Chapter 368: Aunt and niece

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Her husband and her little apprentice were busy in the back kitchen. After Su Ruoxi had calculated the morning accounts, she locked the drawer of the cash register and began to pack up the restaurant very seriously.

put away the chopstick cages and various seasoning boxes placed at noon on each table.

Because Su Kee is making stir-fry at night, the chopstick cage and seasoning are actually not used.

Just put everything away, suddenly a voice came from the door.

"If you want to make an elegant private kitchen restaurant, you should learn something. You must know that any private kitchen restaurant needs its own style.

And you need to prepare exquisite tablecloths, supporting tableware, and some high-end wine utensils.

You are so unprofessional here. "

Hearing such a long talk, Su Ruoxi turned her head and followed the voice to look over.

saw Su Lanxin walk in alone.

Today's Su Lanxin does not wear very elegant clothes as usual, but wears very casual clothes.

wore a long skirt, a white shirt on the upper body, and a small suit.

I have to say that Su Lanxin, who is dressed like this, doesn't look like a person in her 50s at all.

Even in Su Ruoxi's eyes, her aunt is a little bit girly.

was taken aback for a while, Su Ruoxi suddenly showed a trace of vigilance on her face, unconsciously revealing a little bit of hostility.

Su Lanxin walked in, stretched out her hand, and gently slid her fingertips across the tabletop.

"Well, it's very clean, it seems that you cleaned very carefully."

Then Su Lanxin walked in the restaurant, carefully observed the layout of the restaurant, and examined it very carefully.

"Your tables are not well placed, so the placement is quite satisfactory. You should make full use of the space in the restaurant and place the tables in a staggered manner.

In addition, you all use square tables, which is not good. The same thing is too monotonous. You should use some round tables to match it, which will make the layout of the restaurant more changes.

If you can, you can use the old big round table, you can arrange two or four.

placed on the four corners, or simply placed a round table on one side, and placed this square table on the other side. "

Su Lanxin really said a lot, and even what kind of details should be added in the restaurant, and some suitable tablecloths should be selected, they all said the same as Su Ruoxi.

Su Ruoxi suddenly came to face her aunt, and then gave some instructions to the restaurant with a look of surprise.

She couldn't help thinking: What does this mean? Are you ready to take away the old plaque, even the restaurant?

There is no comparison yet, how do you know that you must win?

Su Lanxin has nothing to do with everything. She talked to Su Ruoxi a lot about the restaurant layout, and also gave some ideas on restaurant design.

Although Su Ruoxi felt very dissatisfied, she would find it reasonable to listen to many things Su Lanxin said.

Just like that, one said and the other listened.

Unknowingly, the aunt and niece actually stayed together in Su Ji restaurant for a long time.

Su Lanxin said that almost, she looked at Su Ruoxi and asked, "Do you have any questions? And after I have said it for so long, don't you even give me a glass of water?"

Su Ruoxi was awakened by her aunt saying this, and then she hurried to pour water for her aunt.

While putting in the water glass, Su Ruoxi asked: "You, do the layouts you just mentioned make the restaurant look better?"

Su Lanxin grabbed the glass that Su Ruoxi had put down, and drank the water without any special attention.

exhaled a bad breath, Su Lanxin looked at her niece: "It seems that you have no idea about restaurant design. If you have time, I think you should go to my place to learn.

Your husband came back from abroad, and many of his visions may now surpass you.

So if you want to keep up with your husband, you should also charge yourself. If you want, I can ask you to go to the training center of my foreign catering group to study. "

Auntie's words made Su Ruoxi a little dazed.

After a long time, Su Ruoxi suddenly woke up and said, "Do you want to transfer me away, and then continue with my dad to grab old plaques and restaurants?"

Su Lanxin was taken aback when she heard this, then she watched her niece suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, you are too sensitive, do you think, what can you change if you stay? In the end, whether you can keep Su Ji, is the key to your husband, right?"

Speaking of this, Su Lanxin warned her niece with a serious face.

"I need to remind you, never completely trust men. Many times you think that your men are credible, but in fact they are not credible. So no matter what, you need to be vigilant. You have to enrich yourself and let yourself. Able to control your husband."

When Su Ruoxi heard this, her expression changed again, and the look in her aunt's eyes became even more strange.

Su Lanxin didn't care, and continued: "I think Su Ji's financial power should be in your hands. This is very important. Men can't give them too much money. If they have too much money, they will change.

Ah, by the way, did you know that before your husband returned to China, he helped a restaurant get three stars, so he should have received a very generous bonus. Did he not give you? "

Su Ruoxi was taken aback again, but immediately said, "I think he should hold his money."

Su Lanxin said with a serious face: "You are wrong, you should take the money in your own hands, so that you can better control him."

Hearing her aunt said this, Su Ruoxi couldn't help asking: "Then you did the same to your uncle?"

Su Lanxin's expression suddenly changed when she heard Su Ruoxi's words.

The change of expression on Su Lanxin's face also made Su Ruoxi a little wary.

But when Su Ruoxi was about to deal with the opponent's anger, Su Lanxin's ready-to-go aura suddenly disappeared.

"Now Chen Wei is no longer your uncle, he is just a wage earner in our company, so I don't care how he uses his money."

Su Ruoxi said calmly, "I believe my husband, I can feel that he is sincere to me, to my daughter, and to my dad, so I don't think that our marriage needs to be maintained by his money. "

Su Lanxin looked at her niece, as if she was looking at her daughter, and she seemed to see herself when she was young.

For a long time, Su Lanxin shook her head: "You are so much like you when you were young, you both believed in a man desperately, but then it turns out that the man who we desperately chose to trust may not be worthy of our trust."

Su Ruoxi said very firmly: "No, I think my husband is worthy of my trust."

Su Lanxin was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed. She laughed even as if she couldn't stop, until she finally laughed with tears.

Seeing the other person's appearance, Su Ruoxi was a little bit worried. After hesitating, she went to the cashier to get a tissue and handed it to Su Lanxin.

Su Lanxin took the paper towel, folded it and placed it at the corner of her eye, and gently pressed it twice on the corner of her eye. I sucked away the tears I wanted to leave, and didn't wipe it with a paper towel.

stopped laughing, Su Lanxin looked at her niece and said, "Do you know? The way you are now makes me look like myself back then, the one with a firm face that would break with my father at all."

Su Ruoxi said seriously: "We are different, and I will not be you."

Su Lanxin was taken aback when she heard this.

Looking at Su Ruoxi's eyes, there was a complex emotion. There seemed to be a kind of mother looking at her rebellious daughter, as if she was looking at the young self back then.

The more I look at it, the more I feel like it, and Su Lanxin's mood is getting more and more complicated.

After thinking for a while, Su Lanxin spoke again: "You haven't experienced what I experienced."

Su Ruoxi has already gradually found the initiative for dialogue.

"I did not experience what you experienced, but I don't think that if my father doesn't pass on my cooking skills, he just doesn't love my performance, and I won't turn my face with my father because of cooking."

Su Lanxin looked a little ugly when she heard this, and she had an urge to get angry with Su Ruoxi.

But seeing the stubbornness on Su Ruoxi's face made her feel like she was facing her once.

In a trance, Su Lanxin felt like she was in a conversation with herself who had chosen a different path.

One is my current self, and the other is that I didn't choose to break with my father back then. Instead, he approved the competition and was willing to stay in Su Ji to help his father and brother.

After   , he married his father’s apprentice and slowly developed a career under his father’s guidance.

My father would recommend his disciples to go to some big hotels, go to the hotel where my father used to be a friend at the state banquet for internship.

Even the outstanding apprentices successfully got the opportunity to participate in the state banquet, appeared at the state banquet together with the master, and gained a share of achievements.

In the end, maybe Su Lanxin will be with her husband in a big hotel in Beijing or Shanghai?

Or maybe she and Chen Wei go to a certain city to open a private kitchen for the two of them, so they can live a more comfortable life, and come back to visit their father and brother with her brother from time to time.

If that were the case, would it be more comfortable? Will it be happier?

It's a pity that there is no if.

Su Lanxin could feel the hostility of her niece.

was silent for a while, Su Lanxin suddenly asked: "Do you think I shouldn't come back?"

Su Ruoxi didn't expect her aunt would ask herself like this.

She did not hesitate much, nodded and said: "Yes, from my standpoint, I really don't think it is a good thing for you to come back. You have also seen it, my dad became like that because of you."

Su Lanxin nodded: "Yes, so you hate me in your heart?"

Su Ruoxi doesn't understand what the other party means? He hesitated and said: "I hated it before, but now I don't hate it so much. In fact, we just want to live a small life in peace. You have such a big company, so why bother with us?"

Su Lanxin stared at her niece, and suddenly stretched out her hand, subconsciously trying to touch her niece.

However, Su Ruoxi immediately backed away when she saw this.

Su Lanxin felt empty, but didn't mind.

Withdrawing her hand, Su Lanxin finally said what she wanted.

"Tomorrow, Feng Yifan and Chen Weibi are not in Su Ji anymore. I have already negotiated with the kindergarten and we will host the kindergarten children's day at noon tomorrow.

Since it’s a comparison, let’s compare it seriously, put it in the kindergarten, and let all the children taste it together. "

Su Ruoxi was a little surprised: "You, why do you do this?"

Su Lanxin no longer has the warmth he had before, and said very solemnly: "Why? I am a challenger, I am Su Lanxin, I want to take the old plaque, I will let Su Ji in my hands, become More famous."

Su Ruoxi looked serious: "Huh, what if we refuse to compare?"

Su Lanxin stared at Su Ruoxi.

At this moment, the aunt and niece suddenly opened their arms, both of them stared with a pair of big eyes, and they also revealed a very determined aura.

Even in the collision of momentum at this moment, Su Ruoxi was not at all disadvantaged.

Even if facing Su Lanxin, he is a boss who has mastered a multinational catering group for many years and possesses a high-level momentum.

But Su Ruoxi didn't flinch at all, she stood there very firmly and looked at him.

For a long time, Su Lanxin smiled and said: "You can compare, but will you be willing? If you don't compare, then I will publicize it. Su Ji is in your hands to tell the truth. You don't have the courage to follow me. Non-inheritors compete."

Su Ruoxi was a little surprised and looked at the other person: "You, don't you think it is shameless for you to do this?"

Su Lanxin was extremely calm, keeping a smile on her face in response: "Shameless? A shopping mall is like a battlefield. There are some necessary methods that must be used, otherwise it will only be passively beaten."

Su Lanxin at this time is completely different from her before.

If she was so kind before.

So now Su Lanxin is like an old witch with no compromises.

She is doing the final persecution, to make Su Ji promise to compete with her, to defeat Su Ji in the competition, to prove that she is more qualified to inherit the old plaque of Su Ji.

Su Ruoxi was silent for a while, then fighting spirit emerged in her eyes.

"Hmph, do you think you must win? Tell you, you lost to my father back then, you will lose to my husband tomorrow, you will never win."

Su Lanxin smiled and nodded: "Very good It is for this kind of momentum, so let's see you tomorrow."

After saying this, Su Lanxin turned around and left.

When she reached the door, Su Lanxin said again: "By the way, you don't need to bring anything tomorrow. I will let people prepare everything. I will prepare the kitchenware, tableware, and ingredients."

After finishing this, Su Lanxin did not stop, walked out of Su Ji, and left the old street.

After Su Ruoxi waited for the other party to leave, she suddenly slumped on the chair beside her. At that moment, she was really frightened a little bit, but when facing Su Lanxin, she knew that she could not shrink back.

Now that people leave, Su Ruoxi finally sat down and looked at her palms, she was already sweating.

Su Ruoxi sat in the restaurant, feeling a little complicated, when she started to worry about tomorrow.

Feng Yifan did not know when she came to her and stretched out her hand, gently pressed his hands on his wife's shoulders, and gently rubbed her shoulders.

Su Ruoxi felt the temperature of her husband's palm, and raised her hand to hold her husband's palm on his shoulder.

Feng Yifan held his wife's hand, walked over to his wife and squatted down, and said to his wife seriously: "Don't worry, no matter where you compare, no matter how you compare, I won't lose."

Su Ruoxi held her husband's hand tightly. Although she said nothing, her eyes revealed her trust in her husband.

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