Chapter 309: 1 family wants 1 meal

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Li Fei'er suddenly felt very interesting when she saw that the father and daughter had a unified voice and wanted to keep a secret from themselves.

Because this is the first time that the daughter and father have unified the caliber, a smile appeared on Li Fei'er's face: "Well, if you don't tell me, then I won't ask, get in the car and go home."

Yang Xiaoxi and his father looked at each other, and Yang Zhiyi quickly opened the rear door to let his wife and daughter get in the car.

He sat in the driver's seat and waited for the mother and daughter to fasten their seat belts before Yang Zhiyi started the car and slowly drove out of the TV station's parking lot towards their home.

On the way, Li Fei'er began to wonder what she wanted to do with her daughter.

"Xixi, was it fun at Ruoruo's house today? What did you guys play at Ruoruo's house?"

Yang Xiaoxi heard her mother's question, and the little girl immediately said happily.

"Mom, we passed the menu at Ruoruo’s house today. Fei Fei and I followed Ruoruo and passed the menu to Feng’s father. We have been passing a lot of menus until the three of us were very sleepy and sleepy, so we went upstairs. go to bed."

Li Feier couldn't help but smiled and asked, "You are at Ruoruo's today, just pass the menu?"

Yang Xiaoxi nodded and said, "Yes, mom, you don't know. There are so many people in Ruoruo's family today. If it weren't for the help of Feifei and I, Ruoruo can't be busy alone."

Li Feier was also a little surprised: "Really? There are so many people in Ruoruo's family at noon today?"

Yang Zhiyi, who was driving in front, also interjected at this time: "Today noon, Su Ji can really be described as a crowd of people. I feel that the publicity of your TV station will really show its effect this weekend."

Li Fei'er smiled and said: "There are also some propaganda from people who have been to eat."

Yang Zhiyi nodded: "Yes, in my recent circle of friends, there are so many recommendations about Su Ji noodles, and I really admire Chef Feng for being able to make so many toppings."

Li Fei'er said: "In fact, the different toppings of the noodles are also derived from some dishes of Su Ji."

Yang Zhiyi nodded when he heard it: "Yes, it feels like the noodles are covered with noodles."

After a pause, Yang Zhiyi added: “However, the toppings were slightly modified by Chef Feng. When paired with the noodles, they are really more delicious, and they are different from the topped noodles.”

Li Feier nodded behind: "The key is the role of soup."

Yang Xiaoxi said at this moment: "Mom, Mom, let me tell you, Ruoruo told me and Fei Fei that the soups of Father Feng start to boil very early every day."

Li Feier turned to look at her daughter again, and asked in surprise: "Really?"

Yang Xiaoxi nodded: "Yes, Ruoruo also said that this morning, Father Feng went shopping alone, and then she got up and ran to the kitchen and saw soup in the kitchen."

Li Feier was even more surprised: "Oh? Then Ruoruo didn't touch those things?"

Yang Xiaoxi immediately scolded her mother: "Mom, you are stupid. Children can't touch those things."

Li Feier was scolded by her daughter, and she reached out her hand and gently squeezed her daughter's small face: "You little thing, follow Ruoruo to learn more and more courageous, dare to say that mother is stupid."

After being pinched by her mother, Yang Xiaoxi immediately complained to the father who was driving in front of him: "Dad, you care about my mother, she pinched my face."

Li Feier was amused by her daughter, and then she squeezed a few times and said: "Your father dare not care about me, so you will be squeezed by your mother."

Yang Xiaoxi was squeezed a few more times, and he was immediately unhappy: "Mom, if you squeeze my face again and go home at night, I won't let Dad give you ribs."

Without waiting for Li Fei'er to make a routine, the daughter directly told the ribs.

Yang Zhiyi, who was driving in front of him, looked helpless and said with a bitter smile: "Xixi, why did you tell the ribs? Didn't we say we should keep it secret?"

Yang Xiaoxi heard his father say this, and suddenly remembered: "Oh, did Xixi tell mom?"

Li Fei'er looked happy and said, "Hahaha, you father and daughter want to hide from me. I haven't made any idioms yet, so just tell them by myself? Hurry up, who made these ribs?"

When Yang Zhiyi saw that he had already said it, he could only answer: "Of course Chef Feng made it. Chef Feng said that we can't go to Su Ji for dinner at night, so we specially packed this pot for us to take home, even the casserole. Give it to us."

Li Feier was surprised, and quickly glanced forward at the things on the co-pilot.

"How can you bother Chef Feng like this?"

Yang Xiaoxi stretched out her hand and held her mother and said: "Mom, Father Feng gave me and you this spare ribs. Father Feng taught him to make this spare ribs in the afternoon. Father also said that if we eat spare ribs at night, we can't eat meat."

Yang Zhiyi, who was driving at this moment, was completely speechless, and his daughter had said nothing.

After listening to her daughter, Li Fei'er immediately looked at her husband and said, "Dad is really too shameless, so that we don't have to make braised pork for us. It's really too cunning."

Yang Zhiyi hurriedly said: "I have no shame, I promised Xixi, I will make braised pork for you when I have time."

Yang Xiaoxi immediately asked: "Dad, you haven't said yet, when are you doing it?"

When Li Feier heard her daughter's words, she smiled and said, "That's right, the daughter said, you didn't tell her when you did it."

Yang Xiaoxi then said to her mother: "Mom, I asked Dad if I can make it tomorrow, but Dad said that there are a lot of ribs, and if you can't finish it tomorrow, you have to wait until the ribs are finished."

Li Feier smiled and said: "Okay, we will listen to my father. When the ribs are finished, let my father make us braised pork with braised pork, and we will use the casserole that Feng father gave us."

Yang Zhiyi hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, this is not right. When do I say that after I eat the ribs, I will do it?"

Li Feier replied immediately: "Didn't you tell Xixi? We asked Xixi."

Yang Xiaoxi is naturally on the side of her mother: "Yes, yes, dad, you agreed with Xixi, when we finish eating the ribs, you will make meat for Xixi and mother."

After being told this by the mother and daughter, Yang Zhiyi understood that he was still calculated after all, and he could only admit his fate.

"Well, as long as your mothers are happy, Dad will make braised pork for you."

Seeing her husband say this, Li Fei'er smiled and said, "That's right, this is what a good father should look like. Remember, when the ribs are finished, you have to make braised pork for me and Xixi."

Yang Xiaoxi happily clapped her hands: "It's great, great, we have meat every day."

Li Fei'er smiled and said to her daughter: "It's not good to eat meat. We have to eat it with other things. So, after we get home, let Dad stir-fry vegetables for us, okay?"

Yang Xiaoxi naturally agreed: "Okay, okay."

Yang Zhiyi, who was driving, understood that just using a pot of spare ribs cooked by Chef Feng tonight was not enough to serve the mother and daughter.

Yang Zhiyi thought of learning a few vegetable stir-fries with Feng Yifan, and immediately agreed: "Okay, I will show you both of you tonight to let you know that Dad is great."

Along the way, the family in the car was happy.

Li Feier suddenly felt that such an atmosphere was really good, so that she could forget the unsatisfactory work.

Today, she actually worked very hard overtime at the TV station, and she still had to rush to go back to the evening with a copywriter.

It is precisely because there is a copy to write that Li Feier chose not to go to Su Ji for dinner, not only for worrying about bringing her bad mood to Su Ji.

The most important thing is that Li Fei'er is worried that she will be delayed in Su Ji until late, and she will have to stay up late to catch up with the copy after returning home.

Li Feier originally thought that tonight should be a person writing the copy at home, and then the father and daughter happily ate in Su Ji and brought some food for themselves.

But what I didn't expect was that her husband knew that she was going to work overtime and had to go home at night for some paperwork, and decisively asked to eat at home.

And Yang Zhiyi also said that he would cook braised pork for the mother and daughter, just like Chef Feng.

The moment she heard her husband's words, Li Fei'er was really moved. After many years of marriage, she had the feeling of being cared for by her husband again.

Although Li Fei'er said that it shouldn't be so troublesome, she really hoped her husband would do so.

After get off work, Li Feier dragged her exhausted pace and came down from the office upstairs and saw the father and daughter waiting for her in the lobby of the TV station.

At that moment, Li Fei'er was really moved.

If it weren't for the TV station and colleagues went downstairs together, maybe she would really cry on the spot and plunge into her husband's arms.

On the way home now, Li Fei'er talked and laughed with her husband and daughter, forgetting about work and exhaustion, and felt that her whole state had suddenly changed for the better. She even figured out some problems in the copywriting.

Driving back to the community, Yang Zhiyi asked the mother and daughter to get out of the car before driving into the underground garage.

"Xixi, get out of the car with your mother first and bring this dish, otherwise, if your father drives out of the garage, he will spill this dish."

Li Fei'er agreed: "Well, let's get off here and just walk in. You should be careful when you go down and park."

Yang Zhiyi promised: "Ok, rest assured."

Yang Xiaoxi got out of the car with her mother, and then watched her mother open the passenger seat to lift the ribs.

The little girl quickly reminded: "Mom, you have to hold it from below."

Yang Zhiyi also said: "Yes, hold it below, otherwise the bag may not be able to support its weight."

Li Feier stretched out her hand to support the bottom, also a little surprised: "This weight is quite heavy."

Yang Zhiyi smiled and said, "That's right, it's full of spare ribs in a casserole, and there is the weight of the casserole. Please be careful when you go in. I will park first and wait until I go home to eat."

Yang Xiaoxi waved to his father: "Dad, you must be careful when driving."

Li Fei'er said: "You go to the car as soon as you want to eat."

Because she was carrying the food, Li Feier said to her daughter, "Xixi, help Dad close the door."

Yang Xiaoxi immediately pushed the car door hard.

Yang Zhiyi drove into the parking lot, while Li Feier led her daughter into the community through the gate.

Because the community is parked in the underground garage, there is no need to worry about encountering vehicles when walking in the community. Li Feier is also relieved to let her daughter follow her behind.

Along the way, I ran into many people in the community, and they were all very enthusiastic mothers and daughters greeted each other.

After all, Li Fei'er is regarded as a star in Huaicheng, and still has a small reputation.

"Mother Xixi is off work? Xixi seems to have grown taller."

"Good xixi, good sister Fei'er."

"Sister Faye is off work? Xixi is really getting more and more beautiful."

Faye Li would also respond with a smile to the friendly greetings from neighbors, and would also ask her daughter to call someone.

Yang Xiaoxi is also very polite, and when he sees people in the community, he will take the initiative to call others.

The mother and daughter walked along this way, which was seen by many people in the community, and many people's eyes were full of envy.

"Look at the mother and daughter, they really have a good temperament."

"Yes, Li Fei'er has temperament. It looks beautiful on TV. Real people feel more beautiful than on TV."

"Her daughter is also a beautiful child, she will definitely be beautiful when she grows up."

"With such a mother, my daughter's development will be very smooth in the future."

"That's not necessarily true. My daughter might not take the path of acting."

"I think Xixi's temperament, if you sing and perform in the future, it will definitely be very good."

"Then other people's children should like it."

"It's still too early to say this. People are still children, okay before they go to elementary school."

There are always people who like to talk about others behind their backs, and there are good things and bad things. However, the words behind it are often not heard by the person involved, so Li Fei'er rarely cares.

After all, everyone lives in a small community, and when they meet, they nod and smile, and that's it with a greeting.

The mother and daughter walked into the elevator of their building, and when the elevator came up, Yang Zhiyi actually stood in the elevator.

Yang Xiaoxi was a little surprised and ran into the elevator: "Dad, why are you so fast?"

Li Feier followed into the elevator and couldn't help saying: "Are you really afraid that my daughter and I would steal food with you on your back?"

Yang Zhiyi said with a serious face: "Why, I'm worried that you will get tired if you take it for too long. I came here to help you take it. This casserole is really heavy."

On the one hand, Yang Zhiyi had already taken the initiative to take it.

Li Feier rolled her eyes when she saw this: "Okay, then take it. You must have tasted it when you were at Ruoruo's house? Is it delicious?"

Yang Xiaoxi immediately said, "Mom, we haven't eaten it."

Li Feier was a little surprised: "Have you ever tasted it? Haven't you tasted it?"

Yang Zhiyi said very seriously: "The dishes made by Chef Feng himself, UU Reading , of course, are for our family to eat together, so how can my daughter and I eat first when you are away?"

At first Li Feier felt a little moved, but when she saw her husband's serious expression, she couldn't help but laugh.

Yang Zhiyi saw his wife laugh, and asked seriously: "What are you laughing at? I'm telling the truth."

Li Feier tried to hold back a smile and said: "Okay, I believe it."

Yang Xiaoxi took her mother's hand and said, "Mom, wait a moment for us to eat together. Xixi believes that the dishes made by Father Feng must be delicious."

Li Feier smiled and responded to her daughter: "Of course, Xixi's father Feng is the most powerful cook."

This evening, although they were not able to eat in Su Ji, the Yang Xiaoxi family still tasted the delicacies prepared by Feng's father at home, and the little home was filled with the taste of happiness.