed incredulously: "What? Chef Feng has accepted an apprentice?"

Because He Yaqian didn't suppress her voice, this sentence naturally resounded throughout the restaurant, and immediately interrupted Lin Ruifeng in Chiedun Zhong.

Su Jinrong also raised his head and looked at the people entering the door.

Seeing that Su Jinrong and Lin Ruifeng couldn't look over, Meng Shitong hurriedly smiled and saw him: "Hello, uncle, do you still remember us? We were the last time we came to promote Su Ji to shoot a video."

Su Jinrong nodded: "Remember, thank you."

Listening to Su Jinrong’s speech, Meng Shitong continued to say: "Uncle, you are now completely speaking better. Congratulations on your health so fast."

Su Jinrong also laughed: "I'm working hard to recover, do you want to shoot again?"

He Yaqian returned to her mind and said, "No uncle, we didn't come to make a video today. We actually came to eat. Last night we worked overtime too late and got up late in the morning. We ran over as soon as we got up."

Having said a lot, He Yaqian felt as if saying so, a bit like urging Su Ji to start a meal.

She then changed her words: "Uncle, we are not urging you to open business. We know that Su Ji will not open until noon."

As a result, as he was talking, I didn't know whose stomach was making a "grumbling" noise.

It just happened that He Yaqian's voice just fell off, and it happened that the restaurant was quiet again, so the sound of his stomach growling was unusually harsh in a quiet environment.

A group of people looked at each other and were speechless for a while.

For a long time, Lin Ruifeng couldn't help but laugh out: "Puff...Yes, I'm sorry."

Su Jinrong was also regained by Lin Ruifeng's smile, and turned to him and said, "Ruifeng, go to the back kitchen and tell your master, let him see if he can get something to eat first, and let them pad their stomachs."

Hearing Su Jinrong's words, Meng Shitong said quickly: "Uncle, no, really no trouble, we can wait for a while."

Su Jinrong smiled and said, "You guys did a good job, eat in advance, thank you."

Lin Ruifeng also understood at this time that these people were the people who had previously filmed Su Ji's video and posted it on the Internet for publicity. He also laughed and said, "No trouble, you can sit down."

After that, Lin Ruifeng turned and ran into the back kitchen.

Seeing that Lin Ruifeng had run into the back kitchen, Meng Shitong and others had to thank Su Jinrong again and sat down at a table near Su Jinrong.

A few people here just sat down, and Mr. Zhang Maosheng, Mrs. Liu Wanhua, and some old diners also entered the door.

Zhang Maosheng came in and saw a few young people sitting in the restaurant. He looked down at his wrist watch, and then said with a smile: "I thought we old guys came early, but I didn't expect that there are young people who are earlier than us. ."

Liu Wanhua smiled and said: "This shows that after Yifan came back, Su Ji began to become popular among young people."

Su Jinrong smiled and waved to the old diners: "Come on, it's about to open."

The old diners walked inside, and when they passed Meng Shitong, Meng Shitong led the friends to stand up, and took the initiative to smile and nodded hello to several old people.

When the old people saw this, they smiled and nodded in response.

Zhang Maosheng even said: "It's okay, everyone is here for lunch, don't be so polite, just sit down and eat."

He Yaqian looked at Zhang Maosheng and asked curiously: "This uncle, do you come often? We seem to have seen you last time."

After hearing this, Zhang Maosheng also looked at He Yaqian and others. In retrospect, he said, "Oh, you guys came over that day and said they wanted to shoot a video for Su Ji and put it on the Internet to promote it, right?"

Meng Shitong nodded in response: "Yes."

Zhang Maosheng then replied to He Yaqian: "I didn't mention it the last time you came, but I come to Su Ji every day. Sometimes I may not come at night, but I will definitely come to Su Ji for lunch at noon."

The old lady Liu Wanhua went on to say: "You old thing is the crystal delicacy of Su Ji, a greedy person."

Zhang Maosheng was not polite, and replied: "You old lady, isn't that catfish tofu lion head that is also greedy for a sail?"

The two old men stared at each other first, and then they laughed at the same time, causing the other old men to laugh too.

Meng Shitong and the others thought these old people were really funny, and they all laughed unconsciously.

The small restaurant was suddenly surrounded by laughter.

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(End of this chapter)