Chapter 521: Su Ji's Spread of Happiness

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Lin Ruifeng may have been encouraged by the young man who deliberately made trouble before, and he worked very hard for the rest of the day, and it can even be said that he worked harder than the previous few days.

Even the rolling of small wonton wrappers at noon was made by Lin Ruifeng voluntarily asking him to do it himself.

Feng Yifan was also very pleased to see the progress made by his apprentice, but he didn't express much on the surface.

In the evening, Guo Jingyi and some nearby children still came to the small market on time. The children came to the stall and lined up to buy what they like to eat.

Basically, these children came to eat crepe wontons.

The arrival of Guo Jingyi made the three little girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei very happy.

The three little girls grabbed Sister Guo and talked endlessly.

"Sister Guo, do you know? My mother took us to dance in the morning. Do you know who the teacher taught us to dance?"

"Yes, Sister Guo, do you know who came to teach us dancing?"

"Sister Guo, guess what."

Guo Jingyi looked at the three little sisters, smiled and said, "I know, is it my aunt?"

The three little girls were very surprised, and they all wondered why Guo Jingyi guessed it all at once?

"Ah, how did Sister Guo guess it?"

"Sister Guo, you guessed it all at once."

"Did Teacher Guo told Sister Guo?"

Guo Jingyi smiled and replied: "No, my aunt always wants me to learn to dance with her, but my sister doesn't like dancing, and my sister likes to read books, so my aunt is not happy with my sister, but my sister knows that my aunt is a great dancer. Little children learn to dance with their aunts."

Chen Yaofei asked curiously: "Sister Guo, why don't you like dancing?"

Guo Jingyi thought for a while and wanted to answer: "I don't know why, but I don't like it. My sister likes to sit quietly at home and read a book. I don't like jumping around all day long."

Yang Xiaoxi then asked: "Sister Guo, our grandma, the principal, said that your grades are very good."

Guo Jingyi was a little embarrassed and said: "It's okay, as long as you go to school, as long as you are willing to learn from the teacher, you will definitely get good grades."

Feng Ruoruo said seriously: "Sister Guo, I heard my mother say that if you want to get good grades in school, you have to work hard. Sister Guo, you have to do your homework when you come here to eat. You must be the one my mother said. Work hard, and then you will get good grades."

Guo Jingyi was even more embarrassed to be said by Feng Ruoruo.

"My sister's grades are really not good. I haven't won the first place several times. She is in the middle level."

As soon as the voice fell, another voice sounded: "Oh, when is our Xiao Jingyi so humble? She has only won first place a few times. How many times did you get the first place in the final exam every semester? Are you not the first one in your usual quiz?"

Hearing this sound, Guo Jingyi turned her head in surprise and followed the sound to look over.

The three little girls shouted in unison: "Hello, Teacher Guo."

Guo Jingyi turned her head to see her aunt standing behind him, and immediately curled her lips: "Auntie, can't you just stop talking ill of people behind them?"

Guo Hong smiled and said, "No, I didn't say bad things behind others, I said it in front of you."

Guo Jingyi suddenly looked upset.

When Guo Hong saw that his little niece was upset, he smiled and said, "Well, my aunt is making a joke with you. You see, you are going to junior high school. You still can't help but make fun."

Guo Hong especially likes to tease his little niece, because the little niece is a relatively quiet girl. Guo Hong doesn't want her little niece to be too quiet to be bullied in the future, so he will tease her at home from time to time to give her little niece a little resistance to shock. , So that the little niece can better accept the pressure.

Guo Jingyi was also very dissatisfied with her aunt's teasing: "Hmph, I ignore you, I want to eat."

After speaking, Guo Jingyi walked to the stall and prepared to serve her own bowl of small wontons.

As a result, before he had time to pick up the bowl, my aunt walked over and took the bowl first.

When Guo Jingyi saw her little wonton being taken by her aunt, she immediately shouted in dissatisfaction: "What are you doing? You can't steal someone from you, you're wrong."

At this time, three little girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, also came to help condemn.

"Teacher Guo, don't grab Sister Guo."

"Teacher Guo, if you want to eat, let Father Feng cook another bowl for you."

"Mr. Guo, return Sister Guo's to her."

Guo Hong saw that the three students were helping the little niece to speak, and he smiled and looked at the little niece: "Yes, you have a good relationship with my three students, and they all help you to speak."

Guo Jingyi said with some pride: "I and Ruoruo, Xixi, and Fei Fei are all good friends."

The three little girls also said in unison: "We are all good friends."

Guo Hong was really a little surprised. He didn't expect such four little girls to be so united. The four little girls together really made Guo Hong a little bit overwhelmed.

At this time, Su Ruoxi also came over and smiled and said, "Mr. Guo, don’t tease the children. There are more and more people coming soon. If you want to eat, please hurry up, otherwise you may not order. Come on."

Listening to Feng Ruoruo's mother, Guo Hong could only curl his lips and said, "Okay, I'll take this bowl for you. I really thought my aunt would **** you a bowl of small wontons?"

The older and the little girls stepped aside, and Guo Hong brought the little wonton to his niece and put it on the table.

Guo Jingyi and the three little girls quickly sat down.

And Guo Jingyi also went to ask for three small bowls, and then divided a little for the three sisters so that the four girls could eat together.

Su Ruoxi saw that Guo Jingyi was even given food to three little girls, and she couldn't say: "The three of you are really robbing Sister Guo here. If you want to eat, won't you let Father Feng cook a bowl for you?"

While eating, the three little girls smiled and looked at Su Ruoxi.

Guo Jingyi said next to her: "Auntie, it's okay, I can't eat so much."

Su Ruoxi smiled and said, "Wait for the three of them to come back. Let them return it to you. You can't eat too little when you are growing up."

Before long, Guo Hong came over with four bowls of wontons and gave them to Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei.

Su Ruoxi was a little embarrassed when she saw it: "Oh, how come Teacher Guo asked you to bring it here for help?"

Guo Hong smiled and said, "It's okay. The three of them are already my students. It's not a big deal for the teacher to serve the students. Come and sit down and eat."

The three little girls hadn't eaten yet, first they scooped up a small wonton and placed it in Guo Jingyi's bowl.

One, two, three...

When preparing to give it to the fourth one, Guo Jingyi stopped it.


"No, you give me so much that I can't eat."

Seeing this situation, Guo Hong couldn't help being a little surprised: "What do you four mean?"

Feng Ruoruo immediately explained: "Teacher Guo, I just ate what Sister Guo gave to us, so now we have to return it to Sister Guo."

Guo Hong nodded: "So that's the way it is. Are you four girls in such a good relationship?"

The three little girls said immediately: "Yes, we are good friends."

Guo Jingyi raised her chin to her aunt and said proudly: "Look, they are my good friends and my good sisters. If you bully me in the future, I will let them help me."

Guo Hong immediately became happy: "Hey, you little girl, have you learned how to find a helper? But the three of them are my students, how can you let them help you?"

Guo Jingyi confidently said: "We are good friends, and good friends must help good friends."

The three little girls immediately agreed: "Good friends help good friends."

The friendship between the four girls surprised Guo Hong, but at the same time he felt very happy.

In the past, she always felt that her little niece was too introverted. A lot of her spare time spent her free time at home reading books, and then she was painting and writing. Guo Hong felt that this was not good.

Guo Hong and his elder brother and sister-in-law also thought of a lot of ways to make their niece go out more.

But the effect is not very good, as for the niece to learn to dance is even more impossible.

But now that he sees his niece and three lively little girls become friends, Guo Hong feels that perhaps in the future through these three little girls, he can make his niece communicate more with others and become a little more cheerful.

Like today, Guo Hong has actually seen some changes in his niece.

The niece's personality has become much more cheerful now, and after being teased by Guo Hong, she will not be as excited as before. This is a very good change.

Guo Hong believes that in the future, his niece should be more in touch with these three little girls.

Or waiting for Guo Hong to teach them to dance, you can encourage them to get in touch with Guo Jingyi's sister, so that it can affect Guo Jingyi's character more.

Guo Hong had heard from friends before that Su Ji is a very amazing small restaurant. If you just go to eat, you will not appreciate Su Ji’s speciality. You will only think that Su Ji’s dishes are indeed exquisite and authentic. The level of Chef Su Ji is very good.

But if you really come into contact with Su Kee’s people, including the boss and the proprietress, the most important thing is Su Kee’s little boss.

Then you will find that eating at Su Ji is like experiencing a spiritual wash.

Being in Su Ji will let you relax, stay away from some turmoil, feel the kind of warmth that truly belongs to home, and see the sincere emotion and truth of your children.

Guo Hong has even heard Su Ji’s friends say that what Su Ji really sells is the “truth, goodness and beauty” in the world.

In the past, Guo Hong thought these were exaggerations by friends, and she didn't believe it that much.

But after today's contact, especially seeing the little niece changes, Guo Hong feels that perhaps his friend is not exaggerating.

Guo Hong was eating while watching the interaction between his little niece and the three little girls, which was really interesting.

Because many times Guo Jingyi is relatively silent, but the three lively little girls will keep asking questions, and then force Guo Jingyi to talk to them.

As a result, Guo Jingyi said a lot today.

Look at how Guo Jingyi looks happier as she talks about it. Guo Hong is also very happy in her heart.

Four little girls can really talk about everything, not always three little girls ask Guo Jingyi, the big girl.

Sometimes the big girl Guo Jingyi would ask the three little girls some questions.

For example, Guo Jingyi would be curious to ask Feng Ruoruo, why is her father's small wonton so delicious?

Feng Ruoruo said directly: "Because my father did it."

This answer amused Guo Jingyi: "If you don't answer this way, you can't say that it's delicious because your father made it. You have to answer how it tastes so good."

Chen Yaofei helped answer: "Papa Feng will put a lot of fillings and roll out the skin very thinly, so it's delicious."

Yang Xiaoxi went on to say, "There is also a lot of stuff that Feng Dad will put away."

Feng Ruoruo finally said, "My father uses chicken soup, so it's delicious."

After listening to the analysis of the three little girls, Guo Jingyi seriously thought about it and said: "Well, it really is. There are a lot of things in wontons, and the chicken soup is delicious."

Hearing Sister Guo talking about chicken soup, Feng Ruoruo suddenly said: "Sister Guo, there is another way to eat my dad's small wonton."

Guo Jingyi asked curiously: "There is another way to eat it? How to eat it?"

Yang Xiaoxi followed: "Yes, yes, there is another way to eat it, you can eat the soup of wontons."

Chen Yaofei finally replied, "I went there to buy sesame seed cakes and eat them in the soup."

When Guo Hong heard this, he couldn't help but say: "I know this. I saw it on the Internet. He said that he bought the "grass stove sesame cake" from there and soaked it in this wonton soup, right?"

Feng Ruoruo nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, Dad said that way of eating is particularly delicious."

Guo Hong smiled and asked: "Then Ruoruo, Xixi, and Feifei have you three eaten?"

The three little girls nodded together and replied: "I have eaten."

Guo Jingyi asked: "Is it delicious?"

The little girls replied in unison again: "It's delicious."

Guo Hong immediately stood up and said, "Okay, then I will buy some sesame cakes over there and try them."

Guo Hong quickly walked over to buy sesame seed cakes. After buying them, he found that his bowl of wonton soup seemed to have been heated.

Seeing that the wonton soup was heated, Guo Hong couldn't help being a little surprised: "Why does the soup seem to be hot?"

Feng Ruoruo said with a smile: "It was my mother who helped the teacher find Dad and added hot soup to you. Mom said that he would use hot soup to make sesame seeds."

Guo Hong looked at Su Ruoxi and said, "Thank you Ruoruo's mother."

Next, Guo Hong broke the grass stove sesame seed that he bought back, and soaked it in a wonton bowl.

After soaking, Guo Hong used a spoon to scoop the biscuits and ate them with the soup.

After eating this bite, Guo Hong found that the taste was really delicious.

The sesame seed cake itself is cold, and it is a bit hard, but after being soaked in hot chicken soup, the sesame seed cake full of chicken soup is really delicious.

Especially after biting it down the chicken soup in the sesame seed is bitten out, it is really delicious.

After Guo Hong ate a sesame seed cake, he wiped his mouth and said, "It's really delicious."

Guo Jingyi said at this moment: "Auntie, you have eaten so much tonight, aren't you afraid of gaining weight?"

The words of the little niece instantly shattered Guo Hong's beautiful mood after eating.

Guo Hong glared at his little niece and said, "I found that Jingyi, your little girl, has learned badly. You already know how to tell aunt about this kind of thing. It really disappoints me.

Guo Jingyi found that she finally made her aunt feel uncomfortable. She proudly raised her beautiful chin and stuck her tongue out with her aunt.

Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi, and Chen Yaofei saw the three little girls, and they all followed and laughed.

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