Chapter 337: Uncle Master invited to watch the audition

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
The little chef Feng Ruoruo described how Feng Yifan went to open the front door of the restaurant when she took her parents to make breakfast in the kitchen.

Let those who line up next door to buy pot stickers can enter Su Ji and sit down for breakfast.

Soon after opening the door, Mr. Zhuang Daozhong came to Su Ji.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Shi Jinbin sitting in Su Ji, Zhuang Daozhong immediately said: "Okay, you Shi Jinbin, have already come, don't say go and look at me, you just hid in Su Ji?

If I don't come, are you not going to visit my uncle like me? "

When Shi Jinbin saw Zhuang Daozhong entering the door, he immediately stood up and said hello: "Uncle Master, don't you often say that we are not much different in age. Let me call your brother?"

Hearing this, Zhuang Daozhong immediately became happy: "Okay, wait here for my old man, right?"

Shi Jinbin hurriedly smiled and said: "Dare you dare, uncle, hurry up and sit down, haven't you eaten breakfast? You can just taste the craftsmanship of our little baby Ruoruo today."

Zhuang Daozhong was a little surprised when he heard this: "Oh? Ruoruo did it this morning?"

Feng Ruoruo also stood up proudly and said: "Grandpa, Ruoruo made it with her parents today. Ruoruo helped her parents make wontons. Would you like to try it?"

Zhuang Daozhong smiled and said, "Of course I want to taste our Ruoruo's craftsmanship."

When Zhuang Daozhong sat down, Feng Yifan also hurried to the back kitchen to warm up the soup, and specially ordered a bowl of wonton with noodles for the old man, and poured it out with the tomato soup he prepared.

Zhuang Daozhong saw the bowl in front of him, which looked like dumpling noodles, but in fact it was not dumpling noodles, tomato wonton noodles, smelling the scent of noodles, he couldn't help admiring: "Well, it's really delicious."

After admiring, Zhuang Daozhong scooped one of the wontons with a spoon, and blew it gently on his mouth.

When it got colder, the old man opened his mouth to eat the wontons.

Wontons are not really outstanding in the taste.

But the slight salty taste, the sweet and sour of the tomato, and the fresh aroma of the meat and the shrimp itself, the complex taste spreads in the mouth while chewing.

In an instant, it was like a key, awakening the body in this morning.

Really want to say how delicious, in fact, such a bowl of tomato wonton noodles, there is not much amazing delicious.

But such a bowl of noodles is really appropriate to eat in the morning.

Feng Ruoruo smiled and asked after watching grandpa eat the wontons, "Grandpa, do you think it tastes good?"

Zhuang Daozhong naturally understood that this wonton should be the filling prepared by Feng Yifan. The little girl might have just wrapped it up, but when he saw the little girl happy, he still encouraged it.

"Well, it's delicious, this is the best wonton my grandpa has ever eaten."

Feng Ruoruo immediately clapped her hands happily after hearing this: "It's great, grandpa also thinks it tastes delicious."

Then, Feng Ruoruo wanted to take the initiative to recruit her grandpa: "Grandpa, Ruoruo told you quietly, in fact, this wonton is made by father and mother, Ruoruo wrapped a few, because Ruoruo’s hands are too small. , It can't be packaged."

Zhuang Daozhong responded with a smile: "Okay, grandpa knows, but grandpa still thinks Ruoruo is great, and when Ruoruo grows up, he can learn from his father."

Feng Ruoruo smiled and nodded when she heard her grandfather say this: "Okay, okay, if you grow up in the future, Ruoruo will study hard with her father and grandfather, and then make it for grandpa.

The old man was very happy when he heard it. Although Mr. Zhuang, who is now more than 80 years old, doesn't know whether he can wait to eat Feng Ruoruo's dishes, he is still very happy.

Everyone happily finished their breakfast together, and Feng Yifan led his wife and daughter into the back kitchen to clean up. The front was handed over to her mother Lu Cuiling to guard.

As for the three old men, they sat in the corner of the restaurant and began to discuss the really important things.

Zhuang Daozhong still spoke first: "The stone has also come. I think you should also know what happened. There are still two days before Children's Day. I don't know how you are preparing?"

Shi Jinbin replied confidently: "Don't worry, we are ready here a long time ago, and I have already asked someone to send all kinds of ingredients here, and I promise that there will be no problems."

Zhuang Daozhong nodded: "Well, you only need to be ready."

Shi Jinbin then asked: "Uncle Master, how are Su Lanxin and the others preparing for the game?"

When Zhuang Daozhong heard Shi Jinbin's question about the game, he also roughly talked about the preparations for the Fujinglou game.

"The publicity has been done over there now. The next time is the time of the audition in all parts of the province. The audition process will not be broadcast live, and the edited audition scene should be released later."

Speaking of this, Zhuang Daozhong said again: "By the way, the audition at Fujinglou has also started these days. If you have time, you can also go there."

For this kind of cooking competition, Shi Jinbin has never caught a cold, especially this kind of competition that is mixed with too much commercial nature.

"What's so good about an audition? Maybe there are many non-professional chefs to participate."

Zhuang Daozhong smiled and said: "Stone, this competition is intended to promote the classic dishes in the cuisine of Jiangsu Province. It was originally allowed for non-professional chefs to participate."

Speaking of this, Mr. Zhuang added: "And I tell you, there are really many professional chefs going to participate in the audition."

Shi Jinbin's original dismissive concept instantly changed after listening to Master Uncle's words.

"Oh? That's the way it turns out? Then I think it's right to let folk masters participate. There may be some classic dishes, and some folk practices will give us a lot of inspiration."

Zhuang Daozhong smiled and nodded: "Yes, Shishi is like a master when you say this."

Shi Jinbin smiled and said, "Master, don't bury it. Where am I? A real master. In my mind, only a master like my master and you can be regarded as a master."

When Zhuang Daozhong heard such compliments, he was naturally unmoved. He smiled and said to Shi Jinbin: "Stone, we are about the same age, so we don't need to say these compliments."

Then, Zhuang Daozhong continued: "Come today, first to see how you are preparing? Second, I think you and Jin Rong should go to Fujing Building."

This made Su Jinrong and Shi Jinbin a little surprised.

Zhuang Daozhong went on to say: "Although we have no restrictions this time, even some ordinary people can participate as long as they have cooking skills, but there are still some culinary masters in the audition.

You two old brothers go and have a look. Maybe a young man who has been mentored by you will be promising in the future. "

Shi Jinbin and Su Jinrong looked at each other, and then asked on behalf of Su Jinrong: "Master, do you mean, let us accept apprentices on the spot?"

Zhuang Daozhong shook his head: "Where can it be said that accepting disciples is so formal? I think, if you go and have a look, you may raise a few words when you meet young people who are destined, and maybe you will create a good story in the future."

After a pause, Zhuang Daozhong went on to say: "Moreover, we old guys insist on old things for too long. Some of us are not as imaginative as young people. Maybe we can get some inspiration in such a seemingly imprecise audition."

Su Jinrong suddenly spoke at this time: "Perhaps, folk masters, educate us."

This remark first made Zhuang Daozhong and Shi Jinbin stunned, and then the two old men became happy.

Zhuang Daozhong smiled and looked at Su Jinrong and said, "It seems that Jinrong, you are recovering better and better, and you can already make a joke."

Shi Jinbin smiled and said, "Maybe it's not a joke, what if there are any folk masters?"

Zhuang Daozhong said calmly: "That's nothing, we should have a long experience, maybe we old guys have been wrong for so many years?"

After listening to Zhuang Daozhong's big talk, Shi Jinbin finally nodded and said: "Cheng, Master, you have said so much, I will go and have a look with Jin Rong."

Su Jinrong also nodded: "Go, go and see."

In fact, Zhuang Daozhong persuades Shi Jinbin and Su Jinrong to go, mainly because he hopes that the group of brothers from Su Ji can meet at the scene, and the brothers can have a frank and open chat with each other.

After all, based on the current situation, there is indeed a feeling that no one wants to walk with anyone among the brothers of Su Ji.

Neither Shi Jinbin nor the four brothers from Chen Wei have talked about each other since they have been here for so long.

Although these teachers and brothers will still meet in two days, Zhuang Daozhong still hopes that they can meet in advance, so that both sides will not be very embarrassed.

Now that the two of them agreed, Zhuang Daozhong immediately said: "That way, I will send someone to pick you two over tomorrow morning."

Both Shi Jinbin and Su Jinrong were taken aback. Shi Jinbin asked on behalf of Su Jinrong: "Will you go tomorrow?"

Zhuang Daozhong smiled and nodded: "Of course, there must be a lot of people going to the audition these two days on the weekend, so tomorrow is just right."

The fact is as Zhuang Daozhong said, that the scene at Fujinglou was about the culinary competition of "Chinese cuisine".

Since the announcement of the news, it immediately attracted the attention of many people in Huaicheng.

I have to admit that Su Lanxin's advertising and promotion capabilities are indeed very strong.

Directly used a "Chinese cuisine cooking competition, you can cook the Chinese cuisine in your mind".

As soon as such an advertising slogan is shouted out, coupled with the announced competition system, all people can participate, not necessarily professional cooks, it can be said that it greatly encourages the enthusiasm of non-professional cooks to participate.

After the advertisement was issued, it can be said that the applicants were very enthusiastic.

As a result, the call for registration was almost blown.

In the end, that is, yesterday, Su Lanxin made a bold decision with great courage, that is, to allow all participants in the audition to register at the Fujing Building and participate in the audition on the spot.

As soon as the news was released, before coming to Su Ji this morning, Zhuang Daozhong made a special trip to Fujing Building and found that many people had gathered nearby.

Obviously, Su Lanxin's series of practices are really very attractive, and they really set up momentum.

When Zhuang Daozhong thinks about it now, he has to admire Su Lanxin's courage to do things.

Although today is the first day of direct audition for the live registration, Zhuang Daozhong has reason to believe that after today, Fujing Building will surely become famous.

Zhuang Daozhong told Su Jinrong and Shi Jinbin about this.

The two old men also fell into silence for a while.

It must be admitted that Su Lanxin's courage is really beyond the two people's expectations.

But after thinking about it carefully, the two old people would feel that it seemed that it was not strange that Su Lanxin did this kind of thing.

Shi Jinbin sighed: "Su Lanxin is indeed very bold in terms of courage to do things."

Su Jinrong nodded in agreement: "She has courage and ability."

When Zhuang Daozhong heard this, he immediately smiled and asked, "It seems that there is not much resentment in Jin Rong's heart, and he is still willing to forgive this sister."

Shi Jinbin helped Su Jinrong and said: "Uncle Master, we are all this age. Actually, we don't have a lot of hard work. To put it awkwardly, everyone has already buried half of their soil. What hatred is there?

Zhuang Daozhong nodded, but then sighed again: "Hey, if that girl Lan Xin looks away, maybe this time when she comes back, you will meet with brothers like Su Ji, it will be another scene."

Shi Jinbin said directly: "Uncle Shi, people are different from people. Su Lanxin has to be strong for a lifetime, so how can it be so easy to see?"

Zhuang Daozhong couldn't help sighing and had to admit that Shi Jinbin was right.

Su Lanxin has been strong throughout her life, and she could turn against her father and brother because of the old plaque.

Even when his father didn't teach cooking skills, he relied on his own diligence to learn from the teacher, and his personality was really strong.

It's just that Zhuang Daozhong still feels sorry. He always feels that he is so old now that he really doesn't have to fight for this win or lose.

Su Jinrong was silent for a while and said: "If you lose again, maybe she will understand Zhuang Daozhong shook her head: "Her knots may not be so easy to untie. "

After listening to the uncle's words, Su Jinrong didn't speak, and Shi Jinbin didn't speak any more. For a while, the three old people sat there thinking secretly about how to solve this problem.

In the restaurant in front, the three elderly people were worried about the past, while the family of three in the back kitchen was very happy.

Feng Ruoruo tidyed up things with her parents, and the little girl helped her parents do things within their power, which made the little girl feel particularly satisfied.

For example, help Dad hold a basin and move it to the back water room.

Or to help Dad bring some unused materials to Dad, and let Dad put it in the refrigerator.

These processes made Feng Ruoruo very happy, and felt that he was really useful.

Of course, Dad continued to praise: "Well, my Ruoruo baby is really useful, it can help Dad do a lot of things, not just pass the menu."

Su Ruoxi looked at her daughter's busyness, running back and forth, and she was so happy that she could barely close her mouth from ear to ear.

After her daughter was almost done, Su Ruoxi smiled and asked, "Little Feng Ruoruo, are you tired?"

Feng Ruoruo gasped when she heard the question from her mother, "Oh, mother, if you are so tired, come and give Ruoruo a hug."

Seeing her daughter's coquettish appearance, Su Ruoxi walked over and hugged her daughter: "You have done such a small amount of work, and you are tired, and you have to give your mother a hug."

Being hugged by her mother, Feng Ruoruo put her arms around her mother's neck and responded with a grin: "I want my mother to hug him."

When Feng Yifan saw the mother and daughter, he also had a happy smile on his face.


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