Chapter 281: 1 start to make cakes

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
The three little girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, spent the day in kindergarten thinking about leaving school and thinking about how to make cakes with Father Feng.

Thinking about it this way, the three little girls were a little absent-minded all day, and even Father Feng's snacks didn't taste so good.

Of course, although they were absent-minded when eating dim sum, the three little girls still ate their dim sum seriously, and did not give some to eat faster, and then tried to eat more children to take advantage of the opportunity.

After eating snacks, I played a few mini games with Teacher Fang, and then it was time to draw together.

The three little girls were in a daze facing the drawing book, and did not paint for a long time.

After a long time stunned, Feng Ruoruo suddenly woke up, pulling Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei to laugh and talk.

"Xixi, Faey Fei, what kind of cake will my father make for Xixi today?"

When the two little girls heard this question, they both shook their heads for a moment.

"I do not know."

"I don't know, Ruo Ruo, do you know?"

Feng Ruoruo shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I think my dad promised to take us to make it together. Can we draw the cake we want to make first? Then we can show it to dad when we get home.

When Feng Ruoruo said so, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei looked at each other, and then the two little girls thought this method was good.

Yang Xiaoxi smiled and said: "If you are really smart and we draw the cake we want, and then let Father Feng take us to make the cake on the drawing, it will be great."

Chen Yaofei first cheered together, and then asked: "But if all three of us paint, then whose father should Feng do it?"

Feng Ruoruo smiled and said, "Of course I did it according to Xixi's, because it was Xixi's birthday."

Yang Xiaoxi was a little embarrassed: "In fact, whoever paints a good-looking one can do it according to whoever does it."

Feng Ruoruo went on to say: "No, the three of us will draw it out, and let my father do it when we celebrate our birthday. Xixi will do Xixi painting for our birthday, and Feifei will do it for Feifei's birthday, and Ruoruo will do it for our birthday. Ruo Ruo painted."

Chen Yaofei thinks this method is good: "It's so good, we all draw what we like, and let Feng's father do the same when we celebrate our birthday."

Yang Xiaoxi nodded and said, "Okay, let's paint quickly, otherwise it will be too late when the kindergarten is over."

After the discussion, the three little girls began to draw on their own drawing books.

After painting, time flies quickly.

When the kindergarten bell rang, Feng Ruoruo stood up almost instantly, shocking the other children. Even Teacher Fang was taken aback and looked at the little girl strangely.

"Feng Ruoruo, what's the matter with you?"

When Teacher Fang asked, Feng Ruoruo immediately recovered and sat down a little embarrassed.

"Teacher Fang, I'm fine, I just missed Dad when I heard the bell."

When Liu Zihao heard this, he added: “Feng Ruoruo definitely wants his father to make delicious. Feng Ruoruo’s father’s cooking is delicious, and my mother says it’s very delicious.”

As soon as Liu Zihao's words fell, Zhang Zhuangzhuang also stood up and said, "I know, Feng Ruoruo's cooking is so delicious."

Next, a group of children twittered, discussing how well Feng Ruoruo's father cooks.

Teacher Fang couldn't laugh or cry. He felt that the group of snacks in the class was really love and annoying.

Finally, Teacher Fang still asked the children to calm down: "Alright, all quiet down, we haven't finished school yet, and what should you do after school today?"

As soon as the children listened to Teacher Fang's words, they immediately calmed down, and then said in unison: "Pack your schoolbags, pack your drawing books and take them home."

Teacher Fang smiled and nodded: "Yes, so are everyone going to start packing schoolbags?"

After listening to Teacher Fang's words, the children immediately began to close the drawing books one by one and level them with their small hands.

Among them, the girls will be very careful. The boys just close the notebooks and touch them casually. It's probably flat.

Then, the children went to the classroom shelf again, brought their little schoolbags, and put the drawing books in the schoolbags.

When putting the picture books, some children just stuffed them into their school bags.

Some children will be very careful to lay the picture book flat, and even check whether the part of the picture book put in the school bag is folded to the corners.

When the children were basically cleaned up, Teacher Fang stood up and bowed farewell to the children.

"Goodbye everyone, the teacher wishes everyone a happy weekend."

The children also learned a lot. They stood up and bowed goodbye to Teacher Fang: "Goodbye Teacher Fang."

After bidding farewell to each other, Teacher Fang walked to the door of the classroom and let the waiting parents come in.

As the parents entered the door one after another, the children were led away by their parents one by one.

Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei soon saw the two fathers who came to pick them up. The three little girls immediately stood up and couldn't wait to follow the two fathers away.

However, Feng Yifan and Yang Zhiyi walked over and talked specifically to Teacher Fang.

"Teacher Fang, today we are here, in addition to picking up Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi, we also need to pick up Chen Yaofei. Grandpa Feifei should have told you, right?"

"Yes, Teacher Fang, Faey's grandfather should have said that, right?"

Teacher Fang nodded and said: "Yes, Grandpa Fei Fei called me in the afternoon and said that Dad Ruoruo came to pick her up, but since Dad Xixi also came, then you can pick up Chen Yao Fei together."

When Chen Yaofei heard Teacher Fang's promise, she was very happy and waved to Teacher Fang with a smile, "Thank you, Teacher Fang, bye bye."

Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi also waved goodbye to Teacher Fang.

"Goodbye Teacher Fang."

"Teacher Fang, goodbye."

Teacher Fang smiled and waved goodbye to the three little girls: "Okay, goodbye, teacher wishes you a happy weekend."

In this way, the three little girls were very happy and left with the two fathers holding hands.

What made Yang Zhiyi a little depressed was that on the way back, the three girls wanted to be pulled by Feng's father, and they almost put his father aside.

Obviously, Feng's father wanted to take them to make cakes, which attracted the three little girls even more.

Yang Zhiyi was also helpless. Finally, after discussion, Yang Xiaoxi let his father hold him, and his other hand held Feng Ruoruo.

And Chen Yaofei was pulled by Feng's father on the other side.

The two fathers took the three girls and quickly returned to Su Ji.

As soon as he entered the door, a shower of petals greeted the three little girls. A group of people in the restaurant said in unison: "Happy birthday, kid Yang Xiaoxi."

The three little girls were a little surprised at first, and then they saw everyone in the restaurant, even Yang Xiaoxi's mother had already arrived. The little girls suddenly laughed happily, and cheered together.

Li Feier came out and hugged her daughter: "Happy birthday, baby."

Yang Xiaoxi happily responded in her mother's arms: "Thank you mother."

Yang Zhiyi was pushed by Feng Yifan before he came forward and hugged the mother and daughter together: "Happy birthday, baby Xixi, my wife, baby, worked hard for you today six years ago."

Li Feier was also moved when she heard her husband say this, and even tears were already rolling in her eyes.

Looking at such a family, everyone in Su Ji was also moved by this happiness.

The family of three hugged for a while, and when they separated naturally, Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Well, should we go to the kitchen now and start making cakes for Yang Xiaoxi?"

Li Feier was a little surprised: "Are you just starting to make cakes now?"

Feng Yifan nodded and said, "Of course, I promised the children to take them to make cakes, and Su Ji will not be open tonight. We will celebrate Yang Xiaoxi's birthday."

Li Fei'er was a little embarrassed: "Daddy Xixi didn't tell me beforehand, it is really too much trouble for you."

Su Ruoxi stepped forward and said, "It's okay. Our Su Ji can do business so quickly, thanks to your TV interview, so we should celebrate Xixi's birthday."

Li Fei'er was even more embarrassed to be said: "Mother Ruoruo, why do you say this, it seems that there is something black-box operation between us?"

Su Ruoxi stretched out her hand to hold Li Feier: "Ours is not a black-box operation, we are a blatant alliance."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Yes, we are the friendship of children."

Feng Ruoruo followed and yelled: "I am best friends with Xixi and Fei Fei, so we will celebrate Xixi's birthday together, and we will also have to celebrate Fei Fei's birthday in the same way in the future."

Then Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei said together: "There is still Ruoruo."

Seeing the three little girls have such a good relationship, the parents also laughed.

Afterwards, Feng Yifan took the three little girls to the back kitchen, ready to start making birthday cakes for Yang Xiaoxi.

In the beginning, Feng Yifan led the three little girls into the kitchen, but soon Su Ruoxi and Li Feier couldn't help their mothers and ran into the kitchen together quietly.

Yang Zhiyi chatted with the elderly for a while. He was also curious about making cakes in the kitchen, so he simply slipped into the kitchen.

When Yang Zhiyi entered the kitchen, he immediately saw that on the side of Feng Yifan's usual cooking table, there were all kinds of large and small containers, as well as various types of ingredients.

The most important ones are flour, eggs, sugar, and a lot of various fruits.

Seeing such a dazzling array of things, Yang Zhiyi was a little surprised: "God, is it so rich?"

Yang Xiaoxi heard his father's voice, raised his head and saw that his father had also come in, and immediately said, "Dad, Father Feng said that he wants to make me a big fruit cake, and he needs a lot of fruits."

Yang Zhiyi immediately said, "What's the point of just eating fruit? The cake must have cream."

Feng Yifan heard what was in the small glass bowl raised his hand and said, "I have prepared the cream, too."

Glancing at the contents in the small bowl, Yang Zhiyi asked strangely: "Is this butter? Doesn't it look like?"

Li Fei'er immediately scolded her husband: "You are so stupid. This is unwhipped cream. When it is whipped, it will become the kind of cream we usually see in cake shops."

Yang Zhiyi nodded and said, "So this is the case? So shall we start now?"

Feng Yifan said immediately: "Since everyone has come in, let's start. Today we are more crowded. We start to divide the work. Let's make cakes for Yang Xiaoxi."

Yang Xiaoxi is naturally very happy, so many people make cakes for herself, which is simply too fun for the little girl.

In fact, making cakes may be very novel and interesting to every parent and child present except Feng Yifan.

You should know that usually everyone buys it in a cake shop, and rarely does it by themselves.

Under Feng Yifan's division of labor, parents and children are involved.

For example, when whipping cream, Feng Yifan will take three little girls to try each one, and let them feel the whipping process with him while holding the blender in their little hands.

This is naturally the happiest thing for the three little girls, because being able to participate in person will really find it very interesting.

When sifting the flour, the three little girls were also very happy to participate. It was very, very interesting to be with Father Feng.

Yang Zhiyi is not so easy, his main task is to juice the fruit.

The key is that after squeezing the juice, Feng Yifan asked Yang Zhiyi to carefully sift the juice, making sure that there are no particles in the juice.

This is really a bit embarrassing for Yang Zhiyi, he really tossed back and forth for a long time.

The main reason why Feng Yifan asked Yang Zhiyi to do this was that he prepared a layer of fruity mousse in the middle of Yang Xiaoxi's cake.

In order not to use coloring, it is necessary to filter the juice as clean as possible.

Once the bottom layer of the baked cake is out of the oven, it smells fragrant.

It really makes the whole back kitchen filled with the rich sweetness of the cake.

Feng Yifan uses a mold to cut out the necessary parts, and distribute the leftovers to everyone.

"Try it, the freshly baked cake tastes great."

In the kitchen, the adults and children are divided into some, and the taste is really good after eating, with a little bit of steaming and soft cake, it really melts in the mouth.

After eating, Yang Zhiyi exclaimed: "It turns out that the cake is so delicious just baked."

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "If you have whole wheat flour, adding some whole wheat flour will make it more fragrant."

When everyone was eating, Feng Yifan didn't stop, he had already mixed the juice with the melted milk of the gelatin flakes.

Then, Feng Yifan poured bowls of mixed mousse into the mold.

When it fell, the three little girls found it interesting, and they also clamored to do it.

"Dad, we have to fall too."

"Papa Feng, Xixi is going to pour this."

"Papa Feng, Faey wants to fall, too."

Upon seeing this, Feng Yifan picked up the three little girls, and then took the little girls one by one and poured the remaining mousse into the mold.

"Come on, we must be careful, we must pour in from the middle, and we must not deviate."

Bowls of mousse paste were poured into the mold, and soon the little girls were surprised to see that circles of different colors appeared in the mold, with different colors from the inside to the outside.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."

"It's so beautiful, it's really a rainbow, the same as the one painted by Xixi."

"It's really beautifulRed, yellow, blue, like a rainbow."

Listening to the three little girls exclaiming, Su Ruoxi and Li Feier rushed forward to look closely. Because Yang Zhiyi had nowhere to go, they could only crane their necks and stare far away.

But it really made Yang Zhiyi see that in the round mold, layer by layer appeared like a rainbow, and the mousse was layered.

After seeing the painting of Yang Xiaoxi's cake, Feng Yifan specially selected several fruits of different colors. He also prepared matcha powder, plus the milky white color on the outermost circle, just to make up a mousse layer with seven color levels.

After pouring the mousse, Feng Yifan held it up cautiously and said, "Well, now is the waiting time. We are going to put this in the refrigerator."

Put the cake and the mold in the refrigerator, the cake making is considered preliminary. The three little girls are involved in the whole process. Naturally, the three girls are very satisfied and happy.

Feng Yifan then asked everyone to go out and wait first: "You go out and wait first. I'm going to start cooking for everyone. When I make the dishes, we will eat the dishes first. When the dishes are finished, the cake is ready to be served. Okay?"

The three little girls agreed in unison: "Okay."

Su Ruoxi, Li Feier and Yang Zhiyi took the three little girls out to wait.

Feng Yifan started busy cooking in the back kitchen alone.

But Yang Zhiyi didn't go out for a while before he came back.

Faced with Feng Yifan's strange look, Yang Zhiyi said righteously: "I am determined to be a good father, and I will start to learn how to cook with Feng's father today. Well, every dish must be studied carefully."

Hearing the words, Feng Yifan looked at Yang Zhiyi up and down, and couldn't help laughing when he saw his expressionless face.

It's strange to believe you.


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