Chapter 209: Father and son

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Chapter 211 Father and Son's grievances (third more)

The story of Zhang Maosheng and Zhang Fenglin's father and son was caused by a very ordinary bowl of tomato and egg noodles.

When Zhang Maosheng was young, he liked to eat very much and was very particular about eating. At that time, there were various restaurants in Huaicheng, and the only one who could enter the eyes of Zhang Maosheng's method was Su Ji.

In fact, this is not surprising, after all, when Zhang Maosheng was young, Su Ruoxi's grandfather was still in charge of Su Ji.

Zhang Maosheng likes to eat, and the taste is very awkward. Naturally, he looks down on the home-cooked dishes from his wife's house.

So if you don't go home for a long time to eat, there will always be conflicts and frictions between the couple over time.

When Zhang Fenglin was about five or six years old, his mother could no longer tolerate his father Zhang Maosheng. After the two had a riot at home, they divorced directly.

After the divorce, Zhang Fenglin followed his father.

It may also be because witnessing parents arguing in the first place left such a shadow in Zhang Fenglin's young heart that Zhang Fenglin became very rebellious during his middle school period.

Naturally, like the original Feng Yifan and Lin Ruifeng now, Zhang Fenglin also failed to enter the university.

After failing to enter the university, Zhang Maosheng made a very domineering decision, which was to force his son to become an apprentice in Su Ji.

Feng Yifan never thought that before he went to Su Ji to learn how to cook, Zhang Fenglin was once the apprentice his father-in-law most valued. At that time, his father-in-law still had a little meaning, and he passed some Su Ji dishes to him.

Of course Su Jinrong never thought about recruiting Zhang Fenglin as his son-in-law, because Su Ruoxi was still in elementary school at that time.

However, Zhang Fenglin felt that his father's quarrel and divorce were all because of Su Ji, so he had a resentment towards the small restaurant in his bones.

The young and energetic Zhang Fenglin was unwilling to learn cooking from the bottom of his heart. After cooking in Su Ji, he spent his time casually every day, and he never learned and practiced the basic skills required by Su Jinrong.

Finally, after almost a year of learning, Zhang Fenglin, who hadn't made an inch, disappointed Su Jinrong.

When Su Jinrong told Zhang Maosheng about this, Zhang Maosheng was also very angry. Zhang Maosheng beat his son for the first time.

Afterwards, Zhang Maosheng was angry and said to Zhang Fenglin at that time: "Give you another chance to make the simplest bowl of tomato and egg noodles. If you can't satisfy me and your master, you can give it to me. ."

Zhang Maosheng might not have thought that the words in his anger deeply hurt Zhang Fenglin.

At that time, the grievances that had been accumulated in Zhang Fenglin's heart for many years finally broke out completely.

Zhang Fenglin was not polite, and directly accused his father of being delicious, always picking up his mother's dishes, and finally forced his mother away, and now he must be forced away by the same method.

Zhang Fenglin didn't do it at all. After shouting at his father in anger, he ran away directly from Su Ji.

Later, Zhang Fenglin went to Huhai and found his own mother.

It's just that his mother has been remarried, and he suffered from his stepdad's blindness in his mother's place. When he was introduced by his stepdad and entered a factory to work, he gradually realized the hardships of life.

Whenever on the assembly line of the factory, he is doing very hard and repetitive work, Zhang Fenglin suddenly realizes his father's intention to let him go to Su Ji to learn how to cook.

In the case that he failed to enter the university, his father hoped that he could learn a craft so that he could have a bite of food at any rate, so that he would not lead a very hard life.

It's just that although he began to understand his father's painstaking efforts at that time, Zhang Fenglin still couldn't forgive his father for treating him and his mother like that.

He still hates this father, so he is determined to learn how to cook in Shanghai and Haihai, learn how to cook well, go to the best restaurant in Huaicheng to be a chef, and let his father take a look at his achievements.

People are often stimulated by some things, and they can always burst out terrible potential, even if it is resentment.

So Zhang Fenglin did succeed. He studied in Shanghai and also won the grand prize of the culinary competition in Shanghai.

After winning the award, Zhang Fenglin fulfilled the goal he had set for himself and came back to Huaicheng to become the chef of Fujinglou.

Upon hearing this, Feng Yifan couldn't help feeling that Zhang Fenglin's story seemed quite inspirational.

A child who was originally ineffective, under his father's kind of blow, was able to become a top chef in one fell swoop, and also become the head chef of Fu Jing Lou. It is really amazing.

And think about it carefully, in this inspirational story, there is no real villain at all, and the father and son actually have no real right or wrong.

It's just that there is a problem with the father's education method, and then the son did not have the idea of ​​understanding his father.

What Feng Yifan was a little puzzled was that the story should have a more perfect ending here. But why did the previous apprentice say that Zhang Fenglin kicked Uncle Zhang out of the house?

Seeing the puzzled look on Feng Yifan's face, Zhang Fenglin naturally understood what he was wondering about?

After sighing, Zhang Fenglin said helplessly: "Because of the bowl of noodles, I was a bit swollen at that time. After becoming the chef of Fujinglou, I came to my father..."

Feng Yifan had never thought of the subsequent turning point.

Zhang Fenglin was indeed a bit arrogant at the time. He came to his father to make a bet. If his father loses, he would give him the house, and move out from the house that carries Zhang Fenglin's warm and dilapidated family memories.

It's just that this time the father and son bet that it was the father and son making the bowl of "tomato-egg marinated noodles."

At that time, Zhang Fenglin said very bluntly that since his father knows how to eat, he will make a bowl to see if it can be as professional and delicious as when he tasted the food.

At this point in the story, there is no need to say it later, and Feng Yifan can also guess the final result.

If every diners who can eat can cook as good as a chef, then probably all chefs in the world would have been unemployed.

Now Feng Yifan understands why Zhang Maosheng has always been like a lonely old man in his memory, renting a house alone in a back alley of the old street.

It was impossible for Zhang Maosheng to win that father-son duel.

But because of the possible contempt of his son, the old man would naturally not bow his head, and resolutely gave out the house cruelly and moved out of his previous home. I would rather rent a small house by myself than apologize to my son.

Finding out such a period of time in the past also made Feng Yifan sigh.

Unexpectedly, there is such a story in the house of Zhang Maosheng, the most loyal fan of Su Ji.

Feng Yifan thought for a while, smiled bitterly and said to Zhang Fenglin with a fist: "I didn't expect that you are still my big brother."

There was a bit of embarrassment, Feng Yifan told me this. Zhang Fenglin was taken aback for a moment, and then a wry smile appeared on his face.

After laughing, Zhang Fenglin said: "Chef Feng, don't make fun of me. After all, it is like my father said back then. I never really love cooking and lack the heart to strive for excellence. That's why I was eliminated from Fujinglou. "

Feng Yifan thought for a while and asked, "Then Big Brother Zhang, have you ever thought about easing your relationship with your father?"

Zhang Fenglin raised his head and looked at Feng Yifan with some surprise.

Without waiting for him to speak, Feng Yifan continued: "I know that Uncle Zhang did have something wrong back then, and his temper was too tough at the beginning. He lacked tolerance and patience for you, including Brother Zhang and your mother.

But I think you are father and son after all, and the divorce between Uncle Zhang and your mother is a conflict between husband and wife, and no one can tell.

As for Uncle Zhang's treatment of you, it's just that a strict father is a bit too harsh on his son. His starting point is good, but the method is wrong.

What's more, if you kicked Uncle Zhang out of the house, it can be regarded as the resentment you once had? "

After hearing Feng Yifan's words, Zhang Fenglin fell into a moment of silence. In fact, he had long wanted to improve the relationship with his father.

Only before, because people are working as chefs in Fujinglou, they are still somewhat reluctant to lower their stance. Now that he looks like this, he feels ashamed to see his father.

Feng Yifan probably saw Zhang Fenglin's thoughts and said, "Big Brother Zhang, many things are a step forward. Who is the key step to take first, and at what time?"

Zhang Fenglin looked at Feng Yifan, his eyes also revealed a willingness.

Feng Yifan continued: "Uncle Zhang is old after all. It is not easy for him to take this step first, so you may really need Brother Zhang."

Zhang Fenglin instinctively opened his mouth to agree, but he hesitated after another thought, and finally said: "Let me think about it, don't worry, I will definitely go, but I need to sort out my thoughts."

Feng Yifan is not good at asking for something, so he just said to Zhang Fenglin: "Okay, that big brother Zhang, please consider it carefully."

After that, Feng Yifan and the aquatic product owner ordered a variety of fresh seafood and ordered some seafood. After the purchase, I said goodbye to Zhang Fenglin and his apprentices, and left with Lin Ruifeng.

Liu Quan followed the master, and at this moment he was afraid to speak casually, so he could only stand quietly.

However, Liu Quan was shocked after listening to Master's experience. He didn't know how to describe his feelings when facing Master at this time.

As for Feng Yifan and his apprentice, he went to make an appointment with Zhang Qiang, who was in charge of the delivery, and then left the market, rode his bicycles, and drove back with the early morning light.

On the way, both the teacher and the apprentice were silent at the beginning.

After riding two intersections in silence, Lin Ruifeng couldn't help but speak first: "Master, do you think that Zhang Fenglin will apologize to Uncle Zhang?"

Feng Yifan shook his head and said, "I don't know this. For example, the more unclear the right and wrong of family conflicts, everyone will have different ideas, so no one knows what the outcome will be."

Lin Ruifeng suddenly asked, "Is it just like Uncle Rong and your aunt, Master?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "In fact, it is not the same. After all, my aunt and us are already relatives, while Zhang Fenglin and Uncle Zhang are father and son, so they are obviously closer in relationship."

Lin Ruifeng thought for a while and nodded.

Feng Yifan went on to say: "Moreover, I don't think my aunt is qualified to ask for an old plaque."

Lin Ruifeng said immediately: "Yes, I also feel that Master, your aunt lost to Uncle Rong, then the old plaque is an inheritance that Uncle Rong has won righteously, so she shouldn't come back and ask for it again."

Lin Ruifeng couldn't help but continue to say: "Besides, she has such a big company and so much money, why bother Uncle Rong and you?"

Feng Yifan actually understands it in his heart, and sometimes he just doesn't want to let go of his obsession.

Not wanting to think about the aunt's thing, Feng Yifan started thinking again, should he promote Zhang Shu and Zhang Fenglin's father and son to reconcile? How to promote this matter?

After thinking about it, Feng Yifan really felt a little embarrassed.

It was Zhang Fenglin who resented his father before, and it was also Uncle Zhang who did something wrong. Now Zhang Fenglin feels ashamed of his father, and Uncle Zhang may or may not be willing to forgive his son.

In this kind of thinking, I have already returned to the back alleys of the old streets unknowingly. The master and apprentice also rode all the way to the front of Su Ji's back kitchen.

Although Zhang Qiang was asked a little later, Zhang Qiang's car was already waiting outside the back kitchen door.

If Feng Yifan is not good enough to let Zhang Qiang delay, he quickly opened the door and moved the goods into the back kitchen with his apprentice and Zhang Qiang.

After moving the goods, Zhang Qiang hurriedly said to Feng Yifan: "Brother, the crystal meat meat you gave the other day, but you gave my dad a good meal. I really took it over these two days. I can't even try a piece."

Feng Yifan suddenly laughed after hearing this: "If you want to eat, I will give you another piece today."

He said that he went in, took out the crystal meat meat from the refrigerator, quickly cut a piece, and sliced ​​it with a knife, then packed it and handed it to Zhang Qiang at the door.

"Okay, these are enough for your family to eat for a while, so let's give it to you after making new ones."

After Zhang Qiang took it, he was a little embarrassed: "Brother, how is this embarrassing? How about it? How much? Brother, tell me, let me give you the money. My dad called me the last time I didn't give it."

Feng Yifan waved his hand and said, "Give the money, is it to bury your brother, right? I think your brother is poor and can't afford to ask for these pieces of meat?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Qiang realized that he couldn't give any more money.

"Then, thank you brother."

Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "You are welcome, if you still want to eat in the future, just come over and wait for the next batch to be made to ensure that you can eat enough for your family."

Zhang Qiang smiled and said: "Okay, you guys are busy, I will go back first."

After watching Zhang Qiang drive away, Feng Yifan went to separate the materials bought for the Lin family's early shop, and said to the land: "Let's go, hurry to your house and start making it, otherwise it will be too late."

Lin Ruifeng also woke up, UU Reading quickly took the ingredients from Master, and then quickly walked out and returned to the next door.

Feng Yifan locked the door of the back kitchen again and went to the Lin's shop next door to help.

After entering the door, Feng Yifan found that Uncle Lin and Aunt Lin were already busy. Not only has the noodles been reconciled in advance, but the fillings have also been roughly processed. Just waiting for Feng Yifan and Lin Ruifeng to come back, you can just mix the ingredients and start wrapping.

Seeing that everything that should be prepared is ready, Feng Yifan said to his apprentice: "Okay, you can prepare the ingredients by yourself today, and let me see if you have mastered it."

With the experience of making that "shrimp ball" yesterday, Lin Ruifeng naturally stopped **** this time, and decided to do it himself.

This time, Lin Ruifeng made almost no mistakes, and successfully mixed the fillings in one go.

Feng Yifan, the master, was naturally very satisfied.

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(End of this chapter)