Chapter 410: The ease that belongs to Su Kee

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
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With the selection of Chinese cuisine recipes and related cooking competitions, the domestic discussion on Chinese cuisine has become more and more intense, and it has gradually become the focus of people's after-dinner discussions.

Especially in some large and small restaurants, every time a meal is ordered, there are always a large number of diners who take the recipes of Chinese cuisine as a chat and talk.

At this moment, it seems that everyone has become a top chef.

In Huaicheng, the cooking competition of Fujinglou is naturally the most concerned.

With the follow-up of TV reports and the analysis of "The Common Proof of the Philippines", all men, women and children in Huaicheng focused their attention on the Fujinglou cooking competition.

Even the diners who come to Suji for dinner will talk about the game at Fujinglou.

When seeing Feng Yifan serving dishes, there will always be diners who can't help but ask.

"Boss, your craftsmanship is so good, why don't you go to the cooking competition in Fujinglou?"

"That's right, if you go, boss, you will definitely get the first place."

"I heard that the top three in the cooking competition can serve as our representative chefs in Huaicheng to participate in the selection of chefs in the province, as the cooking chefs of those dishes in our province's Chinese recipes."

"Wow, is that amazing? Then boss, you really should go."

"Yes, yes, I also think the boss should go. It will be easy for you to get the first pair. Then you can participate in the provincial selection and become a cook of Chinese cuisine. That's a big deal."


Faced with the concerns of the diners, Feng Yifan smiled.

"If I go to participate, wouldn't everyone not be able to eat Su Kee's delicacies? And at my level, I can manage Su Kee. Going to be a chef in Chinese cuisine, how can I compare to those state banquet-level masters? I won't go to the class door to get an axe."

Feng Yifan is always very humble, saying that his strength does not allow him, so he doesn't go to the class to make an axe.

Whenever they hear this, many diners always feel sorry.

"It's a pity."

"Yes, I think the boss, you think you have the strength."

"I heard that many cooks who are not professional chefs can participate. It's a pity that you don't go, boss."

"No, boss, you really should try it, master of the state banquet class, I don't think you can't fight, boss, anyway, I think the boss you cook is very delicious."

Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "Thank you for your praise. You think it's delicious. You can come to Su Ji to join us in the future."

The diners naturally agreed one after another and would often come to Su Kee to eat.

"Suji is such a delicious restaurant, of course you have to come often."

"Yes, especially Su Kee's food is not only delicious, but also inexpensive. I don't eat it often. That's really my own loss."

"It's a pity that the boss doesn't cook breakfast, otherwise I would like to eat three meals a day at Su Ji."

"Hahaha, you come over to eat three meals a day, can your wallet allow it?"

"Why can't it be allowed? Su Ji's three meals a day are not too expensive."

"Boss, then you should raise the price appropriately, don't take care of us diners, you are losing money yourself."

When Su Ruoxi heard this, she smiled and said: "As long as you are satisfied and happy, then we will be very happy. As for making money, take it slowly, as long as you don't lose money."

After hearing Su Ruoxi's words, diners expressed their hope that Su Ji could make money.

"Boss, what you said is wrong, we all hope that Su Ji can make money."

"Yes, when Su Ji has made money, the boss and his wife will continue to operate, so that we can eat Su Ji's delicacies."

"That's right, so the boss and the boss, please make more money."

I don't know who came such a sentence, which instantly caused the whole restaurant to burst into laughter.

Feng Yifan and Su Ruoxi also laughed. The couple looked at each other and felt that Su Ji was really lucky to have such a group of diners support.

In fact, what Su Ji Diner didn't know was that Li Feier and her team had already asked Feng Yifan to record two shows.

In the program, Feng Yifan was not a participant in the Fujinglou cooking competition, but as a guest of comment. In the two programs, Feng Yifan also showed off his cooking skills. Under camera shooting, he personally used a very standardized process to cook two designated dishes for the Fujinglou competition.

Commenting guests, how can they end up bullying the contestants?

After chatting with the diners a few more words, Feng Yifan turned around and went back to the back kitchen.

Now Su Ji's chef, Feng Yifan has given a lot of work to his apprentice Lin Ruifeng, so he has become a little leisurely.

Entering the back kitchen, Lin Ruifeng is busy in full swing.

Cook the noodles in a large pot, prepare the ingredients for the toppings, and also arrange the bowls and plates so that the cooked noodles can be served out, and it is also convenient for the master to cook the toppings.

The process does not seem complicated, but it is actually a test of patience and very hard work.

Feng Yifan was satisfied with his apprentice's performance, but he didn't praise him because he didn't have time to praise him.

There were still diners waiting in the restaurant in front. He walked quickly to the stove, reached out his hand to hold the pot and the iron spoon, poured various ingredients prepared by the apprentice into the pot, quickly started to stir fry, and poured water for stewing. .

Feng Yifan, with his hands and feet, can always pile the toppings shortly after his apprentice has cooked the noodles into the bowl.

This will ensure that the toppings are fresh enough, and it will also ensure that the noodles in the bowl will not cool off.

After the bowl of noodles was ready, Lin Ruifeng immediately picked up the noodles and sent them to the front restaurant.

When Lin Ruifeng returned from serving the noodles to continue cooking, Feng Yifan went to deliver the next bowl.

The master and apprentice alternate in this way, like two machines running at full capacity, ensuring that every guest of Su Ji at noon can eat a bowl of steaming noodles or a plate of fried rice in time.

After solving the aunt's affairs, Su Ji entered this kind of plain and ordinary life.

Such a state is a very comfortable state for both Su Ji's family and Lin Ruifeng and Zhao Daxia, the two Su Ji's only two employees, and everyone has a very comfortable life.

Of course, in this state, the happiest child is Feng Ruoruo.

Every day, I can eat delicious snacks made by dad, and dad made so many delicious snacks for herself. The little girl thinks this is her happiest.

However, such happy and comfortable days may soon be temporarily lost.

Because the old street reconstruction plan has been determined and reported to relevant departments for demonstration and approval.

It was finally confirmed that starting from June 20th, the entire section of Old Street will be closed for reconstruction, and the overall reconstruction will take 2 months.

The Huaicheng government also publicized the overall reconstruction plan and time.

From the publicity point of view, the final reconstruction plan can be said to be conducive to the preservation of the old street’s historic sites and the subsequent development of the entire old street and surrounding tourism.

Especially in the plan, the complete preservation of the original buildings of the ancient street is really a plan that has won the approval of all parties.

So after the announcement, it was considered unanimously praised.

And many locals in Huaicheng expressed that they are looking forward to the reconstructed ancient street very much, and can't wait to walk on the reconstructed ancient street and feel the antique fragrance.

Of course, in the public announcement, the government also subsidized the merchants on the old street to a certain extent.

For example, if some businesses want to relocate, there will be a specially planned area to move to a new location.

For time-honored brands like Su Ji who are willing to stay in the old street, the government will give a certain amount of compensation, which is counted as a subsidy for the cost of the two months of Su Ji reconstruction.

It can be said that this subsidy policy, as anyone with a discerning eye can see, is specifically for Su Ji.

The purpose is to allow Suji to stay on the ancient street and become a facade to attract tourists after the ancient street is rebuilt in the future.

For this reason, the relevant departments also specially invited Su Jinrong and Feng Yifan, the pair of Weng sons, to discuss.

Feng Yifan didn't even think about taking advantage, so he told the truth about Su Ji's plan and told people in relevant departments that Su Ji would not move out of the old street.

Knowing that Su Ji will not move away, the relevant departments are naturally very happy, and promised to increase publicity for Su Ji in the future.

In Feng Yifan's heart, he is actually looking forward to how the old street will look after the reconstruction.

Because in his memory, in another life, the old street is not the reconstruction plan of today, but a modern food street built by Su Lanxin's company.

After the renovation was completed, it was once very prosperous, but it did not really last long.

As the development of the city accelerates, more and more similar food courts emerge in an endless stream.

After the reconstruction, the original characteristic old street was lost, and because of its location in the old city, it was gradually forgotten by people. In the end, the food street can only end in a lonely way.

Today, many things have changed.

Su Lanxin chose to stay in the school in the small town and take the children in the town with her once-best girlfriends.

Su Lanxin's company has already been taken over by Mei Ru and Su Liancheng.

Speaking of Su Liancheng and Mei Ru, Feng Yifan had no idea that the two had been in an underground relationship for many years.

When the two announced their relationship, the person who suffered the most was Tan Xueli.

First, he was thought to be the most trusted and optimistic about his master's abandonment, and then he learned that Su Liancheng, who had been in love for a long time, had been in an underground relationship with Mei Ru for many years.

According to Chen Wei, who turned to say goodbye to Su Ji before leaving, after learning about Su Liancheng and Mei Ru, Tan Xueli once approached two people with a kitchen knife.

Feng Yifan now recalled the passage that Chen Wei said, and a scene would unconsciously appear in his mind.

In the end, Chen Wei came forward to stop Tan Xueli, and Chen Wei promised to continue teaching Tan Xueli in the future.

Mei Ru also took the initiative to apologize to Tan Xueli, and the two people chatted privately for a long time, and the specific content was unknown to others.

According to Chen Wei's statement, after Tan Xueli and Mei Ru had talked, it seemed that Mei Ru had agreed to what Tan Xueli asked, and Tan Xueli did not continue to pester Su Liancheng.

That is, the day before yesterday, Tan Xueli left Huaicheng with Chen Wei.

Although things seem to be very successful, Feng Yifan always feels in his heart that perhaps in the future, there should be another big show between Su Liancheng, Mei Ru and Tan Xueli.

And so far, whether it's Su Lanxin's side or Su Ji's side, even the reconstruction of the old street. Everything has become completely different.

While Feng Yifan was full of expectations for the future, he was a little bit worried about the unknown in his heart.

So these days, Feng Yifan takes the work in the kitchen more seriously.

Whether it is teaching Lin Ruifeng or cooking by himself, he is no longer as casual as before. He will take each process very seriously and start to try some new dishes.

Feng Yifan felt that since the future became unknown, he needed to work harder.

On the one hand, it is to revive Su Ji's reputation. More importantly, in order to allow his wife and daughter to live a carefree life.

Even Li Fei'er asked him to photograph the cooking standards of the Fujinglou competition, and Feng Yifan took it very seriously.

It's not as free and casual as when Meng Shitong and the others were filmed before.

There is not too much dazzling skills, just serious and careful completion of each step.

At the end of the shooting, Li Fei'er had to sigh: "Chef Feng, you have done too finely. It feels like you have made it with your hands. It is really like a work of art. If you follow your standards, I am afraid that the sea at Fujinglou Most of the people selected will be screened out."

Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "If this dish is eaten at home, it naturally doesn't have to be so delicate, but if it is to serve Chinese cuisine, it must be so delicate."

Although he treats work in the kitchen Feng Yifan has become very serious and delicate.

But he still loves his daughter. Every day when her daughter comes back from kindergarten, he still listens to her nagging about funny things in the kindergarten.

Listening to her daughter's little nagging in her ears, Feng Yifan always smiles knowingly and feels that life today is very real.


When a bowl of hot noodles came out of the pot, Lin Ruifeng used long bamboo chopsticks to pick it out of the pot, lifted it up high, and held it underneath with a bowl, then folded the noodles into the bowl.

It just so happens that the noodles will form a ball in the bowl, as distinct as a woman's hair bun.

Spooning a spoonful of soup into it, Lin Ruifeng handed the noodle bowl to Master.

Feng Yifan took the noodle bowl, poured out the prepared toppings from the pot, and poured them into the bowl carefully along the side of the bowl, so as not to affect the shape of the noodles in the bowl. The toppings would be distinct from the noodles on one side.

Finally, sprinkle a thin layer of chopped green onion, and then drizzle with a few drops of Feng Yifan's sesame oil.

A bowl of noodles is complete.

Feng Yifan placed it on the tray of the cooking table behind him.

Lin Ruifeng put the next bowl of noodles into the pot, then turned around and raised the tray, quickly rushed out of the back kitchen, and delivered the noodles to the diners in front.

In this series of processes, the master and apprentice cooperated very well, and the whole movement was smooth and smooth, without the slightest stagnation.

After two months, Lin Ruifeng, the apprentice Feng Yifan, saw the progress of the apprentice, and became more and more satisfied with this apprentice. He felt that it was really right to accept this apprentice back then.

About time was up, some diners in the Su Ji restaurant took out their mobile phones, ready to take a look at today's "Philippines Common Certificate". It has become a habit of many diners to come to Su Kee for lunch every day and watch the special program of "The Common Certificate of the Philippines" about the Fujinglou cooking competition.

At the beginning of today's show, someone in the restaurant immediately exclaimed: "Wow, it's Chef Feng."