Chapter 684: Learn to cook seriously

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi got together, and they were really a little crazy to play. Although the two little girls had a nap at noon, they continued to play crazy immediately after they got up.

Feng Ruoruo took Yang Xiaoxi and sneaked into the kitchen quietly and watched their father cooking in the kitchen.

The two fathers said they were cooking together, but in fact it was Father Feng who was actually cooking.

Yang Zhiyi often beats him by the side, and then records how Feng Yifan prepares each dish, but he is still more serious.

Yang Xiaoxi saw his father take the record seriously, and quietly said to a good friend: "Ruoruo, my father is so serious, so that my father can make delicious dishes like Feng's father in the future?"

Feng Ruoruo smiled and responded in a low voice: "It's certainly possible, Xixi, let me tell you, Uncle Xiaolin, Uncle Xiao Ma, and brother Ning Cheng, they all studied hard with my father. Now Uncle Xiaolin and Uncle Xiao Ma are good at cooking. Great. Brother Ning Cheng can't cook vegetables yet, but it's fine to cut vegetables."

Yang Xiaoxi immediately looked forward to hearing this: "Really? Then I want my father to cook delicious food."

Feng Ruoruo taught her little friend: "Then Xixi, you must urge Uncle Yang to study hard."

Yang Xiaoxi immediately took his order: "Okay, I will let my father learn from Feng's father."

In the kitchen at this time, Yang Zhiyi did learn more seriously. Maybe he was really going to cook at the house of his wife, uncle, and aunt, and almost irritated the pot from leaking. He was determined to study hard, and strive to learn how to cook well, and then go to show his skills.

When Feng Yifan taught Yang Zhiyi, it was certainly not as complicated as teaching apprentices.

Yang Zhiyi didn't let Yang Zhiyi begin to practice as a swordsman, nor would he be taught in detail how to control fire.

When teaching, Feng Yifan will try to quantify everything as much as possible, so that Yang Zhiyi can have an intuitive feeling, and can record a standardized amount in his notebook.

Therefore, in Yang Zhiyi’s notebook, it will be recorded, for each dish, how many grams of salt is put in, how many grams of sugar is required, how much oil temperature is required when frying, and how long it takes to cook when it is cooked, etc. . Almost all are quantified, which is convenient for Yang Zhiyi to go home and do it.

Feng Yifan served out the prepared dishes: "You taste it, do you remember the whole process?"

Yang Zhiyi ate with chopsticks and said, "Well, I wrote it down."

After a taste, Yang Zhiyi had to praise: "It's delicious, this shredded pork is really tender."

Feng Yifan instructed: "So before frying, you must sizing, the egg white and water starch paste, must be whipped, let the shredded pork eat them in, so be sure to whipped in one direction."

Then he went on to say: "The fire must be high, and the oil temperature must be high. When you go down and quickly pull it twice, it will be served, and then the ingredients will be added to stir fry, and then the shredded pork must be added again. You must remember that when the shredded pork is put in the pan, it must not be fried for a long time, and it will be out of the pan after a little stir-fry.

So you see? Before cooking, I have to adjust a bowl of juice, so that the final seasoning is to pour the bowl of juice. After such a turn, it can be directly out of the pot, even if it is fried for a second longer. "

Yang Zhiyi was really serious this time, and even this last point would be carefully written down.

Here at the door of the kitchen, two little girls looked and listened quietly.

Suddenly the barking of puppies shocked the two little girls and also awakened the two fathers in the kitchen.

Feng Ruoruo turned to look at Tiantian and immediately said, "Oh, don't you call Tiantian, otherwise Xixi and I will be discovered by my father."

When the little girl grabs the puppy and prevents it from barking.

Feng Yifan had already poked his head out of the kitchen and said with a smile: "Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi are awake?"

After being discovered, Feng Ruoruo and Yang Xiaoxi also turned around to face Feng Yifan.

"Dad, we just woke up."

"Papa Feng, we didn't take a peek."

Feng Ruoruo immediately said, "Yes, we didn't take a peek."

Feng Yifan watched the two little girls not beckoning, and couldn't help but laugh: "Hahaha, okay, it's okay for you two to peek, I'm teaching Dad Xixi to cook and teach Dad Xixi I can cook it for Xixi and her mother when I go home."

Feng Ruoruo immediately said, "Dad, can Xixi come to our house to eat in the future?"

Feng Yifan said immediately: "Of course, as long as Xixi wants to come, he can come and eat anytime."

Yang Xiaoxi said happily: "It's great, I will come to Feng's father's house to eat in the future."

Feng Ruoruo asked strangely after hearing this: "Xixi comes to our house to eat. Uncle Yang and Dad learn how to cook. Isn't it useless?"

Yang Xiaoxi also said, "Yes, my father doesn't need to learn."

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "Learning is still to be learned. Dad Xixi has learned. When Xixi gets tired of eating at Dad Feng’s place, or if he wants to go to Xixi’s house to play, Xixi’s father can make it for Xi. Xi and Ruoruo eat."

Yang Xiaoxi turned to invite Feng Ruoruo: "Ruoruo, wait until my father learns, you can go to my house to eat."

Feng Ruoruo naturally agreed to a good friend: "Okay, I'll go to Xixi's house to eat."

Yang Zhiyi also came out of the kitchen at this time. He heard the conversation between the two girls. He said with a very firm expression: "Xixi don't worry, this time Dad will study hard, and learn how to cook well from your Dad Feng. Time allows you to eat delicious dishes at home."

Yang Xiaoxi threw himself into his father's arms, tilted his head up and said, "Come on, father."

Feng Ruoruo also helped cheer on the side: "Uncle Yang, come on."

With two little girls cheering, Yang Zhiyi also felt full of fighting spirit: "Okay, I will definitely study hard."

Feng Yifan then led the two little girls into the kitchen, and while taking the little girls to eat snacks, while watching Yang Zhiyi cooking according to the things just recorded.

The shredded pork was cut for him by Feng Yifan, and Feng Yifan, the knifemaker, also figured out a way for him.

"Knife skills cannot be trained in a short time. If you really want to cook shredded pork at home, if you are afraid of not cutting well, you can freeze the meat and cut the frozen meat. That way it will be easier to cut, but Remember, after defrosting, you must wash the shredded pork."

Yang Zhiyi quickly wiped his hands and wrote it down in his notebook.

After remembering, Yang Zhiyi washed his hands and continued his frying pork.

According to Professor Feng Yifan's method, a bowl of juice was first prepared, and then the shredded pork was smashed.

During the whipping process, Feng Yifan pointed out again.

"Follow one direction, yes, yes, whipping like this, be even more, yes, that's right, that's it, don’t whipping back and forth in different directions, it’s okay, it’s okay."

After sizing, Yang Zhiyi followed Professor Feng Yifan, put the bottom oil in the pot, heated the oil with high heat, and then started to stir fry.

After just a little stir-fry, Feng Yifan said quickly: "It's okay, it's okay, let it out first."

Yang Zhiyi also hurriedly put out the shredded pork first, then put all the side dishes into the pot, and stir-fried with the bottom oil in the pot.

Wait until the side dishes are cooked, then pour the shredded pork back into the pot.

Almost when Yang Zhiyi was about to stir fry, Feng Yifan grabbed a bowl of juice and poured it directly into the pot.

"This can't wait. Let the bowl of juice go down first, and then start to stir fry like this. Remember to stir fry quickly and evenly, not over time, otherwise it will definitely not work."

Although Feng Yifan helped to pour the bowl of juice, and gave directions on the side.

Yang Zhiyi only flipped it a few times, and after it was served, the shredded pork was still a bit old.

Feng Yifan didn't say anything at all, just let Yang Zhiyi taste it for himself.

Yang Zhiyi immediately understood the problem as soon as he ate it.

However, Yang Xiaoxi still wanted to taste the dishes his father had fried, so the little girl took her father's hand and said, "Dad, give me and Ruoruo a taste."

Yang Zhiyi was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

Finally, at the request of the two little girls, he gave the two children a taste.

After the two little girls ate.

Yang Xiaoxi said, "Dad, it tastes good, but it's a bit hard to chew."

Yang Zhiyi was a little bit dumbfounded.

Of course it will be hard to chew, because the meat has been fried and aged, even if it is smashed and fried too much, it will still make the meat old and it will be harder to chew.

Feng Ruoruo said after eating, "The taste is okay, but it's not as tender as my father's stir-fry."

Yang Zhiyi was heartbroken again, and could only say: "Uncle Yang didn't do a good job, Uncle Yang will definitely pay attention next time."

At this time, Li Fei'er and Su Ruoxi also came out of the room.

Li Feier smelled the smell and ran to the kitchen: "Oh, you two father and daughter are stealing food here. Didn't you know that we called our two mothers?"

Yang Xiaoxi saw her mother coming, and rushed into her arms: "Mom, Dad is learning to cook with Dad Feng."

Feng Ruoruo also rushed into his mother's arms: "Mom, Uncle Yang's fried is not so tender."

Yang Xiaoxi also said to her mother: "Yes, Dad's fried meat is hard to chew."

Yang Zhiyi said with a sad face: "It was really just a second or two, and the result was already old. It seems that I still haven't fully grasped it."

Feng Yifan patted Yang Zhiyi and encouraged: "Don't be discouraged, you will be fine if you work hard."

Yang Xiaoxi immediately turned his head and said, "Go on, Dad."

Feng Ruoruo followed: "Uncle Yang, come on."

With two little girls cheering on, Yang Zhiyi laughed: "Well, I must work hard."

Li Feier saw the little book in Yang Zhiyi's pocket, reached out and took the little book over, opened the little book and looked at it. She was really moved by her husband a little bit.

"Are you taking notes so seriously?"

Yang Zhiyi said: "Yes, I went to your uncle and aunt's house and almost burned the pot, so I want to learn it hard, and I will show it to them later when I go back."

Li Feier was even more moved when she heard it, and took her daughter and her husband together.

"Husband, my daughter and I believe that you can definitely do it."

Feng Yifan also walked over to embrace his wife and embraced his daughter with his wife. Seeing how close the other family of three was, Feng Yifan's family of three was also very happy.

Then Feng Yifan greeted everyone again: "Okay, I will learn from here today. We need to cook slowly. Let's sit down in the living room outside and have a snack together. In the evening, we will go to the small market night market to see the children. Uncle Xiaolin and Uncle Xiaoma do business."

The children were naturally very happy, and the two little girls cheered suddenly.

After cheering, Feng Ruoruo said again: "Dad, can Xixi and I go to the small park at night to watch grandparents dance?"

Feng Yifan agreed: "Of course it can."

Yang Zhiyi also said: "Yes, let's go to dinner first, and then go to watch dancing."

Yang Xiaoxi said happily, "It's great, Dad's arrangement is great."

The two families sat in the living room together to eat snacks. Feng Yifan also found cartoons for the children and asked the two little girls to eat snacks while watching the cartoons.

The four adults are chatting together.

Li Feier was still very curious about the future development of Su Ji, so she took the opportunity to inquire in private.

Feng Yifan did not hide it at home.

"My idea is that Su Ji must follow its own characteristics and cannot learn from the Western style, but also cannot follow the way of Fujinglou, so my decision is that Su Ji must have the characteristics of Su Ji. The semi-open back kitchen, while ordering meals is also a semi-reservation system."

Li Feier became more curious after hearing this: "Chef Feng, what is the form of this semi-reservation system?"

Feng Yifan replied: "That is, there are some places where reservations are needed, and some are where you can sit down and order food. For reservations, I will arrange some special dishes."

Li Feier nodded: "Well, this method is really quite novel."

Feng Yifan smiled and said: "In fact, it's not new, it may not be common in China, but I used it when I was running a restaurant abroad, and now I continue to run that restaurant."

Li Fei'er continued to ask: "Will Su Kee still have the noodles and fried rice before?"

Feng Yifan nodded: "Of course they will. Those are the characteristics of Su Ji and will be retained. I will also continue to update some new noodle toppings. That part does not require an appointment, and I can eat it at noon and evening in the future. A special place will be arranged for eating."

Yang Zhiyi couldn't help asking, "Is the place in Su Ji really enough?"

Feng Yifan smiled confidently: "Of course it's enough If you go back and have a look together, you will know that the renovated Su Ji place is very big."

Li Fei'er thought for a while and asked, "By the way, Chef Feng, where is Fujing Building?"

Feng Yifan did not conceal: “Fujing Building has been taken over by my uncle’s team, and now the back kitchen is well managed, but I will make some improvements in the future, and some service quality will also improve. I I feel that Huaicheng still needs a star-rated Chinese restaurant."

Yang Zhiyi and Li Feier were surprised when they heard this, and they immediately thought of which one Feng Yifan was talking about.

When Li Fei'er thinks about it seriously, she will be more shocked.

Feng Yifan's arrangement is equivalent to saying that he is confident that Fu Jinglou will be awarded a star with his uncle as a chef. What kind of confidence is this?

At the same time, Li Feier was even more looking forward to it.

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