Chapter 535: Celery Sprouts on Snow

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Liao Chen is nearly seventy years old. After returning to Huaicheng from other places in the past few years, he has become accustomed to eating at Fujinglou once or twice a week.

For an old man who is nearly 70 years old, coming to Fu King Building is actually more of retrieving a plot.

It's just that after coming to Fujing Tower so many times, the old man did not find the plot he was looking for.

This is not to say that the dishes and meals at Fu Jing Building are not well done.

On the contrary, in Liao Chen's opinion, for so many years, the meals at Fujinglou are now well done, at least much better than when he came six months ago.

But the old man still didn't taste the dishes he wanted in Fujing Building.

Today, the old man came to Fu Jing Building alone again.

The waiter who received Liao Chen already knew him well: "Grandpa Liao, are you here again? Do you still want to sit in your old seat?"

Liao Chen responded with a smile: "Yes, it's still the old position."

The receptionist guided the old man to the place where he usually sits.

Liao Chen is different from most people. Most people who come to Fujinglou like to sit near the lake, but Liao Chen is just the opposite. He likes to sit on the other side.

This is a corner near the entrance of Fujing Building. Sitting here, you can clearly see the gardening outside the window.

When Liao Chen sat down, the waiter immediately said, "Grandpa Liao, are you still the same today?"

Before Liao Chen could answer, the waiter suddenly said: "Ah, yes, Grandpa Liao, today the owner of our shop is pushing some new dishes. Would you like to try it?"

Liao Chen didn't take it seriously, but simply responded and asked, "Well, tell me what new dishes are there."

The waiter immediately said, "Yes, these are the three new dishes launched today. Grandpa Liao, would you like to try it?"

Liao Chen didn't take it seriously, but suddenly heard the names of these three dishes.

The old man was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that these days, Fujinglou was holding a cooking competition, so he hadn't been here for almost a month. He also heard that the competition was over, but it turned out that it was not the champion and runner-up who was talked about by people, but a chef surnamed Feng who made one on the spot.

Liao Chen is a fan of the Red Mansions and has also studied the dishes in the Dream of the Red Mansions.

Only limited by his limited cooking skills, he has not been able to restore the dishes in the novel.

When I first heard that someone had done a cooking competition at Fujinglou, the old man was surprised, but he didn't take it too seriously, and he didn't think of the main points today.

But now listening to the waiter's introduction, in addition to that, there are two dishes, which really shocked Liao Chen.

He can be regarded as the dishes written in the Dream of the Red Chamber.

But this dish is not a dish in the book, but a dish specially created by a chef to commemorate the author of A Dream of Red Mansions. Liao Chen used to travel north and south in the field. He had heard of this dish, but he never saw it, let alone tasted it.

Today in Fu Jing Building, he didn't expect to have this dish.

The waiter saw Liao Chen stunned, and asked a little strangely: "Grandpa Liao? Grandpa Liao, do you need it?"

Waking up by the waiter, Liao Chen immediately said: "Well, then I will order chicken pith shoots and snow bottom celery buds."

The waiter immediately agreed, and then asked: "Grandpa Liao, do you still need the dishes you usually order today?"

Liao Chen responded with a smile: "I don't need those few dishes. I'm a bad old man and can't eat so much. Two side dishes are enough. Give me another pot of Huadiao."

The waiter uses the electronic ordering device to record the dishes ordered by the father.

"Okay, Grandpa Liao asks you to wait a moment. I've already placed an order for you."

Liao Chen nodded: "Okay, thank you."

After the waiter left, Liao Chen sat alone, turned his head and looked at the garden scenery close at hand outside the window, full of expectations for the two dishes in his heart.

After coming to Fujing Tower so many times, the old man suddenly felt that he might be able to find the taste in his heart today.

Feng Yifan was in the back kitchen, deboning the turtledove, then removed the skin and tendons, and cut all the remaining meat into fine shreds.

In terms of quantity, such a turtle dove can only be fried for one dish.

As for the remaining bones and skins, Feng Yifan didn't waste it, and let the people in the back kitchen use them to make the soup.

Just when Feng Yifan was ready to start demonstrating this dish to the two chefs, he suddenly heard the electronic bell ringing from the back chef to order food.

Then someone who specializes in food delivery shouted: "Order the food ahead, chicken pith shoots, snow bottom celery sprouts."

Feng Yifan heard this and smiled and said: "It's a coincidence, just give this plate to the guests in front."

Then Feng Yifan put the shredded pork into clean water and washed it, and drained the water.

Put it in a bowl, add a little salt and Shaoxing rice wine, mix well with your hands, and beat to make it slightly viscous, add starch and mix well, finally add some **** juice, seal with sesame oil and set aside.

Then Feng Yifan took the egg, knocked on the egg white, added a little bit of salt, and then began to beat it with chopsticks.

The egg whites have been beaten, showing the state of cream. Spread on the plate and pile up like snow.

Then put it in the steamer and steam it for a while.

The chefs in the back kitchen, including the two chefs Zhang Fenglin and Qi Deqiang, were shocked when Feng Yifan directly beat the egg whites by hand.

As far as the chefs present, many can do it. But the whipping time may be long.

More often, the chefs in the back kitchen use electric whisks to beat them.

It saves time and effort.

However, like Feng Yifan, he used his hands to pass the egg whites, and the time will not be long, which really surprised the chefs.

The three little girls, Feng Ruoruo, Yang Xiaoxi and Chen Yaofei, looked at their father as if they were doing magic.

Just stirring constantly in the bowl, the egg white became creamy.

"Ah, dad, you are so amazing, you can make butter."

"Yes, Father Feng, how did you turn that egg into butter?"

"Papa Feng, Fei Fei also wants to learn this. It's really amazing to be able to turn egg whites into butter."

Feng Yifan smiled and said to the three little girls: "Daddy Feng's method is stupid. If you are in a hurry to cook, it is best not to use this method. Instead, use an electric whisk to beat. It will be even worse. It’s fast, you can also use that in the future."

Having said that, Feng Yifan looked at the chefs in the back kitchen and smiled and said, "You don't need to imitate. If you have tools, you still use tools."

At this moment, Lin Ruilong saw all this and couldn't help but leaned to his master and asked in a low voice.

"Master, is Feng Yifan's whipping egg whites difficult?"

The master looked at Lin Ruilong and said, "How can you directly call Chef Feng's name? The hand just now can't be done without a certain amount of power in the hand. You can show me respect."

After being reprimanded by the master, Lin Ruilong seemed to be conscientious on the surface, but he was not so convinced in his heart.

Feng Yifan then picked some sprouts of celery.

"Remember, this dish must use young sprouts. Never use the old part. Only the sprouts of celery will have enough taste."

The buds are selected well, and a dedicated person is responsible for cleaning them.

Feng Yifan went back and started cooking.

Before starting to cook, Feng Yifan also adjusted a bowl of juice.

Mix salt, sugar, pepper, Shaoxing rice wine, **** juice, water starch and sesame oil to make a bowl of juice.

When everything is ready, put more oil in the pot.

When the oil temperature is about 40-50%, put the previous shredded turtledove into the pot for smooth fry.

After frying quickly until the color changes, drain the oil.

Then put some scallion oil in the pot, put the shredded pork into the pot again, put the celery sprouts into the pot, stir fry together, then pour the bowl of juice into it, stir fry over high heat .

After the bowl of juice has hung on the shredded pork and celery sprouts, the meringue that was previously sent in the steamer has been brought over.

Feng Yifan also quickly got up and put the fried shredded pork and celery sprouts into the plate.

Finally, adjust the layout a little, and hand the dish out and say: "Okay, serve."

Soon there were people in the back kitchen who quickly brought the dishes to the delivery window, and the waiter waiting in front brought them to the table where they ordered.

After finishing such a dish, Feng Yifan said to the two chefs: "There is another chicken pith shoot. Who of you two will cook it?"

Zhang Fenglin and Qi Deqiang looked at each other. For a long time, Zhang Fenglin took the initiative to say: "I will do it."

Qi Deqiang said quickly: "I will give Chef Zhang a hand."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Okay, then you two come on."

Next, under the guidance of Feng Yifan, the two people began to reproduce the chicken marrow shoots Feng Yifan made in the competition.

Liao Chen didn't wait long before he saw that the food he ordered had already been served, and at the same time a pot of flower carvings had been brought up.

When this plate is presented in front of the elderly.

Liao Chen was really surprised.

Before today, Liao Chen really only heard the name, and had never seen this dish.

But now, this dish with the author's name of A Dream of Red Mansions is truly presented to him.

Liao Chen looked at the plate at this moment, it was like snow white meringue, the fresh green celery sprouts in the middle, and the greasy shreds of pork. The combination of the three silks was really beautiful.

For a moment, Liao Chen seemed to see Mr. Xueqin sitting in front of him.

Before the old man moved his chopsticks, the guests at the next table also saw such a beautiful dish.

"Wow, what kind of dish is that? Is it that beautiful?"

"It looks like a creamy base, and then there is something in the middle."

"It's amazing, is there still such a dish?"

"Waiter, what kind of dish is that?"

Facing the questions raised by some diners after seeing them, many waiters didn't know how to answer them at first.

Because although Fu Jing Lou launched this dish today, in fact, many waiters have never seen the dish, just know the names of so few new dishes.

When most of the waiters were speechless, Su Liancheng suddenly smiled to introduce everyone.

"Everyone, this old gentleman ordered this dish. It was our Fujinglou specially invited Chef Feng to come over and passed it on to our Fujinglou chef. A dish about the Dream of Red Mansions, if you want to taste it, You can ask the waiter to order."

After listening to Su Liancheng's introduction, many diners immediately understood.

Several diners were even more excited.

"Does Chef Feng cook the dishes? Does Chef Feng really have to come to Fujing Building?"

"It doesn't seem to be right? Didn't Chef Feng say he was setting up a stall?"

"It seems to be invited?"

"Is it true that Chef Feng will be in Fujing Building in the future?"

When Su Liancheng heard such questions from some diners, he could actually choose not to answer, so that the diners would mistake Feng Yifan for staying in Fujing Building, which would bring more customers to Fujing Building. But after thinking about it, he was still worried that that would offend Feng Yifan.

He had no choice but to stand up and explain: "Don't get me wrong Chef Feng just came to teach, he won't stay in Fujing Building."

Hearing this, some diners were suddenly stunned.

"It turns out that's the case, let me just say, Chef Feng can't give up Su Ji."

"Actually, now that the old street in Su Ji is being rebuilt, Chef Feng is also very good at Fujing Building.

"Didn't they tell me? Chef Feng came to teach cooking and will not stay here. We want to eat Chef Feng's dishes, but we still have to wait for the reconstruction of the ancient street to be completed."


The comments made by some people in Fujing Building did not attract much attention from Liao Chen.

The old man is usually such a person, no

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