Chapter 644: 2nd judge

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Feng Yifan's vision made Feng Jiandong and Lu Cuiling feel very good, but the implementation of specific requirements is not so easy. Therefore, the old couple did not immediately agree, only that they would study carefully and finally determine a very practical and feasible plan for implementation.

Naturally, Feng Yifan wouldn't say much, and he also understood that this was not an overnight event.

But he also feels that if this matter is successful, the entire township will be mobilized in the future to form a sufficient scale so that people in the township can get rich.

When Feng Yifan was at home, helping his parents conceive some new business strategies for the vegetable base.

Lin Ruifeng, the stall in the city, is still working hard.

Taking the advice from Shibo Shi Jiahui, Lin Ruifeng made some improvements to the fried rice and devised a way to cook lemon juice with a watering can. This solves the problem of adding more lemon juice to the fried rice, causing the fried rice to become too moist.

And Lin Ruifeng also learned a lesson and made some adjustments in the taste.

It not only guarantees the original taste of the iron plate fried rice, but also adds some innovations to make the fried rice taste better.

After Lin Ruifeng tried to make adjustments and his business started to improve, his stall ushered in the second round of judges.

At about eight o'clock that evening, the first round of supper peaks passed, and three people, one small, and four figures came to the small market.

One of them arranged for the two elderly people to sit down. Instead of going to Lin Ruifeng's stall, he went to Ma Xiaolong's side first. Ma Xiaolong's business is still very good these days, so even after the first round of supper peak, there are still people queuing in front of his stall.

The visitors lined up in front of Ma Xiaolong's stall, but they were not in a hurry, and waited patiently.

After waiting for about half an hour, the man came to Ma Xiaolong’s stall and ordered four grilled fried rice.

Ma Xiaolong didn't care, and quickly made four fried rice for the other party.

But when it was about to be fried, the man suddenly said: "One portion is for the child, please don't add chili?"

Because the other party ordered four at a time, Ma Xiaolong mixed them and fry them, and then packed them one by one.

So when the other party didn't say anything, Ma Xiaolong had actually added chili and fried it.

But since the other party spoke, he finally agreed.

"Okay, then please wait a moment, I'll re-scramble for you."

Speaking of Ma Xiaolong, first install all four copies, and say to the person behind this person: "Here is one more copy, can you give it to you?"

The people in the line didn't mind: "Okay."

Ma Xiaolong handed the fried rice to the people behind, and quickly re-fried another one. This time, instead of adding chili, he used another piece of fried rice sauce.

After it was fried and packed in the box, Ma Xiaolong handed the four to the buyer.

The other party answered, "Thank you."

Ma Xiaolong responded calmly: "You are welcome."

Then Ma Xiaolong looked at the woman carrying four fried rice and turned and left, and then saw that the other person took it to two elderly people and a child. After putting it down, the woman went to Lin Ruifeng's stall again.

For unknown reasons, at this moment Ma Xiaolong felt that these people were arranged to judge him and Lin Ruifeng's judges.

"Boss, are you still in business?"

The urging sound pulled Ma Xiaolong's thoughts back, and he quickly responded with a smile: "Do it, what would you like to order? Roast fried rice, right? Adding ingredients? Okay, do you want chili?"

The person standing in front of the stall was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Well, let's put it a little bit."

Ma Xiaolong quickly started to fry: "Okay, wait a minute."

The woman who bought four boxes of fried rice in front of Ma Xiaolong’s stall before, stood in front of Lin Ruifeng’s stall and said with a smile: "Boss, let’s have four fried rice. Give it to your children, don’t put chopped green onion and pepper."

Hearing the sound in front of the stall, Lin Ruifeng instantly showed a look of surprise on his face, then raised his head to look at the other party.

"Sister? You, why are you here?"

Standing in front of the stall, Lin Yanmei smiled and asked, "What's wrong? I can't come? Is there something special about my brother's fried rice? Can't my parents and I eat it?"

Lin Ruifeng quickly said, "No, no, sister, are you alone?"

As soon as the voice fell, another voice rang beside Lin Yanmei: "Mom, why are you still buying?"

Lin Ruifeng lowered his head and saw standing next to his sister, a boy who looked about the same age as Feng Ruoruo was standing there. The boy's eyebrows looked like his sister. He instantly knew that the boy should be his sister's child, and he also greeted the boy with a smile.


Being greeted suddenly, the boy was also taken aback, and subconsciously hid behind his mother.

Lin Yanmei stretched out her hand and pulled her son from behind and said, "Don't be afraid, this is your uncle. Didn't you always yell with your mother and grandma before you came, do you want to see your uncle?"

The boy listened to his mother's words, poked his head from behind his mother, and quietly looked at Lin Ruifeng carefully.

Lin Yanmei once again encouraged her son: "Don't be afraid, be bold, come out and call uncle."

With the encouragement of his mother, the boy finally stood up and called Lin Ruifeng seriously: "Uncle."

Lin Ruifeng smiled happily and responded: "Hello."

Lin Yanmei pointed behind her again and said, "I'm here with my parents. You have to behave well. Don't let your parents, sisters, and your nephew disappointed."

Lin Ruifeng suddenly understood that among the judges that Master had mentioned, it turned out that there were still his own parents and sisters.

He froze for a moment, then smiled and nodded: "Okay, don't worry, sister, I will definitely satisfy you."

Lin Yanmei took her son and said, "Chenchen, let's go back to grandpa and grandma first, and wait for my uncle to do it for us, okay?"

The boy nodded and promised: "Okay, uncle, don't give me chili."

Lin Ruifeng promised: "Well, uncle promised not to put hot peppers."

When his sister led his nephew back, Lin Ruifeng looked at his parents who were sitting there again. He also waved to his parents, and then began to seriously prepare four fried rice and small wontons.

Knowing that his parents, elder sister, and nephew came to judge, and probably bought the fried rice from Ma Xiaolong's house, Lin Ruifeng's fried rice was relatively small this time.

On the other side, Ma Xiaolong inadvertently saw that the woman who had just bought fried rice on his side had a lot of conversations with Lin Ruifeng at the stall next door. He realized that it was the same as last time, the judge and Lin Ruifeng met. He couldn't help thinking in his heart: Will he be partial to Lin Ruifeng?

However, Ma Xiaolong is not a person who succumbs casually. Thinking that the judges might be partial, he decided to work harder.

He must use his strength to obtain the approval of all the judges including Feng Yifan, so that Lin Ruifeng is convinced of his loss.

Although Lin Ruifeng is very diligent, but for the little nephew, Ma Xiaolong’s barbecue fried rice in the box is naturally more attractive to him. The little guy eats very happily, and the look of gorging is really very interesting. To the uncle Fried rice is not very interesting.

Because in the eyes of the little boy, the fried rice his uncle gave him is the same as the fried rice his father at home usually uses.

The mother bought it from another uncle and put it in a small box. After opening, it looked like a rice dumpling. With the tempting smell of meat, the little boy thought it was very delicious.

Lin Yanmei did not force her son to eat uncle's fried rice, but let her choose.

However, after her son finished the fried rice, she let her son taste the uncle's small wonton.

The little boy was not very happy at first: "Mom, we also have small wontons, and there is nothing special about what my uncle does."

Grandpa said at this time: "Then Chenchen must try Uncle's, because Uncle's small wonton is different."

The little boy was also very curious when he heard it. He carefully looked at the small wonton in the bowl, and then scooped up a small wonton with a small spoon.

After scooping it up, the little boy noticed that his uncle's little wonton was different.

"Grandpa, grandma, mother, uncle's little wonton is so beautiful, this looks like meatballs, can you eat it in the morning?"

Lin Yanmei said: "Then you can eat and try the handicraft of uncle."

The little boy blew the small wonton on the spoon himself, and then carefully put it to his mouth and took a bite.

After taking a bite, the little boy looked at the small wonton and said, "It's great. There are shrimps in the small wonton. Chenchen likes this. Grandpa, grandma, and mother, this little wonton is delicious."

Lin Yanmei smiled and said, "You just like meat."

Then, Lin Yanmei pointed to the fried rice and said, "Then you still eat this fried rice?"

The little boy shook his head and said, "No, I want to eat small wontons."

Lin Yanmei didn't waste it, so she put it aside and said, "Then wait for your father to come, let him help you eat the rest of the fried rice."

Not long after Lin Yanmei said this, a man in a suit and shoes walked into the small market.

The little boy saw the man immediately stood up and waved and shouted: "Dad, dad, come hurry up, here we are."

The man came here quickly, smiled and sat down and asked, "How is it? Have you eaten your uncle's fried rice in Chenchen? Is your uncle's fried rice delicious?"

The little boy said: "Dad, I like that uncle's fried rice over there. There is a lot of sauce and meat. Uncle's fried rice looks the same as yours. Dad, I will leave uncle's fried rice for you."

When the man heard this, he was a little bit dumbfounded: "You kid, leave the bad food to Dad?"

Lin Yanmei immediately said, "What nonsense? My brother's fried rice, how could it not taste good?"

The man immediately accompanied the smiling face and said, "Yes, I said something wrong, then I have to try it quickly. I was praised by my wife for a long time, my brother-in-law’s craftsmanship."

The man took his son's fried rice, looked at it seriously, and said, "It's not bad, this fried rice is very beautiful."

Lin Yanmei urged: "Try it before you talk."

The man took a spoon and tasted it.

After eating, the man was also a little surprised: "Wow, this fried rice is really delicious. This taste is very special, there is no extra greasy feeling, and it tastes refreshing, but the taste of fried rice is full, my wife, your brother, this fried rice But I really have a hand."

After listening to her husband's compliment, Lin Yanmei's waist straightened up a lot in an instant, and her pride was beyond words.

Instead, Lao Lin smiled and said, "Wang Dong, you don't need to compliment your face. If you think it tastes bad, you can put it aside. We are here to be the judges. Of course, we must be fair.

Son-in-law Wang Dong listened to his father-in-law and said quickly, "No, Dad, I really think it's delicious."

Wang Dong didn't speak any more, and gobbled up a plate of fried rice.

After eating, he said seriously: "Parents, Yanmei, I really didn't mean to praise Ruifeng on purpose. Ruifeng's fried rice is really delicious."

Lin Yanmei handed her leftover barbecue fried rice to her husband: "Then you can try this and compare it."

Seeing that his father also wants to eat barbecue fried rice, his son Wang Chenchen immediately said: "Dad, this one is delicious, this one has meat in it, and I like the taste too."

Wang Dong took a bite, tasted it, and said, "Well, this is delicious too, but this is a bit too oily. Maybe Chenchen will like it because this meaty flavor is full, but this fried rice has been robbed of all the flavor by the meaty flavor. , I can't even taste fried rice."

Wang Chenchen was a little strange when he heard his father say this: "Dad, don't you like this?"

Wang Dong smiled and said, "It's not that I don't like eating. Dad just thinks that, compared with uncle's, Dad prefers his uncle's fried rice."

Wang Chenchen said: "Then, can I like this barbecue fried rice?"

At this time, grandma said: "Of course, Chenchen can eat whatever Chenchen likes. We want to eat what we like. It doesn't matter if Chenchen doesn't like uncle."

Listening to grandma's words, Wang Chenchen laughed happily: "Well, Chenchen likes barbecue fried rice. Dad likes uncle's fried rice. What about mother?"

Maybe Lin Ruifeng hadn't thought of it. In fact, the real judges of this wave of judging were his sister, brother-in-law, and nephew.

Lin Yanmei looked at her son, then at her husband, and then said, "Mom supports uncle."

Wang Chenchen broke his little hand for a while and said: "Well, mom and dad like uncle, Chenchen likes barbecue fried rice, so it's 2 to 1, then uncle should win."

Lin Yanmei smiled and said to her son: "Your uncle has not won. Besides us, there are other judges, and the most important judges have not yet come. Only after the two most important judges have eaten, can you finally confirm your uncle. Can you win."

Wang Chenchen asked curiously: "Mom, who is the most important judge?"

Lin Yanmei smiled and replied, "It's uncle's master."

Wang Chenchen was even more curious: "Is the uncle's master particularly good?"

Wang Dong smiled and wiped his son's mouth and said, "Of course it's amazing Uncle's master, that's the uncle in the cooking video you watched at home. Chenchen thinks that uncle is the best. Up?"

Wang Chenchen immediately exclaimed: "Wow, my uncle's master turned out to be that online chef? That's really amazing."

Seeing the admiration in her son's eyes, Lin Yanmei said: "Then shall we wait for that uncle to come back? Uncle's family also has a younger sister who is one year younger than you. Would you like to see your sister in Chenchen?"

Wang Chenchen naturally agreed immediately: "Well, I want to see."

Lin Yanmei looked at her husband again.

Wang Dong faced his wife's gaze and smiled and said, "What are you doing looking at me like this? Of course I want to stay, but I've even asked for leave. I must meet a chef like Chef Feng with my own eyes. "

Lin Yanmei was very grateful to her husband. She knew that her husband took a special trip to accompany her this time, it was for her and her son, for the two elderly people in the family, and for cheering for her brother-in-law. Lin Yanmei feels very happy to be able to understand her husband like this.