Chapter 562: Su Zao Tang recipe debugging

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
"Clove, licorice, cinnamon, cinnamon, dried tangerine peel, corn kernels, grass fruit, amomum" have a total of eight seasonings, which are the ingredients of Suzaotang.

However, there are too many possibilities for the proportion of each amount.

This needs to be determined after continuous trials and various ratios.

Therefore, Su Jinrong recalled the eight seasonings, which was just the beginning of Feng Yifan and his father-in-law's next efforts.

But now that there is an ingredient list, it means there is a direction next.

Feng Ruoruo saw that her father did not continue to fan the fan, the little girl immediately shouted: "Dad, father, why don't you fan it? If you don't fan the wind, my mother, grandpa and brother Haohao are so hot."

The daughter's cry brought Feng Yifan's thoughts back, and then he waved his fan again to give a gust of wind.

Su Ruoxi sees her husband's thoughts, and knows that her husband and father are studying old recipes from the family.

So she slapped her husband twice, and after her daughter leaped for joy, she bent over and said to her daughter: "Ruoruo, shall we go out with my brother, okay? Dad and grandpa are still busy. We can't keep bothering Dad and grandpa here. , So if you want to be obedient to go out?"

Feng Ruoruo was originally in the video, cheering with Yang Xiaoxi, especially every time when she fanned her hair, the little girl would yell at the video.

Yang Xiaoxi in the video over there, seeing Feng Ruoruo's hair blown up, also cheered.

The interaction between the two little girls in this way is really very joyful, even Yue Qihao next to them finds it particularly interesting.

Now hearing what my mother said, Feng Ruoruo raised her head and looked at her mother and said, "But, Xixi and I want to let my father fan us. Dad can fan out. It's a big wind."

On the video side, Yang Xiaoxi also approached his video phone and said, "Aunt Su, we want to let Father Feng fan the wind, I feel the wind."

As soon as Yang Xiaoxi's words fell, Yang Zhiyi's voice resounded over there.

"You little girl, the wind you feel is obviously because my father fanned you well."

The wind felt by Yang Xiaoxi in the video was indeed fanned by her father Yang Zhiyi.

Because Yang Xiaoxi saw that Feng Ruoruo had a father to fan, the little girl found it very interesting, so she ran to pull her father over, and asked her father to fan herself, but he was not allowed to appear in the picture.

In order to meet the requirements of his own little cotton-padded jacket, Yang Zhiyi could only bring a small stool to sit on the bedside of his daughter's video and use a small fan to fan her daughter.

That's why there is a picture of Feng Ruoruo blowing her hair because of her father's fan, and Yang Xiaoxi's hair being blown by the wind over the video.

Before Yang Zhiyi spoke, Feng Ruoruo was still curious, why can dad fan the wind and the streams on the video side can also enjoy the wind?

Feng Ruoruo finally understood what Uncle Yang said in the video.

Yang Xiaoxi was immediately unhappy when he heard his dad reveal it, and "condemned" his dad over the video.

"Dad, let's say it. You are not allowed to come out. You can't talk. If you can't be heard by them, how can you speak without words?"

On the video side, Yang Zhiyi is really a bit depressed, and his daughter really doesn't save her face at all.

But the appearance of her daughter made Yang Zhiyi unable to anger, so she could only comfort her daughter.

"Okay, it's that Dad is not good, Dad shouldn't be exposed, shouldn't disturb you and Ruoruo video, then Dad came out? You and Ruoruo continue the video, okay?"

When Yang Xiaoxi heard his father say this, he immediately got up from the bed and ran over to hold his father.

"Dad don't go, you still have to fan me."

Yang Zhiyi was really a little excited when he was dragged by his daughter, but immediately after hearing her daughter's words, the excitement disappeared in an instant, and his face collapsed a little.

All this was watched by everyone on the video side, and seeing the scenes of the father and daughter over there made everyone laugh too hard.

Su Ruoxi smiled and said to her daughter: "Okay, let's go out, don't you still want to show Xixi the ducklings?"

Feng Ruoruo suddenly thought of her little duck: "Yes, Xixi, I will take you to see the little duck."

On the other side of the video, Yang Xiaoxi also responded immediately: "Okay, watch the ducklings."

Su Ruoxi then took the fruit plate and took her two children out of the kitchen. When she walked out of the kitchen, she did not forget to say to her father and husband: "Dad, you must pay attention to your health, and Yifan you should study the recipe. Take your time. Don't worry, we all I believe in the abilities of your two chefs."

Feng Yifan laughed when he heard the words: "Of course we have to believe that the strength of my dad and I is beyond doubt."

Seeing her husband's stinky ass, Su Ruoxi smiled and said, "Just scream and make things out."

After his wife took the children out, Feng Yifan began to discuss the specific ratio with his father-in-law.

According to some of the more common braised soup ratios, Mr. Weng and his wife also had some discussions.

"Dad, I think we can first try with the braised soup we usually use. Although family braised soup may not have so many ingredients, we can adjust each one a bit and taste the taste. If appropriate, we will use it. a bit."

Su Jinrong shook his head and said, "No, the key point now is that this Suzao soup will be different in the four seasons. The specific ratio is a bit difficult to grasp, and you should not forget that the ratio of braised soup usually used is basically for winter. It's summer."

The father-in-law's words really reminded Feng Yifan, because most of the family version of braised soup is dominated in winter.

After all, family stewed dishes are usually placed in winter, and the stewed dishes may be eaten during the New Year.

Although many restaurants and street stewed dishes are also available in summer, the ratio of stewed soup is unlikely to change much.

Su Jinrong’s meaning is obvious. The winter ratio is more common and common, but the different ratios of the three seasons of Su Zao Tang are spring, summer and autumn.

Feng Yifan thought for a while and walked over to take out the various ingredients prepared in advance.

Putting the eight ingredients on the chopping board, Feng Yifan said with a serious face: "Dad, since this is the case, then we will try again and again, and we will always work out a suitable ratio."

Su Jinrong thought for a while and asked: "Then how do you determine how to match?"

Feng Yifan thought for a while and said: "According to some of the medicinal properties of these ingredients, such as licorice, it is a blend of'tonifying the spleen and replenishing qi, clearing away heat and detoxification'. If it is in summer, then you can put a little more.

However, the grass fruit is mainly used for ‘drying dampness and removing cold’, so it’s better to put it less in summer. "

Feng Yifan used his mobile phone to inquire about the pharmacology of these seasonings, and at the same time analyzed to his father-in-law which ones can be used more and which ones might need to be controlled in summer.

After some analysis, it is roughly deduced that it seems to be a more reasonable ratio.

Su Jinrong looked at the ratio given by his son-in-law, and thought for a while and said: "Well, you can try this one. You can cook a pot of soup and try it out first."

Feng Yifan nodded and said, "Okay Dad, I'll give it a try first."

The taste of braised soup, of course, depends not only on these seasonings, but also with some flavors.

This seasoning process is a very cumbersome process without determining the ratio.

It is necessary for Feng Yifan to try again and again to determine whether the taste is really appropriate. Of course, there is also the point that because there is no marinating, the final taste may be biased. The process of creating a dish is usually a process of trial and error over and over again.

Feng Yifan and his father-in-law have tried several times together, and also tasted the flavor of the stewed soup many times with different ratios.

After several attempts, it was finally determined that a ratio should be feasible.

After determining the braised soup for this pot, Feng Yifan took out the prepared front elbow.

Putting his front elbow on the chopping board, he looked at his father-in-law and asked, "Dad, does it start now?"

Su Jinrong nodded: "Well, let's start."

Feng Yifan first grilled his front elbow on the stove to burn off the fluff on the skin and at the same time grilled some of the fishy smell on the pork elbow.

After the barbecue is finished, it is cleaned in clean water. This cutscene will clean the scorch of the barbecue.

After washing and wiping off the water.

Feng Yifan boiled a pot of hot oil, put the pork knuckle in the oil pan, and slowly fried the pork knuckle skin to golden brown by continuously pouring oil.

When the pork knuckle was fried, the smell naturally drifted out of the kitchen.

Yue Qihao, who was playing outside, smelled the scent and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wow, it smells so good."

Feng Ruoruo also smelled the scent, and then said, "Ah, it's Dad who is cooking. Let's go quickly and see Dad is cooking. Dad must be cooking."

Yang Xiaoxi in the video over there, hearing Feng Ruoruo's words, is also very much looking forward to yelling: "It depends on Father Feng cooking, Ruoruo, take me there quickly."

Feng Ruoruo stood up and held her mobile phone and said, "Okay, okay, let's go see it together."

Under the leadership of Feng Ruoruo, Yue Qihao also followed into the kitchen again.

The temperature in the kitchen is very high, after all, the earthen stove has been ignited, and there is still hot oil burning in the pot.

But even if the heat wave is rolling, but the heat wave still reveals the enticing fragrance.

Yue Qihao couldn't help swallowing a few times and said, "It's really delicious."

Yang Xiaoxi over the video heard the sound and urged Feng Ruoruo: "Ruoruo, hurry up, let me see what Dad Feng is doing?"

Feng Ruoruo held the phone, approached the stove cautiously, stood beside her grandfather and stretched out her head to look.

I saw some oil in the big iron pan where grandma was cooking, and then a big elbow was constantly splashing oil in the pan by my father.

"Yeah, Xixi, hurry up and see, Dad seems to be blowing up something. Look, it's a big one."

Naturally, Yue Qihao followed, seeing the contents of the pot and saying, "It seems that the elbow was the elbow, right? It was the pork elbow."

Feng Yifan raised his head and smiled when he heard the voice, "Well, Hao Hao is right, this is indeed an elbow, it is a pig elbow."

Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi on the video side almost asked in unison: "Where is the pork knuckle?"

Grandpa smiled and gestured with his elbow: "It's almost a pig's thigh, and the upper part of the hoof. It's a place with a lot of lean meat and delicious."

Under Grandpa's gestures, the two little girls probably knew a little bit.

Feng Yifan had already fried the elbow and fished it out of the oil pan.

Seeing her father fish it out, Feng Ruoruo immediately said, "Dad, can you eat it? Then if you want to eat it, let Brother Haohao eat some too."

Seeing his daughter impatiently, Feng Yifan smiled and said, “I can’t eat it yet. This is just preliminary processing and requires a lot of steps. And this is to be eaten at night, so if you have to wait patiently, you can’t. In a hurry, you know?"

Feng Ruoruo nodded here, but Yang Xiaoxi over the video was not happy.

"Oh, Ruoruo you can eat the dishes made by Feng's father, but I can't even eat them."

Hearing the words of a good friend in the video, Feng Ruoruo quickly said: "Ah, Dad, Xixi can't eat it, what should we do? Can you send it to Xixi?"

Feng Yifan couldn't laugh or cry and said, "How can I deliver this to my dad? Xixi's home is very far away. If my dad had delivered it, the weather would be so hot, I might not be able to eat it."

Yang Xiaoxi was a little dissatisfied with the video: "Oh, oh, Xixi can't eat Papa Feng's food."

Feng Yifan cleaned up the frying pan and said to Yang Xiaoxi on the video: "Don’t be sad, Xixi. After we go back, Father Feng will cook it for you. And this time, Father Feng is experimenting, so it may be done. It's not the best. When I go back, Father Feng has done the experiment and it will taste better."

Yang Xiaoxi finally felt satisfied when he heard this.

"Well, good, come on, Father Feng, Xixi believes you will make it delicious."

Feng Yifan smiled and said to the video side: "Okay, thank you Xixi."

Next, Feng Yifan poured clean water into the washed large pot, then put the pork knuckles down, and put the previously prepared ingredients into the pot together.

When he was about to cover the pot, Su Jinrong suddenly said, "Add two pieces of white radish."

Feng Yifan was a little surprised and looked at his father-in-law, but after thinking about it, it seemed that his father-in-law’s approach was not wrong. The white radish can absorb some peculiar smells, and at the same time, it can get rid of the greasy elbows.

So Feng Yifan went to choose a white radish that didn't look so good, washed it and peeled it quickly, cut off two pieces and put it in a pot to cook together.

The next step is a stewing process. The taste of the ingredients must be simmered into the pork knuckle.

After Feng Yifan covered the pot, he began to continuously add firewood under the stove.

Feng Ruoruo found his father sitting on a low stool and kept adding firewood under the stove. He also found it very interesting, so he leaned over and took a look.

On the other side of the video, Yang Xiaoxi also wanted to watch it, but Feng Ruoruo patronized her and didn't hold her mobile phone properly.

In the end, Yang Xiaoxi could only see a little bit. She shouted in the video: "Ruoruo, take your phone well, I can't see clearly, I also want to see Father Feng."

Feng Ruoruo quickly took the phone and watched his father control the fire on the stove with his friends in the video.

Su Jinrong didn't stop it, because he didn't need to stop it. After a while, Feng Ruoruo turned around and ran back to her grandfather, and kept yelling: "Oh, it's so hot, so hot, grandpa Ruoruo is so hot."

Feng Yifan raised his head and wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "It's hot, right? You and Brother Haohao go out first, and go find your mother to blow on the air conditioner."

Grandpa took out a handkerchief, wiped the sweat on his face and said, "Yes, if you go out with Brother Haohao, it's too hot here, let your mother wash your face, and then go and cool off. Grandpa is here. Here Bang Ruoruo looks at her father and promises not to let him steal the food."

After listening to grandpa's words, the little girl finally smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Then Feng Ruoruo called brother Haohao to leave the kitchen together.