Chapter 227: "Little Zhuge" slapped right?

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Chapter 229 "Little Zhuge" Was Right? (Third update) Wan Geng wants to subscribe

With the temptation of snacks, the children are very behaving this noon, obediently finishing the meal, obediently all go to bed.

Only after waking up, the children are no longer so behaved.

After the children got up, they got out of bed quickly and put on their own clothes. Then they ran to the door one after another, put on their shoes, and quickly sat down in the classroom.

After sitting down, the group of children started yelling, not sitting obediently and waiting.

"I want a snack."

"Teacher Fang, we want snacks."

"I don't know what Ruoruo Dad will do today?"

"Whatever it is, Ruoruo's dad will definitely be delicious."

"How do you know Ruoruo's father must be delicious?"

"Because Ruoruo's father used to make delicious."

"Yes, and Ruoruo's father made Ruoruo eat, it won't be unpalatable."


The children were chatting and talking, but they were too late to see Teacher Fang to hand out snacks, so they were a little anxious at first.

Fortunately, Teacher Fang came soon, with a plastic bag containing snacks in his hand.

Hearing the children's twittering, Teacher Fang said, "Well, you all have to be quiet, and sit down obediently, otherwise the teacher won't send any snacks."

This sentence is very effective, the class immediately calmed down, and the children sat down and waited.

Teacher Fang laughed in satisfaction after seeing it, then put the plastic bag on the table and slowly opened the plastic bag.

Then Teacher Fang discovered by accident that in addition to the lunch box, there were also cake plates like the usual cakes in the plastic bag.

Seeing this, the teacher was a little surprised: Could it be said that the cake delivered today?

Then, Teacher Fang found that there were several lunch boxes.

Place the lunch boxes one by one, and then uncover them one by one. Teacher Fang was immediately shocked by the roll of towels in the meal.

The colorful rolls of towels really look very beautiful, like strips of beautiful cakes.

And in the plastic bag, in addition to the small dishes, there are also small spoons, and a clip specially used to hold the towel roll cake inside.

Teacher Fang was really surprised by Feng Ruoruo's caring parents.

Soon, the voices of the children in the class brought back Teacher Fang's thoughts.

Seeing the children stretch their heads one by one, they can't wait to take a look at the snacks in the box. Teacher Fang was also very considerate, standing up holding the lunch box, and showing it to every child.

Seeing the snacks in the box clearly, a child is also guessing what is in this box?

And the first one to say it was not Liu Zihao, a seemingly knowledgeable child.

Instead, Zhang Zhuangzhuang opened his mouth and exclaimed: "It's a cake. Today Ruoruo's father made a cake for us."

Feng Ruoruo was a little surprised when he heard Zhang Zhuangzhuang's words: "Huh? Zhang Zhuangzhuang, how do you know that it is a cake? My mother told me that this is a cake called ‘towel’."

Feng Ruoruo only remembered the towel in his little head at this time, and forgot the word "roll".

As a result, all the children in the class suddenly said, "Oh, it turned out to be a towel cake."

But Chen Yaofei said, "It's not a towel cake. This one is called a towel cake roll because it looks like a rolled towel."

When Feng Ruoruo heard the explanation from a good friend, he immediately said: "Yes, right, Faeyie is right, it's a towel roll cake."

Liu Zihao only spoke at this time: "I know this. My mother bought it for me, but my mother bought all green or chocolate. There is no such kind of red, red, yellow, or yellow."

Teacher Fang said at this time: "Teacher thinks, Feng Ruoruo's father should be made with juice, so there will be red and yellow."

Without letting the children discuss it anymore, Teacher Fang placed the box in his hand and said: "Okay, now the teacher is about to start dividing. Everyone sits down and waits for the teacher to give it to everyone."

Because it is already cut, it is very convenient for Teacher Fang to use a clip to clip them one by one.

When I cut out a piece and saw the cross section, the closer child immediately exclaimed: "It's really like a towel rolled up."

Teacher Fang looked at it and showed it to the children.

From the cross-section, it does look like a towel roll.

Next, Teacher Fang distributed different colors to the children according to some children's requirements. Most of the girls were red, and the boys were yellow, as well as green and blue.

After distributing it in a circle, this time it was basically finished, and in the end there was only one piece left for Teacher Fang.

After everyone had it, Teacher Fang smiled and said, "Okay, so everyone has a piece, and now everyone can start."

As soon as Teacher Fang spoke, the children couldn't wait to eat.

In the same way, Teacher Fang took a bite cautiously. He was worried that the cream in the middle was too greasy, but after taking a bite, Teacher Fang found that the middle did not seem to be cream.

The taste is sweet and sour, and when you chew it is soft and waxy, it seems a bit like eating mashed potatoes.

This kind of smell suddenly made Teacher Fang feel very novel, coupled with the fruit pieces mixed in it, it feels very fresh, but it is not at all creamy and creamy in the original towel roll.

After eating, Teacher Fang was surprised: What was caught in this towel roll?

Teacher Fang was thinking about it, and Liu Zihao yelled over there, "Feng Ruoruo, your father made this delicious. It tastes different from what my mother bought for me."

Feng Ruoruo had never eaten towel cake rolls, so the little girl didn't know the difference.

She raised her head to look at Liu Zihao and asked, "Is it different?"

Chen Yaofei, who was sitting next to him, also said: "It's different. Ruoruo, your father made this. It doesn't seem to use cream in it, but it tastes better, a bit rusty."

Teacher Fang heard Chen Yaofei's words, and suddenly thought that the special taste she had eaten by herself was sasa glutinous.

But this is obviously not made of mashed potatoes. Teacher Fang is very curious what it is?

During the snack time after the nap, the children ate very happily. At the same time, the children have a deeper admiration for Feng Ruoruo's father, because he feels that Feng Ruoruo's father can do everything and is a very powerful person.

Chen Yaofei had finished eating and didn't know what it was, so she quietly said to Feng Ruoruo: "Ruoruo, let's go back today and ask your father what is inside."

Yang Xiaoxi heard it on the other side, and asked, "Fei Fei, haven't you eaten it?"

Chen Yaofei shook his head: "No, but it's really delicious."

Feng Ruoruo grinned and said, "It's good to be delicious. When we go home from school, we can ask my dad together."

Yang Xiaoxi said, "Ruoruo, this is delicious. We will go on an outing tomorrow. Can Uncle Feng make some more for us to eat? We can eat in the tent."

When Feng Ruoruo heard this idea from a good friend, she thought it must be very good, and immediately agreed: "Okay, I'll go home and tell my dad."

Chen Yaofei said: "My grandparents bought a lot of fruits, and my grandma also prepared good water for us."

When Chen Yaofei said "good water", Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi were very curious.

"What is good water?"

"Faey, what kind of water is that?"

Chen Yaofei thought for a while, and found that she couldn't describe it well, so she could only say: "I don't know how to say it, anyway, it is delicious. My grandma made it for us. We can drink it together when we go for an outing tomorrow.

Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi were very happy to applaud.

The three little girls here were chatting in whispers, and Liu Zihao didn't know when he would come over again.

He probably saw Teacher Fang was still tasting snacks, so the little boy sneaked over, trying to eavesdrop on Feng Ruoruo and the others.

Hearing the outing, Liu Zihao immediately couldn't help asking: "You are going on an outing tomorrow? Can you take me there?"

The three little girls were startled at first by the little boy's words.

Then Feng Ruoruo turned to see Liu Zihao and said, "We can't take you there. You have to let your parents take you there. Children must be taken by adults to go out to play."

When Liu Zihao heard about his mother, he fainted: "My mother definitely doesn't want to take me."

Yang Xiaoxi continued: "Then we can't take you, your mother won't agree."

Liu Zihao was really disappointed when he heard this, and said helplessly: "I will ask my mother when I get home, then if my mother lets me go, can we go to you?"

Chen Yaofei asked strangely: "Where are you going to find us?"

Liu Zihao asked, "Where are you going to play?"

The three little girls looked at each other, and then replied in unison: "I don't know."

Liu Zihao was stunned for a while, and then asked in surprise, "Don't you guys know where to go to play?"

Feng Ruoruo replied: "Yes, we don't know, anyway, my father and Fei Fei's grandparents, Xixi's parents said okay, take us to play, we just go there, don't know where to go."

Chen Yaofei and Yang Xiaoxi also nodded in agreement, thinking that as long as they go out to play, they can play anywhere.

When Liu Zihao saw that the girls didn't know where they were going, his little face was filled with disappointment.

Just now, Teacher Fang had finished eating. He raised his head and saw Liu Zihao, and some other children had left their seats. He quickly packed up and said, "Okay, okay, the snack time is over, everyone is back to their seats."

Liu Zihao didn't dare to stay, and quickly returned to his seat.

Teacher Fang then went to the door to bring the trash can, and asked the children to clean up the table in front of them and throw the trash into the trash can.

After clearing the table, Teacher Fang asked the children to sit and rest for a while.

As for Teacher Fang, he went to throw away the garbage left over after the children had eaten.

While throwing out the garbage, Teacher Fang met other teachers in the class.

Seeing Teacher Fang, other teachers in the class also greeted him actively. Then he stopped Teacher Fang and asked, "Mr. Fang, the parents of your children in your class, are you here to give snacks again?"

Teacher Fang nodded: "Yes."

The teacher went on to say, "Teacher Fang, this is not good, right? If you are caught by the parents of other children, would you think that this is the parent of the child deliberately to please you? Let you take care of their children more?"

Teacher Fang was taken aback when he heard the words, then shook his head and said, "No, the parents of other children know it."

Without waiting for the teacher to speak, Teacher Fang continued: "Moreover, the last time some children went to that child's house with their parents as guests, that child's house was not specialized in making snacks.

The teacher on the other side was a little surprised: "Isn't that kid making snacks at home?"

Teacher Fang replied: "Yes, that kid's house is not specialized in selling dim sum, nor is it a dim sum shop."

The teacher murmured: "I don't specialize in making dim sum, but can make dim sum so good, but it is really amazing, then will he charge you money?

Teacher Fang smiled and asked, "If people don't sell dim sum, how can they collect money?"

The teacher we talked to said with a dry smile: "Oh, that's good, Teacher Fang, I'll go back first."

Teacher Fang was also generous to bid farewell to the other party, and turned around and walked towards the classroom. After walking a few steps, the teacher couldn't help thinking: It seems that Feng Ruoruo's father's gift of snacks still aroused other teachers' thoughts.

In fact, it is normal for teachers in other classes to have ideas, after all, during this time, Teacher Fang was a little too prominent in his class.

The most important thing is that when other teachers saw such beautiful dim sum, they all wanted to taste it, but they had no chance to eat it.

Envy and jealousy are always inevitable.

Teacher Fang thought of the head of the kindergarten and felt that she was right to reduce the number of times she asked Feng Ruoruo's father to give snacks.

Back to the class, because the teacher is not there, naturally the children in the class will not be able to sit obediently. Some bold children, like Liu Zihao, have joined Feng Ruoruo and the three girls again.

Seeing that Liu Zihao is always playing with the girl now, Teacher Fang couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

Sure enough, the power of food is too great.

In fact, Teacher Fang didn't know that Liu Zihao approached Feng Ruoruo and the others to get Feng Ruoruo and the three to give him ideas and ask his mother to agree to take him to Feng Ruoruo and the others tomorrow.

The three "little Zhuge" Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, and Chen Yaofei naturally began to help think of a solution.

Yang Xiaoxi's method is very straightforward: "You can make trouble with your mother, it's fine if your mother is willing to take you there."

This method Liu Zihao immediately denied: "No, I can't make trouble for my mother."

Chen Yaofei said: "Then you can talk to your aunt, saying that you want to play with us, beg aunt, maybe the aunt will agree."

Liu Zihao tugged his head and muttered, "It's useless to ask mom, she still won't let me go."

Seeing that both Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei gave ideas, Feng Ruoruo did not say anything. Liu Zihao asked strangely: "Feng Ruoruo, can't you do it? Tell me about your method."

As a result, Feng Ruoruo answered directly: "I can't help it."

Such an answer stunned Liu Zihao, and the little boy asked with a sad face, "Is there really no way?"

Feng Ruoruo nodded: "There is no way You must be a good boy, listen to your mother, if your mother does not agree with you, then you have to be obedient, so you can only ask your mother to agree with you to go. "

But after a pause, Feng Ruoruo added: "Or, you can ask your father to agree."

This sentence immediately inspired Liu Zihao: "Yes, this is a good way. I can tell my dad that he will take me there."

Before the children continued to talk, Teacher Fang had already returned, and Liu Zihao could only quickly return to his position.

Feng Ruoruo looked at two good friends and asked, "Is that a good idea for me just now?"

Chen Yaofei and Yang Xiaoxi, two little girls, and Feng Ruoruo, look at me, I look at you, and the last three little Zhuge don’t know. After all, Liu Zihao went to tell his father, is it a good idea?

Three changes and twelve thousand updates are complete, thank you for your subscription and support!

(End of this chapter)