Chapter 322: 3 generations of mentor and apprentice visiting the market

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
This night, Shi Jinbin slept in Su Jinrong's room, and the two old men had a really late chat.

It can be said that these years, the different life trajectories of the two brothers and the different lives they have experienced have all been talked about. The two brothers even have a feeling of going back to the past.

At that time, although Su Jinrong's father was over fifty, he still seemed to be in the prime of his prime.

At that time, Su Jinrong was just in his early twenties, and he was very young among the first class of brothers and sisters.

Perhaps it is because he knows that Su Jinrong will inherit Su Ji in the future, or because of Master's face, the seniors will take more care of him.

Especially Shi Jinbin, this age is the second oldest among all the disciples, but because the time to come to apprentice is over, he is finally ranked in the last brother.

He really took good care of Su Jinrong, a junior brother.

Probably because the two brothers are very similar. Both of them may not be good at their own talents, but they work very hard and will study them over and over again until they can master various skills.

So the relationship between Shi Jinbin and Su Jinrong at that time was really the best among all the brothers.

For this reason, some slick seniors often say behind their backs that Shi Jinbin is the head of Su Ji after he is pleased.

Shi Jinbin didn't care about the criticisms behind those seniors. He was so straightforward. If the relationship is good, he will be as good as ever. If he doesn't like him, he won't have a good relationship with the other party.

This kind of straightness naturally caused Shi Jinbin to suffer a lot among the brothers.

Fortunately, Mr. Su, the person in charge of that year, was a very upright person, and he also saw some disciples playing tricks.

Therefore, when he taught his followers, Mr. Su was never partial, and he treated all the technical things equally, and carefully taught every step.

Shi Jinbin lay on the bed, recalling the days of apprenticeship, and couldn’t help sighing: “Jin Rong, we were still too simple at that time. We only wanted to learn everything that Master taught. As a result, we were often caught by the third, fourth and fifth Give it a calculation."

Su Jinrong also recalled that year and hesitated for a while and said: "They, and ours, have a different path."

Shi Jinbin nodded: "Yes, our path is different, and everyone's choice is also different."

Speaking of this, Shi Jinbin remembered some things after the brothers left Su Ji.

"Jin Rong, do you know? After they left Su Ji, they went to the capital to find the help of Uncle Master, and opened a restaurant with Chen Wei and Su Lanxin. In the end, the restaurant did not continue to operate, and the brothers parted ways."

Su Jinrong had never heard of this, and now I heard Shi Jinbin mention it, and asked curiously: "What happened later?"

Shi Jinbin laughed: "Hahaha, later? When I went to Beijing, I met the third child once, working as a cook in a small restaurant. It seemed to be very hard.

As for the second, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, and ninth child, they all seemed to have left the capital at that time. "

Su Jinrong thought of those senior brothers, but he still missed a little bit. After all, everyone was learning how to cook in Su Ji back then.

"They, now, how?"

Shi Jinbin sighed and said, "The third child should be still in the capital, but I haven't met again. The others seem to have gone back to their hometown."

Speaking of this, Shi Jinbin suddenly said: "Oh, yes, Lao Jiu seems to be okay. I heard from my eldest daughter that I have met Lao Jiu once in Huhai and he is also a chef in a hotel in Huhai."

Su Jinrong replied: "Well, I don't know, if I can, goodbye."

Shi Jinbin also sighed: "Indeed, although everyone has different opinions, the choices are different, but I still want to see you again."

The old brothers chatted for a while, and fell asleep at about 1 o'clock.

At 4:30 in the morning, Feng Yifan got up on time and left the room lightly. When he was about to go downstairs, he was stopped by the voice behind him.

"So early, are you going to the market?"

Hearing the sound, Feng Yifan turned his head and saw a fat figure standing in the dark corridor.

"Uncle? Are you so early too?"

Shi Jinbin stepped forward two steps and came to Feng Yifan and said, "As a cook, how can you sleep in? You are going to the market to purchase? Let's go and have a look together."

I heard that the uncle will also go together, Feng Yifan did not hesitate: "Okay, then let's go."

After washing downstairs, he opened the door of the back kitchen and went to the back alley. Feng Yifan called Lin Ruifeng next door to him.

After that, Feng Yifan drove and drove everyone to the market.

While in the car, Shi Jinbin sighed: "You are really in good conditions now, and you can all drive to buy. We went on bicycles with Master at night before dawn."

Lin Ruifeng immediately said, "Uncle Master, I usually go there by bike with Master."

Shi Jinbin was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked down at his belly: "Well, I was the one who dragged down your master and apprentice. Now I really can't ride a bicycle with my belly."

Feng Yifan took a look in the rearview mirror and said with a smile: "Uncle, in fact, the main reason is that you are also older. It is too hard to ride a bicycle on such a long road, and since we have a car, we have to use it."

Shi Jinbin asked again: "Before that, both of your masters and apprentices used bicycles to bring the goods back by yourself?"

Lin Ruifeng immediately said, "No, Master and I will let the people in the market deliver them to us."

Shi Jinbin nodded: "Well, that would be easier too."

Feng Yifan went on to say: "Yes, it is indeed much easier to deliver goods nowadays, and nowadays, there are people who specialize in processing all kinds of ingredients in the market. It is indeed much easier than uncles and you back then."

Shi Jinbin laughed when he heard this: "Hahaha, when you say this, you two probably didn't know. At the beginning, our brothers, washing vegetables and cleaning up all kinds of ingredients in the morning were all busy for most of the morning."

Feng Yifan still knows something, because he had done it as an apprentice before.

However, Lin Ruifeng didn't have an intuitive impression, he still hadn't come into contact with the era where he came from the whole process from slaughter to cleaning.

Shi Jinbin went on to introduce: "At that time, our senior brothers were all determined by guessing, who was responsible for the cleaning work, and later when Yifan your father was with us, our senior brothers would let him."

Feng Yifan was a little curious when he heard these words: "Oh? Why do the uncles let this dad?"

Shi Jinbin smiled and said, "It's very simple, because your dad is the successor of Su Ji, so our brothers let him, almost never let him do the chores, so that he can have more time to learn from your father. kitchen."

Hearing this, Feng Yifan probably had a picture in his mind.

His father-in-law in his early twenties, under the care of a group of seniors, does not need to wash vegetables and dishes. Most of the time, he helps in the back kitchen, so he can have many opportunities to learn cooking up close.

Think about it, that kind of picture is really lovely.

Shi Jinbin thought for a while and quickly said to Feng Yifan: "Don't tell your dad about this. No one has told him for so many years."

Feng Yifan immediately responded: "Good uncle, I won't say it."

He promised this, but Feng Yifan felt that perhaps his father-in-law had known it a long time ago, but the brothers maintained a tacit understanding between them, and no one would break this matter.

Because he drove over to touch the place before, Feng Yifan also drove directly into the parking lot of the farmer’s market.

After stopping the car, Feng Yifan and Lin Ruifeng led Shi Jinbin to the market.

Glancing at the brightly lit market, Shi Jinbin couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s really been years since I’ve been here. In the Red Maple Hotel in Beijing, a dedicated department is responsible for purchasing. I have almost none. I've been to the market again."

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "The Red Maple Hotel is so famous, it is necessary to choose better suppliers in the natural procurement process to make up for this kind of market."

Shi Jinbin curled his lips when he heard the words: "Huh, sometimes there are problems, and the supplier has changed many times."

When mentioning this matter, Shi Jinbin actually felt some dissatisfaction in his heart.

Because he has encountered many times, the ingredients sent by the supplier did not meet the standards and were not fresh enough.

It's just that the purchase is not the responsibility of the back kitchen, so the back kitchen can only be sent back to the purchasing department, and then the purchasing department will solve it. This will always delay a lot of time.

In this regard, Shi Jinbin has proposed more than once, hoping to allow the back kitchen to participate in the purchase, and to ensure the freshness and quality of the ingredients.

It's a pity that in a hotel under a large group like the Red Maple Hotel, the various departments are intertwined and complicated with each other. It is indeed not so easy to change many things.

After so many years, most of the schemes proposed by Shi Jinbin were eventually lost.

However, in terms of procurement, the procurement department has also paid much attention to it. Nowadays, there are few problems with the ingredients.

Shi Jinbin knew that this was also the result of the intervention of the group leaders above.

Thinking of those, Shi Jinbin looked at the market that was already full of voices before the day before his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's better to follow the market like this, so that you can better control the quality of food ingredients."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Uncle, let's go in."

Shi Jinbin nodded: "Okay, let's go."

Three generations of masters and apprentices entered the market. Shi Jinbin looked around and was still a little surprised, and found that the market was really quite complete, and almost all the goods could be bought here.

In particular, some of the top-notch goods made Shi Jinbin feel very good.

After some screening, Shi Jinbin also bought some very fresh river fresh, planning to go back to make Feng Ruoruo porridge in the morning.

"These are fresh. Although they are relatively small, it's just right to cook a small porridge early when you go home."

Feng Yifan was very happy to see the old man, and said with a smile: "The feeling is good, today you can eat the porridge made by the uncle himself."

After hearing this, Shi Jinbin looked at Feng Yifan and said: "Yifan, I will make the porridge, but you have to make a few things to match this small porridge. You can't have less three diced buns and jade siu mai? There are also pine nuts shaomai, and several Stuffed buns."

Feng Yifan smiled and agreed: "Okay, uncle, don't worry, I will do it, and I promise to be worthy of your uncle's porridge."

When buying vegetables, the old man still showed his vision not to lose to young people, and he also chose a lot of fresher vegetables.

As for meat and poultry, they are also carefully selected.

And I also taught Lin Ruifeng how to choose poultry, such as how old hens look at the year, the roots of the chicken feet, and the place to look at the butt.

Speaking of this, Shi Jinbin also said to Lin Ruifeng: "It’s fortunate that you didn’t go to a big hotel as an apprentice. I was first as an apprentice in a big hotel. I can't eat anything."

Lin Ruifeng was a little curious after hearing this: "Uncle Uncle, what kind of job is it to dig out chicken belly?"

Feng Yifan smiled next to him and said, "I just want to take out the guts of the slaughtered chicken. If you want to try this later, I can buy a batch of untreated guts and let you try."

Lin Ruifeng said quickly, "Master, or forget it."

When Shi Jinbin heard this, he immediately thought it was very interesting, and said directly to the stall owner: "Okay, let's get a few of them today, ten chickens, ducks and geese, let you go back and practice."

Hearing this, Lin Ruifeng had a bitter expression on his face for an instant, feeling that he really wanted to be sad.

When Feng Yifan saw his apprentice, he smiled and said, "Ten are too many, so let's have ten chickens, five ducks and five geese. Go back and practice."

The stall owner is also very obedient, so he will prepare immediately.

According to the requirements, all chickens, ducks and geese were slaughtered, and the hairs were cleaned up, and the rest were not cleaned.

This is to let Feng Yifan take it back and let Lin Ruifeng do the cleaning up later.

Seeing the boss put them in the bag one by one, Lin Ruifeng really felt that he was about to face a huge challenge.

Shi Jinbin patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, it's not that scary. This is also a kind of training for you. After all, if you want to participate in cooking exams and competitions in the future, these are all things you must experience."

Lin Ruifeng immediately became serious after hearing this, and agreed: "Yes, Uncle Master, I will work hard."

After some purchases, although Zhang Qiang didn't need to deliver them, he also took the initiative to help deliver the goods to the front of the car, and helped put them in Feng Yifan's car.

Seeing Zhang Qiang’s positive attitude, Feng Yifan said with a smile: “In fact, you don’t need to bother you There is a flatbed truck, and we can do it ourselves. We don’t need to let you deliver goods today. Zhang Qiang will not blame your brother. Take care of your business, right?"

Zhang Qiang immediately said, "Brother, aren't you shameless me? You take care of my family's business and deliver goods. Of course, you have the final say, brother."

Feng Yifan continued to smile and nodded: "Yes, if you buy more next time, you still have to give it to me, because my car can't drive into the back alley."

Zhang Qiang smiled and promised: "Okay, brother, I must be on call."

After the goods were loaded, Zhang Qiang waved back to the market.

After getting in the car, Feng Yifan started the car. Shi Jinbin smiled and said, "Okay, your kid can get along with these people in the market. I now feel that you are more and more like my master."

Feng Yifan hurriedly said: "Uncle, please don't kill me. Compared with my grandfather, that's definitely a far cry."

Shi Jinbin said seriously: "There must be a gap now, but you are still young, and the gap will catch up sooner or later, cheer young people."