Chapter 291: Chen Yaofei's family

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei were taken out of the kitchen, but the three little girls were actually a little unhappy.

Especially the child Feng Ruoruo, who is a "Suji Xiaobawang", after he came out, his little mouth was pouting and he could almost hang a bottle of vinegar.

Seeing her daughter pouting, Su Ruoxi stepped forward and gently squeezed her baby's fat little face: "What's the matter? Are you upset to let you come out? You don't know, if you are inside, it will disturb Dad and Xiaolin. Uncle?"

Feng Ruoruo immediately retorted her mother: "Then, grandpa is also inside."

Su Ruoxi heard her daughter's retort, and said with a smile: "Are you still with grandpa? You didn't know that grandpa used to be the master of the kitchen. It's not that grandpa is sick now, and you can't get any little things into the kitchen."

Feng Ruoruo still pouted her little mouth unhappy: "Then Mom, you tell us to come out, what are we going to do?"

Yang Xiaoxi also asked, "Yes, right, what are we going to do after we come out?"

Chen Yaofei is naturally also very strange: "There is no need to go to kindergarten, we have nothing to do, and there is still a long time before lunch."

At this time, Chen Yaofei’s grandma stood up and said: “Calling you out, naturally there is something for you to do. According to the discussion between grandma and mother Ruoruo and mother Xixi, starting today, grandma teaches you painting every weekend. it is good?"

The three little girls were taken aback when they heard that grandma was going to teach everyone to paint.

Chen Yaofei quickly recovered and said to Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi: "Ruoruo, Xixi, I tell you, my grandma is very good at painting. Grandma taught us to paint, and we are sure that we will be able to paint well in the future. "

Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi also exclaimed: "Really?"

Chen Yaofei nodded earnestly: "Really, when my grandma was abroad, people wanted to buy the paintings she painted."

Chen Yaofei said this, Su Ruoxi and Li Fei'er looked at each other, then the two mothers looked at Grandma Faey in surprise and asked, "Grandma Faey, are you so amazing?"

Grandma Feifei smiled and waved her hand: "No, just once. It's actually the boss of Feifei's mother. I think I painted well and want to buy it."

Lu Cuiling immediately asked curiously: "Did you sell it to him later?"

Grandpa Fei Fei smiled and waved his hand: "No, Grandma Fai Fei feels embarrassed, because she thought that because of her daughter-in-law, she wanted to buy it deliberately, so she didn't sell it to others."

Grandma Fei Fei quickly said: "In fact, the painting is not good, I'm sorry."

When Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi heard this, the two little girls naturally looked at Grandma Faey in admiration.

Feng Ruoruo said first: "Grandma, then teach us how to paint."

Yang Xiaoxi followed up and said, "Yes, Xixi is willing to learn from her grandma."

Seeing that the children were willing to learn, Su Ruoxi said immediately: "Okay, you guys go upstairs with grandma, and then start learning together, remember to learn from grandma seriously."

Li Feier also said: "Yes, you three must study hard."

Feng Ruoruo immediately took the lead: "Grandma, come with me, I will take you upstairs, to my parents' room, where there are tables and small stools."

Su Ruoxi said, "You don't need to go to the room. Mom has already prepared it for you in the corridor upstairs."

When the three little girls were playing in the kitchen, the parents had already gone upstairs to clean up.

Originally Su Ruoxi said that she was in the room, but then Grandma Faey looked at it and thought that it should be better in the corridor, because the corridor on the second floor of Su Ji has a large space and large windows with good lighting.

Tables and small stools are placed sideways in the corridor, which is really a very suitable place for study.

In the end, Su Ruoxi also carefully cleaned up and picked out a suitable coffee table and small stool from the debris room.

And in order to make Grandma Fei Fei sit comfortably, she also found two small chairs for her.

The children went upstairs together and saw that various things had been placed in front of the window with the best light, and they all thought it was great.

Yang Xiaoxi clapped her hands and said, "Ruoruo, your house is really great here."

Chen Yaofei also said: "You can paint here, if you can sit here and do your homework in the future."

Feng Ruoruo immediately said, "From then on, let's come together and sit here to do our homework."

Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei naturally agreed immediately.

In the next time, Grandma Faey started teaching three little girls. I didn't teach them too many complicated things. At the beginning, I taught the children some basic things, and then let the children paint freely.

During this process, the children are able to play freely, and Grandma Faey will not specifically designate and guide.

This is mainly to cultivate children's interest first and let them master some basic things, not to let the children learn to paint when they come up, but to learn how to paint.

For Feng Ruoruo and the three children of this age, it is still too rigid and profound, which is not conducive to cultivating children's interest.

The three little girls were drawing upstairs, each drawing whatever they thought of.

Then, after finishing the drawing, show it to Grandma Faey, and then explain it to Grandma Faey.

Grandma Fei Fei is also very patient. She listens carefully to what the children say, and then gives the children a little bit of advice.

Feng Yifan came out of the kitchen and found that his daughters were not seen in the restaurant in front. He was a little strange: "Huh? Where are Ruoruo, Xixi and Feifei?"

Su Ruoxi smiled and replied to her husband: "The three of them are all upstairs, learning to paint with her grandma."

Feng Yifan saw that his mother was there, but did not see Fei Fei's grandma, so naturally he knew that it was Fei Fei's grandmother who was teaching.

"Oh, is the auntie professional?"

Hearing Feng Yifan’s question, Grandpa Feifei said: “Not very professional. She was actually born in a family of calligraphy and painting. She was also influenced by this aspect when she was a child, but she didn’t specialize in painting later, but she did not lose her skills.

Feng Yifan was also a little surprised when he heard this: "So this is the case? Auntie is still a scholar."

As Grandpa Fei Fei said, he couldn't help but think back to something when he was young.

"Yes, Grandma Feifei's grandfather, but a very well-known painter, she was nurtured and educated at home when she was a child, and studied with her grandfather for a long time."

After listening to Grandpa Feifei talk about some situations in Feifei's grandma's family, no one would ask who it was, but it sounded great.

After listening to some introductions by Grandpa Feifei, Feng Yifan became a little curious about Feifei's parents for the first time.

"Grandpa Faey, it's convenient to ask, Faey's parents, what do they do?"

Grandpa Feifei smiled and said: "This is actually a mistake of our old couple. Forgot to tell everyone. Fei Fei’s parents are diplomats who specialize in various foreign affairs, so they always travel abroad."

After hearing what Grandpa Faey said, everyone present was a little surprised.

Li Feier first exclaimed: "Wow, why didn't I expect it? Fei Fei is so cute and well-behaved, he should be the kind of scholar from a family of scholars. Grandpa Fei Fei said that, isn't it right?"

Grandpa Feifei smiled and waved his hand: "Actually, we all work. Our family is not outdated and ordinary, not so mysterious."

Su Ruoxi came back to her senses and couldn't help asking: "Grandpa Faey, then what did you and grandma do before?"

Grandpa Fei Fei did not hide: "It's a related job. Before retirement, our old couple had been working abroad. Grandma was a professional translator, and I was in charge of some cultural and folk studies."

After listening to what Feifei said, everyone couldn't help but marvel.

Lu Cuiling said: "It was only seen on TV before. I didn't expect to meet a family of diplomats like yours today."

Grandpa Feifei waved his hand again: "It's also very hard, so I don't have much time to spend time with the children."

Feng Yifan said seriously: "That should pay tribute to you. You have given up more time with your family and made a great contribution to our country's foreign exchanges."

With that, Feng Yifan bowed to Grandpa Feifei.

Upon seeing this, the old man hurriedly said: "If you pass this way, Dad, it's really just a profession, and every profession needs someone to do it.

Just like you, a very top chef, you used to communicate abroad and promoted our catering culture. This is also a very positive thing, and you have sacrificed a lot. "

Feng Yifan was a bit embarrassed to be told by Grandpa Fei Fei.

"In fact, my main reason is that I didn't mix well outside, so I didn't have the face to be embarrassed to come back. Now think about it, I am too obsessed, and it is better to stay with my family no matter how good it is.

After saying this, Feng Yifan realized that he seemed to be a little disrespectful to Chen Yaofei's parents' work, and he quickly apologized.

"Uncle, I'm not saying that Fei Fei's parents are wrong. I think Fei Fei's father and mother's sacrifice is worthy of admiration. I just said that it's not right for me to spend time in a foreign country."

Grandpa Feifei smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. Actually, Grandma and I also hope that her parents will come back to accompany the children more."

Su Ruoxi said immediately: "Uncle, it doesn't matter. You and Auntie can always bring Fai Fei, we will take good care of Fai Fei, Ruo Ruo will also be very happy to play with Fei Fei."

Feng Yifan also said: "Yes, Fei Fei called me Dad Feng, then I will treat this as a home. I will definitely take care of her food, and I will cook whatever she wants to eat."

Grandpa Feifei was still very moved, and thanked the couple seriously: "Thank you, thank you all."

Su Ruoxi stepped forward to support the old man who was about to bow and said, "Uncle, you are welcome. If Fai Fei and Ruo are good friends, we should all walk around as relatives, and we should take care of each other."

Feng Yifan added: "What's more, I have to trouble my aunt to teach the children to paint."

Li Fei'er went on to say: "Yes, we have to trouble the aunt to teach the children how to draw."

Grandpa Fei Fei also laughed when he heard the words.

Lu Cuiling asked a little strangely at this time: "By the way, why didn't I see Dad Xixi today? It's not because I want to learn how to cook, so I dare not come?"

Li Feier smiled and said, "Auntie Xixi didn't finish the manuscript, so he stayed at home to catch up with the manuscript. He came back at noon, and then let him study hard with Chef Feng in the afternoon."

Then Li Fei'er said to Feng Yifan: "Chef Feng, you are going to teach a hard dish today."

Feng Yifan thought for a while and smiled and said, "Okay, then I will teach Dad Xixi to cook braised pork today."

Hearing about making "braised pork", everyone at the scene suddenly remembered that the braised pork that I had eaten in Su Ji almost melts in the mouth, is oily but not greasy, and has a very beautiful color.

Li Feier was surprised and asked, "Chef Feng, are you really willing to teach such a great braised pork?"

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "Of course I teach, I will improve it a little bit, and come up with a home-cooked version so that you can make it at home for your children."

Li Fei'er nodded: "Okay, then dad Xixi must study hard."

Grandpa Feifei also said: "Well, I also follow the learning, and I can make it at home for Feifei to eat."

Feng Yifan thought for a while and muttered: "I don't know, will Meng Shitong and the others come today? If they do, they can just shoot such a video so that everyone can do it at home."

Lu Cuiling couldn't help asking: "You have taught everyone, who will come to you to eat?"

Hearing what his mother said, Feng Yifan suddenly smiled and said: "Mom, you are too worried. Don't say whether you really want to learn is difficult. Even if you learn well, it is actually very troublesome to do it yourself. There will definitely be people who are not willing to do it at home. I want to eat ready-made."

Grandpa Fei Fei immediately agreed: "Yes, most young people nowadays may really prefer to eat ready-made food."

Li Feier sounded a little embarrassed: "The main reason is that we are also busy with work, so we have to do it ourselves when we return home. I really don't want to do it at all. It's better to eat ready-made."

Su Ruoxi helped to speak: "Moreover, you need a lot of ingredients when you make it. Usually, you may not be able to prepare everything at home."

Li Fei'er immediately found approval: "Yes, yes, that's it. It's really too much trouble to buy so many things for one meal."

Lu Cuiling laughed suddenly: "It's okay to want to have a easier time. You will come to Su Ji to eat in the future."

Feng Yifan took the mother's words: "Yes, we Su Ji welcome everyone to eat."

After chatting for a while, Feng Yifan went back to the back kitchen again, and continued to lead the little apprentice busy preparing the ingredients. During the period, Feng Yifan came out again and gave some snacks to the three little girls upstairs and everyone in the restaurant.

The three little girls followed Fei Fei's grandmother very seriously. Even the snacks that Feng Yifan gave, the little girls didn't want to eat them for a while.

When Feng Yifan saw this, he naturally didn't bother, and quietly returned to the kitchen to keep busy.

After a busy morning and almost prepared all kinds of materials, it came to Su Ji’s noon business hours.

The diners began to come to the door one after another, and Grandpa Feifei and Li Feier also chose to go upstairs first, so that the table below could be vacated, and it was also convenient for Lu Cuiling and Su Ruoxi's mother-in-law to greet the guests.

After all, Li Fei'er works for a TV station, and the local is a small celebrity. If it causes onlookers, it will not be good.

As the number of guests continued to increase, Feng Yifan and his apprentice Lin Ruifeng in the back kitchen became busy.

Bowl by bowl of noodles, plate by plate of fried rice, with some side dishes, presented to the diners for a moment. The surprise that appeared on the faces of the diners and the smiles that followed were the best affirmation of Feng Yifan's busy preparation for the morning.