Chapter 604: Apprentice's progress

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
When Feng Yifan took his wife and daughter to enjoy life in the country, he also attracted more and more attention on the Internet because of the photos he posted on Weibo several times.

After being noticed by many people, many people naturally began to investigate Feng Yifan's background identity.

The first thing people noticed is the old street where Su Ji is located.

Some outsiders specifically searched for the ancient street and tried to take a look at Su Ji, but because the ancient street is still being rebuilt, there is no way to go in for the time being.

However, judging from the old buildings on the old streets that have been repaired, many people still have expectations for the old streets.

What really makes everyone look forward to, or how Feng Yifan will show Su Ji after the re-opening of the Old Street?

Especially after the news about the decoration of Su Ji, not only the old diners of Su Ji, but also many people who have not been to Su Ji, are also very curious, what will Su Ji be decorated in the future? Will it be what everyone expects?

In addition to Gu Jie and Su Ji, another one that has attracted much attention is Lin Ruifeng, who sets up a stall in the small market every day.

During the period of Feng Yifan's departure, Lin Ruifeng first experienced a decline in business.

In those days, some merchants who moved from the old street to the small market had already begun to complain privately, thinking that everyone had received Feng Yifan's flicker. Now that Feng Yifan left, Lin Ruifeng couldn't support the stall at all, causing the business in the small market to become worse and worse.

Some complaints naturally reached Lin Ruifeng's ears.

After Shen Qingluo knew about it, he wanted to go out and fight for Lin Ruifeng.

But it was stopped by Lin Ruifeng, who had a more stable temper.

"Needless to say, let them say what everyone wants to say. Now that business is not good, it is normal for everyone to have grievances in their hearts. We can't argue with everyone just because they have grievances in their hearts. That will only make things worse. At that time we need to look for our own problems."

After hearing Lin Ruifeng's words, Shen Qingluo looked at him in surprise.

"How do I feel that you are a lot more mature now? You are a few years younger than me, how come you look like you are older than me? You can still preach to me here?"

Lin Ruifeng smiled and said, "I have been with Master for so long, but I have experienced the crisis of Su Ji together with Master. If this is still not grown up and can't mature yet, how can I do well the business of the stall left by Master? How will I follow Master in Su Ji from now on?"

Shen Qingluo also felt very reasonable after hearing this: "Well, it seems that you are really mature."

But then, Shen Qingluo asked again: "Then you have thought, how do you make your business better?"

Lin Ruifeng shook his head and said, "I haven't thought of this yet."

Shen Qingluo suddenly said helplessly: "Yeah, what good is your mentality? You can't think of how to make your business better, then you may lose money every day."

If you talk about other things, perhaps Lin Ruifeng can maintain a calm.

But when it comes to losing money, he really can't calm down.

Because Lin Ruifeng felt that most of the money in the business he was doing now belonged to Master. If he wanted to lose money, it would be equivalent to losing Master’s money, which he couldn't accept.

Seeing Lin Ruifeng's solemn expression, Shen Qingluo quickly calmed down: "Don't worry, don't worry, think about how you can change it and attract more guests."

Lin Ruifeng calmed down and carefully analyzed and said: "I don't know how to attract customers? But I can probably think of why the number of customers is decreasing now?"

Shen Qingluo asked curiously: "Why?"

Lin Ruifeng then began his own analysis.

"The first point is that the weather is getting hotter and many people are reluctant to go out. Because the small market is open, and there are so many businesses doing business, so many stoves are burning, which leads to small markets. The market will be a little boring, and it will become even hotter, making people prohibitive."

Shen Qingluo nodded when he heard this: "This is a big problem. Sometimes I don't want to go there at noon."

Lin Ruifeng went on to say: "The other thing is, maybe the things I make, everyone has eaten stale, so it loses the attraction of attracting more non-regular customers."

Shen Qingluo thought for a while, and felt that these two points mentioned by Lin Ruifeng were really crucial.

"Then how are you going to change it?"

Lin Ruifeng shook his head and said, "I just can't think of it. I don't dare to change Master's menu casually. I really don't know what else I can do?"

Shen Qingluo thought about it seriously and said, "Can we do this first? We won't go to the stall at noon, and we will wait until the sun sets in the afternoon before we go there to set up the stall? Then in this way, we can sell it later in the evening. At night, many people are willing to go out."

After Lin Ruifeng listened, he thought about it and asked, "Who are you to make dinner and supper?"

Shen Qingluo nodded: "Yes, dinner and midnight snack, because in summer everyone will sleep late, so in the evening, many people will definitely go out for a midnight snack. We can do business for those people."

Lin Ruifeng then asked, "What about noon? If we don't pass noon, wouldn't it make it more difficult for others in the market to do business?"

Shen Qingluo curled his lips and said: "You can't protect yourself, do you still think about others?"

Lin Ruifeng said seriously: "You have to think about it, everyone is a neighbor on the ancient street."

Shen Qingluo replied helplessly: "Then I really can't help them, I can't help them yell, let them buy things in the small market under the scorching sun at noon?"

After a short pause, Shen Qingluo said again: "But, let’s try and persuade others to join us in the night market. Wasn’t the ancient street also a night market? Now it’s so hot, and it’s not during the day. There are too many people coming, just let us all continue to do night markets."

After hearing this, Lin Ruifeng felt that it made sense. It was indeed a good direction to do the night market together.

The weather in summer is hot, and many people do not want to go out during the day. It is different at night. After the sun goes down, the temperature drops. Some people may choose to go out at night because they have not been out during the day. So the night market is indeed more attractive.

Especially the small market is not far from the small park opposite the ancient street, so if it is made into a night market, there should be a lot of people flow.

Thinking of this, Lin Ruifeng felt that Shen Qingluo really gave himself a good idea.

He couldn't help but hugged Shen Qingluo and said, "That's great, you are really amazing. You have such a good idea."

Shen Qingluo was suddenly picked up. The two people had been in a close relationship during this period, and they still felt a little uncomfortable. His cheeks were flushed almost instantly. I was hugged for a while and couldn't help saying, "How are you? Can you put me down first? It's in broad daylight."

Lin Ruifeng also recovered, a little embarrassed to put Shen Qingluo down.

"No, sorry, I'm so excited."

Shen Qingluo saw that the other party was more shy and twitchy than herself, and she nodded her forehead with her finger and said, "Can you stop tweaking than me? You are also a big man anyway, so you can't be right with your master. Like your mother? Show your masculinity and domineering?"

After hearing this, Lin Ruifeng suddenly raised his head and looked at Shen Qingluo with some surprise.

But before he could move further, Shen Qingluo stopped him and said, "Don't move, have you thought about how to persuade everyone to change to a night market?"

Being said by Shen Qingluo made Lin Ruifeng calm down immediately.

If Feng Yifan had said this, Lin Ruifeng didn't think everyone would oppose it, and maybe even many people would choose to support it. Because the business owners on the ancient street have trust in Feng Yifan, especially Feng Yifan made the small market business very well.

But now Lin Ruifeng speaks lightly, and he has made the small market business bad now.

He was really not sure that he was able to move the business owners in those old streets all at once.

Shen Qingluo saw Lin Ruifeng hesitate for a while, and she encouraged: "You have to be bold. If you don't speak, you don't know if it will be successful. You have to talk about it. There may be success, you have to make it clear to everyone."

Lin Ruifeng still had a little bit of entanglement and hesitation, and he didn't dare to face everyone on the ancient street like this.

Shen Qingluo slapped him hard: "Take out your domineering, think about your master? How do you say it is a famous teacher, and you can't lose your master's face."

Under Shen Qingluo's encouragement, Lin Ruifeng still showed courage.

However, Shen Qingluo also gave him an idea: "It's best for you to call Sister Wang and my grandmother Wanhua together, so that there are two of them to support you, so many of those bosses won't treat you. It's too much, you just need to make things clear to everyone."

Lin Ruifeng felt that it made sense, and nodded, and then he dragged Shen Qingluo to find Wang Cuifeng and Liu Wanhua.

After listening to Lin Ruifeng's words, Wang Cuifeng smiled and said, "Okay, you little apprentice has the courage to speak? Okay, since you have a decision-making idea, then the older sister will definitely support you."

Next to Liu Wanhua, Liu Wanhua naturally supported him and expressed willingness to help set up a stall in the night market.

With the support of Liu Wanhua and Wang Cuifeng, Lin Ruifeng also had a clear heart, and decisively went to various merchants on the ancient street to convene a meeting with everyone.

The merchants didn't expect Lin Ruifeng to have the courage to convene a meeting with everyone?

But because of the presence of Liu Wanhua and Wang Cuifeng, as well as the face of Su Ji and Feng Yifan, the merchants on the ancient street have also come one after another.

After everyone arrived, Lin Ruifeng faced so many people, he really didn't know how to speak at first?

With Shen Qingluo's encouragement, he finally stabilized his mind and then expressed his thoughts.

"Recently, the business in the small market is not good. I thought about it seriously. I think it might be because the weather is too hot and people are unwilling to go out during the day. So I wonder if we can put all the business in the small market under the sun. After that? Restore the night market time in the old street?"

Having said this, Lin Ruifeng did not forget to add: "Of course, this is a bit of my thoughts. I invite you all to come here and I hope you can discuss it together."

After Lin Ruifeng said this, the merchants on the ancient street were a little surprised.

In fact, many people have thought before, should they turn the small market business into a night market?

It's just that everyone is busy working on their own, and no one organizes, so there has been no scale? If the night market does not have a scale, and if only one family and two families do business at night, it will certainly not attract any flow of people, so the merchants who have ideas have not put it into practice.

Now Lin Ruifeng has stepped up and, as the initiator, let everyone work together to change the business hours to night.

Merchants also feel that this is indeed a way.

After everyone was silent for a while, some merchants took the initiative to speak up.

"Well, I thought about it before, because now the summer, the weather is really too hot, and many people are reluctant to go out during the day. It can be said that there is no business throughout the day, so it's better to change it to night."

"Yes, it's good to become a night market."

"Well, I also agree to change to a night market, the same as the old street before."

"Hey, we were originally the night market. We just went there to set up a stall. Everyone got the wrong time. If we change it to a night market, we don't have to be so early."

"Very good. This time, Xiaolin said a good way. Everyone supports it, right?"


This is the first time that Lin Ruifeng has won everyone's support. At this moment, he suddenly had great confidence in his heart, feeling as if he could handle these neighborhood relationships well even in the absence of Master.

Shen Qingluo and Lin Ruifeng looked at each other. They were very happy for the young man. Didn't expect things to go so smoothly?

In this way, the small market has gone from all day long to a night market after the sun sets.

Of course, in the first few days, business in the night market did not improve much.

But over time, when the night market gradually attracted attention, many people who went out after the sun set began to come to the small market intentionally or unintentionally. Gradually everyone discovered that such a small night market is really a good place on summer nights.

There are all kinds of dazzling products, and you can also eat some delicious snacks.

Even if it comes later, you can sit down and have a supper at the Su Kee stall.

The business in the small market is gradually booming again, which gives Lin Ruifeng a lot of confidence. He is also happy every day and tells Feng Yifan about this.

Feng Yifan also praised the apprentice a lot, and he also felt that the apprentice had done a good job of adapting this.

On this day, Lin Ruifeng and Zhao Daxia strolled to the stall in the evening as usual, but when he entered the small market, he and Zhao Daxia saw a strange scene.

Many of the stall owners in the small market were not at their own stalls, but instead crowded around a stall in the back. Listening to the heated discussion over there, there is also the fragrance that wafts from time to time. Lin Ruifeng quickly judged that this was a new food stall.

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