Chapter 320: Potsticker eel back

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Stepping into Su Ji's back kitchen, this moment seems to have reversed time and space, and Shi Jinbin vaguely seems to have returned to more than thirty years ago.

"Hahaha, Shishi, although you are old, you are the latest to start, so you can only become a junior."

"That's it, hurry up and call Brother Brother."

"Call Senior Brother, Call Senior Brother..."

"Stone, you can't do this, the master will scold when he sees it."

"Yeah, Shishi, you can't peel off the shrimp."

"Junior Brother Shishi, your hands are slow again. Master said, you must remove it in 1 minute. You are already over 1 point, it won't work."


In a trance, returning to the busiest period of Su Ji, the master brothers in the back kitchen were studying together all day, and at the same time having fun together, and they had to compete and compete with each other.

At that time, Su Ji really made Shi Jinbin unforgettable.

"Shi Jinbin, what are you doing in a daze? Waiting for the master to arrange tasks for you? Are your eyes panting? Everyone is busy. Are you overseeing the work alone? Do you want to be a master? Life?"

In a daze, as if he had heard the scolding of the master again, Shi Jinbin suddenly woke up suddenly.

"Yes, Master, work now."

After subconsciously responding to such a cry, Shi Jinbin realized that everything was different when he came back to his senses again.

Although the back kitchen is still the back kitchen of Su Ji, almost everything in the kitchen has not changed. But the people of those days are no longer there, the master is no longer there, and those brothers and sisters are also gone.

For Shi Jinbin, Su Ji's kitchen nowadays is really a matter of fact.

However, although people are no longer the original people, all this is necessary for inheritance and the continuation of craftsmanship.

If a few old men are always busy in the back kitchen of a restaurant, how can they continue this craft? How can we continue the century-old taste of Su Kee?

Thinking of this, Shi Jinbin officially stepped into the kitchen, and first put on an apron in the bathroom by the kitchen door, then washed his hands inside, and even took out specially prepared shoe covers and hats to put on.

This is not because Shi Jinbin loves cleanliness, nor is it just to ensure the hygiene of the dishes in the kitchen.

The most critical reason is that Shi Jinbin clearly remembers Master’s teaching and has always strictly implemented what Master said when entering the kitchen to ensure that he is dressed neatly and cleanly, and the kitchen must also be cleaned.

This is a habit accumulated over the years, so Shi Jinbin kept it very strict.

After officially entering the back kitchen, I saw Feng Yifan leading the young apprentice busy.

Young apprentices can only beat Master on the sidelines. This scene made Shi Jinbin seem to see. At the beginning, their brothers were also clumsy to beat Master.

Looking at Feng Yifan again, his movements are smooth and flowing, and his dishes are also very quick.

Especially when he saw Feng Yifan serving dishes, he would personally put the plate to the completion process.

Shi Jinbin stood and watched, feeling in a daze of seeing his master.

The master of Su Ji, Shi Jinbin and their master at the time, the old man Su, did the same every time he cooked. At the same time as the dishes are prepared, the dishes will be prepared, and when they are handed over to the disciples, there is almost no need to move them.

The same is true of Feng Yifan today, which made Shi Jinbin a little bit of admiration.

Then look at the various preparations on the cooking table, most of which are based on various eels.

There are prepared eels, as well as eel backs that have been deboned and abdomen removed. The eel bones and the eel abdomen are also set aside separately, and there are even eel blood.

Seeing this, Shi Jinbin smiled and asked, "Is this a long fish feast today?"

Hearing the sound, Lin Ruifeng raised his head, surprised to see a strange fat old man in an apron and a chef's hat coming in.

Lin Ruifeng was a little surprised that the fat old man had special shoe covers under his feet.

Feng Yifan greeted Shi Jinbin with a smile after serving the dishes, "Uncle, you don't need to be so neat when you come in. As a cook, you must be someone who loves cleanliness."

Shi Jinbin responded with a smile: "The things that should be brought are still to be brought. The key to the kitchen is to ensure hygiene."

Hearing this, Feng Yifan was a little embarrassed: "Uncle is right. I usually let Ruoruo run around, but it's really wrong."

Shi Jinbin suddenly became happy: "So you are still here waiting for your uncle? Isn't it the first thing your daughter goes home to wash her hands and change shoes? Don't think that uncle didn't see it."

In fact, many restaurant guests may not notice that Feng Ruoruo seems to have to go upstairs to put a small schoolbag when he comes back from kindergarten every day. In fact, he already changed a pair of shoes when he went downstairs.

And every time the little girl goes home, she will have her hair tied again by her grandma, and her hands must be washed.

Doing this is to be able to go into the back kitchen and not bring dust from the shoes back into the kitchen.

These Shi Jinbin can all be guessed, because the old Su also asked for this.

When Shi Jinbin and the others first came to Su Ji, Su Lanxin was actually still in school, and most of the time she had to strictly abide by these requirements, even if she was not allowed in the back kitchen at that time.

Feng Yifan sorted out the dishes on the plate, wiped off the excess soup on the side of the plate, and finally adjusted the dishes.

Put it on a tray, and let the apprentice Lin Ruifeng go outside to serve food.

"Ruifeng, don't froze, hurry up and serve the food."

Lin Ruifeng could only quickly pick up the tray and quickly ran to the restaurant in front to serve the dishes.

After Lin Ruifeng went out, Shi Jinbin said: "It looks good, with a little chef's demeanor, and you have kept the back kitchen very well. Looking at it now, Jin Rong did not choose the wrong person."

Feng Yifan quickly responded humbly: "Thank you for the compliment, Uncle."

Shi Jinbin continued: "Don't rush to thank you, you still have to pass my test."

Speaking, Shi Jinbin pointed to the separated eel back on the cooking table: "Just use this, give me a potsticker eel back."

After listening to Uncle Uncle's request, Feng Yifan naturally did not have any hesitation, and started quickly.

Shi Jinbin stood by, quietly observing Feng Yifan's every move. The more I look at it, the more I feel a little surprised, because Feng Yifan's movements are really very steady and very fast.

He can hardly see his extra movements, and will do every step very accurately.

The key is that Feng Yifan will break down the steps, and he will always know which step to do in what time.

So watching him cooking next to him, there won't be any rushing scenes, the kind of flowing process, really will make people feel very ornamental.

If you go to the front restaurant and ask about this dish, don't say it is a young new diners, but some old diners may not even know it.

This dish is similar to the potsticker dumplings made in the morning at Lin's house next door.

But this dish is not made with eel meat to make dumplings.

This dish is a combination of eel back, shrimp paste, and a thin piece of pig fat.

First, carefully select the complete eel back, put it in a pot, add scallion **** water, cooking wine, salt, and pepper to give the eel back a bottom flavor.

Just boil it a little bit, but don’t cook it too hard, and the eel will be boiled.

Next, put the pig fat into the pot and boil it, and also add some green onion and **** and cooking wine to taste.

During the cooking process, Feng Yifan quickly peeled off the fresh shrimps and chopped them into puree.

Afterwards, add some green onion and **** water to the shrimp puree, and add an egg white, and whipped in one direction to form a paste.

At this time, almost the pig fat has been cooked, take it out and let it cool with ice water.

Then it tricked a thin piece of pig fat into the bottom.

In order to ensure a certain degree of adhesion, first pat a layer of starch on the surface, then apply the shrimp paste to the top layer, and finally paste the selected eel back on the shrimp paste.

In this way, a rectangular embryo is finally made.

Next, carefully changed the knife, all cut diagonally into prismatic shapes.

Before preparing to start frying, Feng Yifan also used egg yolks and starch to make a batter to ensure that the bottom was shaped.

When frying, Feng Yifan didn't use a frying pan, just the frying pan he usually used for cooking.

Put a little bit of oil on the bottom of the pot, dip the bottom of the cut eel back pot stickers with a little batter, and then put it into the oil on the bottom of the pot.

Entering in this order, Feng Yifan will also make adjustments to what has been finalized while entering.

This dish can never be turned over.

Because after turning it over, it is no longer a potsticker, it becomes a frying pan on both sides.

Slowly fry on a low fire until the bottom is completely set. Then cook the dumplings in the same way as the potsticker dumplings. Then use the lid to make the pot cover and slowly shake the pot so that the bottom can be evenly heated.

In about ten minutes, almost the bottom has basically matured, and the instant the lid of the pot is opened, the aroma of oil spreads out instantly.

The fire was still low, because the fat from the pig fat at the bottom was fried, Feng Yifan used a spoon to pour the hot oil from the bottom of the pot on the eel back on the surface little by little.

Slowly let the eel's back reveal the scent of grease.

In the end, when the oil was almost gone, and the bottom was golden brown and crispy, Feng Yifan finally came out of the pot.

Zhao Daxia, who sniffed the fragrance from the water room outside, peeked in and exclaimed: "Wow, it smells so fragrant? What kind of dish is this?"

After hearing this, Shi Jinbin glanced at the back door, and when he saw Zhao Daxia come in, he suddenly smiled and said, "So there are people in the water room behind?"

When Zhao Daxia saw a fat old man in the kitchen, she couldn't help but feel a little curious: "Who are you?"

At this time, Feng Yifan had put the potsticker eel on his back, and at the same time introduced to Zhao Daxia: "Sister Zhao, this is my uncle. I used to learn how to cook in Su Ji with my grandfather."

Zhao Daxia didn't realize that "Grandpa" was referring to Su Ruoxi's grandpa.

She was a little surprised and said, "This old man, has studied cooking with Ruoruo's grandfather? No? He looks older than Uncle Rong."

Feng Yifan froze for a moment, and then laughed: "Hahaha, no eldest sister, this is my uncle, he and my dad are brothers, and he learned the cook from my grandfather and Ruoxi."

Only then did Zhao Daxia understand: "Oh, it's the old man with me."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Shi Jinbin looked at Zhao Daxia with great interest and said, "This eldest sister is really straightforward."

Zhao Daxia was also more polite to Shi Jinbin on this matter: "Hello, old man, I am here to help wash the dishes. I don't understand it very well, so please bear with me."

Shi Jinbin smiled and said, “It’s lucky to be able to wash dishes in Su Ji.”

Zhao Daxia immediately said: "Master, you are right. I used to think that washing a bowl was very hard, but when I wash the dishes here, I think it's pretty good. The owner's dishes are delicious, and the restaurant is always beaming. "

After listening to Zhao Daxia's words, Feng Yifan had already finished the plate setting, held it up with both hands, and raised it in front of Shi Jinbin: "Uncle, please taste."

Zhao Daxia leaned over and took a look. She was surprised that there were two dishes that looked like flowers on a long white porcelain plate.

"Oh, boss, you made this dish, it's so beautiful."

Shi Jinbin smiled and said: "The appearance is really beautiful, but this is a kitchen, not a place to eat. You can send it out for me, and prepare me a bowl of porridge by the way."

Feng Yifan was a little surprised: "Uncle, would you like to eat this tonight?"

Shi Jinbin nodded: "I'm getting older, and look at my stomach, you can't eat more at night."

Feng Yifan immediately agreed: "Okay, uncle, go and change your clothes first. I will bring it out for you. Do you want to put it on my father's side?"

Shi Jinbin has turned around and went to the bathroom, and said, "Yes, just put it next to your father-in-law."

Feng Yifan quickly filled out two bowls of porridge, prepared his chopsticks, put them on the tray with the potsticker eel, and walked outside thinking about it.

Zhao Daxia looked at Feng Yifan's back and couldn't help but muttered: "This restaurant is really amazing. I have never seen the dishes that I have made. It smells so good, I don't know what it tastes like. ?"

Lin Ruifeng, who had already returned, heard Zhao Daxia's words and said, "It must be delicious."

Zhao Daxia turned her head and glanced at Lin Ruifeng: "Xiao Lin, it seems that you still need to study hard. You can learn something about your master, and you can use it all."

Lin Ruifeng nodded earnestly: "Well, I will definitely learn from Master."

Feng Yifan brought the food out, came to a table next to his father-in-law, put the things down and pushed his father-in-law to sit down at the table.

Su Jinrong glanced at the dishes on the table: "Oh? Potsticker eel back? Your uncle only needs this? Can you have enough to eat at night?"

Feng Yifan whispered to his father-in-law: "Uncle said that he needs to eat less at night now, because his stomach is too big and he is worried that eating too much is bad for his health, so he eats less at night."

Su Jinrong laughed when he heard it, and said to his son-in-law: "You get another tiger's tail, and then another dish of crystal meat. I have a drink with your uncle."

Feng Yifan immediately said, "Dad, don't drink the wine? You just took the medicine."

Su Jinrong wanted to say something. Feng Ruoruo had already leaned in and said, "Grandpa, you can't drink. If you are disobedient, if you are angry, you are not allowed to drink."

Seeing her granddaughter coming, Su Jinrong could only surrender obediently: "Well, then grandpa won't drink, Ruoruo come and eat together."

Feng Ruoruo cleverly accompanies grandpa, waiting for the fat grandpa to come out together. In fact, the little girl was to supervise her not to let her grandfather drink with her back behind her back.