Chapter 485: Worried that business is too good

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Su Ji's dinner this evening can be said to be very hearty. Feng Yifan spared some of the prepared ingredients and made a hearty dinner for everyone.

Among them, what the children like most is the fried rice that their father Feng specializes in using the broth of roast goose for them.

After adding the broth and oil of the roast goose, the fried rice becomes more fragrant.

And when it was on the table, Feng Yifan also added a few pieces of boneless roast goose to the children, and topped them with his own plum sauce.

The three little girls looked at the roast goose fried rice in front of them, and their little faces were filled with excitement.

Feng Ruoruo also gave a special introduction to grandpa, grandma, and mother.

"Grandpa, grandma, mom, hurry up and see, this is the roast goose fried rice that my dad made for us. This fried rice uses the soup of the roast goose. It tastes very fragrant. There is also this roast goose, and this The sauce on the top is very delicious, you guys try it too."

While introducing, the little girl picked up the plate and leaned in front of grandpa, grandma, and mother, so that grandpa, mother and grandma would all have a taste.

Seeing Feng Ruoruo's enthusiasm, the three elders also used a small spoon to taste it.

After eating, Su Ruoxi felt that the taste of this plate of fried rice was really great.

The key is that it should look very greasy, but because of the addition of plum sauce, the greasy taste is neutralized, and the slightly sour taste is actually very delicious.

It is different from the fried rice made by my husband before. Although the color of the fried rice is reddish, it is not as beautiful as gold-clad silver or broken gold, but because there is roast goose on the side to match it, it looks like it is not lost. The taste is even more unique.

Su Jinrong took a small bite and savored it carefully, and he has to admit that some of the innovations of his son-in-law are really great.

When Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei saw that Feng Ruoruo had eaten for their elders, the two little girls also learned to eat for their parents.

Yang Xiaoxi's grandparents have also been picked up by his father Yang Zhiyi.

Seeing the little granddaughter take the initiative to try fried rice for them, the old couple also smiled and felt that it was very happy to have the little granddaughter in front of them.

Tasting Feng Yifan's fried rice for the children, everyone thought the fried rice was really delicious.

The flavor of roasted goose soup is incorporated into the rice and served with plum sauce. It is really delicious.

Then I took another bite of goose meat, crispy skin, juicy goose meat, it really makes the index finger move, and I want to eat a second bite after one bite, and I can't stop it at all.

After Chen Shoulin tasted it, when Feng Yifan came out of the kitchen to serve the food, he said to him, "Yifan, your fried rice is great. If you sell this bowl of fried rice when you set up a stall, I believe business will be booming."

Feng Yifan put down the dishes and responded with a smile: "This is also a kind of exploration, it's a good use of everything."

Yang Huaicheng went on to say: "It's really not easy to be able to use all kinds of ingredients and make it so delicious."

Chen Shoulin nodded in agreement: "Yes, this is what a real master chef can do."

When Lu Cuiling heard the two, she kept complimenting her son and said with a smile: "You guys are a bit too much praise, I think it's just fried rice, it tastes really good, but it's still a little bit greasy."

Li Xiuchun smiled and said: "Old sister, your mother is too demanding. Grandpa Feifei and I have been to many restaurants all over the world, the top chefs, they can bring the essence of the ingredients to the extreme, but the top masters, It is often possible to make delicious without using the best ingredients."

Chen Shoulin agrees: "Yes, it is a more advanced master chef who can be innovative, use seemingly simple ingredients, but can make delicious dishes."

When Feng Ruoruo heard this, she immediately asked, "Grandpa Chen, is my father the best?"

Chen Shoulin smiled and said, "This grandpa doesn't know, but grandpa thinks Ruoruo's father is the most powerful cook among the chefs that grandpa has ever eaten."

After getting this answer, the little girl was quite satisfied, and smiled and threw herself into her father's arms.

"Dad, look, you are the best."

Feng Yifan hugged her daughter and smiled and said, "Thank you Ruoruo, and thank you Fei Fei's grandfather. With your encouragement, Dad will definitely work harder."

Next, Feng Yifan put all the dishes together, and everyone sat down for dinner.

Before the meal, Xixi’s grandma couldn’t help but say, “Oh, I come to Su Ji for dinner every day. I can eat such rich and beautiful dishes every day, so we don’t want to go home and make it ourselves.”

Yang Xiaoxi said to her grandma: "Grandma, it's okay, we can come to Ruoruo's every day to eat."

Hearing what her daughter said, Li Feier rushed over and said with a smile: "You can't come to eat every day. Starting tomorrow, your father Feng is going to set up a stall to do business, so there is no time for us to do this.

Yang Xiaoxi heard her mother say this, the little girl was a little surprised: "Tomorrow we won't be able to eat Papa Feng to cook? Don't do it."

The little girl dropped the spoon in her hand, jumped off the seat, and quickly ran to Father Feng.

Yang Xiaoxi stretched out her hand to hold Father Feng and said, "Xixi still has to eat Papa Feng's food every day.

Feng Yifan stretched out his hand to hug Yang Xiaoxi, smiled and wanted to explain to the little girl.

But before his father could speak, Feng Ruoruo, who was sitting next to his father, said, “Xixi, you can go to my father’s stall to eat. Let’s set up a stall with Dad, and then eat at the food stall together. You can also eat Dad’s. I won’t be able to eat rice."

Chen Yaofei echoed at this time: "Yes, we can still eat Xixi every day."

The words of the three little girls make parents too happy.

Li Feier waved to her daughter and said, "Well, Xixi, you come back and sit down and have a good meal. If we want to eat Papa Feng's meal in the future, we can go to the place where Papa Feng set up a stall to eat."

Yang Xiaoxi ran back to her mother quickly, and got into her mother's arms all at once.

Li Feier was also shocked when her daughter suddenly got into her arms. She hurriedly pushed her daughter away slightly, and wiped her mouth with a tissue.

"Oh, look at you, the oil on your mouth is not wiped clean, you rush into mother's arms like this, and you will stain her clothes."

Yang Xiaoxi asked her mother to wipe her mouth, while pouting her little mouth and said, "Mom is stinky."

The daughter's words made Li Feier dumbfounded, but it caused other adults to laugh.

Li Feier squeezed her daughter lightly and said, "You little thing, do you dare to say that your mother is stinky? When is your mother stinky? Every time your mother is with you and father, she dare not wear beautiful clothes. You still say mother Stinky, I think your little thing is stinky."

Yang Xiaoxi mumbled her little mouth and said, "No, Xixi is not stinky, it's her mother's stinky."

Seeing the mother and daughter arguing like this, everyone laughed louder.

In the end, Li Fei'er said that she couldn't get enough of her daughter, so she could only look at her husband next to him and stretched out her hand to pat her husband: "You know how to eat, and you also care about your daughter. Look at your daughter now, it's becoming more and more wild. , I dare to talk to my mother like this."

Yang Zhiyi looked helpless, so he could only reach out and hug his daughter and said, "Xixi, you can't say that to mom."

Yang Xiaoxi pouted her little mouth in her father's arms and said, "But my mother wouldn't let me hold her, saying that there is oil on my mouth, and Xixi's mouth is not oily, so my mother is so stinky."

Li Feier was also dumbfounded by her daughter's strong words.

"There is no oil on your mouth now, because mother wiped you clean with a tissue."

Yang Xiaoxi was still not convinced: "No, Xixi's mouth is clean."

Li Feier saw her daughter's little wayward look, really dumbfounded, she was a little speechless for a while, and she seemed to be unable to make sense of her daughter.

At this time, Chen Yaofei came over and said, "Xixi, you had oil on your mouth just now. Aunty wiped it off for you."

Hearing what Chen Yaofei said, Yang Xiaoxi suddenly stopped insisting.

"Really? Faey, did you see it?"

Chen Yaofei nodded: "Yes, I saw it, you just put oil on your mouth, and then your aunt rubbed oil on your clothes. It's hard to wash when the oil gets on your clothes."

Feng Ruoruo, who was sitting opposite her father, also said, "Xixi, you have to apologize to auntie."

What surprised Li Fei'er was that the daughter who was still very headstrong at the moment before Feng Ruoruo actually apologized to herself after Feng Ruoruo said that she wanted to apologize.

"Sorry, mom, Xixi made a mistake."

Seeing her daughter become well-behaved at this moment, Li Feier really can't get angry at all.

Finally, Li Feier could only gently squeeze her daughter's face: "Okay, mom accepts Xixi's apology. Mom won't be angry with Xixi, let's eat quickly."

Then, the three little girls continued to eat, because after the fried rice, the little girls would actually eat some dishes.

And Li Feier turned to look at Feng Yifan, in front of everyone, and formally asked about the recording of the program.

"Chef Feng, when do you have time to record a show on TV?"

Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "Everyone was asking about this before, but I have run out of time recently, because I will go to set up a stall tomorrow, and in the next few days I will take my apprentice to get familiar with the new environment, if possible. , Just wait? Or you can ask my master and uncle to record first."

Li Fei'er shook her head and said, "Lao Zhuang is definitely not enough. I think it's better to match the two of you together, and everyone will like it even more."

Chen Shoulin took over and said: "That's for sure. Everyone is definitely looking forward to the combination of Yifan and Old Man Zhuang. Such a combination is more in line with everyone's expectations."

Then everyone nodded, thinking that indeed such a combination would be more expectant.

Feng Yifan smiled helplessly and said, "However, these few days will definitely not work. Or give me a week. I will familiarize Ruifeng with the business first. When the business stabilizes, I can record the show for you."

Li Fei'er thought for a while and said: "Well, it's okay, just a week later, it may be the semi-finals of the Fujinglou side of the competition."

Feng Yifan heard this and asked curiously: "By the way, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot about Fujinglou's culinary competition. How is the cooking competition over there? Has my senior brother Zhang Fenglin qualified?"

Li Feier smiled and said, "Chef Feng is really busy, don't you even have time to watch TV?"

Hearing this, Feng Yifan also responded with a smile: "I really don't have time. I have been busy these days."

Su Ruoxi said to her husband next to her: "You really don't care about Big Brother Zhang at all. The game has been going on for two days, and it hasn't been Big Brother Zhang's turn yet."

Feng Yifan nodded and said, "Oh, this is the case, I think brother, he must be fine."

Because Li Feier went to watch the competition today, she also nodded and said: "It's really okay. In today's competition, the two participants in the competition should not be as good as Zhang Fenglin in their cooking skills."

Feng Yifan then asked again: "Right, what about Qi Deqiang?"

Li Fei'er thought for a while and said, "He is also a strong competitor, and he is considered to be the strongest among the top 16."

Through Li Fei'er's narration, Feng Yifan has some understanding of the game process.

The top 16 is a lottery group to catch the PK in pairs.

Every day in the competition, two groups compete. The competition includes knife skills, firework, arranging dishes, and the taste of the final dishes.

In the top 16 competition, no dishes were designated, and each participant could choose the dishes by himself.

But every day the judges will still give the theme, and the contestants need to cook according to the theme.

The complexity of the dishes will also be reflected in the three scorings of knife work, fire work, and plate placement. Of course, the most important rigid indicator is the final taste test.

If you make a very complicated dish, but the taste is not good, you may still fail.

After listening to Li Fei'er's introduction, Feng Yifan nodded and said, "Is it really complicated? Then what is the theme of the two days of competition?"

Li Feier replied: "The theme of the first day is Hexian, and the theme of the second day is vegetarian."

Feng Yifan was a little surprised: "These two themes are really difficult. Hexian can choose a lot, but it is not easy to make Hexian well.

As for ‘vegetarian’, the subject is more abstract, and cooking vegetarian dishes is also more difficult. "

Su Jinrong also spoke at this time: "Hexian, pay attention to freshness; vegetarian, pay attention to taste."

Feng Yifan helped his father-in-law to explain to everyone: "Hexian, as the name suggests, must focus on this freshness. It is not easy to highlight the umami flavor. You cannot grab the flavor during the cooking process.

As for vegetarian dishes, we must pay more attention to the taste. To make vegetarian dishes delicious, the taste is not simple. "

Listening to Feng Yifan’s detailed explanation, Li Fei’er smiled and said: “So, our show still needs Chef Feng, Chef Feng to come forward to explain, and at the same time, we have to cook two dishes for everyone, so that everyone can experience it more intuitively. To the characteristics of the various dishes Feng Yifan smiled and pointed to the dishes on the table: "Actually, my table of dishes today is also full of fresh and vegetarian dishes. "

Li Fei'er said immediately: "So, today I should call Meng Shitong and the others to come over and take a picture of Chef Feng's table of dishes today as a show for tomorrow's "The Common Proof of the Philippines"."

Feng Yifan was stunned when he heard this, and then quickly waved his hand: "Don't, the last two dishes have already caused Su Ji's threshold to be crossed. If you come again this time, I am afraid that our little stall may be caught tomorrow. Those people are so crowded."

Speaking of this, Feng Yifan begged: "We are running a small business, please let it go."

Everyone at the scene was taken aback when they saw this scene, and then everyone laughed.

Other vendors and restaurants are worried that there is no business. Feng Yifan here is worried that the business is too good. I am afraid that other bosses will know that he will want to give him a sap in the back at night.

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