Chapter 672: Meet Uncle's Apprentice

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
"Hardcore Chef Dad (

After all, Sun Mingxing was once the apprentice of the old Mr. Su Quansheng. Although he left Su Ji for a long time, he has been able to stand in an international metropolis like Shanghai and Hai, even if he has been able to stand in an international metropolis like Shanghai, which shows that he still has enough cooking skills. Close to the body.

So tonight's meal, he still made Zhuang Daozhong and Su Jinrong very satisfied.

Of course, Sun Mingxing's most hope is to be recognized by Feng Yifan and Shi Jiahui.

Feng Yifan did not speak directly, but Shi Jiahui spoke very sincerely.

"Uncle Nine Master, this may be the first time I call you that. I have to say that the cooking skills you showed in Fujing Building this time really convinced me. Now I understand that in Shanghai Hotel At the time, I really underestimated you, and I apologize to you here."

Shi Jiahui's words surprised Sun Mingxing a bit.

Sun Mingxing saw Shi Jiahui stand up, and even turned to bow to apologize.

He was there for a while, and then hurriedly stepped forward to help: "No, Shi Jiahui, Shi Jiahui, you are wrong. I don't mean to rely on the old and sell the old. I know that my research spirit in cooking is indeed not as good as you, and even worse than Yifan, I am very Thank you Yifan for giving me this opportunity to come back to Huaicheng."

Having said that, Sun Mingxing was a little excited again.


At this moment, Sun Mingxing choked.

Feng Yifan also stood up, helped Jiu Shishu, and opened his mouth to comfort him.

But Sun Mingxing calmed down, and then said: "Yifan, uncle knows that I used to be sorry for Su Ji, sorry for your father-in-law, uncle did not expect, really did not expect that you would recommend me to Liancheng and let me Come take over the back kitchen of Fujing Building."

When Feng Yifan heard Uncle Nine talk about this over and over, he said seriously: "Uncle, you really don't have to pay attention to this matter. You have to understand that if you can come to take over Fujing Building, you have this ability."

Without waiting for Sun Mingxing to speak, Feng Yifan continued: "Uncle, I am not afraid that you will find my speech unpleasant. If your cooking today does not satisfy your uncle and my dad, I might tell Uncle Ruoruo to take you and you. The team please go."

Hearing Feng Yifan's direct words made Sun Mingxing startled.

But then, Sun Mingxing laughed: "Hahaha, well, Yifan, I like your straightforwardness."

Others present couldn't help but laugh.

Su Jinrong scowled, pretending to be angry and said: "Yifan, did you talk to your uncle like this? Hurry up and apologize to your uncle. You have to remember that no matter how great you are, uncle will always It's your uncle, you shouldn't mess with this thing."

When Feng Yifan heard his father-in-law's words, he stepped back and respectfully saluted Sun Mingxing.

"Uncle, it was me Meng Lang just now, please forgive me, Uncle."

Sun Mingxing helped Feng Yifan and said, "Hahaha, it doesn’t matter, I like Yifan’s straightforwardness. This is something I haven’t heard in a long time. My apprentices, the cooks who followed me, are all alone. Will speak good things."

Speaking of this, Sun Mingxing looked serious: "However, if a cook wants to make progress, he must be able to accept bad things from others."

This sentence won the approval of everyone present.

Zhuang Daozhong said: "Mingxing, if you can figure this out, it means that you have come out, and I believe you will be better next."

Sun Mingxing looked at Zhuang Daozhong and said, "Uncle, at my age, it is time to understand. How many years can I do this? I want to spend the remaining years to pass on the cooking skills to my apprentices. , Can be alone and can take over my class."

Zhuang Daozhong listened and said with a smile: "This is easy to handle. In fact, if you need it, you can ask your apprentice to go to Su Ji to help."

Hearing Zhuang Daozhong's words, he immediately inspired Sun Mingxing.

He seemed to suddenly think of a way to promote his apprentice.

If you let your apprentice go to Su Ji and work under Feng Yifan for a while, I'm afraid that your apprentice will soon be promoted.

Even Sun Mingxing thought of his daughter, wondering whether to let the younger daughter come to Su Ji?

But thinking of this, Sun Mingxing immediately dismissed his thoughts again, feeling that he was a little better.

Zhuang Daozhong saw Sun Mingxing's mind at a glance, and smiled and reminded: "Mingxing, let's say yes first, apprentices who go to Su Ji must have enough strength, don't just go to Su Ji Sai."

Sun Mingxing was said to have broken his mind, and quickly said: "I can't, Shishu, that definitely can't. Without enough talent, I can't let him go to Su Ji, otherwise it would really be a shame for me."

Feng Yifan smiled and said at this time: "Uncle Jiu, if you think your apprentice can and he wants to go to Su Ji for a while, then the master sister and I will definitely welcome you at any time, but we still have to say in advance. Su Ji, but you must listen to me."

Sun Mingxing immediately said: "That's natural."

Shi Jiahui added: "Uncle Nine, you shouldn't agree so quickly. Yifan's request is not low, and Yifan has a bad temper."

Sun Mingxing was a little curious after hearing this: "I have a bad temper? What a bad way?"

Shi Jiahui looked at Ning Guang, who had never spoken much: "Kid Ning Guang, tell me, do you think your brother is learning how to cook with your Uncle Yifan. Didn’t he learn very hard?"

Ning Guang didn't expect that Shi Jiahui would suddenly ask herself, the boy was sitting there and didn't know what to say?

Feng Ruoruo reminded him: "Brother Ning Guang, you want to talk, my aunt is asking you."

Ning Guang finally plucked up the courage and said, "I feel that Uncle Yifan didn’t even want to teach my brother well, because he didn’t accept my brother as an apprentice, nor did he teach my brother how to cook. Instead, he asked me to cook every day. Brother cut vegetables, cut a lot of vegetables, and eat those vegetables."

Ning Guang's courageous condemnation made the private room instantly quiet.

At this moment, even a needle on the ground seemed to be audible.

After a brief silence, the group of people couldn't help laughing.

Shi Jiahui smiled and said, "Hahaha, did Yifan hear that? My brother is not happy anymore. I've been holding it for a long time, right? Today I finally caught the opportunity to say it."

Feng Yifan also looked helpless, but he didn't expect that this kid Ning Guang would hold grudges.

But everyone laughed, and explained after they laughed.

First of all, Zhuang Daozhong said: "My child, you are wrong to say that your Uncle Yifan is wrong. You have to understand that there is a saying in the kitchen, "Three years of swords and five years of fire", which means that you must at least practice swordsmanship. Three years, and it takes at least five years to master the heat."

Sun Mingxing also said: "Yes, if you learn by my side, the same set of procedures is used. I won't let it go to the stove without a cut for more than a year."

Su Jinrong finally said: "Young man, your brother has only practiced knives for less than two months. Does he still want to go to the stove? That's impossible."

After listening to the words of the three grandfathers, Ning Guang understood at once, as if his brother hadn't gotten started yet.

Shi Jiahui seemed to see Ning Guang's thoughts, and smiled and said, "Don't say your brother is getting started. Your brother can only be regarded as a beginner. If you really want to start cooking, it's still a long way away."

Ning Guang sighed helplessly: "I want my brother to learn more, but Uncle Yifan won't teach him."

Su Jinrong said: “It’s not that you don’t teach children. You have to understand that children are greedy and not chewing. Many things must be learned step by step. You must learn the basic skills well before you can learn other things. You can’t learn anything in the end."

Ning Guang finally nodded, "Okay, Grandpa, I understand."

Shi Jiahui turned around and smiled and said to Sun Mingxing: "Uncle Nine, did you see? Yifan is very demanding. If your apprentice can't meet the requirements, don't blame us for not being affectionate."

Sun Mingxing looked at Shi Jiahui's face with a smile, and immediately said, "Don't worry, I won't let him go to Su Ji."

Afterwards, everyone in the private room laughed.

Everyone was very happy to have this dinner, Sun Mingxing and Su Jinrong were especially happy, because the teachers and brothers were able to sit together again, chatting and drinking wine.

As for the children, after they were full, they were taken out to play by Su Ruoxi and Shi Jiahui.

Although it is still raining outside, children can stand on the place where Fujing Building is propped on the lake and see the night scene on the lake outside.

The children are still very happy, because there are still some lights on the lake, which is not seen in the countryside.

As for the private room, the two brothers really talked for a long time and talked a lot about the past.

While chatting, Sun Mingxing burst into tears more than once, and cried several times to ask Su Jinrong's forgiveness.

It was also persuaded by Feng Yifan and Shi Jiahui to comfort him several times.

As for the four diners who came here specifically, they left after eating.

However, before leaving, the four diners were still looking forward to Fujing Building, and they also said that they would recommend Fujing Building.

This can be regarded as achieving the effect Zhuang Daozhong wants to achieve.

Feng Yifan asked the elder sister to accompany the teacher and brother to chat for a while, but he went out on his own and decided to take a look at the back kitchen and take a look at the group of apprentices of Uncle Jiu.

Of course, the consent of Sun Mingxing was also obtained first.

Feng Yifan went to the locker room first and changed into a decent chef's uniform.

After everything was neatly dressed, Feng Yifan stepped into the back kitchen.

The moment after entering the back kitchen, the back kitchen is full of enthusiasm.

It can be seen that although Sun Mingxing is not there, the back chefs are still very busy.

When Feng Yifan came in, many people didn't even notice.

And those who noticed didn't say much when they saw him in a chef's uniform.

After Feng Yifan was observing in the back kitchen for a period of time, he was recognized by the former chef in Fujinglou, and he greeted him nervously: "Hello Chef Feng."

When someone shouted out, Feng Yifan naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the back kitchen instantly.

All eyes were focused on him.

Feng Yifan faced the gazes of all the cooks in the back kitchen and said with a smile: "Hello everyone, I am your boss, should you work hard? There are still guests outside waiting for your food."

Hearing this, the chefs in the back kitchen instantly became busy again.

After another busy period, Quanjie finished his work and came to Feng Yifan.

"Hello Chef Feng, my name is Quanjie."

Seeing the opposite direction, Feng Yifan stretched out his hand, and also stretched out his hand to shake hands with the other party: "Hello, you are the youngest apprentice of Uncle Nine, the latest to start, but Uncle Nine feels that you should be the most talented. I saw your cooking just now, it was indeed very clean and tidy."

Quan Jie responded earnestly: "Thank you for your compliment, Chef Feng."

Then Quan Jie turned his words: "Chef Feng, I'm curious, are you really as powerful as those boasted on the Internet?"

When Feng Yifan heard this, he smiled and responded, "So do you believe it?"

Quanjie shook his head and said, "To be honest, I still have a little doubt."

Feng Yifan nodded and said: "The doubt is right, but there is something wrong without doubt. So what do you think I should do?"

Quan Jie didn't want to say, "You don't need to do anything now, and I guess you won't agree to any of my requests. I think I can wait for Su Ji to resume business, and I can go with Master to taste your chef Feng. To confirm those rumors."

Feng Yifan didn't expect that Quan Jie would really say something transparently.

Indeed, even though Quan Jie expressed his doubts, Feng Yifan was not prepared to agree to any request of Quan Jie, let alone cooking in the back kitchen of Fujing Building tonight.

Because you are a master chef, how can you cook casually for others to see?

Quan Jie didn't want to taste it now, UU read , but went to Su Ji to taste Feng Yifan's craft in person.

Feng Yifan will naturally not refuse this point: "Well, Su Ji resumes business. The first meal will only invite some people. Maybe you don't have the qualifications yet, but your master can go. You can ask Uncle Jiu if you want to. Take you there."

When Quanjie heard this, he sighed helplessly: "Then I'll find time to eat by myself. Master will definitely not take me there."

Feng Yifan asked curiously: "How do you know that Uncle Nine will not take you there?"

Quan Jie approached Feng Yifan and said in a low voice, "There are too many seniors here, and the seniors have always wanted to follow the master to see and see, so it's definitely not my turn."

Feng Yifan didn't expect Quan Jie to say this, he smiled and asked: "You say that, are you afraid that your brother is upset?"

Quan Jie looked innocent and said, "No? How can I say it's the youngest and the youngest, the brothers want me to order."

Seeing Quan Jie's attitude, Feng Yifan also found this kid very interesting.

He was a guy with a very detached personality, Feng Yifan couldn't help but admire Uncle Nine, such a kid could be trained under his hand.

Feng Yifan finally said: "Well, I can't invite you for the first meal. If you have time, you can go to Su Ji anytime after Su Ji resumes business. I promise to treat you to a meal."

When Quan Jie heard this, he said quickly: "Okay, Chef Feng, let's make that decision. You want to buy me the whole meal."

Feng Yifan nodded: "Yes."

Quanjie then smiled and said, "Okay, I can finally go to a high-end restaurant for a meal."

Feng Yifan was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard Quan Jie's words. He didn't expect this kid to have such a plan.