Chapter 211: Husband and wife are busy

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Chapter 213 Husband and Wife Are Busy (Second)

With Su Jinrong's permission, some people who had breakfast in the shop next door chose to come to Su Ji to sit and eat when they had no place to sit.

Feng Yifan got a signal from his father-in-law, and he simply cleared the outermost tables of the restaurant so that the guests could come in and sit down for breakfast.

All this, the busy Lin family next door did not know.

Even if they know, the Lin family can't take care of that much now, because the business is really too busy.

I don't know if it was the publicity of some people yesterday, or the attraction of the potsticker fragrance. Today, more people come to buy potstickers for breakfast.

Lin Ruifeng and his mother were behind, wrapping them and paying attention to the pot, really feeling very busy. Even sometimes, Lao Lin, who is not very busy in front, has to go in and help.

Such a hot business really made Lin Ruifeng a little uncomfortable. If it weren't for his parents, he might have been in a hurry.

Fortunately, the old couple has been doing early business for so many years and knows that early business is like this, and many people will come in one after another.

The old couple can handle it with ease.

Father Lin was even more hurried in and out, collecting money, deep-fried dough sticks, pouring soy milk, and wrapping pot stickers, all in an orderly manner. He did not panic because the business had improved and the number of customers had increased.

When you are busy, you can't make mistakes even after reckoning and collecting money.

Lin Ruifeng watched his parents coping with ease, and he was full of admiration for his parents. At this time, the image of his parents in his eyes suddenly became much taller, and he no longer felt that his parents were mediocre in running a small breakfast shop.

Perhaps this is that only when you really experience a lot of things and try hard work yourself can you understand the hard work of your parents.

In addition to making pot stickers, whenever Lin Ruifeng hears the sincere compliments of the guests eating breakfast outside, he also gains a sense of satisfaction.

"This potsticker is really delicious."

"Yes, I heard someone say it yesterday, and I came here to taste it today. I didn't expect it to be really delicious."

"Unfortunately, I can only eat it in the morning. If I can buy it in the afternoon, I will definitely bring my child to eat it again in the evening."

"People shop early, how can they sell it until the evening?"

"I still like this shrimp, corn and pork. It tastes really refreshing, neat and not so greasy."

"I like beef filling. It's really fragrant. If you feel greasy, you can dip it in vinegar, or dip it in chili oil. The taste is really great."

"I like them all, I want them all."


Listening to the compliments of the guests, Lin Ruifeng seemed to be more vigorous in his work.

Next door to Su Ji, Feng Yifan looked at the business as early as possible, knowing that Lin Ruifeng might come over to help later. So let the neighbors of the old street who have already eaten to help take care of his father-in-law, and he himself went to the back kitchen to start preparing.

Wang Cuifeng, who rushed over early in the morning, just wanted to try the pot stickers and said with a smile: "Okay, you can go to Yifan, and I will take care of you."

Li Jianping was a little embarrassed and said, "Then let Xiaofeng take care of it. I also want to go back. I will cook new ones today."

Wang Cuifeng smiled and said, "Uncle Li, go ahead and I'm taking care of Uncle Rong. Are you worried?"

Of course, besides Wang Cuifeng, there are several other shop owners on the old street. Most of them are not very busy in the morning, and they usually open after ten o'clock to do business.

With the help of neighbors, Feng Yifan went to the back kitchen with confidence and started his busy schedule today.

The preparation of the kitchen in the morning is mainly to make various soup bases. Whether it’s the clear soup used to increase freshness or the stock soup needed for some soups, it takes a lot of time to cook.

So every morning, Feng Yifan needs to prepare these soups in advance.

This is why, according to Su Ji’s old rule, cooking is usually only in the evening, and orders are only allowed for dinner.

Because it takes a long time to make the soup, the preparation of some of the soup bases is also quite time-consuming.

Stick bones, chicken racks, fish bones, and some other ingredients need to be processed before the soup can be cooked.

In some early stages, the rod bones were slightly cracked, and the chicken frame was also removed from the whole chicken, and the fish bones were also the bones removed from the fish.

This series of processes all reflect the basic skills of a chef.

The deboning of the whole chicken and the deboning of the fish truly show the magic of the knife.

In the process of making the soup, it also showed a cook's control over the firework.

The fire is violently boiled to force out the blood foam impurities in the ingredients, and then you need to be patient to remove them all.

Then turn it into a simmering fire for a period of cooking.

In the back kitchen, Feng Yifan just cooks all kinds of soup, he has to turn on almost all the stoves, and each stove is a pot that is boiling. There are relatively deep iron buckets, and there are also casseroles for cooking.

When all the soup was cooked, Feng Yifan still couldn't take it easy, because some ingredients needed to be pre-processed.

The culled chicken, fish, etc. need to be processed, and they cannot be left to dry. In that case, it is equivalent to wasting good ingredients.

The pretreatment process is a test of the chef's patience.

For example, fish can be sliced ​​first, then slurried with starch and egg white, and then sealed with oil, so that it can be used directly when it is taken out when making fish fillets.

As for the chicken part after removing the chicken rack, it is necessary to further modify the knife.

The chicken legs, wings, and **** should be separated, put in the refrigerator, and used when they need to be cooked.

Although there are now special chicken legs and wings sold in the market, Feng Yifan is still used to buying whole chickens. Because this can ensure that the meat is fresh enough, the key is that all parts have their uses.

For example, when making chicken porridge for my family in the morning, part of the chicken breast has actually been used.

This is the case for the restaurant’s back kitchen, and try to make the best use of all kinds of ingredients. For small restaurants, avoiding waste is a way to save money.

Of course, for large restaurants, because it is mainly about the quantity, it is naturally more arbitrary.

Feng Yifan spends every morning like this. Although it is not that busy, it can be said that it is quite tedious to do these repetitive tasks in the back kitchen alone.

But the reason why he was able to support Su Ji alone was that he was able to manage both noon and night with ease. It is that he can endure loneliness and can bear the boring repetition every day.

Prepare most of the things in advance so that the noon and evening operations can be arranged in an orderly manner.

When Feng Yifan’s kitchen was busy, Su Ruoxi and her mother-in-law Lu Cuiling sent their daughter to kindergarten together. They did not go back to Su Ji directly. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law decided to go to some other markets to find tables this morning.

Walking out of the kindergarten, Su Ruoxi said to her mother-in-law: "Mom, let's go to the south of the city again today."

Lu Cuiling smiled and nodded: "Okay, mom will go with you."

Su Ruoxi checked last night that there are also several markets in the southern suburbs of the city, and it seems that there are also special tables and chairs. She decided to go to the south of the city with her mother-in-law this morning.

It's just that the south of the city and the north of the old street are still far away, so today Su Ruoxi decided to take a bus with her mother-in-law.

"Mom, we can save some money by taking the bus. It was too expensive to take a taxi in the past."

Lu Cuiling thought for a while and said, "Is it too hard to take the bus? It shouldn't be much money to take a taxi? It can save some time by going directly to the outer ring road."

The route Lu Cuiling said was the route she took when she and her wife came to Huaicheng to deliver goods.

Su Ruoxi pulled her mother-in-law and said, "Mom, there are also buses that take the outer ring road. If you don't pass through the urban area on the other side of Nancheng, the time will not be delayed too much. It is much cheaper than a taxi."

Su Ruoxi is now in charge of the money, and when using money, many places can still be saved.

It's just that Lu Cuiling has always been a quick temper, and she spends more money on her own. It's a bit uncomfortable to see her daughter-in-law so economically so fiercely.

So she couldn't help but said, "Why don't you pay for it and take the bus? It's really hard."

Su Ruoxi refused to agree, and walked directly to the bus station with her mother-in-law: "Oh, mom, let's go, just take me to accompany you to tour the city scenery of our city."

In the end, Lu Cuiling was pulled into the bus by her daughter-in-law, and started this slightly bumpy journey south of the city with her daughter-in-law.


The Lin family shopped early, and it wasn't until 9:30 in the morning that the business gradually faded.

Today’s potstickers are basically sold out, and when he saw that there were fewer customers, Lin Ruifeng immediately asked Lin Ruifeng to seal up the remaining fillings, and he could keep them for tomorrow.

Lin Ruifeng didn't agree with his father's method. He probably developed a habit in Su Ji. He felt that the fillings should be kept fresh.

"Dad, these fillings will not be fresh tomorrow, and they will taste bad."

When Father Lin heard his son's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled helplessly: "You kid, this breakfast time is over. If you pack it all out, who would you sell it to?"

Although his father's words are reasonable, Lin Ruifeng still stubbornly believes that the fillings should not be kept for tomorrow.

The parents smiled bitterly at each other, and finally saw the son's stubbornness again.

In desperation, my mother had no choice but to say: "Well, go to the next door and ask your master to see if these unused fillings can be used tomorrow."

Lin Ruifeng is obedient to Master now, so as soon as his mother said, he immediately agreed: "Okay, I will ask Master."

Seeing his son quickly go out and ran to the next door, his father smiled bitterly and shook his head: "This silly boy is still so stubborn and stubborn, and he is so patient that Yifan is willing to teach him such an apprentice."

The mother is still more protective of her son: "You old thing, you said that your son didn't make progress before, but now that he is making progress, you also said that it's all your reasoning."

Hearing this, Father Lin had to smile and said, "Well, well, I won't talk about him, let him ask."

Lin Ruifeng came out of the shop early and transferred to the Su Ji restaurant. As soon as I walked in, some of the dining tables in front of Suji had obviously been used, and there were still discarded paper towels on the table and the floor.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ruifeng was a little surprised, and then looked at Su Jinrong and the old neighbour who stayed in Su Ji and asked: "What's the matter?"

Wang Cuifeng smiled and said, "What else is going on? Your business is very good in the morning, and there are not so many places for people to sit, so Uncle Rong asked some of your guests to sit here at Su Ji."

Hearing Wang Cuifeng's words, Lin Ruifeng instantly became unhappy: "How can this be done? No, I'm going to talk to my parents."

Seeing that Lin Ruifeng was going to quarrel with his parents, Su Jinrong called to him: "Ruifeng, don't go."

Wang Cuifeng also got up and walked over, and stretched out his hand to pull Lin Ruifeng back.

"You kid, why haven't you noticed that you have a strong temper before? Why? You are worried that when will your master start selling early in Su Ji and steal your business?"

When Wang Cuifeng said this, Lin Ruifeng quickly argued: "No, if Master wants to do it earlier, my family will not do it. I will come over to help Master."

Wang Cuifeng was very excited when he saw Lin Ruifeng, and smiled to appease: "Okay, okay, don't get excited, you are so young and angry."

Lin Ruifeng went on to say: "I mean, I shouldn't let my guests run over and occupy the place in Su Ji. It's all dirty."

Wang Cuifeng said immediately: "You know it's dirty, you won't clean it? Are you still waiting for your master, who is busy preparing ingredients in the back kitchen, to come out and clean it?"

This sentence immediately broke the problem, and Lin Ruifeng suddenly woke up, and quickly picked up the broom and dustpan to clean.

After cleaning up, I went to get a rag again, wiped the table and chairs, and even mopped it carefully with a mop.

Seeing Lin Ruifeng at work, Wang Cuifeng and the others were really a little surprised. They didn't expect him to work so hard.

When Lin Ruifeng finished cleaning, Wang Cuifeng said again: "Look, isn't it good? Su Ji is not open in the morning, so let your guests come to Su Ji to sit down. It's okay. Just come and clean after you are busy. ."

Lin Ruifeng was still very persistent and said: "No, they don't pay Su Ji, and they still can't sit in Su Ji to eat."

Wang Cuifeng rolled his eyes, for the first time that Lin Ruifeng was really a solid-eyed kid.

In the end, Su Jinrong said, "It's okay, you can sit and sit, your family is small, sitting in Su Ji, spacious, I agree."

Lin Ruifeng looked at Su Jinrong in surprise.

Wang Cuifeng smiled and said, "Look, Uncle Rong is such a magnificent person. After you have studied with Master for so long, why can't you broaden your horizons? What is such a small matter?"

Feng Yifan also came out of the back kitchen when he heard something before At this time, he also said: "Yes, this is a small matter, Ruifeng, you don't need to be serious."

When Lin Ruifeng saw that both the master and the master had spoken, he could only accept this result in his heart.

Then, Lin Ruifeng ran to the master again, lowered his voice and asked, about not using up the fillings.

The reason why he whispered to Master was that Lin Ruifeng felt that he couldn't let everyone know that his family was going to store the unused fillings and continue to use them tomorrow.

After Feng Yifan listened to the apprentice's question, he was also amused by the apprentice's stubbornness.

I have to say that Lin Ruifeng's stubbornness is really a little bit cute.

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay to use it the next day, but before putting it in the refrigerator, you need to pour a layer of oil on the surface and seal the filling. It will still be fresh when used tomorrow."

The second one is sent in advance, thanks to "rcliu" for the 100 rewards. Thank you all for subscribing to support!

(End of this chapter)