Chapter 723: Lobster and grouper

Name:Hardcore Chef Dad Author:Pangmo
Back in the kitchen, Feng Yifan looked at the somewhat large lobsters and the larger side-tooth bass. Suddenly, he had some new ideas in his mind. He felt that he would just make "Lobster Gum Crossing Fish Fillet". "It seems a waste of such good ingredients.

So, Feng Yifan began to do some processing first, and went to the place where the kitchen materials were piled up, and picked some new things.

Seeing Feng Yifan took some new things, the chefs in the back kitchen were suddenly very curious, and vaguely felt that he was going to do something new again.

Feng Yifan chose the new thing this time, in addition to a large piece of butter, there are also a lot of fresh potatoes.

There are also some common vegetables in Western-style meals, as well as various spices.

Next, Feng Yifan began his own treatment, first melting the butter, then skimming the froth on it, and putting the butter aside for low-temperature heating and precipitation.

This step surprised the chefs in the back kitchen, even Walsh, the Western food chef, was surprised.

During the precipitation process, Feng Yifan cleaned and peeled the potatoes again.

and showed off his knife skills in the back kitchen.

Peel the potatoes and place them in water. Feng Yifan uses a knife to slice them in the water.

Watching slices of very thin potato quilts come out, one by one sinking to the bottom, the chefs in the back kitchen are really wide-eyed.

Feng Yifan suddenly realized that the back kitchen had become silent, and he raised his head to realize that everyone was looking at him.

then looked down at the potatoes in his hand. He smiled and said, "If you want to make this dish, you can leave it like me. You can do it with a chipped knife."

'S words made the chefs look at each other.

Everyone is thinking in their hearts, we really can only use chippers.

After shaving the potatoes, Feng Yifan began to slaughter the lobsters again.

The    step is not unfamiliar to the chefs in the back kitchen. It is nothing more than to first **, then put it in a pot for a little blanching, and then put it in ice water after chilling, then the lobster can be shelled as a whole.

Finally, a whole piece of shrimp tail meat was obtained.

Feng Yifan took out the shrimp tails and removed all the shrimp threads.

Instead, put the shrimp tails aside first, first process the remaining shrimp shells, put them in a pot for frying, and after frying out the coking layer, add various broken vegetables for stewing , Get a pot of very rich lobster white soup, after filtering, only the soup is retained.

Of course, for the sake of beauty, Feng Yifan did not forget to leave the shrimp heads and tongs in the soup to keep them warm.

The lobster soup had been simmered and poured into the casserole, and Feng Yifan began to treat the lateral tooth perch.

lateral tooth perch is also called "swallowtail spot".

It's a lot of trouble to deal with, but Feng Yifan is really quick and accurate. At this time, he was not stingy, showing his strength and strength to everyone.

A live side tooth bass was quickly slaughtered and cleaned by him.

Then he sliced ​​half of the fish, removed the impurities from the fish, and then sliced ​​the half of the fish.

The chefs in the back kitchen have once again seen Feng Yifan's knife skills.

Pieces of fish flesh as thin as a cicada's wings were sliced ​​down.

Put them all on a plate, and put the cut and steamed fish heads and tails on top.

Then such a piece of "Lobster Bisque Crossing the Bridge Grouper Fillet" is completed.

Feng Yifan also specially ordered a richly decorated plate. The fish fillets were placed on a small mountain-shaped plate rack, and the lobster soup was placed in a casserole, and the bottom was simmered on a small stove.

After everything was ready, he subconsciously shouted: "Serve."

There was silence in the back kitchen, but then Walsh responded directly: "Yes, chef."

Walsh’s answer is even subconsciously French.

Next, Walsh really personally picked up this dish with Yu Quan and served it.

Feng Yifan smiled upon seeing this and said, "Thank you for the help of the two chefs."

Walsh and Yu Quan responded: "You are welcome, chef."

Walsh and Yu Quan carried them out to serve, while Feng Yifan continued to prepare.

First, after cooking the garlic, mix the trimmed leftovers from another piece of fish, put it in a blender and puree it, then pour it into a pan and slowly fry it until it becomes brown.

Then take some small hazelnuts and cut them in half, put them in a pot and fry them on low heat, add fish garlic sauce and chopped parsley leaves and fry them together to make a sauce.

The next step is to fry the trimmed fish in a pan.

First fry the fish skin part, then fry the fish skin until it is crispy, then quickly fry the fish part over a high fire, lock the moisture inside, set it aside and let the fish meat ripen on its own at the remaining temperature.

Without washing the bottom of the pot, add sour grape juice to harvest the juice, and add virgin olive oil to match.

At this time, the two chefs who went out to serve have already returned. Seeing the chefs in the back kitchen, they looked at Feng Yifan dumbfounded.

Yuquan clapped his hands to let the chefs continue their work.

He and Walsh came to Feng Yifan's side and watched how he handled the other half of the fish.

Only at this time, Feng Yifan has actually finished it.

After frying the piece of fish, take the fish on the right, cut it open, and put it on the plate.

Sprinkle the hazelnut fish sauce on the surface, and then pour the gravy on the side.

Finally, I don’t forget to decorate it with a vegetable mix wrapped in a batter and deep-fried.

Looking at the very Western-style plate in front of them, Walsh and Yu Quan were really stunned.

One half of the side bass is made in a very Chinese way, while the other half is obviously made in a Western way. It really opened the eyes of the two chefs.

Feng Yifan smiled and said, "I really have to trouble both of you again."

But this time, the two chefs were obviously smarter, knowing that there were still dishes left, so they let others serve the dishes, and the two stayed and stared at Feng Yifan.

Feng Yifan didn't mind, he first cut carrots, tomatoes, turnips, sliced ​​leeks, and chopped small leeks.

The leftover leftovers were put in a baking tray and put in the oven to bake for 10 minutes.

After taking it out, put the roasted leftovers into the pot first, then put the baking pan on a low fire, pour some water to clean the coking layer on the baking tray, and pour all the juice into the leftovers. In the small pot.

Then cook the contents in the small pot, filter out all the juice, and set aside for later use.

I can’t wait to puree the beets, filter them with a dense mesh, and put them in the vegetable soup pot. As for the wall-breaking machine, pour the vegetable soup into it and rinse, and then filter it with a dense mesh. After collecting 50% of the juice in the pot, use gauze to filter the soup into the bottle.

At this time, Feng Yifan brought in the butter that had settled for a period of time before filtering out the sticky substance at the bottom of the pan, leaving only the very clear butter.

Then fish out the previously cut potato slices, **** up the water, put it in a dish, wrap it in clarified butter, and place it on a baking tray, forming a blossoming flower like a flattened flower , Sprinkle some sea salt.

After covering the top with a layer of greased paper, press on it with a baking pan, put it in the oven at 160 degrees, and bake it for 40 minutes.

Then Feng Yifan brought butter again, and cut it into small pieces this time.

Add a little bit of water to the pot where the clarified butter was melted before. After reducing the heat, add the butter in small pieces. Slowly melt the butter piece by piece. Stir it until it becomes a thick milk. Take out the butter and set aside for later use.

Find a clean pot and soften the leeks over a slow fire. Add all the diced tomatoes, carrots, and turnips to the pot, turn off the heat immediately, and add the butter sauce to it. Use the remaining temperature of the pot. Stir-fry and mix evenly and then out of the pan.

Without washing the pot, pour the previous beet juice into it, and collect the juice until it is thick and does not reflow.

Turn off the heat and add the butter sauce, still stir and fry with the remaining temperature, until the sauce turns into a shiny state, it is considered complete.

After all the sauces were prepared, Feng Yifan began to cook the lobster meat.

is still slowly melting a small piece of butter in a small pot, turning the butter into a butter sauce state, and then putting the shrimp tail meat that was removed before.

Feng Yifan had been doing it before, no matter how surprised Walsh and Yu Quan were watching, he didn't speak a word.

At this time, Feng Yifan spoke for the first time.

"Remember to control the firepower. Make sure that the butter sauce is between 80 and 85 degrees. It must not be boiled. Use this temperature to slowly cook the lobster tails."

Walsh and Yu Quan were really eye-opening at this time.

This is the first time they saw that lobster could be cooked like this.

Feng Yifan put the shrimp tails in the butter sauce, always controlled the firepower, kept the temperature of the butter sauce in the pot, and in order to reduce waste, he used a spoon to continuously pour the butter sauce on the shrimp meat.

is about 6 minutes, Feng Yifan fished out the lobster meat.

Next, he started the follow-up.

The bottom layer is the sticky sauce mixed with beet and butter, followed by some butter sauce on top, and then the vegetable and butter portion.

On top is the cut lobster meat cooked in butter sauce, and finally on top are those baked potato chips.

Of course, Feng Yifan divides the lobster meat into small plates for display.

According to the number of people eating today, I put out so many dishes.

After    was finished, Walsh and Yu Quan beside him couldn't help but swallow. They were really curious about the taste of such a dish?

But just looking at the presentation and the entire process, the two chefs have actually been coveted.

Everything was done, Feng Yifan did not forget to clean up, and then left with the last dishes.

watched him leave behind, and all the cooks in the back kitchen looked admiringly.

Not to mention the cooking of lobster and grouper.

The dishes in the front alone are also an eye-opener for the cooks in the back kitchen, especially the unagi three times before, which these cooks in the restaurant have never seen before.

Maybe some cooks had heard of it when they were learning art, but today they saw it with their own eyes.

As for the cooking of lobster and grouper in the back, the two different methods of Chinese and Western make the cooks feel beyond the reach.

"This, is this the strength of the creator of the one-star menu? Isn't it too strong?"

"Yes, although I didn't taste it, but just watching him do it, I think it's a kind of enjoyment."

"That's right, it's really like creating art."

"This is the first time I know that lobster and grouper can be done that way."

"Yes, it’s actually not difficult to see the meal across the bridge, because it’s actually similar to the way in "General Crossing the Bridge", except that black fish is replaced with grouper, and the fish soup is also replaced with lobster soup. , But the latter two dishes are really a bit powerful."

"You can smell it, the aroma of those two dishes still remains in the back kitchen."

Hearing this, Yu Quan picked up the butter sauce left over from the last cooking of the lobster and said, "Because this pot of butter sauce is still here, of course it has a fragrance."

Yu Quan's words immediately made everyone in the back kitchen laugh.

Amidst the laughter, the back chef resumed his normal work, but in the hearts of all the chefs, Feng Yifan’s handsome figure of cooking, and his skillful cooking techniques, were full of admiration in their hearts, and many people were even very adored. I want to learn how to cook under Feng Yifan's school.

Yu Quan held the pot and looked at Walsh.

Before he could speak, Walsh spoke first.

"I understand what you think, do you hope you can buy Feng Yifan's menu of these dishes? Do you want to make them unique to your restaurant?"

Yu Quan was guessed at his mind, but he did not deny it, but said straightforwardly: "Yes."

Walsh thought for a while and wanted to ask: "Are you sure, you bought the menu, can you restore those dishes?"

When Yu Quan was asked this, he hesitated immediately.

He is really not sure, because although he saw the whole process, some details are actually not so easy to grasp, such as the temperature control of the grouper frying process, the temperature of the lobster cooking, and various matching sauces. Some process of collecting juice.

More important is some detailed proportions. If you can’t grasp it well, there may be deviations, resulting in a completely different taste.

But the few dishes that Feng Yifan showed in the kitchen today are too amazing.

Therefore, Yu Quan finally made up his mind: "I am willing to try it. I hope that Chef Walsh can do it all and help the headquarters to buy a few dishes of Chef Feng's menu today."

Walsh is still hesitant, in fact, he also wants the menu of these dishes.

But he hopes that he can take these dishes back to the headquarters and put them on the menu of the restaurant in the headquarters hotel.

Now Yu Quan first proposed that, Walsh also understands that adding two dishes to the menu of the headquarters hotel restaurant is actually irrelevant.

So he finally decided to help Yu Quan this time, at least to increase the hotel's restaurant competitiveness in the Shanghai branch.

"Okay, I would like to give feedback from the headquarters and make suggestions to the headquarters to buy the menu of these dishes. You can also tell your hotel general manager to ask him to submit the same for the record."

Yuquan respectfully said to Walsh: "Thank you for your generosity to help the chef."