Chapter 403: Mouth-watering braised raw knock

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
When grandma entered the back kitchen, she realized that she had blamed the three little girls.

Today's kitchen is very quiet. The three little girls did not open the chatterbox and kept nagging with their father Feng, but instead watched his father Feng cooking attentively.

While Feng Yifan was cooking, he was also explaining to his apprentice Lin Ruifeng.

So when Feng Ruoruo led her little friend in, she happened to see her father teaching Uncle Xiaolin.

The three little girls thought that Feng's class was very interesting, so they simply stayed and listened carefully.

As a result, because I was attending the class, I naturally forgot about the need to deliver the menu.

Feng Yifan gave Lin Ruifeng a lesson on how to slaughter eel and how to change the knife to the eel.

Before the daughters came back, Feng Yifan had already demonstrated to Lin Ruifeng two ways to kill eel.

One of them is naturally very bloody, requiring bloodletting first, and then smashing the stomach.

Although the second method is not so bloody, it is actually the same cruel process. It is to directly scald the eel to death in a boiling pot. During the blanching process, cooking wine and green onion and **** are added to the boiling pot.

In this way, some peculiar smell of eel can be removed directly in the blanching process.

No matter which method of slaughter is used, it is not suitable for the little girls, so Feng Yifan finished the demonstration to the apprentice before the daughter came back.

At this time, Feng Yifan was showing his apprentice how to change the eel.

"Have you seen this? This bamboo stick knife is a necessary tool for us, because the meat of these blanched eels is very delicate, and metal knives must not be used to cut them. It will destroy the eels and cause There will be deviations in shape and taste."

With that, Feng Yifan squeezed out an eel and pierced the whole eel directly with a bamboo stick knife.

Break the eel open from it, and after it is divided into two, first remove the complete eel spine in the middle.

"Look, you cut the knife from here, and then stroked like this, and then held it down like this. The same stroke after the knife is dropped, and it's all at once. Look at it, so a complete bone is separated."

Lin Ruifeng looked at it very seriously, not even daring to show up, so he leaned close to Master and looked carefully.

Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, and Chen Yaofei also had their heads stretched out, and they also wanted to take a closer look.

Seeing this situation, Lu Cuiling quickly walked over and reached out to hold the three little girls: "Oh, okay, what's so interesting about this process of killing fish? If you watch it, you will be scared at night, and then the three of you I can't sleep well."

Feng Ruoruo suddenly became unhappy when she was stopped by her grandma.

"No, grandma, Xixi and Fei Fei want to see it. Grandma don't pull me, let Ruoruo take a look."

The daughter's yelling naturally shocked everyone in the kitchen.

When Zhao Daxia heard the movement, she also poked her head in from the water room outside. She saw the situation in the room and smiled and said, "Actually, you see this is nothing. If you come back early and see if your father kills the eel, that is the truth. You will watch it so you dare not sleep for three nights."

Feng Ruoruo heard Aunt Zhao's words, turned her head and said, "Auntie, you are bad, you want to scare us so that we can't sleep at night."

Zhao Daxia smiled and said, "Isn't this what you want to see? How can you blame Auntie?"

Yang Xiaoxi immediately said, "Let's not look at scaring children, we'll see how Feng's father cooks."

Chen Yaofei also followed up and said: "Yes, we have to see Dad Feng cooking."

Seeing that she couldn't hold the three little girls, Lu Cuiling waved the menu on her hand: "Look at the three of you, what is this in Grandma's hand?"

Seeing the menu, the three little girls almost exclaimed in unison.

"Ah, we forgot to pass the menu."

Lu Cuiling put the menu down and said, "Look, if grandma didn't bring it in in time, how would dad do business? So should the three of you go out quickly?"

Grandma's words will obviously be very effective, and almost instantly the three little girls yelled to go out.

As for the process of Father Feng teaching Uncle Xiaolin to cook eel, the little girls are no longer interested.

Seeing the three little girls being coaxed out, Lin Ruifeng suddenly smiled, thinking that the three little girls were really funny.

But seeing his smile, Feng Yifan said solemnly: "You are still smiling, have you paid attention to what I taught?"

Lin Ruifeng suddenly reduced his smile, and quickly lowered his head and said humbly, "Master, I must take it seriously."

Next, Feng Yifan pierced the underside of the eel's head with a bamboo stick knife, and then pressed the eel's spine directly to the tail to cut the eel completely open.

Although Lin Ruifeng has watched this process many times, this is the first time he has seen Master demonstrate such a detailed presentation.

After cutting open the eel, Feng Yifan also seized the time to explain to his apprentice.

"Did you see? The back is completely black here, and then stick to the other side of the spine inside here, and remove the spine completely. The head of such an eel is divided into three parts in total. The bones are used to make soup, the back is necessary for eel back dishes, and the abdomen is used for abdominal dishes."

Feng Yifan took advantage of this time to take a look at the menu, and then directly asked the apprentice.

"I'll test you, what dishes can the eel back make?"

Lin Ruifeng also immediately said: "There are tiger tails, pot stickers and eel backs, fried soft pockets..."

Feng Yifan nodded with satisfaction when he heard the apprentice talk about various dishes made with eel back.

"Actually, in the past, only the back of the eel was used to paste the eel, but later it was not so particular, so this direct method of scalding can best separate the back of the eel from the abdomen."

While talking, Feng Yifan took another slaughtered eel.

"Today's main dish: stewed raw and knocked, you can't use the method of scalding, you must use the bloodletting and caesarean method that I gave you before, and you must remember to clean up the bones.

You see, I got such a whole eel, unfold it, and then gently tap it with the back of a knife or a small wooden hammer. This is the stewed raw eel, tap it. "

Lin Ruifeng nodded and watched carefully as Master tapped the eel lightly from the inside with the back of the knife.

"Don't be afraid to use force. You can use a little bit more strength. Remember that you must make the eel meat up and down, but you must never break the skin. You have to do this slowly and be patient."

After beating for a while, Feng Yifan asked Lin Ruifeng to learn how to do it, while he opened the pot on the stove.

Although Feng Yifan had done part of it in advance to save time, he was still going through all the steps.

On the one hand, it is necessary for the apprentices to see clearly, on the other hand, because many people order them, they still need to take over.

First, pour the base oil in the pot, then add the green onion, **** and seasoning to saute, and then add the sliced ​​pork belly.

"Look at it, in this step, you need to use high heat to stir-fry all the fat of the pork belly."

Seeing the pork belly in the pot being stir-fried, constantly being forced out of the oil, Lin Ruifeng also took it down very seriously.

After stir-frying for a while, Feng Yifan added yellow sauce and soy sauce to the pot to season it. After another stir-frying, the broth was added, and then the fried eel segments were added to the boil together with the fairy eggs. After adding salt, sugar, and pepper to taste, slowly simmer in a pot to collect the juice.

When the soup began to thicken, transfer the steamed simmered raw beaten to a casserole.

First pick out the eel section and place it in the oiled casserole at the bottom, then place the pork belly around, with the fairy eggs on the outermost periphery, and finally filter the soup into the casserole.

Bring the casserole to a boil, then put the minced garlic on top of the eel, and pour hot oil to let the aroma of the minced garlic come out.

As soon as the aroma comes out, quickly put the lid on the casserole, and then it will take a while to simmer in the casserole.

During this stewing process, Feng Yifan also made full use of his time to prepare some other dishes on the diners’ menu.

In this way, when the other dishes are basically prepared, finally this pot of stew is ready.

Uncovering the lid of the casserole, the scent wafted out in an instant, and the rich scent filled the whole kitchen.

Even Zhao Daxia could smell it, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wow, this one really smells good."

After Feng Yifan sprinkled finely chopped green onion at the end, the pot of stew was completed.

The remaining heat of the casserole is still boiling, and the soup in the pot is slurping. The eel section in the middle, the pork belly next to it, and the fairy egg on the outer circle really form a ruddy and attractive pot.

Coupled with chopped green onion and garlic, people can't wait to feast on it right away.

Feng Yifan closed the lid of the casserole again and patted the apprentice in a daze: "Okay, let's serve the food to the front. It has been delayed for a long time. Come back after the food is served, and you can continue with the next steps."

Lin Ruifeng immediately awoke, and hurriedly put the dishes on the tray in the same way, and then went out to serve the dishes with the tray.

At the moment in the front restaurant, the diners are all waiting patiently.

Then while waiting, some diners were also chatting.

Some diners, because Su Ji did not open the door on Children's Day, they were a little curious and asked the proprietress Su Ruoxi.

"Madame, why didn't you open the door on Children's Day yesterday?"

"Yes, I said yesterday that I would bring the children over to eat."

"No, I didn't eat it yesterday, so today the child will come over after school to make up for it."

Feng Ruoruo hurriedly helped her mother to answer: "Yesterday was Children's Day. There was a show in Ruoruo's kindergarten. Both father and mother were going to participate in games, so there was no one to cook, so the door was closed.

And a table came over last night, saw Su Jili giving someone a birthday diners, and then said: "I heard that it was our little boss Feng Ruoruo's birthday yesterday?"

Feng Ruoruo smiled and nodded: "Yes, yesterday was Ruoruo's birthday."

The diners then asked: "So Ruoruo did you eat cake yesterday?"

Feng Ruoruo immediately said: "Let's eat, yesterday's cake was made by my father and two of my good friends, Xixi and Fei Fei, for Ruoruo. It is a huge castle cake."

As she said, the little girl opened her arms and made a big move.

When the diners saw the little girl's movements, all of them immediately laughed, thinking that the little girl told everyone that it was really too funny and too cute.

The proprietress Su Ruoxi couldn't intervene at all, she could only watch her daughter say there.

When her daughter said something, Su Ruoxi also recorded another menu and waved to her daughter: "Boss Ruoruo, you are going to send the menu to dad."

Feng Ruoruo happily came to her mother and reached out to take the menu from her mother.

Just as Feng Ruoruo took the menu, Lin Ruifeng brought out the first table of dishes from it.

Seeing that Uncle Xiaolin had already served the dishes, Feng Ruoruo also greeted the two friends: "Xixi, Feifei, let's hurry up. Uncle Xiaolin has all started serving dishes. We have to give Dad the menu quickly."

Together, the three little girls passed through the tables in the restaurant and rushed into the back kitchen.

Lin Ruifeng placed the same dish on the first table, and finally a stewed casserole was placed in the middle of the table.

"Okay, your dishes are ready. This is the stewed raw knack you ordered. Please enjoy it slowly."

After saying this, Lin Ruifeng leaned slightly, holding the tray in his hand, and after a few steps back, he turned and walked towards the back kitchen.

Having spent this time in Su Ji , Lin Ruifeng also made many improvements. Not only in the cooking skills, but also in the manners of being in the world and treating customers when serving dishes.

Before Lin Ruifeng served the food, he always turned around and returned to the back kitchen after he left it.

Feng Yifan specifically talked to him for this.

At that time, Feng Yifan said very seriously: "We are a catering and service industry. In addition to making delicious dishes, we must treat customers, especially old diners, with enough politeness and politeness.

So you must remember that after serving the dishes, you must tell the guests seriously that the dishes are ready, and also say "please take your time". After that, you have to step away from the table for a few steps and then turn around. This is for the guests. A kind of courtesy, remember. "

Feng Yifan's remarks also caused Lin Ruifeng to change quickly.

Now Lin Ruifeng is very polite every time he serves food.

Although sometimes it will delay a little time, but it will make the diners feel comfortable.

When Lin Ruifeng left, the guests at the first table reached out and lifted the lid of the casserole.

At the moment it was unveiled, there was almost no sound in the restaurant. Everyone stared at the casserole intently, all wanting to witness the true face of Su Ji’s pot of stew.

Uncovering the lid, first of all, it is naturally rich in fragrance. The fragrance of green onion and garlic is paired with the fragrance of meat, as well as the fragrance of eel, and the taste of the stewed soup. It is really very rich and makes people unconsciously secrete saliva in an instant.

When the lid of the casserole was completely uncovered, everyone finally saw the true face of the stew.

In the casserole, the green onion is in the middle, and the eel is fried and then stewed underneath. On both sides are sliced ​​pork belly, like petals, and the outermost is red eggs.

No one in the restaurant is talking, but one can clearly hear the drooling voice: Gudong, Gudong...