Chapter 200: Persuade Boss Su (4/F, 5/F) 2 in 4000 words

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Chapter 202 Convincing Boss Su (45, 55) Two in One Four Thousand Words

When Su Ruoxi and her mother-in-law Lu Cuiling returned to Su Ji, there were already many customers in the small restaurant. And Feng Yifan, wearing a chef's uniform, is confirming the toppings of the noodles and the ingredients for the fried rice with the ordering guests.

Although there are a lot of people in the restaurant, as Lu Cuiling Road said, Feng Yifan is indeed very safe to deal with.

When turning around, Feng Yifan saw his mother and wife coming back, stopped and smiled at his mother and wife.

"Come back? Have you bought a suitable table? It doesn't matter if you don't have it. We can do business as well. Don't be discouraged. Come in with your mom. You go upstairs first, wash your face and change your clothes."

What her husband said moved Su Ruoxi's heart deeply.

In the days when her husband left the house, Su Ruoxi thought in her heart more than once, what kind of scene will it be like when the two of them run Su Ji together in the future?

Su Ruoxi has always shown a strong side in front of others, but she is only a weak woman after all.

She longed for her husband's care, even if it was just like now. She went out and came back late, and her husband didn't have any blame. He kept the restaurant in order and calmed her emotions at the door.

There were tears in Su Ruoxi's eyes, and her expression was in a trance, and she felt like she couldn't believe everything in front of her.

But soon, she was gently pushed by her mother-in-law behind her, making Su Ruoxi come back to her senses.

I looked in the restaurant and saw my husband still smiling: "Come in quickly, go upstairs to wash, you and your mother ran a lot of places this morning? It's hard work."

Su Ruoxi almost wanted to cry, she wanted to plunge into her husband's arms to feel the warm care from the family.

However, seeing the loud voices in the restaurant, Su Ruoxi restrained her emotions. I nodded with my husband and said, "Okay, my mother and I will go up and wash, and we will get off immediately after changing our clothes."

When she nodded, the teardrops in her eyes had already rolled down. Su Ruoxi quickly lowered her head and pulled her mother-in-law upstairs.

Watching his wife and mother go upstairs, Feng Yifan turned around and said to the guests: "Okay, everyone, please wait. The chef is going to the back of the kitchen. If there are new guests, please help to let the guests wait. Someone greets."

The diners present laughed and booed: "The boss can rest assured that he will not let him go if he enters the door."


The words "Do not let in" caused everyone to laugh in the restaurant.

Feng Yifan also smiled and said: "Don't let go, but it's not good. We can't buy and sell by force. It's all voluntary."

Then someone took the opportunity to ask: "Boss, you just said that the lady boss went to buy a table, are you planning to redecorate it?"

Feng Yifan hurriedly replied: "It's not decoration, but the plan is to remove the big tables and replace them with small tables so that if everyone comes to eat at night, they can sit separately instead of always putting together tables."

Hearing such a change, some young people who came for lunch immediately applauded.

"Boss, it's good for you to do this."

"Yes, it's actually a big round table like this, but it's actually not possible to sit a lot of people."

"That is, these tables are too big, but they take up space."

"The restaurant was originally quite big, but the round tables took up too much space, so it seemed a bit crowded, so it's more convenient to change to a small table."

"Boss, after you change, I will definitely bring friends to join us."

"Hey, you want to join in, why not join in now? Don't just talk about it."

"That's it, don't just say it, come at night if you want to join in."


Listening to the diners’ discussion, Feng Yifan said with a smile: “Thank you for your support and support. You can rest assured that no matter when you come, Su Ji will definitely guarantee the quality and taste of the dishes.”

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the diners again. Feng Yifan also hurried to the back kitchen and continued to cook noodles and fried rice for the diners who ordered.

When Feng Yifan went to the back kitchen to be busy, Meng Shitong, who had already had lunch, followed the old lady Liu Wanhua, and got close to Su Jinrong and the three elders.

After listening to a few old people chatting for a while, Meng Shitong interrupted and asked in due course: "Uncles and aunts, seeing that you also go online, have you seen the video we shot for Su Ji before?"

Hearing Meng Shitong's questioning, several old people looked at each other and said they had watched the video.

Su Jinrong also said: "I've seen it, thank you for your interest."

Meng Shitong continued with these words: "Uncle, you are polite. Now that you have watched the video, what do you think of our shooting and production? Give us some advice."

There was a short silence, and the other old people did not speak, obviously waiting for Su Jinrong to speak first.

Su Jinrong thought for a while and said, "It's a good shot, but some are too fancy."

Meng Shitong nodded: "Well, I understand that, in your eyes, uncle, you must feel that cooking is a down-to-earth thing, but in fact, we handle it like that to attract some young people."

Liu Wanhua agrees with Meng Shitong's video clip: "Old Su, I think they have done a good job. Since Yifan has that kind of strength, he must show his ability."

Tang Zhuochen also answered immediately: "Yes, I watched that video, and I really didn't expect Yifan to be so good at knife work."

Lin Zekang said: "Although it's a bit showy, it's necessary to show off in order to attract people."

Finally, Zhang Maosheng said: "Old Su, in the eyes of our older generation, we may feel that we don't need to pay attention to those imaginary heads in everything, but we only need to do well and pay attention to the fragrance of wine without fear of deep alleys.

But today's times are different, young people have more choices, so many times they really need attractive publicity. "

Meng Shitong decisively followed Zhang Maosheng’s remarks: "Uncle Zhang is right. You have also seen uncles and aunts. A lot of young people have come to Su Ji this time. Of course, there is chef Feng who has great craftsmanship, but Feng Da It is also indispensable to show off skills in cooking videos."

Several old people listened, and felt that Meng Shitong's words did have some truth.

Seeing that it is noon now, there is already a lot of people in the Su Ji small restaurant, especially many young people sitting there.

The old people have to admit that Meng Shitong and the others have a credit for this.

Thinking of this, several old people looked at each other. Suddenly they thought of something at the same time. The look at each other began to become a little complicated, and finally they focused on Su Jinrong.

But because Su Jinrong still didn't speak very smoothly, Zhang Maosheng first spoke on behalf of the elderly.

"You daughter came here and talked to some of our old people for a long time. I wanted to tell you Uncle Rong that your video shooting method is really useful for promoting Su Ji. I want your Uncle Rong to promise you to continue shooting, right? ?"

Meng Shitong's thoughts were broken, and she was really embarrassed to face a few old people.

When Meng Shitong hesitated, He Yaqian didn’t know when to come over, and couldn’t help but said: “Uncle Rong, we really want to help you promote Su Ji. Don't go."

As soon as He Yaqian spoke, A Fei, the photographer who came over, also spoke: "I promise that I will strictly follow Chef Feng's rules when shooting. I will never shoot anything that is not allowed. No, I don't even look at it."

Meng Shitong finally said: "Uncle Rong, we know that any restaurant kitchen is the core of a restaurant. We promise not to take pictures of your secret recipe privately. We really just want to promote the essence of our traditional cooking skills."

After Meng Shitong said these words, Liu Wanhua said to Su Jinrong: "Jinrong, don't be stubborn. The children all say this, you let them try?"

Su Jinrong looked at everyone, especially Meng Shitong and several young people looking forward to it, and finally nodded and agreed.

After Su Jinrong nodded and agreed, Su Ruoxi washed her face upstairs and changed her clothes and went downstairs. Seeing his father surrounded by some people, he also hurried over to greet him.

"Thank you Lin Bo, Aunt Liu, Uncle Zhang, and Uncle Tang for helping me take care of my dad."

Then, seeing Meng Shitong and the others with happy faces, Su Ruoxi asked strangely: "Why are you smiling so happily? Did something happen?"

Meng Shitong hurriedly said: "Boss, Uncle Rong has agreed just now, so we can go to the back kitchen to shoot."

Su Ruoxi frowned slightly, then turned to look at her father and asked, "Dad, why did you agree?"

Su Jinrong waved his hand and said, "Su Ji, Yifan, needs publicity."

He Yaqian quickly explained: "Sister Su, don't get excited. We will definitely abide by Chef Feng's requirements. Those who cannot be photographed or shouldn't be photographed. We promise that we will not photograph them."

A Fei continued: "Sister Su, we are really just. I hope we can help Su Ji publicize and let more people know about you and know Su Ji who maintains the traditional dishes."

He Yaqian thought for a while and said, "Sister Su, we heard that you are going to buy a table and plan to replace the Su Kee table with a small table. Isn't this also a change? And our propaganda is not just a match. Are you making this change?"

When talking about buying a table, Su Ruoxi couldn't help sighing and said, "But, I didn't buy a suitable table."

Meng Shitong was a little strange: "Why? I remember the furniture market, there is the kind of market that sells restaurant tables?"

At this time, Lu Cuiling also came over and heard Meng Shitong's words. Helped my daughter-in-law to explain: "Yes, there are many suitable tables over there, but they are all matched. You must buy the tables and chairs together."

He Yaqian asked strangely: "Auntie, don't you need chairs?"

Su Ruoxi did not hide it, pointing to the existing chairs in the restaurant and said: "We just want to buy a table, and the height and the chair can be matched, so that the chair can continue to be used, and the table can be taken apart and erected to take up no space. The chairs take up a lot of space when piled up."

After listening to Su Ruoxi's explanation, A Fei glanced around, then nodded and said, "Well, Sister Su is right, and Su Ji's old wooden chairs are actually more stable and more comfortable to sit on."

A Fei's words were approved by several elderly people.

Zhang Maosheng first said: "Really, I like this old-fashioned wooden chair from Su Ji. It sits very firmly."

The old lady Liu Wanhua nodded and said, "Yes, the backrest can hold the waist, and it's really good to sit."

Lin Zekang smiled and said, "These wooden chairs don't need to be a pity."

Tang Zhuochen thought about it seriously and said, "Since you only need to change the table, you can go to the junk market to check it out. The square or long wooden table can be used with a little depreciation."

Su Ruoxi sighed helplessly again: "Uncle Tang, let's go too, otherwise I won't be back late, but there are not so many tables over there."

I heard that "not so much", everyone didn't quite understand it at first.

But Meng Shitong quickly understood: "Oh, what the boss meant is that there is not enough quantity in the second-hand goods market. Well, this is indeed a problem, unless it is a unified process."

Faced with such a situation, a group of people are also in distress, which is indeed a problem.

Just at this time, Feng Yifan, who came out for the meal, said next to him: "It doesn't have to be a hurry, I can't find it. Let's do this first, anyway, the old street is also facing reconstruction."

Hearing Feng Yifan's voice, several people also turned their eyes to him.

Su Ruoxi said helplessly: "I'm sorry, I didn't find it, but I will try to find it, and I contacted a merchant, and he said that if there is a suitable one, he will help us pay attention."

Meng Shitong suddenly asked at this moment: "Chef Feng, have you ever thought of changing your business?"

He Yaqian also said: "Yes, you can move away, anyway, the old street is about to be rebuilt, you just move to the commercial area, it will definitely attract more people."

Hearing He Yaqian's words, Su Ji's family fell silent.

It was the old lady Liu who helped and said, "Nanny, you have to understand that Su Ji has been here for several generations. How can this shop, but the root of Su Ji, easily change place?"

Meng Shitong's several young people looked at each other, and He Yaqian quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I don't know that is the case."

Su Jinrong waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, I do, I don't want to leave."

This is Su Jinrong's perseverance to his ancestors. Of course, he also knew that going to a prosperous place would make business better. Just like back then, if he went north with Shishu, he would definitely gain more.

But Su Jinrong did not want to leave. As Liu Wanhua said, this is the root of Su Ji.

Seeing that the atmosphere seemed a little serious, Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Why do you want to move to the commercial area? Are you distrustful of the chef's craftsmanship? With me, Su Ji will not be unknown anywhere."

Such a self-confident speech made the group of people around Su Jinrong and the diners eating in the restaurant stunned.

Then, the young people among the diners over there immediately began to agree with Feng Yifan one by one.

"The boss is right, I just ran over to eat."

"Yes, where Chef Feng is, we will all come."

"I'm a big fan of the boss how can I not come to join Chef Feng?"

"That is, we will come here as well."


Hearing what the diners said, Feng Yifan smiled and thanked everyone: "Okay, thank you for your support. I promise to work hard to make every meal. As long as the old street is not closed, our Su Ji will be open for business."

Bang bang ......

Feng Yifan's words won a round of applause in the restaurant. Everyone admired him for sticking to him, but it was more natural to be able to continue to eat delicious food and be happy.

Meng Shitong and the friends looked at each other, and several people secretly decided at this moment: They must try their best to help Su Ji solve the problem of the table.

Today, it was changed to 4000+ chapters, so the fourth and fifth updates were published in one chapter, a 4000-word chapter. Thank you for the 500 rewards of "Yuanlai is Niah" and the 100 rewards of "Wen Yitao". Thank you all for subscribing to support!

(End of this chapter)