Chapter 550: Don't have a home in Dongtian

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
The Yue Qingsong family sat for a while, and about when they saw Feng Ruoruo's child starting to yawn, they got up and left.

Before leaving, Yue Qihao didn't forget to make an appointment with his younger sister. He will come and take her to the vegetable garden tomorrow morning.

Feng Ruoruo heard that he could go to the vegetable garden tomorrow, and his sleepiness also woke up a lot in an instant.

"Okay, okay, Brother Haohao, you must come tomorrow."

Sure enough, children are relatively easy to get along with. Feng Ruoruo is no longer in conflict with making new friends, and is already very happy to play with his brother.

Yue Qingsong patted his son on the shoulder and said, "You promised my sister, you can't sleep in at home tomorrow."

Yue Qihao was exposed by his father, and he immediately said righteously: "I, I won't sleep in."

Yue Qingsong didn't let his son go. "You haven't? You probably forgot. You have holidays these days, but you only get up until noon when you sleep. Don't think I don't know if I'm not at home."

Yue Qihao also didn't persuade him, and directly confronted his father: "That's because I don't have to go to school in the morning, and there is nothing to do in the morning. Tomorrow I promised to take my sister to the vegetable garden. I will definitely get up early and come over. I took my sister."

Yue Qingsong nodded in satisfaction when he heard his son's assurance: "Well, very good, this is just like a man."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "You are a father. It's wrong to force your son so. The kids are on vacation. It's good to get more sleep. Usually it's so hard to go to school."

Yue Qingsong smiled and said, "You can't sleep until noon every day. Early to bed and early to rise are good for your health."

Su Ruoxi also said: "It's okay. If we will sleep in tomorrow, you two can make an appointment and come over to the vegetable garden after ten o'clock."

Hearing her mother say this, Feng Ruoruo immediately said: "Mom, I usually wake up very early with my dad, and I will go shopping with my dad. It's still before dawn."

Qi Yan was a little surprised when she heard the little girl say this: "You wake up so early?"

Yue Qingsong said to his wife: "You think it's not easy to be a cook. You need to get up early to buy vegetables, and you must make all kinds of preparations in advance, otherwise you can cook such good dishes."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "Okay, don't blow it to me here. I have been blown too much by you tonight. These are the things that ordinary cooks should do. I also do a little bit more delicately than ordinary cooks. Qing Song, you blow it a bit too far."

Yue Qingsong chuckled: "Chef Feng is really humble. You are still an ordinary cook. Then you let an ordinary cook not do it?"

As soon as I said it, I couldn't stop it.

Fortunately, at this moment, Feng Ruoruo yawned again.

Grandma saw it and couldn’t help saying, “Okay, okay, Yifan is back. If you two brothers want to talk, continue to talk tomorrow. You can’t find a time to talk for a day and a night. Come here tonight first. Sleepy my little baby."

Yue Qingsong's mother also said: "Yes, Xiao Baobai is too sleepy to open his eyes. Let's go back."

In this way, the Yue Qingsong family left.

After the little family left, Lu Cuiling picked up her sleepy little granddaughter and said: "Well, my Ruoruo baby, grandma will take you to the wash, and sleep with grandma tonight, okay?"

Feng Ruoruo also hugged her grandma's neck along the way, with her small head resting on her grandma's shoulder and replied, "Well, fine."

Lu Cuiling carried her little granddaughter to the back of the house, and Su Ruoxi naturally followed.

When she went to the backyard side door, Lu Cuiling did not forget to turn her head and say to her son: "Yifan, you and your father-in-law live in the two rooms on the east side at night. Please wait for your father-in-law to go to bed first. The bedding is all inside. New, if you have to wash, there is also a place to wash in the house, and you can also take a bath."

Feng Yifan responded, "Good mom."

Then Feng Yifan walked over and pushed his father-in-law, ready to go to the east house that his mother said.

There are still a few rooms before and after the small courtyard of the family. In recent years, the old couple has also undergone some remodeling, retaining the front and back courtyards, and the house has also undergone some renovations.

The main hall in the middle of the entrance is reserved, and the rooms on the east and west sides have undergone a more modern renovation.

The two rooms on the east side can be communicated with each other, and each room is also designed with a separate toilet.

Obviously, the mother designed this way because she thought that in the future, her son, daughter-in-law, and even the father-in-law might come back to live.

As for the west side, it is a relatively large room that Feng Yifan's parents lived in. It is regarded as a master bedroom.

Of course, the room is also an ensuite, there is also a special study room, and a children's room originally designed.

All these designs all reflect the mother's intentions and are prepared for the son's family to come back.

Feng Yifan really came back now, and seeing his mother's renovation of the old house at home, he naturally understood his mother's intentions.

He pushed his father-in-law into the east room near the main house.

Looking at the layout of the room, Su Jinrong couldn’t help but said, “Yifan, your mother is really interested, have you seen it? The design and layout here are actually based on some old-fashioned house layouts, but It also feels like a modern hotel."

When Feng Yifan stepped into the room, he was also stunned by everything in the room.

He didn't expect that his mother would have such a meticulous design, and the interior decoration of the room was really particular.

Just like the father-in-law said, the whole room looks like a very simple old-fashioned country house layout at a glance.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that the room is very well furnished.

For example, there will be modern home appliances, lights arranged in several places in the room, a desk, and a separate bathroom in this room.

It must be admitted that this layout is very similar to the layout of a hotel room, but the decoration is very rustic and simple.

Feng Yifan originally wanted to push his father-in-law to the bed, but his father-in-law refused.

"Push me to the bathroom, I will wash myself tonight."

Hearing what his father-in-law said, Feng Yifan was still a little worried: "Dad, your health is not good, let me come and I will help you wash it."

Su Jinrong is very stubborn: "I'll do it myself, I need this kind of exercise."

In the end, he couldn't help his father-in-law, so Feng Yifan had to push his father-in-law to the bathroom.

Open the door, there are all kinds of facilities inside, and it looks quite spacious, there is actually a bathtub inside, other washbasins, toilets and so on.

Seeing this scene, Feng Yifan was taken aback again.

Su Jinrong smiled and said, "Yifan, do you think that the countryside is better? The place is big, and the house can be built or decorated as much as you want."

Feng Yifan replied, "Dad, what you said is really right."

Su Jinrong then got up from the wheelchair at the door, and step by step he walked into the bathroom by supporting the wall.

Upon seeing this, Feng Yifan was a little worried and said, "Dad, be careful."

Su Jinrong was very excited: "It's okay, I can."

Holding things, Su Jinrong was able to walk more smoothly, and soon walked to the washbasin, then turned on the faucet by himself, and began to wash his face slowly with his hands.

When washing his face, Su Jinrong was a little surprised: "There is still hot water."

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "It must be. My parents have solar energy on the roof, and I also saw an electric water heater in the kitchen."

Su Jinrong heard it a little strangely: "Huh? With these things, why does your mother want to cook a clay stove?"

Feng Yifan was also a little strange when said by his father-in-law.

Obviously, the family has a complete range of modern things. Mother can find someone to get a gas stove, or simply use an induction cooker. Why do you want to burn that kind of earthen stove?

When Feng Yifan hadn't figured it out, his father-in-law figured it out first.

"I see, it should be better to cook with a clay stove."

Hearing what his father-in-law said, Feng Yifan thought about it carefully, and it seemed that cooking with earthen stoves really fragrant.

And perhaps the more critical reason is that there is no gas in the village, so cooking with an induction cooker does seem to cost electricity.

On the contrary, it is simpler to use wood fire to burn the earthen stove.

Because Muchai village is backed by the mountain, it is absolutely indispensable. Of course, there are still some dead branches and leaves in the vegetable garden after the vegetables and fruits have matured.

Those recycled can also be used as fuel for earthen stoves, so it is indeed more convenient to use earthen stoves.

When Feng Yifan pondered this question, his father-in-law had already washed himself.

He hurried forward, ready to help his father-in-law back into the wheelchair.

But after Su Jinrong walked out, he pushed away the wheelchair and also pushed Feng Yifan away. He stood there very seriously and walked towards the bed step by step.

After a lot of hard work, Su Jinrong really walked to the bedside step by step.

Su Jinrong sat on the bed and smiled and said to his son-in-law: "How is it? Your father-in-law, I am recovering well now, right?"

Feng Yifan gave a thumbs up and said, "Dad, your recovery is awesome."

Su Jinrong slowly lay down on the bed by himself, and continued to smile and said to his son-in-law: "Well, your father, I lie down, you also hurry up to wash and rest."

Feng Yifan searched the room and found the remote control of the air conditioner.

But before he could turn it on, he was stopped by his father-in-law: "You don't need to turn on the air conditioner. This kind of old house is relatively cold. I lie here and it's not hot at all. Go ahead."

Feng Yifan put down the remote control and said, "Okay, Dad, you have a good rest."

After speaking, he turned to leave the room and closed the door from the outside.

After walking out, Feng Yifan saw that his father had closed the door and put the Feng Ruoruo duck under the persimmon tree, and he did not forget to put some water on the duck plate.

Feng Yifan walked to his father and said softly, "Dad, you and my mother have worked hard these years."

Feng Jiandong turned his head to look at his son beside him, smiled and said, "What is your hard work? Your mother and I are always looking for something to do. Of course, we must try our best to do it."

Feng Yifan nodded and said, "Well, I admire you and my mother."

Feng Jiandong said: "If your mother and I are not as good as you, then our parents would have failed too much."

Feng Yifan couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this: "I really didn't expect that you and my mother would make the vegetable garden so big, and also bring the whole village to work together. Now the vegetables in Yanghu Township are very famous. Many people in Huaicheng know it."

Feng Jiandong continued: "This is what you guys forced."

Feng Yifan was a little strange: "Me? Can I force it?"

Feng Jiandong nodded: "Yes, your kid ran out alone and didn't come back. My mother and I couldn't find you at the time, and thought that thinking about you all day was not a problem, so I found something else to divert our attention. Just go to plant the vegetables, I didn't expect it to be really dry."

What my father said was calm and gentle, but Feng Yifan could still imagine that his parents must be difficult at first.

But now, it is indeed really done, and all difficulties have become sweet.

Feng Jiandong patted his son on the shoulder and said, "Boy, don't think that your mom and I can only revolve around your kid. We also have our own pursuits. Now we have started our own business, you kid should work hard, otherwise you I'm coming back to inherit this family business."

Saying this to his father made Feng Yifan startled for a moment, and then couldn't help but laugh.

If you don't work hard, you will come back and inherit your family business.

Feng Yifan was really speechless at this.

However, he can also hear the expectation of his parents from his father's words, and his parents still hope that he can do his own career and become a top chef that everyone will remember.

After Feng Yifan laughed, he said to his father earnestly: "Dad, don't worry, my son won't be like that."

Feng Jiandong smiled with satisfaction and said, "Well, this is just like my son, ambitious."

As the father and son spoke, Lu Cuiling and Su Ruoxi walked back from the backyard with Feng Ruoxi in their arms with a whisper like a silver bell.

Seeing that her daughter had changed her clothes and her hair was still wet, it was obvious that she had taken a bath.

Feng Yifan couldn't help being a little strange: "Mom, is there a bathing place in the backyard?"

Lu Cuiling smiled and said, "Of course, your dad and I have a hot spring in the backyard. Tomorrow you and your dad can take your father-in-law to take a bath too."

Feng Yifan was a little surprised when he heard this: "What? You still have a hot spring in your backyard?"

Seeing her husband's surprise, Su Ruoxi smiled and said, "It's not a natural one. It's actually a big bath, and my mother pours solar water into it."

Feng Ruoruo had also been awake at this time and excitedly said to her father: "Dad, that's so warm, it's comfortable after a wash, you can go and wash it."

Hearing what his daughter said, Feng Yifan responded with a smile: "Okay, tomorrow Dad and grandpa will go to have a dip together."

Feng Jiandong said: "You can use it in summer. If you come in winter, you can't use it. There is not enough sunshine in winter and there is not enough hot water."

Feng Yifan immediately said happily: "Then it's time for us to come back, so we can enjoy it."

Lu Cuiling hugged her little granddaughter and said, "Okay, you two should go to bed too. It's getting late. Our little baby is sleepy. We almost fell asleep during the bath. Let's go to bed."

Feng Ruoruo embraced her grandma's neck and waved her little hand to her parents: "Good night, mom and dad."

At the end of the day, the little girl did not forget to blow a kiss to mom and dad.

Watching his parents lead the little granddaughter back to the room, Feng Yifan reached out his hand and hugged his wife, and then walked to their house.

Su Ruoxi was startled at first, but then she hugged her husband's neck sweetly.

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