Chapter 271: The love born of food

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
This afternoon, Su Ji, the time ahead was delayed by the bosses on the old street, which caused Feng Yifan to be unable to make snacks for his daughter early.

When Li Jianping, Yang Zhigang, Fan Chaodong, and Wang Cuifeng all left, Feng Yifan and Su Ruoxi served refreshments to the few old people left behind, so that the old people could rest and chat in the closed restaurant.

Feng Yifan led his wife to the back kitchen and started the dessert making teaching today.

While making it, Su Ruoxi looked at it carefully, and asked her husband a little strangely: "Why do you have so many desserts? If you say you learned it abroad, you obviously don't have some desserts abroad."

The desserts Feng Yifan made today are indeed not foreign desserts. Today they are making traditional Shaqima.

Feng Yifan was making face-to-face meetings while smiling and saying to his wife, "Because your husband is a genius."

Su Ruoxi suddenly curled her lips: "It's a stinky fart, right?"

Seeing that his wife was upset, Feng Yifan grabbed his wife's waist and said, "Don't be angry. In fact, these dim sums are often made by Belden. As long as you master the skills, many things will be easy."

Today's Shaqima, Feng Yifan has made a slight improvement on the traditional basis, instead of using white sugar, but adding some honey.

And instead of using only green and red silk, some candied fruits are added to increase the variety of flavors.

Feng Yifan also prepared some nut kernels, which is really luxurious.

Su Ruoxi watched her husband do it while learning.

Seeing that Shaqima was still more complicated this time, she asked, "You look at it, it's not as simple as Belden you said. I think this is really complicated."

Feng Yifan smiled and said to his wife: "In fact, it's really not difficult. The main thing is that you have to master this skill."

Next, Feng Yifan naturally passed on various production techniques to his wife without reservation.

Shaqima must be fried first, and after frying, it must be fried. The real difficulty lies in frying. After frying, the noodles can be evenly coated with sugar sauce.

Moreover, Feng Yifan has mixed nut kernels, and he must also ensure that the nut kernels are evenly distributed.

In this process, Feng Yifan used two short wooden sticks to stir-fry in the pot constantly. It was really a test of skill, strength, and fire control.

After frying, get the stir-fried Shaqima out of the pot and place it on the chopping board that has been spread with a layer of green and red silk and preserved fruit.

Feng Yifan took a knife and used the blade to quickly press and reshape it horizontally.

This time, Su Ruoxi saw that the magical thing was that her husband didn't use a mold at all, so he pressed out the long Shaqima with his hands.

Su Ruoxi was really surprised at this scene.

You know, the fried ones are still a bit hot.

However, Feng Yifan didn't care about the heat at all. He pressed the plastic when it was so hot, and even the mold was useless, so he finished the plastic with a kitchen knife.

Seeing his wife's surprised expression, Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Actually, this is not hot anymore. You can squeeze this candy lightly, it doesn't feel very hot, and then put it out."

After forming a long strip, Feng Yifan lightly cut it open again, all of which were cut into long thin strips.

After cutting it, Feng Yifan picked up a piece and handed it to his wife's mouth: "Come on, try it, is it the same as when you were a kid?"

Su Ruoxi liked to eat Shaqima when he was a child, especially when his grandfather was alive, some people who came to visit his grandfather from the capital always brought the snacks from the capital, among them Shaqima.

Because the identity of grandpa is there, people who come to visit grandpa will not buy that kind of machined Shaqima. Usually people from Beijing will bring Shaqima handmade by the master over there.

Su Ruoxi took a bite, and after chewing, she was surprised again. The husband made this, it tastes very similar to what she ate when she was a child.

It is not very sweet, and the fried short noodles will not be very hard, and they will taste crispy and soft. With the nutty scent, you will feel the fragrance of the lips and teeth after every bite, which is especially delicious.

Asking her husband to feed herself and finish eating one piece, Su Ruoxi exclaimed: "You made this, it tastes really similar to when I was a kid."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Well, it's good if you like it. If you like it, your daughter will definitely like it too."

Then, Feng Yifan picked a few more pieces and placed them on a small white porcelain plate.

Su Ruoxi asked strangely: "Who are you going to give this?"

Seeing that his wife had already squeezed another piece to eat, Feng Yifan laughed: "Of course this is for Aunt Liu and the others to taste. We can't eat alone."

Su Ruoxi, who was eating the second piece, was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said angrily: "If you say I eat alone, I will ignore you."

Feng Yifan couldn't help laughing when he saw his wife sulking.

Her husband smiled, making Su Ruoxi even more annoyed, and turned her head and said, "Humph, ignore you."

Although she turned her head to ignore her husband, Shaqima did not let go. Su Ruoxi still eats bite by bite, this Shaqima really suits her appetite.

Feng Yifan didn't break it when he saw it. He smiled and said, "You eat slowly, and I will send this to the elderly people in front."

Where did Su Ruoxi have time to care about her husband, she just nodded her head and agreed, continuing to eat like a "little mouse" there alone.

Seeing his wife's cute look, Feng Yifan was so happy that he walked to the restaurant in front of him with a plate.

Come to the front and present Shaqima to the old people.

When Liu Wanhua saw this traditional Shaqima, she couldn't help being a little surprised: "Yifan, would you still make such a traditional Shaqima? This looks very good."

Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "Aunt Liu, this is what I have read some tutorials, and I have explored and made them by myself. Everyone tastes it and gives me some advice."

Lin Zekang looked around and said, "Shaqima, when I was on a business trip to the capital when I was young, I had a very authentic one. It was made by a real master. The taste is really different from what I bought later."

Tang Zhuochen couldn't wait to say: "Okay, let's try it quickly."

Zhang Maosheng smiled and said, "Look, Old Tang is greedy."

After that, the old people didn't hesitate, and one of them picked up a piece and tasted it separately.

After eating, the crispness has some soft, sweet but not greasy taste, which makes the old people all eat them with smiles.

After taking a bite, Liu Wanhua said, "Okay, it's really delicious, Yifan, you did a great job."

Lin Zekang also said: "Yes, this is the taste. The one I had eaten when I was young, it was such a taste. It was really delicious, sweet but not greasy, crispy and soft."

Zhang Maosheng took over and said: "Yifan is mixed with nuts, and the aroma of these nuts is added to it to make it more fragrant."

Lu Cuiling couldn't help but praise her son: "Yes, you can. I didn't expect my son to make such a delicious Shaqima."

Feng Yifan felt a little regretful and said, "Unfortunately, Dad left a little earlier, otherwise I can ask Dad to take some back to eat."

Lu Cuiling said: "Your dad, I don't like this. He prefers to eat that pea cake. You brought him a lot of pea cakes. He doesn't know how happy he is."

Feng Yifan laughed: "My dad will do as long as he likes it. When he comes next time, I will prepare some more for him."

Lu Cuiling said immediately: "Don't worry, you let your dad eat this time, and he will definitely come over next week."

This made the old people present laugh.

While the old people were smiling, Su Ruoxi walked out of the back kitchen and carried a kettle to fill everyone with water. Hearing her mother-in-law's words, she also said, "Dad likes it, so come more. Anyway, Yifan can do it. Let him do more."

Seeing Su Ruoxi adding water to the tea cup, Liu Wanhua said with a smile: "Ruoxi is really lucky to marry such a good husband. She thinks about how to make snacks for your wife every day."

Su Ruoxi curled her lips and said, "He? I care more about his daughter. I'm all caught up in her daughter's light."

These words immediately made the old people happy.

Tang Zhuochen said: "Yifan, this is wrong with you, how can you patronize your daughter, regardless of your wife? It is not allowed in the future, you have to make Ruoxi something she likes."

When Feng Yifan heard this, he glanced at his wife with a smug expression, and could only say: "Good Uncle Tang, don't worry."

At this moment, Feng Yifan's cell phone rang, and he did not shy away from answering the call.

ALFY called for help.

"Chef Feng, the simmered shrimp **** you mentioned, after all the shrimp slices are opened, after marinating, should they be deep-fried?"

Feng Yifan looked helpless when A Fei hurriedly asked for help over the phone and could only give some guidance on the phone.

This call for guidance took more than an hour and a half.

Feng Yifan's phone call was not the end until it was confirmed that the dishes were ready.

When Feng Yifan hangs up, everyone is a little curious? Who is he teaching?

Su Ruoxi asked, "I heard you say on the phone that it seems to be teaching others to cook, who is it?"

Feng Yifan smiled bitterly and said, "It's A Fei, he is cooking for his little partner in their studio."

Say "A Fei", everyone can't remember who it is?

Feng Yifan added: "It was to shoot a promotional video for Su Ji, the photographer, who came with Meng Shitong and the others, that very handsome photographer."

With that said, everyone immediately got an impression.

Liu Wanhua asked strangely: "What? Does he know how to cook? I thought he would do it all by taking pictures of you."

Feng Yifan smiled bitterly and said, “He really can’t cook. Isn’t this just calling me to ask me? He is today, first of all, he will do the “dry (??) prawns” I taught last time and post it on the Internet. Go and show it to the video netizens.

Secondly, it is to confess to someone. "

Everyone was a little surprised: "Confess to others?"

Feng Yifan nodded: "Yes, he wants to confess to others today, so if he wants to show his hand, he should be successful."

Liu Wanhua hesitated and laughed: "Hahaha, young people nowadays are so interesting to confess, and they still have to learn to cook to confess. Isn't this because you like a foodie among your young people?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "It may be true."

When saying this, Feng Yifan looked at his wife.

Su Ruoxi saw her husband's gaze and immediately glared at him, her eyes seemed to say: Do you dare to say that I am a foodie, I will kill you at night.

Naturally, Feng Yifan didn't dare to point it out, only smiled and looked back.

Lin Zekang said: "At that time, we had a saying, if we want to keep a man’s heart, we must first keep his stomach. Now their young people seem to be the other way around. They want to catch the girl’s heart first. Go to the girl's stomach."

This sentence was recognized by everyone present.

Liu Wanhua said: "Speaking of which, girls are still happy now. Now many girls don't have to learn to cook. They just let their boyfriends or future husbands do it, so happy."

Hearing this, Zhang Maosheng suddenly said: "Old sister, you don't seem to know how to cook?"

When Liu Wanhua heard this, she stared and said, "Go, I can't cook, and I didn't go to your house to eat."

Zhang Maosheng was glared, naturally he dared not say anything.

Instead, Tang Zhuochen smiled and said, "That is, our old sister has a place to eat. How can the craftsmanship of our old guys be in the eyes of the old sister?"

Liu Wanhua was a little unhappy when he was said this: "You two old men buried in the ground, you must make me embarrassed in front of the juniors, right?"

Seeing that Liu Wanhua was a little unhappy, Su Ruoxi hurriedly went over and said: "Aunt Liu, don't be angry. Of course you are not afraid of cooking, because there is a sail. He should respect you."

Liu Wanhua laughed with satisfaction at this: "That is, I don't eat what you make, I have a sail to eat."

But that's how it was said, but the old lady glanced at Su Jinrong intentionally or unintentionally.

Everyone was watching this scene, but with the warning from the old lady before, everyone naturally pretended not to see it, and no one would break the matter.

Feng Yifan asked the old people to sit and chat. He pulled up his wife to pack up and go back to the kitchen.

After entering the kitchen, Feng Yifan couldn't help asking: "Do you think Aunt Liu seems to be interesting to Dad?"

Su Ruoxi said: "Did you just find out? This matter, the older ones out there, are not a secret at all. The older ones all know about it, but it's just that everyone won't explain it."

Feng Yifan was a little surprised: "But, I remember Aunt Liu is much older than Dad."

Su Ruoxi nodded: "Yes, because it's a lot older, so my dad didn't catch it back then. If he didn't meet my mother later, he might really have to stay away from marrying forever."

Feng Yifan was really surprised. He didn't expect that there would still be such a story between his father-in-law and Liu Wanhua.

And the two are ten years apart in age.

Feng Yifan thought about it carefully: his father-in-law knows Liu Wanhua's tastes very well, and he even remembers that Liu Wanhua once asked her sister's daughter to dipped the rice with squirrel mandarin fish soup.

I contacted again that Liu Wanhua came to Su Ji to eat every day, basically eating with his father-in-law, and taking care of his father-in-law during the meal.

Feng Yifan felt that there should be a story between the two elderly people, father-in-law and Liu Wanhua.


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